Page 1: SOLUTIONS TO SAVE WATER. Did you know that the water you drank this morning might have been the same water a dinosaur drank millions of years ago? There


Page 2: SOLUTIONS TO SAVE WATER. Did you know that the water you drank this morning might have been the same water a dinosaur drank millions of years ago? There

Did you know that the water you drank this morning might have

been the same water a dinosaur drank millions of years ago?

There is the same amount of water

on Earth today as there has always been. The water keeps moving around in an endless cycle called the water cycle.

Page 3: SOLUTIONS TO SAVE WATER. Did you know that the water you drank this morning might have been the same water a dinosaur drank millions of years ago? There

Amount of fresh water in the world …

Of all the water on Earth, only a small amount is available for us to use. It's true!

96.5% of the Earth's water supply is salt water.Only 2.8% is fresh water!

That 2.8% is divided like this:

0.76% is groundwater (we can use some of this water)

0.0132% is in lakes and streams (we can use some of this water)

1.74% is in glaciers and icecaps

0.001% is water vapor

Page 4: SOLUTIONS TO SAVE WATER. Did you know that the water you drank this morning might have been the same water a dinosaur drank millions of years ago? There

Saving water

starts with you

Page 5: SOLUTIONS TO SAVE WATER. Did you know that the water you drank this morning might have been the same water a dinosaur drank millions of years ago? There
Page 6: SOLUTIONS TO SAVE WATER. Did you know that the water you drank this morning might have been the same water a dinosaur drank millions of years ago? There

1. When we have a bath we spend up to 150 litres of water. Having a shower it is possible to spend about one third less then having a bath.

Page 7: SOLUTIONS TO SAVE WATER. Did you know that the water you drank this morning might have been the same water a dinosaur drank millions of years ago? There

2. When brushing your teeth, soaping your hands or shaving, close the tap. Thus you can save about 10 litres per a minute.

Page 8: SOLUTIONS TO SAVE WATER. Did you know that the water you drank this morning might have been the same water a dinosaur drank millions of years ago? There

3. For rinsing out your mouth after brushing your teeth use a glass. Thus you can save up to 500 litres per a month.

Page 9: SOLUTIONS TO SAVE WATER. Did you know that the water you drank this morning might have been the same water a dinosaur drank millions of years ago? There

4. Check your taps and fix them if dripping. Dripping taps can cause lost of water over 1,000 litres per a month.

Page 10: SOLUTIONS TO SAVE WATER. Did you know that the water you drank this morning might have been the same water a dinosaur drank millions of years ago? There

5. Install a dual-flush toilet - then if necessary you can use short or longer flushes .

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6. Run your washing machine and dishwasher only when you have a full load.

Page 12: SOLUTIONS TO SAVE WATER. Did you know that the water you drank this morning might have been the same water a dinosaur drank millions of years ago? There

7. When washing dishes by hand, fill one sink or basin with soapy water. Quickly rinse under a slow-moving stream from the tap.

Page 13: SOLUTIONS TO SAVE WATER. Did you know that the water you drank this morning might have been the same water a dinosaur drank millions of years ago? There

8. Collect the water you use for rinsing fruits and vegetables, then reuse it to water houseplants.

Page 14: SOLUTIONS TO SAVE WATER. Did you know that the water you drank this morning might have been the same water a dinosaur drank millions of years ago? There

9. Do not use water for defrosting food.

Page 15: SOLUTIONS TO SAVE WATER. Did you know that the water you drank this morning might have been the same water a dinosaur drank millions of years ago? There

10. If you have garden you should collect rainwater and water with it when it's dry.

Page 16: SOLUTIONS TO SAVE WATER. Did you know that the water you drank this morning might have been the same water a dinosaur drank millions of years ago? There

11. You can also buy aerator to your duct. It will put air into water and you will use less


Page 17: SOLUTIONS TO SAVE WATER. Did you know that the water you drank this morning might have been the same water a dinosaur drank millions of years ago? There

12. You can also buy special toilet which takes water from wash-basin. So you

clean your hands and then you flush the

toilet with that water.

Page 18: SOLUTIONS TO SAVE WATER. Did you know that the water you drank this morning might have been the same water a dinosaur drank millions of years ago? There

Teach your children to turn off faucets tightly after each use.

Saving water at home does not require any significant cost outlay!!!

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Tkank you for your attention
