Page 1: Some Shocking Stats from Napoleon Hill's “Law of Success” book That Will Send Shivers Down Your Spine

Some Shocking Stats

from Napoleon Hill's “Law of Success” book

That Will Send Shivers Down Your Spine...

So, the book that I'm reading right now is a tiny 1170-page masterpiece by Napoleon Hill titled “The Law

Of Success”.

In chapter 2 Mr. Hill reveals the results of an extensive research whose purpose was to discover what makes people successful.

During the course of more that 20 years, Napoleon Hill analyzed over 1600 men and women and discovered that 95% of them could be classified as FAILURES, while only 5% as SUCCESSES.

Now, before we dig a little deeper, let's get clear on some terminology, shall we?

Mr. Hill defined SUCCESS as the development of the power with which to get whatever one wants in life without interfering with the rights of others.

The term FAILURE meant that those people had failed to find happiness and the ordinary necessities of life without struggle that was almost unbearable.

Shocking, isn't it?

So, what were the KEY differences between the so called successes and failures?

The ones who were successful:

1.Had a Definite Chief Aim in life.2.Had definite plans for the attainment of their purposes.3.Were engaged in the type of work they liked best.4.Had formed the habit of systematic saving of money.

The ones who failed in life :

1.Had NO Definite Chief Aim in life.2.No goal, no plan necessary. Logical, right?3.Did not like their work.4.Saved NOTHING.

Now, although Napoleon Hill's “Law Of Success” was first published in 1928, I'd encourage you to take a look around and see if those stats aren't still accurate.

Page 2: Some Shocking Stats from Napoleon Hill's “Law of Success” book That Will Send Shivers Down Your Spine

When you do that, you'll know what must be done next...

See ya later,

Lukasz Lokiec