
Song Set 1


+ Nusery info.

INTRODUCTION In Harmony Song Set One is made up of the core songs that In Harmony children learn in their first

year, ideally Nursery age children. The songs have been chosen because they are fun to sing and they

have many games and movement activities whilst being musically very simple. The songs are short,

contain only 2 or 3 different pitches and simple rhythms too. This gives the children the possibility to

be really successful when singing these songs. There are five song sets in total with the complexity of

the songs increasing with each song set. Each song has a picture to help the children become familiar

with the songs.

When delivering singing sessions to Nursery aged children joining in can be encouraged with

comments such as “let’s sing so that teddy can hear us” but watching others, the teacher and their

peers, is still so important at this stage so it is valuable for children to be given the space to do this.

Once in reception it is important to start insisting on everyone joining in as best they can. Try to give

children the opportunity to sing without an adult supporting them – they will often surprise you with

how well they can sing if you leave them to it!

Sticks & Blobs is a series of books designed to incrementally teach children to “musically” read

notation. The aim is to equip them to be able to sight sing which gives them the skill of being able to

read music and hear what it will sound like in their heads before playing it on an instrument. The

quality of instrumental playing is transformed using this concept. The table below gives a rough

guideline of which books can be used for each year group.


Sticks & Blobs Books

Pre Stage


Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3





CONTENTS A Songs Life @ In Harmony

In Harmony Nursery Long Term Plan

In Harmony Nursery Medium Term Plan Template

In Harmony Nursery Short Term Plan Template

Start with Sounds

Warm Ups


mi so

Cobbler Cobbler

Slowly Slowly


doh mi so

Head Tum Toes

Hey Mr Woodpecker

Bells in the Steeple

doh so



mi so la

Round & Round

Sway Trees Sway

doh re mi

Swing Me

A Musical Summary Of The Songs

Incremental Steps for SS1 in the Eary Years Foundation Stage

Hello & Goodbye Songs

The Extra Songs

Some Useful Rhymes

Record Sheets


Child Led Music – Tuning Into Children

Resources & Links

A Songs Life @ In Harmony……

Learn It Learn it thoroughly. Find the tricky words / rhythms /

pitches and find a clever way of making sure it is

properly learnt.

Be as musical & stylistic as possible.

Play With It Games / Actions / Children Create Moves / Solos /

Whole Body Engagement / Body Percussion / Call &

Response / Percussion Instruments

Consider: Pulse / Rhythm / Pitch / Meter / Dynamics /


Structured Play Pulse V Rhythm

Dalcroze Conducting

Playing on Bells

Sticks & Blobs

Pre-Stage 1

Reactive Listening What musical element does this song highlight?

What games can we create using live improvised

music to highlight this element and getting the

children to react to it using their bodies?

Sticks & Blobs

Stage 1 RC Hearts / DRP Hearts / BP Hearts

Sticks & Blobs

Stage 2 BP Contours: Sing BP / BP Same / Same Up Down /

Use BP ladder

BP on a Reduced Staves: Space V Line – who is on

the same team.

KSN hearts

Sticks & Blobs

Stage 3 Solfa Contours: Sing Solfa with handsigns / Solfa

Same / Same Up Down / Use Solfa ladder

Solfa on a Reduced Staves: Space V Line / who is

on the same team / Sing solfa names and do space

line actions

Musical Alphabet Blobs: Sing & Handy Stave

KSN Bars: Dalcroze Conducting

5 Line Stave: Solfa & Handy Stave

Listening Track (Connected to Song)

Guided Listening

Creative Listening

Instrumental Learning Play it on your instrument......

+ Scales

+ Intervals

+ Compose

+ Improvise

Live Performance (Connected to Song)

Teacher plays a connected piece on their instrument.

Start With Sounds The Sound Bag

The Cat says “Miaow”, the owl says “Twit ta woo”, The ghost says “oooooo” and we all say BOO!!!

Add actions

Teach one line a week as this spreads it out nicely and they look forward to finding out what the new

sounds will be each week.

This really helps children find their voices, builds their confidence and is a nice way of relaxing new

children at the start of a session.
















Sounds Cont….


Q. Have you brought your speaking/quiet/whispering/low/high/singing voice?


Pitch Matching

Teacher: Make your car sound the same as mine ........BEEP!

Children: BEEP!

Teacher: Make your train sound the same as mine ........Choo Choo!

Children: Choo Choo!

Teacher: Make your bell sound the same as mine ........DING!

Children: DING!

This encourages precise listening and improves accurate singing

Sounds Call and Response

Blow Blow Blow (into hands) / Sh sh sh / S s s / Ch ch ch / F f f / Clx Clx clx

Carolyn’s fun sounds:

Consonant sounds – Taken from Wiltshire NHS Speech Therapy team

These are the early sounds children make, within the first year of life. Speech sounds are created when

we push air from our lungs, passing through our voice box and up into our mouth.

Here are the order of sounds and hand actions – cued articulation sounds

Lip popper sounds:

p, p, p, p, p – quiet sound Bubbles on hand / b, b, b, b, b – noisy sound – ball makes when it bounces

Tongue tapper sounds:

t, t, t, t- quiet sound - dripping tap sound / d, d, d, the drum goes

Back kicker sound:

ck – quiet sound – camera sound / G, G, G – Loud sound – gorilla sound

Lip cooler sounds:

fff – quiet – when rabbit shows his bunny teeth he goes fff / vvv - what sound does the car make?

Skinny sounds:

ssss – quiet sound – my friend the snake geos ssss / Zzz – noisy sound – what sound does the bumble bee


Fat sounds:

Sh, sh, sh – Let’s put dolly to bed – baby is asleep

Air sound:

hhh – only quiet sound – Mr dog goes hhh – panting sound

Nose sounds:

mmm – What sound do we do when we are eating? Mmm / Nnn – The aeroplane goes nnnn

As the child grows and develops harder sounds are produced – LL,RR, JJ, CH AND J.

Warm Ups

Clap Hands – Little Birdsong

Clap hands, clap hands, clap clap clap clap your hands.

Clap clap clap clap, clap clap clap clap, clap clap clap clap your hands.

Stamp, rub tummys, pat knees etc. etc.

The Wheels On The Bus

Clappers / jumpers / hoppers / stampers / wigglers

Gorilla GGG / Balls BBB / Drums DDD / Popcorn PPP / Rabbits FFF / Snakes SSS (see

other sounds from list above)

Drums / shakers / Bells

I Can Play High

I can play high, I can play low, I can play high, low, high, low,

high, low, high, low HIGH!!!!!

Fun little activity to do at the beginning/end of using instruments.

Hugging instruments is a good way to keep them still…. Shake, shake, shake, shake and

HUG!!! To the tune of shake and stop at the back of the book.

Teddy Bear Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear, teddy Bear sit on the ground,

Teddy Bear, teddy bear turn around.

Teddy Bear, teddy bear dance on your toes,

Teddy Bear, teddy bear touch your nose.

Teddy Bear, teddy bear stand on your head,

Teddy Bear, teddy bear time for bed.

Teddy Bear, teddy bear switch out the light,

Teddy Bear, teddy bear say goodnight.

If you’re happy and you know it

If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands

If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands

If you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it,

If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands

Clap clap, clap your hands

Clap clap, clap your hands, clap your hands together

(stamp your feet, beep your nose etc.)

Shake and stop

Shake shake shake shake shake and stop!

Shake shake shake shake shake and stop!

Shake shake shake shake shake and stop!

Shake shake shake and stop!

Movement Tool Box

Walking/jogging Sequence Foot warm up: Massage, wiggle toes, toes up & down

Heel lift rock – side to side

Heel lift rock – forwards & backwards (more advanced: add a hop to front foot then a hop to front & back)

Heel Lift – R / L / alternate

Toe Lift – R / L / alternate

Knee Lift – R / L / alternate

A travelling walk

A Travelling jog

SONGS FOR WALKING SEQUENCE: Seesaw, Slowly Slowly, Round & Round, Sway Trees Sway

SONGS TO PROGRESS TO JOGGING: Jackaroos, Cobbler Cobbler,

Movements Limb By Limb:

Feet Toes up & down whilst sitting with legs stretched out

Heel / Toe lifts

Heel Toe (tap dance)

Legs Knee bends

Knee lifts R/L/alternate

Leg Swings

Squat to Standing

Drawing knees into chest and out again – sitting (Together / R / L / alternate)

Lie on back, draw name with foot in the air

Hips Side to side

Figure of 8

Hip Pops: bouncing on 1 side then the other

Shoulders Shoulder Pop: Up & Down R/L/alternate

Arms Stretch up bring down – elbows lead

Swing & Bend

Big Circles

Pendulum swinging R / L / Together

Rainbow shapes (fast & slow)

Chicken Wings

Birds wings

Hands Tapping any part of body


Wiggle your fingers one at a time then all together

Heads Head Turn

Look up / Look down

Half circle (gentle!)

Full Body

Send a wiggle from your pinky to your toe then back up the other side

Spine bend

Rubber Chicken (84211 “Rubber Chicken”)

Walking (forwards & backwards) / Jogging / Skipping / Stride / Jumping / Hopping / Hop Scotch /

Turning around

Cobbler Cobbler

STARTING Ready Steady Off We Go Starting Note: G (bluey green)


Sing with Lycra going up & down to the pulse (start on the ground) Polishing a shoe in a big circular movement (a big movement is needed as pulse is quite slow) Pass a shoe round the circle in time with the pulse

*RHYTHM Hammer rhythm with your fist on hand/sole of a shoe With a toy hammer tap the rhythm on sole of shoe/woodblock Tap head for quavers & knees/floor for crotchets Tap rhythm on gathering drum as a group use fist, finger, beater – try it with singing in heads Clap the rhythm Rhythm Creature Hearts

PITCH Sing with Lycra going up & down to the pitch (start on the ground) Play it on bells Toes pointing up & down (ballet style)

MOVEMENT Painting shoes and jumping, tip toe, hopping, marching around the room making colourful patterns on the floor. Reactive listening – Tip Toe (pizz on violin) Stamp. Hop Scotch OR Hop Hop Jump Jump Hop Hop Jump Jogging & walks/jump forwards and backwards as a team/with a partner or freely round room. Joggings and then jump on a spot / in a hoop for the ta. Could do this holding hands with a partner.

CONCEPT PAIRS Loud drumming on a giants shoe/gentle drumming on a fairy shoe Fast tempo for rushing cobblers/Slow tempo for sleepy cobblers

EXPRESSION The Cobbler is angry, sleepy, sad, excited etc.

ENSEMBLE (team work)

One child holds shoe/woodblock while the other hammers (always swap over) Clapping with a partner (clap clap 10 10 clap clap 10)


Beater/hammer on woodblock Gathering drum (see above) 7 drums in a row (6 small 1 big) hammer the rhythm along the row of drums 1 small drum for quavers & 1 big drum for crothchets Play it on coloured bells

NOTATION Hammer/point round the blobs on the sole of the shoe

LISTENING Clog Dance Parade of the Tin Soldiers –Phil Kelsall

PERFORMANCE IDEAS Tapping on woodblocks in pairs

OTHER Use any movement / percussion instrument you have used for singing the song and turn it into a reaction game using your instrument.

Clobbler Cobbler – Listening Curriculum Clog Dance Spotify

Spotify: La fille mal gardee / Act 1: 17a. Clog Dance Ferdinand Herold, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House

Duration 2:15 mins

Teaching ideas: Actions: Resources: Scarves (try without first)

Section 1: Turny Turny Scarves and flick x 3 CLOG FEET x 1 (TiCa Ti Ti Ca Ti TiCa Ti Ta) Second Time: (TimCa TiCa Ti TiCa Ti Ti Ca Ti Ta) – REPEAT

Section 2:

Tip Toe Tip Toe Stop LOOK LOOK – REPEAT Tip Toe Tip Toe Tip Toe Tip Toe Tip Toe CLOG FEET (TimCa TiCa Ti Ti Ca Ti TA)

Section 1:

Just once (you could finish here)

Section 3:

Skipty / Scarf Swishes ………...... Trumpet Skipty ………………… Skipty / Scarf Swishes………………Slow Skipty Scarf Swishes + CLOG FEET

Section 1: Once with very shakey feet at the end

Section 1 with Coda Ending:

3 x Turny flick last one is the biggest flick Triplet Triplet Triplet Triplet Ta Triplet Ta TIP TOE Triplet Ta TIP Toe Triplet SWIRLEY WHIRLEY SWIRLEY WHIRLEY FLICK and put scarf on head

Cobbler Cobbler – Listening Curriculum 2 Parade Of The Tin Soldiers

Spotify Parade of the Tin Soldiers, Harry Mortimer, King of Brass

Duration 2:54 mins

Teaching ideas:

Intro: Start lying down. All Tin Soldiers wake up! Move a bit like robots, shake awake.

Section 1: March in time to Trumpet fanfare with strongs arms marching too and Clap on Ta Ta’s

Section 2: Stand still: Clap on cymbal sound.

Section 1a: Back to marching clap on Ta Ta’s

Section 1b: Big steps to match trombones long notes

Section 3: Find partner, clap hands together then high 10 with partner, repeat to beat

Section 3a: Find another partner!

Cymbal part Children to pretend to play the cymbals and march on spot or around room

Section 3: Find partner, clap hands together then high 5 with partner, repeat to beat

Section 1: March in time to Trumpet fanfare with strongs arms marching too and Clap on Ta Ta’s

Ending: CLAP on loud cymbal part hands above heads Fall to ground during trumpets descend.

Cobbler Cobbler - through the stages Stage 1 (nursery)

Rhythm: Hammer hand with fist or quietly with 1 finger, swap hands Hammer with hand, beater, wooden hammer on a shoe – alone then in pairs Tap shoe on the floor (tap into circle phrase 1, out phrase 2, in phrase 3, out phrase 4) Tap foot on the floor (sitting or standing) Put imaginary (or real) shoes on hands and tap on the floor, tap shoes together (clapping) Paint shoes and hop, jump, tip toe around leaving footprints everywhere. Alone or holding hands with a partner Use rhythm sticks RC, DRP sing & track hearts (S&B stage 1) Pulse Circles: Polish shoe with hand, scarf, on rhythm sticks Pitch Sing words or BP supporting with Lycra Ensemble: Bell team V pulse team (untuned percussion) Live Music Reaction Game: Using the hammering action listen to the teachers instrument. Tap in time. Add starting and stopping, loud and quiet, getting faster & getting slower. Use various instruments; rhythm sticks, lollipop drum, shaky eggs.

Stage 2 (recep) S&B 1.1

See Nursery

Stage 3 (Y1) S&B 1.1 / 1.2 Video: Play on violin Sing / 2 notes high & low / Hop & Jump / on backs legs high & low S&B – BP Head same Tum same / start same up down KSN – Say it / say it & clap it / Body Perc it – make up your own PAUSE / play it on an instrument Violin jazzy version - play along

Pitch: Show high and low with various movements e.g. hop for so jump for mi / lying on back legs go up for so and down for mi Sing body pitches + Head same tum same + start same up down Play it on bells following colours – prepare with a beanbag bash or something else yellow and green Rhythm: KSN – say it, move it, clap it, percussion instrument it Create own body percussion for the rhythm – because it repeats this is a bit like an ostinato

Stage 4 (Y2) S&B 1.3 / 1.4 Video: Play on violin Sing Count how many times I bounce the ball Find a ball bounce along Bounce along to another piece of music S&B Rhythm: KSN – hit on ball / bounce & say rhythm S&B Pitch: So & mi singing – ALL ON LINES Sing the lines New resource: explain the top line is so, bottom mi – point and sing Floor stave + ball Sight Singing – S&B resource Compose your own

Pulse: Bounce ball 16 times to show the pulse 4 beat conducting Rhythm: Say the rhythm whilst hitting the rhythm on the ball / say the rhythm whilst bouncing the ball Pitch: Sing the Solfa Sing to space & line So same mi same Start same up down So & mi deep dive. Understand it on the reduced stave; jump on floor stave (move ball around on floor stave), sight sing, compose

Stage 5 (Y3) S&B 1.3 / 1.4 Video Musicianship

Video Instrument Learning: Sing / Pluck on finger / pluck on string / bows @ rest / Shiny side / bows @ rest / play through on all strings MEDLEY

String Instrument Learning: Tune Up! Book 1 Pluck it, bow it on shiny side, bow it on all open strings

Stage 5 (Y4) S&B 1.4

Slowly Slowly STARTING Ready Steady Off We Go

Starting Note: G (bluey green)


Sing with Lycra going up & down to the pulse (start on the ground) Walking round in a circle with a slow pulse for verse 1(the snail) and a quick pulse for verse 2 (the mouse) Ball bouncing to the pulse Tolling the pulse on a chime bar/bell

*RHYTHM Rhythm Creature Hearts

PITCH Sing with Lycra going up & down to the pitch (start on the ground) Play it on bells

MOVEMENT Set them free to be snails & mice round the room alone, with a partner, with a partner for snail or mouse. Scarf dance – swish, full turn, zigzag holding each end of scarf, whip. Ask the children. Find your own space – half of the children are snails & half are mice – they only go when it is their creature and they weave in and out of standing still children. Variation – put them in pairs and the creature goes away and back in the time of their creature. Use any movement / percussion instrument you have used for singing the song and turn it into a reaction game using your instrument.

CONCEPT PAIRS Fast and slow!


ENSEMBLE (team work)

Going round in pairs/groups of four/whole class with slow footsteps for the snail and quicker footsteps for the mouse Passing Scrunchie round the circle slowly for the snail then quickly for the mouse.


Tolling the pulse on a chime bar/bell


Slowly tracing snail shell and quickly going round and round mouse’s house (see sheet below) Tracing hand for Handy Stave preparation (see sheet below)


PERFORMANCE IDEAS Going round in pairs 2 concentric circles going in opposite directions slowly for the snail then quickly for the mouse – freeze at the end.

OTHER Sing this to them showing on toys the way the two contrasting creatures move Sing this slowly moving a toy snail down outstretched legs – only reach your feet at the last word then quickly swap to a mouse that quickly runs down legs and nibbles a piece of pretend cheese at the end! Words for verse 2: Slowly slowly creeps the cat, trying hard to catch a rat. Quickly, quickly jumps the frog jumping to a different log. Hap Palmer has two tracks Rollercoaster & slowly both switch between slow and fast music and can be used for movement and percussion instrument jamming.

Slowly Slowly – Listening Curriculum Slow & Fast – Hap Palmer


Duration 01:38mins

Teaching ideas: Get children to move slowly and then fast when the music changes tempo.

Do this with:

Rhythm sticks,

Shakey eggs, s

Scarfs (alone or in pairs)

Slowly Slowly – Listening 2 The Tortoise – Carnival Animals


Duration 02:07mins

Teaching ideas Part 1:

1st Time Listening Without Scarves:

Section 1: Twinkle fingers high, bring down with note change.

Section 2: Rock on sit bones side to side (6 times) and then roll arms when the music tells you to.

Section 3: Repeat section 2

Section 4: Draw a long line along the floor with right hand from left to right then launch hand in the air when music suggests. When the music is low draw on floor and then circle when music goes high. End up drawing 3 big circles.

Section 5: Both hands draw a complete circle (hands start together on the floor and then 1 hand goes 1 way and the other goes another way)

Section 6: Twinkle high, come down a step with arms when note changes, move to tapping shoulders, move to tapping knees when note changes, move to sitting and tapping feet gently on the ground then finish hugging legs into body

Teaching ideas Part 2:

2nd Time Listening without scarf standing:

Section 1: Twinkle fingers high, bring down with note change.

Section 2: Rock with a heel lift side to side (6 times) and then turn when the music tells you to

Section 3: Rock with a heel lift side to side (6 times) and then swirl down to a crouch

Section 4: Draw a long line along the floor with right hand from left to right then launch hand in the air when music suggests. When the music is low draw on floor and then circle when music goes high. End up drawing 3 big circles.

Section 5: Both hands draw a complete circle (hands start together on the floor and then 1 hand goes 1 way and the other goes another way)

Section 6: Twinkle high, come down a step with arms when note changes, move to tapping knees when note changes, move to sitting and tapping feet gently on the ground then finish hugging legs into body

Teaching ideas Part 3:

3rd Time with Small scarf solos:

Section 1: Holding scarf with 2 hands:

Section 2: Hold High and slightly pull apart with the piano pulse, Lower with first note change, lower again.

Section 3: Holding scarf in both hands do the heel lift rock x 6. Turn with scarf

Section 4: Holding scarf in both hands do the heel lift rock x 6. Swirl to the floor

Section 5: Holding scarf in 1 hand draw a big slow circle followed by 2 faster circles (follow pitch of music)

Section 6: Bring scarf into both hands and draw outwards from body and rise up when the pitch rises

Section 7: Scarf Pulse high, Scarf Pulse lower, Scarf Pulse at shoulder level, Scarf Pulse at knee level, Scarf Pulse at feet level, Scarf on Head.

Slowly Slowly – Listening 3 The Can Can sort this


Duration 2:13mins

Teaching ideas Intro: String Twiddle, Wind Chirps, String Twiddle, Wind Chirps

str, wi, str, wi, str str str str str str strwi strwi

Theme 1 (16 bars): 16 Bars simple theme BOLD BOLD BOLD BOLD / TiTi TiTi TiTi Ta BOLD BOLD BOLD BOLD / TiTi TiTi TiTi Ta BOLD BOLD BOLD BOLD / TiTi TiTi TiTi Ta BOLD BOLD BOLD BOLD / TiTi TiTi TiTi TiTi TiTi TiTi TiTi TimCa TimCa TimCa TimCa TimCa TimCa TimCa TimCa

Theme 2: 4 Beats: Left Punches 4 Beats: Right Punches 4 Beat: punch high 4 Beats leading back: something circular 4 Beats: Left Punches 4 Beats: Right Punches 4 Beat: punch high 4 Beats leading back: something circular

Theme 1 (with changes):


Theme 2 (with changes):



Slowly Slowly – Listening 4 Flight Of The Bumble Bee



Teaching ideas:

Slowly Slowly - through the stages Stage 1 (nursery) S&B 1 PL1

Stage 2 (recep) S&B 1 PL1 / 1.1

Stage 3 (Y1) S&B 1.1 / 1.2

Stage 4 (Y2) S&B 1.3 / 1.4

Stage 5 (Y3) S&B 1.3 / 1.4

Stage 5 (Y4) S&B 1.4

Seesaw STARTING Ready Steady Off We Go

Starting Note: G (bluey green)


Sing with Lycra going up & down to the pulse (start on the ground)3 ways: legs crossed, kneeling, crouching like a frog. Put teddies on lycra (magic sleeping blanket – seesaw dreams – get higher in pitch each time) Stretch arms out to the side holding a teddy in both hands and give the teddies a seesaw ride. Bounce teddy from knee to knee (with legs crossed) in time with the pulse

RHYTHM Clap the rhythm Rhythm Creature Hearts (see sheet below)

*PITCH Sing with Lycra going up & down to the pitch (start on the ground) Play it on bells Sing to Body Pitches

MOVEMENT Seesaw machine: up on tiptoes stretching arms high and then down to flat feet and arms down. Seesaw machine with scarves. Jumping from spot to spot / line to line With knee bends Aerobics: Shoulders, right shoulder, left shoulder, right knee, left knee – go up in pitch each time

CONCEPT PAIRS Quiet seesaw to rock teddies off to sleep/Loud seesaw to wake teddies up Fast speed for an exciting ride/slow speed for a gentle ride With Lycra go up and down so slowly that the teddy in the middle doesn’t move. Then do the opposite!!


ENSEMBLE (team work)

Hold hands with a partner, stretch arms out to the side and have a seesaw ride with a friend.


Bounce teddies between two C bells (red)/ between drums.


Follow the zig zag lines in time with the pulse or following the pitch (see sheet below) Handy Stave prep – opening and closing fingers in handy stave position Rhythm Creature Hearts (see sheet below)


PERFORMANCE IDEAS Tapping on woodblocks in pairs

OTHER Poem to get started “stretch your arms out to the side because teddies going to have a seesaw ride” Have teddy in the middle of a big piece of lycra move it up and down but try to keep teddy in the same place.

Seesaw – Listening Curriculum Personages With Long Ears – Carnival Of The Animals

Spotify Carnival Of The Animals – Personages with Long Ears, Camille Saint-Saens, Arthur Fiedler

Duration 00:35 seconds

Teaching ideas: Lift arms/teddy in the air on high note.

Jump on high note

Throw your scarf up and catch – if little hold scarf and flick up

Make up your own movement for the high note

Seesaw - through the stages Stage 1 (nursery) S&B 1 PL1

Stage 2 (recep) S&B 1.1

Stage 3 (Y1) S&B 1.1 / 1.2

Pitch: analysing the 2 notes and refining the understanding of high & low to a smaller interval. Make seesaws with object pop on a blue tack person – watch them showing the high and low notes of the song Do BIG movement work to show this: Full body stretch up and curl down showing the pitch Lie on back and legs go up and down to show pitch Hop for the high notes, jump for the lower notes Do smaller movements to show pitch: Body pitches Up on Tip Toes for high note, flat feet for lower note Live Music Reaction Game for Pitch: Play the 2 notes they have to go up on tip toes if you play the higher note or flat feet for lower note Body Pitches Copy Cat: Rhythm: This is so useful as it only uses Ta & TiTi – a great one to try and step. Learn the arm movements 1st then add the feet Subdividing: Having done lots of Ta & TiTi work it is a good foundation to get them to swap between Tas & TiTis. Live Music Reaction Game: stepping Tas & TiTis

Stage 4 (Y2) S&B 1.3 / 1.4 Video Summary: Sing the song Solfa singing Solfa sticks & blobs + Start same up down KSN Ta & TiTo live music reaction game

Pitch: Solfa Singing. Singing Start Same up down Really deep dive so & mi at this stage: PRESENTATION STAGE ½ a terms work? Sight singing from letters (simply solfa) composing with leeters – complete your own so & mi simply solfa.

Put so & mi on a reduced stave (line to line at 1st then space to space) – sight sing – floor stave it – compose Put so & mi on a 5 line stave – sight sing – compose Rhythm: Build on previous stage Meter: Learning about bars. Learning to count the pulse 1, 2. Learning to conduct and say the rhythm

Stage 5 (Y3) S&B 1.3 / 1.4

Stage 5 (Y4) S&B 1.4

Head Tum Toes STARTING Ready Steady of we Go

Starting Note: C (Red, 8)


RHYTHM Rhythm Creature Hearts

*PITCH Sing and point to correct place on teddy/body Bounce teddy on the correct part of body With lycra holding it at the right height for what you are singing

MOVEMENT Touching correct part of body with hands/ teddys/ lycra

CONCEPT PAIRS Loud drumming on a giants shoe/gentle drumming on a fairy shoe Fast tempo for rushing cobblers/Slow tempo for sleepy cobblers


ENSEMBLE (team work) Bounce teddy on correct part of partner’s body Using lycra to show piece as a group


Make a percussion instrument body sculpture – play it as you sing Add bells to body sculpture Play on bells lined up against Head Tum Toes sheet

NOTATION Point to the correct body pitch blob as you sing (see sheet below)


PERFORMANCE IDEAS Play on the bells Bouncing teddy on correct body part (audience participation – get them to have a go) At the beginning of a concert to wake up teddies


Head Tum Toes – Listening Curriculum Also Sprach Zarathustra, Op.30, TrV 17


Duration: 1:49mins

Teaching ideas: First Three Long Notes:

Toes, Tum, Head - Explode (reach to sky!) x 3

On Drum beats: 12 gentle fists in air as if beating bass drumand Fall to feet on drum beat 13

3rd Time: Do Toes, Tum Head then WAIT, Turn around with high arms Roll arms in air around hands

Hear 3 notes going down (in Brass)

Do Head Tum Toes to floor on THEN Twinkle fingers rise with Strings

Last 3 notes: Punch down right, down left, FREEZE, Big 2 handed slow circles (same as Raining Here)

Head Tum Toes - through the stages Stage 1 (nursery) S&B 1 PL1

Stage 2 (recep) S&B 1.1

Stage 3 (Y1) S&B 1.2 Video summary: Sing / Sing in thinking voice S&B Pitch: BP / Start same up down / Uses the resources in1.2 to swap head for soh Tum for mi Toes for doh Violin play it getting faster each time Separate video for rhythm Sing S&B rhythm: Make up your own movements for Ta & Two KSN hearts with circle claps Violin play it getting faster each time

This is a great song for transitioning from Body Pitches to Solfa. Using resources in S&B 1.2 one by one the body pitches get eaten by Solfa monsters. Make up interesting movements for Ta & Two + KSN

Stage 4 (Y2) S&B 1.3

Stage 5 (Y3) S&B 1.4

Stage 5 (Y4) S&B 1.4

Hey Mr Woodpecker STARTING Ready Steady Off We Go

Starting Note: C (Red, 8)


Put 2 hands together to make a beak that moves to the pulse and then claps on the rest (TAP). Tap sticks/claves/woodblock/clap all the way through Fingers of one hand are the woodpecker tapping against other hand which is held in pretend tree position Nod head (pretending to be a woodpecker) to the pulse

*RHYTHM Tap a woodblock only in the rest to highlight the rest Tap the rhythm and tap the floor/ tap the air in the rests Rhythm Creature Hearts (see sheet below)

PITCH See story idea below

MOVEMENT With beak hands walk/ hop / jump/ aiming for beak & feet co-ordination. “Hey Mr Woodpecker flying from the tree (touch ground on tap), Hey Mr Woodpecker flying merrily) Ball bouncing

CONCEPT PAIRS Adult woodpecker tapping loudly/baby woodpecker tapping quietly


ENSEMBLE (team work)

With a partner do high 10 in the rests (TAP) Share woodblock (one holds the other taps then swap)


Woodblocks/claves/sticks (if outside) can be used to sound like a woodpecker tapping Someone is blind folded in the middle of the circle 3 people in the circle are given 3 different percussion instruments only 1 of them plays and the person in the middle has to guess who


Tap the pulse using the tree sheet (see sheet below)


PERFORMANCE IDEAS Clapping with a partner on the rest

OTHER If they all have sticks this song could provide a chorus to a call & echo tapping rhythm game. A good addition to the woodland theme which is an easy way to theme a lesson using Song Set 1. Mr Woodpecker sits in a tree but he wants a better view so he flies higher (sing at higher pitch). Too hot and sunny flies lower in the tree (sing at lower pitch). All this flying makes him tired (sing slowly). Something wakes him up (sing angrily). Then he realises its Christmas (sing excited) Hap Palmer – Woodpecker track

Hey Mr Woodpecker – Listening Curriculum Cuckoo – Carnival Of The Animals


Duration 2:12mins

Teaching ideas:

Count the Cuckoos

Walk to the pulse reacting to Cuckoo when you hear it.

Does the Cuckoo sound happy or sad? Can you recreate this as you walk around the classroom?

Hey Mr Woodpecker - through the stages Stage 1 (nursery) S&B 1 PL1

Stage 2 (recep) S&B 1 PL1 / 1.1

Stage 3 (Y1) S&B 1.1 / 1.2

Stage 4 (Y2) S&B 1.3 / 1.4

Stage 5 (Y3) S&B 1.3 / 1.4

Stage 5 (Y4) S&B 1.4

Bells In The Steeple STARTING Off We Go

Starting Note: F (green)

PULSE (3 beat pulse)

Call & Echo in 3 beats: “Triangle, Tricycle, Triceratops, that’s where it stops!” Ball Bouncing/Jumping/Ball Rolling/Tolling a bell on beat 1 of each bar Tracing a triangle (see sheet below) Drawing a triangle in the air with finger/scarf/ribbon/teddy as you sing

RHYTHM Down Out Up actions go with the rhythm Rhythm Creature Hearts

PITCH In a group move the lycra/parachute up and down according to the high medium and low notes. Sing in rainbow colours & play on bells Sing to BP

MOVEMENT Drawing triangles with a full turn on long notes – try with scarves Ball bouncing

CONCEPT PAIRS Quiet bells in the distance/Loud bells close by

EXPRESSION Bells to celebrate/Bells for something sad

ENSEMBLE (team work)

With a group using lycra/parachute to show pitch


Tolling a F bell on the 1st beat of the bar Play it on coloured bells (line 2 only at first)


Rainbow Land Sheet



Playing it on the bells Waving scarves in a triangle

OTHER A child tolls the bell in the middle of the circle while the teacher goes round circle tapping the pulse on the children’s heads. The child to get the last tap goes into the middle to play the bell. Learning the song: Try these words first drawing a triangle in the air as you sing “Triangle, Triangle it has three sides. 1 2 3, 1 2 3, 1 2 3 sides”

Bells In The Steeple – Listening Curriculum Elephant – Carnival Of The Animals


Duration 2:54 mins

Teaching ideas: This is in 3 Draw triangles

Lyrics written to the Tune of Elephant (by Mary Bowell)

“I am an elephant and I need a wash, I’ll wander over to the stream and spray myself with water to get clean Down in the water I like to have a big slosh, The ripples cool my dusty skin, I hope there aren’t too many fishes in What’s this that’s stuck inside my trunk? Fa, So, La, Ti, Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So Lah, Ti, Do, Oh no! One-a-two, a-tchoo!”


Bells in the Steeple - through the stages Stage 1 (nursery) S&B 1 PL1

Stage 2 (recep) S&B 1.1

Down Out Up singing – down for doh / out for mi / up for soh

Stage 3 (Y1) S&B 1.2 Video summary: Down & out call & response Bells in the steeple words Pulse/Meter: Bells in the steeple + draw a triangle Bells in the steeple + jump in a triangle Rhythm: Swishes and turns??? Claps Pulse + say rhythm Conduct + say rhythm Pitch: BP sing BP Same BP start same up down Finish

Bells warm up of down outs & ups

Stage 4 (Y2) S&B 1.3

Stage 5 (Y3) S&B 1.3 / 1.4

Stage 5 (Y4) S&B 1.4

Jackaroos STARTING Off We Go or sing piano introduction

Starting Note: D (Orange, 2)


Walk round in a circle/freely round the room to the pulse.

RHYTHM Actions: line 1 patsch knees, line 2 clasp hands, line 3 patsch on knees, line 4 hug yourself with a boo. Roll arms at the end of lines 1,2 & 3 on the WOO! These actions can be done with a partner doing high tens on line 1 & 3 instead of tapping knees. Banging the rhythm on a drum/gathering drum

*PITCH Sing the Red & Blue blobs to colour names (see sheet below) Play it on the bells Moving lycra/parachute up and down for the high and low notes

MOVEMENT Jumping between red & blue blobs Marching/ hopping / jumping/ jump hop jump hop/ tip toes turning on woo

CONCEPT PAIRS Jackaroos with heavy boots on go slowly/Jackaroos in slippers go faster Baby Jackaroos are sleeping – sing quietly/ Baby Jackaroos are awake sing loudly

EXPRESSION Walk in different characters – baby, Mummy, Daddy, Grandpa, marching, jumping, tip-toeing, angry, sad, happy Jackaroos

ENSEMBLE (team work)

Working with lycra/parachute to show pitch as a whole group. Doing the actions with a partner.


Play on D (orangey/red) bell and A (indigo) bell. Banging rhythm on a drum/gathering drum use fingers/whole hand to get quiet/loud.


Tap the rhythm around the circle of Jackaroo blobs (see sheet below)

LISTENING In the Hall of the Mountain King - Grieg

PERFORMANCE IDEAS Good finisher – perform it with everyone doing the actions by themselves or with a partner

OTHER Very easy to transfer this onto string instruments. Piano part is available which is good for concerts

Jackaroos – Listening Curriculum In The Hall of The Mountain King - Grieg



Teaching ideas: Creatures crawling round

Create an action based routine

Create a movement based routine: Tip Toe Tip Toe Tip Toe Freeze / stretch.

Highlight Trills / Getting faster / scarves

Jackaroos - through the stages Stage 1 (nursery) S&B 1 PL1

Stage 2 (recep) S&B 1.1

Stage 3 (Y1) S&B 1.2 Video summary: Violin play it Sing it showing pitch line 1&3 with knees and claps and the other actions for line 2&4 Do a different movement for each line say change at the end of the line – either copy me or do your own thing S&B Pitch: BP it sitting down! Start same up down Play on bells / Bean Bag Bash something red or blue S&B Rhythm: Say at clap the TiTis and the Tas – do it on a different part of body and change when I say change – either copy me OR do you own thing.

Stage 4 (Y2) S&B 1.3 Video summary: Violin play it Sing it + claps to show pitch – really work out the high and low note Sing + 4 beat conducting S&B Rhythm: Clap it Pulse on knees + say it Conduct + say it Can you control your feet - listen to them are they making the sound of Jackaroos? S&B Pitch: Sing in Solfa – Solfa cont. Point – new resource Jump on the ropes for doh & so Sight singing

Stage 5 (Y3) S&B 1.4

TU!PBK1 Video: A string D string teams

Stage 5 (Y4) S&B 1.4

Raining STARTING Rea-dy Stea-dy Off We Go (with a swing)

Starting Note: D (Orange bell, 2)

*PULSE (6/8 swinging pulse)

Swing arm/arms to pulse – alone or with a partner Swing a teddy back and forth with a partner Swing a scarf hammock to the pulse – lie a teddy inside once they are working well together Bounce teddy from one knee to the other Pass a bean bag from hand to hand Bounce a ball to the pulse – alone or to a partner


PITCH Sing the Red & Blue blobs to colour names (see sheet below) Play it on the bells

MOVEMENT Arms around each other and sway Finger smiles (helps with tracking sheet) Bean Bag swishing Dance – one corner of room / other corner of room / everywhere / duck / frog / cat / dog


EXPRESSION Use it as a lullaby to sing to a teddy

ENSEMBLE (team work)

Swinging a hammock with a partner Whole group swinging a long and wide piece of material Pass a bean bag between partners Bounce/roll a ball between partners


Teddy swings from one D bell to another D bell playing it on the pulse.


Tracking coloured blobs Tracing the swinging lines Find 4 toys of the animals in the song and the children have to point at them as they sing them.

LISTENING Barcarolle - Offenbach

PERFORMANCE IDEAS Swinging teddy in a scarf hammock with a friend

OTHER Make someone a Duck/Frog/Cat & Dog and only they are allowed to sing their word. Give out the 4 animal toys/pictures and the child has to hold it up when you sing it Don’t sing the animals out loud put them in your thinking voice Make the animal noise instead of singing the animal name! This is a partner song with Swing Me (they can be sung together)

Raining – Listening Curriculum The Waltzing Cat – Leroy Anderson


Duration : 02:59mins

Teaching ideas: Section 1 Children sitting on knees, stretch forward like cat when violin sounds like a

‘yawn’ Stretch out with arm making a semi-circle Stretch out with left arm making semi circle Cats get comfy again by shaking themselves then stretch forward again Repeat as necessary

Section 2 Cats stand up (or remain seated) and take a trip to park. They trot to music or

move hands as if trotting. They see a bird one way Then bird another way (Music squeeks and this is when children turn their heads!) Repeat as necessary

Section 3 When children hear the dogs, all look surprised! Children run back to house (run on spot, or if sitting down, make tumbling motion with arms as if running (music becomes faster) Run back to house and slam ‘door’ closed (hands clap together).

Other Teaching Ideas:

Move like a cat

Count the miaows – stretch out paw when you hear it.

Listen out for the change in middle section – mouse

Raining – Listening 2 The Waltzing Cat – Leroy Anderson


Duration 02:58mins

Teaching ideas:

Listen, teach them the song, learn the words, let them enjoy it!

Click to the beat

Lyrics: Raindrops are falling on my head And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed Nothing seems to fit Those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling

So I just did me some talking to the sun And I said I didn't like the way he got things done Sleeping on the job Those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling

But there's one thing I know The blues they send to meet me Won't defeat me, it won't be long Till happiness steps up to greet me Raindrops keep falling on my head But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red Crying's not for me 'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining Because I'm free Nothing's worrying me It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me Raindrops keep falling on my head But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red Crying's not for me 'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining Because I'm free Nothing's worrying me

Raining - through the stages Stage 1 (nursery) S&B 1 PL1

Stage 2 (recep) S&B 1 PL1 / 1.1

Stage 3 (Y1) S&B 1.1 / 1.2

Stage 4 (Y2) S&B 1.3 / 1.4

Stage 5 (Y3) S&B 1.3 / 1.4

Stage 5 (Y4) S&B 1.4

Sway Trees Sway STARTING Ready Steady Of We Go

Starting Note: G (bluey green)


Sing and rock teddy Sing and rock teddy in a scarf hammock

*RHYTHM Sway teddy from side to side turning teddy full circle on the long notes. Do teddy bear teddy bear poem to get them good at following a teddy. Change the words for year 1 of learning Sway, sway turn. Sway sway sway sway turn. Sway sway sway sway. Sway sway turn. Stand up and sway/dance with teddy turning full circle on the long notes Sway a scarf (make a multi coloured forest) from side to side turning a full circle on the long notes

PITCH Move lycra/scrunchie up and down showing the pitch

CONCEPT PAIRS Loud and vigorous on a stormy day/quiet and gentle on a calm day


ENSEMBLE (team work)

Rocking a teddy in a scarf hammock with a partner


Rocking rain sticks


Following line from tree to tree, to the pulse

LISTENING Faure’s Dolly Berceuse – The Rainbow Hunt – segue Somewhere Over The Rainbow


Multi coloured swaying scarf forest

OTHER It is really good for children to learn to sway over their feet when playing an instrument so this song prepares them for this. Working with a scarf and turning full circle on the long notes is good preparation for a simplified version of baracarolle “swing and swing and swing and a swing and swing and a swing and turn” These words can take you through a simplified version of the melody which you can then play on an instrument and further develop into a Eurythmics Game. It is also possible to work with a recording of the original.

Sway Trees Sway – Listening Curriculum Faure Dolly Berceuse


Duration 02:28mins

Teaching ideas: Resource: Teddies Section 1: Sway Sway Turn

Sway Sway Turn Repeat to beat of music Teddy sees rainbow and jump in air on high note (does long, slow and high somersaults in air)

Section 2: Teddy in woods, has lost the rainbow! Scurries left and scurries right, but can’t find it. (minor key) Suddenly it appears and teddy bear is at bottom of rainbow Tries to sway Teddy bear does somersaults inside rainbow (back to major key)

Section 1 again: Sway Sway Turn Sway Sway Turn Repeat to music Music gets quieter and slower, teddy bear climbs stairs, gets into bed and goes to sleep.

Section 1: Sway Sway Turn x 4 Go on the round about 1 hand then in the other hand Teddy sees rainbow and jump in air on high note (does long, slow and high somersaults in air)

Section 2: Somersaults, Check right, check left - No Rainbow Somersaults, Check right, check left – No Rainbow Somersaults, Check right, check left – A RAINBOW!!!

Section 1 again: Sway Sway Turn x 4 Somersaults into bed. Ends with teddy lying on the floor

Sway Trees Sway - through the stages Stage 1 (nursery)

Stage 2 (recep)

Stage 3 (Y1) S&B Level 1 & 2

Stage 4 (Y2)

Stage 5 (Y3)

Stage 5 (Y4)

Round & Round STARTING Off We Go

Starting Note: G (bluey green)


The millar & the mouse game – like Duck duck goose tapping pulse on heads of those sitting in the circle Tolling pulse on a chime bar/bell or on 4 bells in a circle

RHYTHM Rhythm Creature Hearts (see sheet below)

PITCH Play it on bells

MOVEMENT Turning on the spot holding hands with teddy Walking round in a circle to the pulse in pairs/fours/whole group/2 concentric circles – Say change at the end of phrase one and the circle has to change direction. Circle scarves/ribbons to the pulse Walks & Strides: sitting down DRP movements, around the room With scarf: swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish turn:||

CONCEPT PAIRS Fast Roundabout/Slow roundabout


ENSEMBLE (team work)

Turning in circles with a partner/fours/whole group One solo windmill in the middle of the circle at the end of the song they choose someone else to join them, repeat until you have 2 concentric circles. Use a scrunchie to pass round the circle. Swap directions for line two.


Circling teddy on a gathering drum roundabout – calm sleepy sound


Point round the circle of green blobs (see sheet below) Rhythm Creature Hearts (see sheet below)

LISTENING Largo from New World Symphony - Dvorak

PERFORMANCE IDEAS Going round in 2 concentric circles

OTHER Learn the song putting teddies on pretend roundabouts – going round on the floor/heads/tummys/knees/somersaulting. Peer massage – going round on partner’s back Fits in with going to the playground theme which is easily found with other Song Set 1 songs. Go on a trip to the playground to sing whilst on the roundabout. Sing twice and go the other way second time so you don’t get dizzy!

Round & Round – Listening Curriculum Hens & Cocks – Carnival Of The Animals


Duration 00:45secs

Teaching ideas: Move to the music

Stand still for the Cockeral Crowing

Round & Round - through the stages Stage 1 (nursery) S&B 1 PL1

Stage 2 (recep) S&B 1 PL1 / 1.1

Stage 3 (Y1) S&B 1.1 / 1.2

Stage 4 (Y2) S&B 1.3 / 1.4

Stage 5 (Y3) S&B 1.3 / 1.4

Stage 5 (Y4) S&B 1.4

Swing Me STARTING Rea-dy Stea-dy Off We Go (with a swing)

Starting Note: A (Indigo bell No. 6)

*PULSE (6/8 swinging pulse)

Swing arm to pulse – alone or with a partner Swing a teddy back and forth with a partner Swing a scarf hammock to the pulse – lie a teddy inside once they are working well together Pass a bean bag from hand to hand Bounce a ball to the pulse – alone or to a partner



MOVEMENT Arm movements – swings & loop the loops arms only and with scarves Bean bag swishing Swinging arms and bending knees in a circle Finger Smiles Swinging machine with arms and scarves In partners round in a circle. Hold hands swing and swing half turn to meet your new partner.

CONCEPT PAIRS Big swings for loud singing/gentle swings for quiet

EXPRESSION Use it as a lullaby to sing to a teddy

ENSEMBLE (team work)

Swinging a scarf hammock with a partner with or without a teddy – teddy is tossed into the air on the final “weeee” Whole group swinging teddy in a long and wide piece of material make sure he only bounces on the word “weeee” Pass a bean bag between partners Bounce/roll a ball between partners


Teddy swings from one D bell to another D bell playing it in time with the pulse.


See sticks & blobs page..........

LISTENING Barcarolle - Offenbach


Swinging teddy in a scarf hammock with a friend

OTHER Make someone a Duck/Frog/Cat & Dog and only they are allowed to sing their word. This is a partner song with Raining (you can sing both songs at the same time)

Swing Me – Listening Curriculum Aquarium - Carnival of the Animals


Duration 02:01mins

Teaching ideas: Section 1: Scarf as a fish swimming

Section 2: Turn round with scarf switch direction

Section 3: Bubbles floating downwards REPEAT Throw scarf up

Section 4: 2 Fish Swimming

Section 5: Throw on indian bells x 2 Turn Round Repeat

Section 6: Bubbles – scarf on floor fall asleep / put on head

Swing Me – Listening 2 Barcarolle


Duration 3:38mins (start 50secs in)

Teaching ideas: Section 1: Swing & Swing & Swing & Swing & Turn x 2

Section 2: Walk forwards for 6 & turn Walk backwards for 6 & turn – keep working on this

Section 3: Or 2 people 2 big scarves swing & turn etc. – work on more

Swing Me - through the stages Stage 1 (nursery) S&B 1 PL1

Stage 2 (recep) S&B 1 PL1 / 1.1

Stage 3 (Y1) S&B 1.1 / 1.2

Stage 4 (Y2) S&B 1.3 / 1.4

Stage 5 (Y3) S&B 1.3 / 1.4

Stage 5 (Y4) S&B 1.4

What the table means! STARTING What to sing to get a good start to every song. If you sing the right words at the

right pitch at the right speed the children know all they need to sing together. If you start on the given notes this will be within a good range for the children’s voices

PULSE The heart beat of the song.

RHYTHM The rhythm of a song is the same as the rhythm of the words. This is made up of short and long sounds

PITCH The notes of the tune. It is easy to source rainbow coloured pitched percussion (bells, chime bars, boom whackers etc.). The songs have been written out using the same colours as rainbow coloured pitched percussion. If you sing the songs using these notes then you will be singing in a good part of the voice for children.

CONCEPT PAIRS Loud/Quiet Fast/Slow Short/Long

EXPRESSION Adding emotions to the music

ENSEMBLE (team work)

Working together in pairs/in small groups/whole class


How we can use the percussion instruments we are provided with


Reading music is not essential to make music however it is a useful skill and allows people access to all the amazing music written by great composers. It can be taught in simple steps and these early stages can be taught to children whilst in the Early Years Foundation Stages


PERFORMANCE IDEAS These are ways that songs can be shared with parents and carers in all performance settings from a small intimate concert to one in a larger hall.


* The asterix indicates something that a certain song is particularly useful for.

Incremental Steps for Song Set 1 in the Eary Years Foundation Stage

Cobbler Cobbler

Rhythm: Hammer hand with fist or quietly with 1 finger, swap hands Hammer with hand, beater, wooden hammer on a shoe – alone then in pairs Tap shoe on the floor (tap into circle phrase 1, out phrase 2, in phrase 3, out phrase 4) Tap foot on the floor (sitting or standing) Put imaginery (or real) shoes on hands and tap on the floor, tap shoes together (clapping) Paint shoes and hop, jump, tip toe around leaving footprints everywhere. Alone or holding hands with a partner Use rhythm sticks RC, DRP sing & track hearts (S&B stage 1) Pulse Circles: Polish shoe with hand, scarf, on rhythm sticks Pitch Sing BP (support with lycra), Sing RL tracking nails (S&B pre-stage 1), play on bells Ensemble: Bell team V pulse team (untuned percussion)

Slowly Slowly

Pulse: Move teddy down your legs to the pulse as a snail, then quickly up your legs, round your tummy and onto your head! Bounce lycra/parachute to the pulse Pass around scrunchie sitting in a circle. Rhythm: Use claves to tap the rhythm/or scrape up and down. Ensemble: Turn around with a partner slowly, then quickly! Turn around as a whole circle, then 2 concentric circles.


Seesaw Movements: Stand with Teddy in each hand – big seesaw movements Teddy does a Seesaw, 2 Teddies holding hands (sit or stand) 2 children holding hands standing up Up and Down Movements: Teddy alone , Teddy on scarf with partner Lycra – positions crossed legs, kneeling, crouch like a frog Lycra teddies on top – slow, fast etc. All arms up and on tip toes, all arms down and bend knees Teddy bounces the pulse (draw a rainbow): Knee to knee, Spot to spot, drum to drum, bell to bell Pitch: Sing BP, Sing RL (tracking S&B Stage 1), Sing in all sorts of voices Play on bells

Head Tum Toes

Touching body parts: On teddies lying down or holding a teddy Standing up bouncing teddy on bodies Lycra, parachute, scrunchie. Playing on instruments: Bounce teddy on instrument body sculpture – random instruments, pitched bells eventually playing bells with hands using BP bell boards

Bells In The


Pulse: Draw a triangle on the floor/in the air with your finger/scarf Tap a bell/bounce a ball on beat 1 Pitch: Touch your toes, knees and head with the scrunchie/lycra/parachute Play on bells Rhythm: Sing and clap to rhythm creatures

Hey Mr


Pulse: Turn teddy into a woodpecker, tap on different parts of your body Use hands as a beak and move to pulse, clap in the rests Use claves to tap the pulse Tap on a gathering drum/woodblocks Pitch: Woodpecker flies high, they fly low etc. change the starting note higher and lower Rhythm: Blow the words into your hands and clap the rhythm Sing to rhythm creatures


Actions: 1 action per line: Patsch, Clasp hands, Patsch, Cuddle (Woo: roll arms or later turning round) With partner: High tens, Clasp hands, High tens, Cuddle (Woo: sitting; roll arms, standing; turn around) Pitch: Sing to RL (tracking S&B pre-stage 1), Play on bells Sing to BP (support with lycra)


Pulse: Sway to pulse, draw smiley faces in the air, sway scarf Throw a beanbag from hand to hand Ensemble: Hold hands with a friend and sway from side to side Add a scarf and make a hammock, add a teddy and send them to sleep.

Sway Trees


Swaying Movement: Stage 1: sitting: sway teddy, standing: sway holding teddy, sway a scarf Stage 2: As for stage one adding a full turn on long notes Stage 3: As above but high in the trees

Round & Round

Drawing circles: On teddies: tum, head, ear, back On floor, on bodies, on gathering drum Teddies on a roundabout: On floor, on your head, knee, ears etc. Teddies in different positions backs, tum, bottom, head etc. Going round in circles: Going round & round holding hands with teddy, in pairs, in fours, in 2 concentric circles Pass scrunchie round

Swing me

Swinging Movements: Swing a teddy (throw and catch on wee!), Swing teddy with a partner Rock teddy in arms (sleepy) Swing teddy with a partner in scarf hammock Partners holding 1 or 2 hands swinging Whole circle holding hands Swinging a bean bag – hand to hand

A Musical Summary Of Song Set 1

Bells in the Steeple

Major Key d m s Maj 3rd/Min 3rd/Perf 5th

3/4 Ta/Three Fly/Slug

Structure: A B

Cobbler Cobbler

Major Key s m Min 3rd

4/4 Ta TiTi Fly/Spider

Structure: A A A A

Head Tummy Toes

Major Key d m s Maj 3rd/Min 3rd/Perf 5th

4/4 Ta/CaTim/Two Fly/Cricket/Snail

Structure: A A B A

Hey Mr Woodpecker

Major Key s m d Min 3rd/Maj 3rd

4/4 TiTi/Ta/ Rest Spider/Fly

Structure: A open A closed


Major Key d s Perf 5th

2/4 TiTi/Ta/ Rest Spider/Fly

Structure: A B open A B Closed


Major Key d s Perf 5th

6/8 Ta/Ti/Tae

Structure A B C D Partner Song: Swing Me

Round & Round

Major Key l s m Min 3rd/Maj 2nd

2/4 Ta/Two Fly/Snail

Structure: A A


Major Key s m Min 3rd

2/4 Titi/Ta Spider/Fly

Slowly Slowly

Major Key s m Min 3rd

4/4 TiTi/Ta/ Two Spider/Fly/Snail

Sway Trees Sway

Major Key l s m Maj 2nd/Min 3rd

4/4 Titi/Ta/ Two Spider/Fly/Snail

Structure: A A1 B A

Swing Me

Major Key d r m Maj 2nd

6/8 (Rea-dy off we go) Ta/Ti/Tae

Structure: A open A Closed Partner Song: Raining


Major Key d r m s l Maj 2nd/ Maj 3rd/ Min 3rd/Perf 5th

2/4 3/4 4/4 6/8 Ca Tim/Titi/Ta/Tae/ Two/Three/Rest Spider/Cricket/Fly/ Snail/Slug

Some Useful Rhymes

Pulse is a steady beat

Feel it in your hands and feet

Keep it steady never stop

Pulse is a steady beat

Chop Chop Choppity Chop

Chop off the bottom and chop off the top

What we have left we will put in the pot

Chop Chop Choppity Chop!

Stir it round, stir it round, tell me what, you have found (good for memory)

Wash the dishes, dry the dishes, turn the dishes over

Wash the dishes, dry the dishes, put them all away.

Five fat peas in a pea pod pressed,

One grew, two grew and so did all the rest

It grew and it grew and it did not stop

Until one day when the pod went pop

Fun for putting lycra/scrunchie away

Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny whoops

Johnny whoops Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny

Great for Handy Stav

SS1 Nursery/ Reception Yr 1

Term 1 Yr 1

Term 2 Year 2 Term 1



























Singing S&B Stage 1

S&B Stage 2 S&B Stage 3

S BP Solfa BP/R


KSN Hearts

BP Cont

Red. Stave 1

Red. Stave 2

KSN Bars

Solfa Cont

Red. Stave 1

Red. Stave 2

5 Line


Cobbler Cobbler


Slowly Slowly










Head Tum Toes



Bells in the Steeple


Hey Mr Woodpecker






Sp _ _

Sway Trees Sway



Round & Round


Swing Me

Su _ _

_ _


Listening & Reacting Games Some starting points..............................

Useful to use opposites: Slow/Fast, Start/Stop, High/low, Loud/Quiet,

Shakey Egg Game: Violin Tune: Harvest Home (others will do!)

When the music stops put your egg on your nose/knee/head.

While we play different animals come to visit............

“When you hear the bird in the sky shake your egg high, high, high.”

“When you hear a hopping sound, bounce your egg on the ground”

“When you hear the slithering sound, draw a snake upon the ground”

“When you hear a digging sound, shake your egg on the ground”

This can then be repeated with movements dancing for the music and moving like the animals when they

pass by.

Instead of Harvest Home, The Grand Old Duke Of York can be used to develop walking/marching to the


Cobbler Cobbler: Take movement activities the children have used with the song and turn it into a

reaction game using your instrument. Great for starting & stopping

Slowly Slowly: Take movement activities the children have used with the song and turn it into a reaction

game using your instrument

Hey Mr Woodpecker: Pitch reaction game. Tapping high medium or on the floor depending on what you

play on your instrument. Using Mr Woodpeckers d

Deep In The Ocean: Swimming along (breast stroke, front crawl). You meet some creatures as you swim.

Jelly Fish, Shark, Crabs (walk sideways), Seaweed

Walking through the forest: Walking around the forest to the beat you come across different trees

represented by music. Stop moving to freeze like a Christmas tree, Spiky holly tree, Willow Tree,

Sycamore tree with swirling seeds, tall tree, short tree.

Walking in the weather: Walking along and the weather changes the music changes to represent the

weather..........sun bathe, running from the rain, delicate swirling snowflakes, swirling wind, thunder

(jumps). This could be done with a scarf.

March/skip/tiptoe/float: Grand Old Duke/Country Gardens/Mountain King/Barcarolle.

Listening To Recorded Music - UPDATE

Cobbler Cobbler

Clog Dance 2mins 15: Clog Dance: Guided Listening Version with scarves / do it without scarves first Section 1: Turny Turny Scarves and flick x 3 CLOG FEET x 1 (TiCa Ti Ti Ca Ti TiCa Ti Ta second Time: TimCa TiCa Ti TiCa Ti Ti Ca Ti Ta) – REPEAT Section 2: Tip Toe Tip Toe Stop LOOK LOOK – REPEAT / Tip Toe Tip Toe Tip Toe Tip Toe Tip Toe CLOG FEET (TimCa TiCa Ti Ti Ca Ti TA) Section 1: Just once (you could finish here) Section 3: Skipty / Scarf Swishes ………...... Trumpet Skipty ………………… Skipty / Scarf Swishes………………Slow Skipty Scarf Swishes + CLOG FEET Section 1: once with very shakey feet at the end Section 1 with coda ending. 3 x Turny flick last one is the biggest flick Triplet Triplet Triplet Triplet Ta Triplet Ta TIP TOE Triplet Ta TIP Toe Triplet SWIRLEY WHIRLEY SWIRLEY WHIRLEY FLICK and put scarf on head Parade Of The Tin Soldiers

Slowly Slowly

Slow & Fast – Hap Palmer The Tortoise – Carnival Animals The Can Can


Personages With Long Ears – Carnival Of The Animals 47 secs: Throw your scarf up and catch – if little hold scarf and flick up

Head Tum Toes

Also Sprach: Head Tum Toes Explode x 3 Wait Turn with high arms Roll arms hear 3 notes then do Head Tum Toes to the floor. Twinkle fingers slowly rise.

Bells in the Steeple

Trepak – Nutcracker: The Voices Foundation routine Freeze at the end and collect scarves Elephant – Carnival Of The Animals (3/4) (Mary’s Words)

Hey Mr Woodpecker

Cuckoo – Carnival Of The Animals 2 mins: Count the Cuckoos, walk to the pulse reacting to Cuckoo when you hear it.


Mountain King: Creatures crawling round Create an action based routine Create a movement based routine: Tip Toe Tip Toe Tip Toe Freeze / stretch. Highlight Trills / Getting faster / scarves


The Waltzing Cat – Leroy Anderson: Move like a cat Count the miaows – stretch out paw when you hear it. Listen out for the change in middle section - mouse

Sway Trees Sway

Largo – New World Faure Berceuse

Round & Round

Cocks & Hens – Carnival Of The Animals Move to the music Stand still for the Cockerel Crowing

Swing Me

Aquarium - Carnival of the Animals: Scarf as a fish swimming Turn round with scarf switch direction Bubbles floating downwards REPEAT Throw scarf up 2 Fish Swimming Throw on indian bells x 2 Turn Round Throw on indian bells x 2 Turn Round Bubbles – scarf on floor fall asleep / put on head Barcarolle – 6/8 – Swing & Swing etc. with scarves Start:50secs??? Get a different recording Swing & Swing & Swing & Swing & Turn x 2 Walk forwards for 6 & turn Walk backwards for 6 & turn – keep working on this Or 2 people 2 big scarves swing & turn etc. – work on more








Teddies (ikea)


Rainbow Coloured Bells/Chime Bars



Shakey Eggs

Gathering drum

Woodblocks and beaters


MES music supplies


Jabadao (lycra, big scrunchie)

LINKS British Kodaly Academy:

Dalcroze Society: (Movement based work)

Voices Foundation

Lucinda Geoghagen

Len Tyler

Hap Palmer


[email protected]

[email protected]