
Some Very Useful Tools

As a part of expert website development company who’s more than 50 percent of strength includes skilled PHP developers, we are fortunate enough to have an extremely powerful server-side scripting language named PHP to work with. Since it is open source with a huge community support, well supported frameworks and most importantly it is compatible with multiple platforms, making it so easy to produce outstanding outcomes which demand high-end customization. As of January 2013, there are over 240 million indexed domains using PHP including some of the famous websites such as Facebook, Yahoo and WordPress.

However, as an expert PHP development company, occasionally we find ourselves reaching for 3rd party tools to perform task which help us produce result quickly and same important time.

Debugging Tools for PHP Developers

1. Kint

Powerful and modern var_dump alternative for serious PHP developers.

2. Pinba

Pinba is a MySQL storage engine that acts as a realtime monitoring/statistics server for PHP using MySQL as a read-only interface.

3. PHP DebugBar

The PHP DebugBar integrates easily in any projects and can display profiling data from any part of your application. It comes built-in with data collectors for standard PHP features and popular projects.

Testing and Optimization Tools

1. PHPUnit

It’s very useful and easy tool for testing your application’s stability and scalability.

2. Selenium

This tool will help you write automates web application UI tests. Moreover, it works efficiently with all programming language by using any mainstream JavaScript-enabled browser.

3. SimpleTest

One of the most simple and easy to use tool for testing PHP applications. To utilize this tool efficiently, read through this pragmatic tutorial that shows you how to create a new test case.

PHP Security Tools

1. Securimage

A free open-source PHP CAPTCHA script for generating complex CAPTCHA images and audio files. Easy to integrate and customize.


RIPS is a free and open source PHP security scanner using static code analysis to find security vulnerabilities in PHP web applications.

3. ModSecurity

ModSecurity is a toolkit for real-time web application monitoring which provides protection from a range of attacks against web applications and allows for HTTP traffic monitoring, logging and real-time analysis.

Sem Jacobs is a Digital Marketing Director at KGN Technologies which is a well-known web development company for producing outstanding web solutions in popular open source namely Magento eCommerce, WordPress & Joomla that involves challenging technical customization.

KGN Technologies