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Some important Questions and a Chart Analysis

Tuesday, 26 May 2009 - Madhu Nair, Kannan, Panditji, Sreenadh OG

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[Participants: Madhu Nair, Kannan, Panditji, Sreenadh OG]

[Editor: Sreenadh OG]

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[This is a conversation record write-up prepared based on a thread happened in AIA Yahoo Group. Please note that, many points from the original discussion

might have been omitted here to make this readable]

[Editor: While speaking about the 11th

lord for Taurus lagna, Madhu ji made the following statement, which caused

a full-fledged discussion about the benefic-malefic nature of 11th house lords]

Benefic-Malefic nature of 11th


Madhu Nair:

For the sake of convenience, I may write FM, MMP etc. Actually I don't consider any planet to be fully

benefic or fully malefic. Yes .I consider and rate Jupiter as MMP for Taurus Ascendant, then my rationale is

totally different from that of Mr VK Chaudary's (SA Fame). Prior to that, let me tell you one thing, my

approach is quite different from others. On my end, I rely on my experience as well as the experience of

others, that I get as feedback rather than parroting Sanskrit slokas after slokas to substantiate a point. (By

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this statement, I am not attempting for reductio ad absurdum of the teachings of the Seers). I consider the

textbooks (or Rule books) bequeathed to us by ancient masters as mere "Guides" and not anything more

than that.I am also convinced more than in Sanskrit , a privilege of few scholars coming from the upper

strata of the society , it is in Tamil, the language of common man, treasure house of Jyotish knowledge is

kept (Time has devoured almost all works in Tamil , with the owners of parachment/palmyra writings,

blissfully ignorant of treasure house of knowledge in their possession , which they refuses to part even if it

is moth-eaten , with a sizeable population getting converted at a fast pace ; and for whom it has become

mandatory to show

allegiance/, loyalty to new faith , by denouncing , their own erstwhile culture and tradition . Now I rank the

malignancy of a planet in the following manner. Priority wise -

-----The 11 L & 11H occupants

-----The 8L & 8H occupants

------The 12L & 12H occupants

-----The 6L & 6H occupants --Please do remember the 6H is

simultaneously a upachayastana (Improving house) as well as a Dustana (Unfavourable House). 6th is also

one of "Arthatrikona"(Trigon, 2-6-10) . That might be one of the reasons , the sub period of a planet, well

placed in 6H ,often leads to improvement in monetary affairs.

Years back, I too was a great admirer of 11 H & 11Lord. I know, it is the house of gains without pains,

sincere companions, fulfillment of all desires, elder co-born etc. By chance, I had an opportunity to read a

write-up of a great Western astrologer by name RC Smith, in which he was saying from his experience that

11L or 11H occupants are evil. Since RC Smith study was based on Western Astrology that depends on

Tropical Zodiac, where there is no Dasha system, I never got an opportunity to test his findings. In 1997,

prior to his death, the outstanding Scholar in Jyotish, Sri R Santhanam, based on a thread of BPHS, wrote

an article in TOA, captioned "Best and the Worst of 11House. Santhanam, in one of his letter asked me to

test this aphorism in as many cases as possible that passes through my hand. From then onwards, I am

observing the interesting role played by 11L and 11H occupants. In my studies I note though the intensity of

this aphorism vary according to different Ascendant, in the case if Scorpio Ascendant , this finding, works

like a Gospel Truth. Even if Mercury is well placed in an angle / trine, for Scorpio born, invariably it will bring

untold sufferings to the native in its Dasha or sub period. I am yet to come across a chart, with Scorpio

rising, the Dasha or Sub period of Mercury has gone without registering some unpleasant event in the life

of the native.

Both R C Smith and R Santhanam found 11L &11H occupants giving disease, debts, litigations, quarrels

etc, the reason is 11th is 6th

counted from 6H of disease, debts, sorrows, quarrel. Don't forget 11H is also

the house of recovery from disease. The point is, along with some tangible gains, the 11L & 11H occupants,

invariably bring sorrow, debts, litigation, quarrel etc, the exact event depends on the individual nativity. The

rest in next installment


I have a different experience so far. Being a Scorpio Lagna person, Mercury never in his antardasas

troubled me. I got married during Mercury's Antardasa in LL s Dasa, passed Graduation with good marks

during Mercury Antra in Moon's Dasa.

You wrote about:

-----The 11 L & 11H occupants

-----The 8L & 8H occupants

------The 12L & 12H occupants

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-----The 6L & 6H occupants

In my chart I have got 11th, 12th and 6th Lords in their own houses (Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Libra and

Mars in Aries)

Also I have many good friends who act like my elder brother/sister and helped me in various ways in my

life. As I am the eldest son of my parents, I always looked for an elder brother/sister during my childhood

and with God's grace, friends at different levels acted like a protecting shield for me. Is there anything

related to 11th house on this.


What your birth data ?

I am not sure about occupants of 11 H. Infact I think Parasara says the 11th lord is malefic but I do not

believe he attributes any maleficence to occupants of 11th house. It will depend on their lordships.

Madhu Nair:

You are correct in your statement that Parasara didn't attribute malignance to 11H occupants. But in case

studies, 11H, supposed to be a beneficial House, for both NB & NM, are found to reflect some aspect of

6H, during the sub period of a planet stationed in 11th, irrespective of lordships.


Pandit ji clearly differentiates 2 things. He accepts that -

1) (As per Parasara system) 11th House lord is malefic (in Vimsottari dasa).

2) (As per Parasara system) Planets posited in 11th House (irrespective of their significance and lordships)

couldn’t be assigned the same malefic nature (in Vimsottari dasa). Theoretically the argument is correct -

and I would like to be with it.

But ofcourse-

1) Any planet placed in 11th (or any other house) can give bad results (according to their significance,

lordship and sign in which they are posited etc).

But can it be "independently" attributed to the placement in 11th is a question. When many variables come

into play how can we be sure that it is the independent effect of placement in 11th? There are no supporting

quotes as well. So I would like to be with Panditji on this. Yap, I know you have many example horoscopes

to sight. I know, but let us hold this issue for a moment and move on.

Some important questions


It is beneficial that we take a chart and analyze it. Here are the things that we can debate about

1. Whether the chart should be analyzed from lagna and/or chandra

This can be a bit tricky, imagine you propose a theory with classical reference, say 11th lord is malefic

in its dasha, and we find 11th lord giving great results. A closer inspection may reveal that the 11th lord

from lagna is infact 9th lord from chandra and is involved in a rajayoga from chandra. Now the

question one needs to ask is whether this kundali works better from chandra lagna. What are the

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strengths on such a graha in navamsa? Do we look at navamsa position vis a vis main chart lagna or

navamsa lagna.

2. What is the length of a year in a dasha 365 or 360. (This can be very important in timing events

3. Do we look at Nakshatra position of planets when assigning dasha phal? I.e. a graha in Nakshatra of

10th lord gives results of tenth house etc.

4. How to apply the often sited kedradipati dosha, saptamesh dosha, maraka dosha etc.

There are many such practical questions that will arise and we need to address them one by one with all

the nuances discussed.


All relevant questions. Thanks. I was thinking about discussing them, because these questions are very

very important. Let us approach them one by one.


1. Whether the chart should be analyzed from lagna and/or chandra


Ans: Which ever is stronger.

Now the question is how to determine whether Lagna sign or Moon sign is stronger. Traditionally we

depend on two slokas.

(i) "Hora swami guru nja veekshita yuta nanyascha veeryotkata" - Varaha hora

Meaning, If Lord of the sign, Ju or Me aspects (Drishti) or posited in the sign then that sign

becomes stronger (gets more importance).

(ii) "Lagnam lagna patou balena sahite tatulya veeryam vidu

Tatraivopachaya stite sati tato veeryolkadam jayate" – Jatakadesam

Meaning, the strength of the sign is equal to the strength of the sign lord. It the lord of the sign is posited in

Upachaya (3-6-10-11) sign from there onwards then the sign becomes stronger (gets more importance).

We apply both these conditions to Lagna sign and Moon sign, which ever is getting more points are

considered stronger (more important). So here the traditional answer is pretty clear. Other related relevant

(but not that important) points to remember -

* Lagna is important as far as body is concerned.

* The importance of Mo increases as the years (age) increases.


2. What is the length of a year in a dasha 365 or 360. ( This can be very important in timing events


There is no support visible for the year length 365.2425 in traditional literature, but it seems logical and

relevant. But we have supporting quotes for the use of 360-day Savana year length in texts like

Jatakabharanam by Dundi raja. So 360-day year is the traditionally acceptable one. Even the Dasa and

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antara period allotted in Vimsottari dasa reflect the importance of 360-day year. But we are still unaware of

its logical or rhythmical importance. But due to traditional support from classics I would like go by 360-day

year. As far my experience is concerned,

· The 360-day year length gives correct results when used with Chandrahari Ayanamsa

(Here both the year length and Ayanamsa gets traditional support)

· The 365.2425 day year length also reflect the same or similar dasa-antara when used with

Chitrapaksha Ayanamsa.

(But since the year length and Ayanamsa lack traditional support, I reject this and stick with the first)


3. Do we look at Nakshatra position of planets when assigning dasha phal ? I.e. a graha in

Nakshatra of 10th lord gives results of tenth house etc.


I am yet to see such slokas. But the system seems logical, and predictions for the placement of Graha in

various Nakshatras are available in epics. But as I said earlier, I am yet to see slokas that correlates

Stana-graha phala (Place-Planet prediction) for Nakshatra with Bhavas. But I strongly feel that such slokas

would be present. It seems to be relevant approach.


4. How to apply the often-sited kendradipati dosha, saptamesh dosha, maraka dosha etc.


Kendradhipati dosha and Maraka stana dosha is mentioned in Leghu Parasari. That means these are

concepts specially applicable in Vimsottari dasa. Leghu parasari itself gives directions on where to use it.

"marakatwapi cha tayor maraka stana samstiti.........tadwidha" and the like. Indicating that these are

concepts that are important only in the death time determination. i.e. In which Dasa and antara death could

happen (If we use Vimsottari dasa). I think these concepts are irrelevant in all other contexts, since Rishi

horas do not speak a word about it. :)


It is beneficial that we take a chart and analyze it.


Yap. I agree. Venkata's chart we discussed here earlier is a good example for point 2, i.e. whether to use

365.2425 year or 360-day Savana year.


Even if it is considered that 11th lord could can be considered as a natural malefic, no texts in Arsha school

or Jain school supports it, and thus it becomes a concept provided by Parasara or the followers of his

system. There also its use is limited to Vimsottari Nakshatra Desa since the rule is described in the text

Ududaya Pradeepam. I don't think any body (including Parasara) permits us to consider 11th lord as a

natural malefic in all circumstances. Even if the statement is worthy it is applicable only for Vimsottari dasa

system, I feel. That is the only context in which the rule is mentioned, and we are not supposed to forget

the context while following rules. Thus it turns out that 11th lord is NOT a natural malefic even in the eyes

of Parasara (or his follower?) EXCEPT in the context of Vimsottari dasa. In the eyes of all other Rishis 11th

lord is a benefic, and they are not using the Vimsottari dasa system. I think we should weight things against

this backgroud.

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P.S: Who wrote Ududaya Pradeepam? Parasara?! There is no such reference available. It should be a text

of later origins that tries to enhance the Vimsottari dasa system taught by Parasara. The 11th lord malefic

rule might had been his invention, not of Parasara. If there any evidence that BPHS states the same,

please let me know.


What I said was true only for Vimsottari dasha and that too only for dasha analysis. So for Aquarius lagna,

Guru dasha becomes malefic, but guru himself in a static analysis is a natural benefic, and it is so all the

time. This is the crux of astrology and Vimsottari dasha that people miss. One has to do a static analysis

first, and then apply dynamic model, i.e. dasha.

So in the kumbha lagna chart lets say that 5th lord is with guru, it adds benefic influence to the 5th house,

but guru mahadasha or anter dasha is not benefic. Also let us not forget the chart read from chandra as


It is better to get an example chart and go through dasha analysis. Laghu parashari is also worth

discussing and it gives lots of finer points and people just do not apply.

Then there is SA approach that has no classical foundation, in that system 11th lord is considered very

benefic, it is completely against Parasara teaching.



So in the kumbha lagna chart lets say that 5th lord is with guru, it adds benefic influence to the 5th



Yap, I agree, as per the Mihira statement "Hora swami guru jcha veekshita yute nanyascha veeryolkada"

Meaning if Ju, Sign lord (where the planet is posited), or Me is along with then the ability of house and

planets to give (especially benefic) results are amplified. So if 5th lord is with Ju, the strength (or the ability

to give results) 5th lord (here Me as per your example) gets amplified.


guru (vimsottari) mahadasha or anter dasha is not (generally) benefic (since Ju is 11th lord for Aq



Yes, it is true as per the teachings of Leghu Parasari (Udu daya pradeepam).


Laghu parashari is also worth discussing and it gives lots of finer points


Yap, I agree. It is one of the good books (no, it is THE best book) I have seen, while using Vimsottari dasa

prediction system. Yes, it is very much worth discussing. But the only thing I questioned is assigning the

11th lordship malefic concept to BPHS. That is why I was asking whether there is any such reference in

BPHS. Even if BPHS does not mention such things, the points Leghu parasari taught are VALID.

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P. S. 1) : Laghu Parasari (While dealing with Vimsottari dasa system)

2) Bhavartha Ratnakaram (While dealing with Bhava phala)

These two unique, and the result of true research, and of almost unquestionable authority, I feel. It

seems that the statements in these texts comes from true teachers, "after sufficient experimentation".

A chart Analysis


Dear Sreenadhji, Madhuji and Panditji, Thanks for your reply on my post. I am giving below the birth data.

DOB : 25th September 1973

TOB : 11:31:58

POB :Latitude: 9o18'N Longitude: 76o48'E

I think Jupiter’s aspect on Mercury and his association with 10th Lord Sun is also important.


I think this chart could be useful in our studies.

Kannan - Natal Chart

Date: September 25, 1973

Time: 11:31:58 am

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Place: 76 E 48' 00", 9 N 18' 00"

-, India

Altitude: 0.00 meters

Lunar Yr-Mo: Pramadi - Bhadrapada

Tithi: Krishna Chaturdasi (Ve) (40.77% left)

Vedic Weekday: Tuesday (Ma)

Nakshatra: Poorva Phalguni (Ve) (43.15% left)

Yoga: Subha (Su) (59.61% left)

Karana: Sakuna (Ma) (81.54% left)

Hora Lord: Saturn (5 min sign: Ta)

Mahakala Hora: Saturn (5 min Sign: Pi)

Kaala Lord: Venus (Mahakala: Venus)

Sunrise: 6:14:05 am

Sunset: 6:14:48 pm

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Janma Ghatis: 13.2450

Ayanamsa: 24-13-41.77

Sidereal Time: 11:24:51

I am using Chandrahari Ayanamsa (44 min more than Lahari) and 360 day Savana year length. JHora is

used for preparing the chart.

This chart should be read from Lagna, because -

1) Lagna lord Ma is in Upachaya house (6th) from Lagna.

2) Lagna lord is strong and therefore the strength of Lagna is equal to that.

And should not be read from Moon sign, because -

1) Ju, Me or Su (Moon sign lord) does not aspect (drishti) Leo (the moon sign)

2) Moon sign lord is not in Upachaya from Leo and is not strong

(Su is moving towards its debilitation)

Now let us consider and analyze the points he said :-


Being a Scorpio Lagna person, Mercury never in his antardasas troubled me.


Why don't. Me is the 11th lord posited in his own sign. But I would doubt, whether it send him away from

home. Virgo sign and the 8th lordship indicate that.


I got married during Mercury's Antardasa in LL s Dasa,


Of course 8th is Mangalya stana and 11th is Labha stana, (So, Mangalya Labha = Marriage) and a relation

with lagna or lagna lord is a must for any result to furitify. So Ma- Me is ok for marriage.

I would like to go one step ahead and ask, whether it was between Aug 2001 and Oct 2001 Since at that

time. Ma->Me->Ve was running. Ve is the 7th lord. Or between Feb 2002 and 2002 April, since at that

time Ma->Me-Ju was running. Ju is the 2nd House lord and is the Navamsa lord of Ve. Ve in 12th, its own

house. His wife would be from a well to do family.

It is possible that her own house is at a distance from the native's house - probably 1 city apart at least. By

the way the native is also from a good (above moderate) family. May be due to his good job and good will,

he is getting married from a better family.


passed Graduation with good marks during Mercury Antra in Moon's Dasa.


Of course. Mo aspects (drishti) 4th, the house of academic education, and Me is in the 2nd house (Vidya

stana) from Mo, the dasa lord. Going one step ahead, Was it between Nov 1993 and Feb 1994 when it was

Mo->Me->Me; Or in June 1994, i.e Mo->Me-Su ; or between Aug 1994 and Sep 1994, i.e. Mo->Me->Ma.

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I am the eldest son of my parents


No wonder, when Lagna lord Ma is placed in Aries, which indicates 'Agraja' (Elder brother). So the native

itself is the elder brother, it indicates.


Also I have many good friends who act like my elder brother/sister and helped me in various ways

in my life........ friends at different levels acted like a protecting shield for me.


No wonder when the 11th house which indicates, elder brothers/sisters it was to happen. Me also signifies

adoted or later created such relations. Also note that Ju (which signifies elder brothers/sisters and

relatives) aspects (drishti) Me. It means that even with in relatives there would be many who fulfill the

craving for elder brothers/sisters of the native.

Phew! I feel I have crossed the limits, and so I am ready to accept wrong predictions.


Many thanks for analyzing the chart. You have got many correct points. My comments are given below.

Also I have some doubts.


Me is the 11th lord posited in his own sign. But I would doubt, whether it send him away

from home. Virgo sign and the 8th lordship indicate that.


Yes, Mercury sent me 3000 Kilometers away from home. But I don’t view that as a trouble, as that placed

me where I am now.


Marriage - between Feb 2002 and 2002 April, since at that time

Ma-Me-Ju was running.


Sorry, you have not got the correct timing. It was in Jan 2001.


Ve in 12th, its own house. His wife would be from a well to do family. It is possible that her own

house is at a distance from the native's house - probably 1 city apart at least.


Yes, my wife's home is 4 hrs journey from my home.


By the way the native is also from a good (above moderate) family. May be due to his good job and

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good will, he is getting married from a better family.


Here is a doubt. Do you think Venus powerful than Mars? Mars is retrograde too, and in effect in life Mars

and Venus are equal. In some ways she is strong and in some other ways I am strong.


Passed Graduation - Was it between Nov 1993 and Feb 1994 when it was Mo->Me->Me; Or in

June 1994, i.e Mo->Me-Su ; or between Aug 1994 and Sep 1994, i.e. Mo->Me->Ma.


Sorry, I think the result was out in June 1993.


Phew! I feel I have crossed the limits, and so I am ready to accept wrong predictions.


You have not crossed the limits, infact I will be happy if you say more.


I never said that your going away from home, would be bad in any respect. With Me in his own house, it gave the

best, and it was beneficial for your life.

Marriage time - the prediction is off by 1 Month.

Graduation time - the prediction is off by 6 months.

As Madhu ji says,


I have my own doubts about the accuracy of your birth chart primarily for the reason you have

given even the seconds of Time. Is it a rectified chart? If so who rectified it?


I too doubt your BT. But let us hold it for a moment. Let us assume that Your BT is right. I have something

else to say (about your horoscope) for the benefit of all. Listen to that.


Dear all, here I have a question - How much correct was our approach? I would say it was wrong. Why? I

will explain.

We decided that the total prediction should be done starting from Lagna. Right? Then we went on to

depend on Vimsottari dasa starting from Moon to determine event timings! Is that not a wrong approach?

Let us assume that the BT given is correct. (We hold the doubt about BT for some time)

If we decided to depend on Lagna (since Lagna sign is stronger than Moon sign), is it also points to the fact

that we should use Vimsottari dasa starting from Lagna? If we depend on Vimsottari dasa starting from

Lagna in which desa-antara-paryantara this events fall? As earlier we did we will depend on Chandrahari

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Ayanamsa and 360 day Savana year length.

We get -

1) Marriage

Marriage (Jan 2001) - Ve->Sa->Sa->Ve !!!

Is that not interesting?! Ve is the significator of marriage and is the 7th lord. Sa is the planet that is placed

in Mangalya stana (8th house). Ve is in the 5th house from Sa indicating good results in Dasa-Antara!!!

So again we can ask (sharpening the timing) -> Was the marriage before 14th of Jan? Since Ve Sookshma

ends by 14th of Jan. And if it fails we can assume that the BT is wrong.

2) Graduation

Graduation (June 1993) - Ve->Mo->Me->Su !!!

Is that not interesting?! Ve is the significator of 4th house. Mo is the planet aspecting (drishti) 4th house. Me

is the significator for education. Su is the significator of government (ruler). Su-Me forms Nipuna yoga

(good for education and intelligence) in 11th (house of gain).

So again we can ask (sharpening the timing) -> was it between 12th and 16th of June? And here also if it

fails we can assume that the BT is wrong, put the blame on BT.

The point is, if we decide to depend on Lagna sign for prediction (since it is stronger than Moon sign), then

it better to depend of Vimsottari Dasa starting from Lagna. Similarly if we decide to depend on Moon sign

for prediction (since it is stronger than Lagna sign), then it is better to depend of Vimsottari Dasa starting

from Moon.

P.S.: Looking at Kunda longitude, I can see that it falls on Jyeshta. The Lagna longitude also falls in

Jyeshta!!! So either there is NO ERROR in BT or there is a 6 min error in BT, I would guess.


Thanks for looking at my chart again. My comments below –


Let us assume that the BT given is correct. (We hold the doubt about BT for some time)


Do you believe in birth time rectifications? or should we keep the birth time recorded at the time of birth.


So again we can ask (sharpening the timing) -> was the marriage before 14th of Jan? Since Ve

Sookshma ends by 14th of Jan. And if it fails we can assume that the BT is wrong.


Marriage was not before 14th Jan. Can we fix birth time on the basis of marriage time. If we have not got

other events in life looking at the dasa period, then?


Graduation - So again we can ask (sharpening the timing) -> Was it between 12th and 16th of

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June? And here also if it fails we can assume that the BT is wrong, put the blame on BT.


Sorry, I don’t remember the exact date, and my diary of that period is not with me now.



Do you believe in birth time rectifications? or should we keep the birth time recorded at the time of



I do believe in BT rectification, since the Rishi horas speak about that. But still it is a research trying to

recover lost methods. Applying it in horoscopes searching for correct BT is a heavy task. It is also

necessary that the available methods (on BT Rectification) should be verified first. I requested many to

come forward to do the same or do the Male/Female verification from horoscope that is also related to that.

But no body seems to dare or getting interested. I am still learning and trying to understand the systems,

told in classics, at least trying to verify them by myself. At least that I could do I think before death.

Madhu Nair:

I have my own doubts about the accuracy of your birth chart primarily for the reason you have given even

the seconds of Time. Is it a rectified chart? If so who rectified it? Now regarding our hypothesis of the evil

power of 11L, for a moment, just forget about that. Even a strictly traditional approach, could have foretold

some problems for you in the major period of Mars and sub period of Mercury. The Dasha lord Mars forms

shashtashtama 6/8 axis with the sub period Mercury and the sub period Mercury is the Arch enemy of

Dashanath . Mercury is also the sign depositor of two natural malefics viz Saturn & Mercury. Further,

Mercury is in the lunar asterism of Mars in 6H of Dispute, litigation, disease etc. Mercury has lordship of 8H

of sexual union; and has the second ranking planet in terms of speed in the planetary cabinet and is closely

connected with pre-mature ejaculation and the likes. I am not overlooking the aspect of Rx Jup in

debilitation to your Mercury. With so much blemish attached to Mercury, if its sub -period, especially in the

MD of Mars was totally comfortable in every respect, then we should completely discard the entire

predictive system in vogue and start from the scratch to discover a new method of analysis that works.

Note: All the points discussed above is done by avoiding/overlooking the point of evil lordship, attached to

11L, as brought by me, in my earlier message. If this is your chart, and if your family life is smooth and free

from bickering, I am totally helpless to make any further comments.


Thanks for the post. I would first like to humbly state that I am a learner and my purpose of posting my experience

and giving birth data was only for learning the principles of astrology. If in any way my post offended you, I

apologize. I never wanted to prove anything or object your views by saying my experience.

Now coming to the points.

1. Yes, my birth data is rectified (by a South Indian Jyothisha Guru)

2. My recorded birth time is 11:29 (even I don’t doubt this as my grandfather was very particular on

noting this)

3. By God's grace I had not experienced any significant problem during Mars-Mercury. Rather

Mars-Venus was a tough time, during this period my beloved grandfather died (a great loss to me).

Some important Questions and a Chart Analysis

Стр. 12 из 13 05.02.2013 10:58

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4. You said

"If this is your chart, and if your family life is smooth and free from bickerings , I am totally helpless to make

any further comments"

Please don’t be so hard on me. By God's grace my family life is smooth. I am confident that Lord

Narayana and Devi Lakshmi protects me from troubles and I am devoted to them.

[Editor: The possible interpretation we can draw from the chart analysis of Kannan ji are that,

1) The concept and approach followed by Madhu ji regarding 11th lord is possibly wrong.

2) The BT provided by Kannan ji is not currect and BT rectification is required in such charts.

3) The use of Savana year length may not be currect in timing of events using vimsottari dasa. [Another

possibility supported by astrological classics is the use of Suryasiddhantic Ayanamsa (Chandra hari

ayanamsa) along with 360 degree year length].

Any way this single exercise is not enough to arrive at conclusive remarks about the above points]

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Last Updated - Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Some important Questions and a Chart Analysis

Стр. 13 из 13 05.02.2013 10:58
