Download docx - Some Kind Of


The twinkling sound of the door signaled the entrance of a new customer. The cashier on duty, Kim Taehyung paused the game on his phone and readied the friendliest smile he could muster and greeted the customer.But all the greetings got caught up in his throat as he saw the (gorgeous) man in front of him.To be honest Taehyung had practically met different kinds of people due to his part time job, and, of course, he appreciates an attractive person when he sees one. But this man in front of him practically made Taehyung want to throw himself at the stranger and have his babies (not that it is possible considering that well, theyre both guys)So really, this guy is practically stunning.He was a little taller than him (Jimin is going to cry), his black hair a little dishevelled and was slightly covering his eyes, but frames his face just right, deep dark eyes that seemed to stare straight into his soul, his cute nose and those pink lips formed into a soft smile. He was also wearing a simple white shirt and black skinny jeans. And oh my gods those freaking thighs, Taehyung thought as he continued to scrutinize the gorgeous customer. He felt an elbow nudging him as he got himself out of his daydream, and he glared at his bestfriend, Jimin who was smiling at him smugly. He ignored the meaningful smile and turned back towards the customer, trying to widen his smile even more. Good afternoon, welcome to the Milky Way Caf! May I ask for your name please? he only realized that he was not supposed to ask that yet when his so-called bestfriend (who, of course, had been listening) guffawed so loudly, some of the customers turned their heads towards the counter.Taehyung wanted the floor to just open up and swallow him whole, or maybe just mop his whole face on the floor. Because it was freaking embarrassing, okay?I-I mean, for your order. He said trying to sound as casual as possible, he even noted that his pitch was slightly higher than usual (which actually sounds really weird considering his deep voice) So I can uhh.. w-write it in your cup.. a-and well..uhm.. c-call you when it gets ready. He was mumbling aimlessly as he was looking not at the males eyes but on that stunningly messy hair. Taehyung is still trying to resist the urge to run his hands through it, make it slightly less disheveled or maybe even messier than it is. The other male chuckled slightly making the cashier jump a little (and shiver at that beautiful sound). Taehyung mentally shook his head, he needs to get back to his senses. I see. The customer finally said but his lips were now formed into a tiny smirk, and Taehyung swore his knees felt a little weak at the mischievous glint from the others eyes. Jungkook. He said after a moment of heavy silence. Jungkook, Taehyung tried to mentally etch that name in his mind. Jungkook. Jungkook.And.. uhh.. your order? he asked a little awkwardly as he wrote the name on the cup. Though seriously it was a little difficult with his slightly shaking hands. Double Caramel Macchiato with whipped cream. the gorgeous male, Jungkook his mind supplied, said as his smirk widened. Taehyung hurriedly punched in the order and told Jungkook the price of his order. When the male handed him the bill, he swore that Jungkook deliberately brushed his hands on his own. It left tingles on his hand and his heart into stuttered into rapid beats. And as he was handing the other males change his shaking hands made sure that it would touch the others palm as subtle as possible. He swore he saw a soft smile from Jungkook before shifting into another playful smirk.You may now wait on the other counter to get your order. he babbled quickly, now looking again anywhere but the other males face, and more specifically those deep dark eyes. He handed the cup to Jimin who was whistling and humming happily. (Taehyung had to ignore the suggestive glances Jimin sends him as he tilts his head towards Jungkook, eyes glinting sinisterly) As the order was finished Jimin called out Jungkooks name and handed him his coffee. Have a nice day! he said cheerfully as Jungkook smiled politely in return.Taehyung was about to sigh in relief and eventually mourn for his embarrassment when he saw Jungkook stop right at the door and turn around to face him again. See you later cutie. He said looking directly at Taehyung and winked (WINKED! Taehyung internally screamed) at him, before finally opening the door making his way out of the caf and out of the cashiers sight.It took a whole minute for Taehyung to process what just happened and he found himself slumped to the ground and he felt that his face was as red as a tomato. He blinked softly as he turned towards his bestfriend chortling happily at his miserable-slash-confused state. And oh my god that freaking-gorgeous-customer-Jungkook just called him cutie.Kim Taehyung can now die happily(Well no, not really, he would still love to have non-existent kids with Jungkook . Thank you very much.)
