
Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

Capital Account Business

Software Requirement Specification

Revision History

Name Date Reason For Changes Version

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system


What’s new in version1.1?

1. In section 1.3 System Context where we have an overview of this system

and know the role our subsystem playing in this whole system. What I want to say is that the relation 1 is not physically but logically, namely one-to-one relation which is deferent with other physically relation.

2. There used to be 3 sections in chapter 2.In this version a section is deleted,“Task Participants”, since this document is a specification which is customer-oriented.

3. I change the name of the section 3.5.We use “Entity Descriptions” instead

of “Class Description”. In this way, our customer can avoid being exposed by some technical lang. Obviously, entity is easier to be understood.

4. I made a small change to the picture in section 4.1, just to make sure it is

pleasing to the eye. 5. The last change is about user interface. Although it is just used to give an

overview how our product will be to our customers, we still need to fix it to fulfill the requirements. As a result, no more pulldown menus .

Team B2 modified On Oct.3rd 07

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system


1. Introduction …………………………………… .………………….4

1.1Document Purpose…………………………………………..…………….…....…4 1.2Project Scope………………………………………………….……………...……4 1.3System Context………………………………………………..…….……......……4 1.4Intended Audience………………………………………………….………….…..6 1.5 Reading Suggestions……………………………………………….…….….…….6

2. Background Specification……………………………………… .6

2.1Design and Implementation Constraints…………………………………...……...6 2.2 Assumptions and Dependencies…………………….…………..………..…….....7

3. Overall Description……………………………………………… .7

3.1 Product Perspective……………………………………………………….……...7 3.2 Product Functions………………………………………………………………... 8 3.3 Data Descriptions………………………………………………….…………….. 8 3.4 State Descriptions……………………………………………….………………..14 3.5 Class Descriptions……………………………………………….……………….14 3.6 Runtime Environment Specifications…………………………….……………....15

4. User Scenarios………………………………… ……………...….16

4.1 User Definition…………………………………………………….……………..16 4.2 User Cases………………………………………………………………………..16

5. User Interface Requirements……………………… …..……….17

5.1 Start a new account……………………………………………………..……......18 5.2 Deposit or drawing……………………………………………………..……..….20 5.3 Change the password…………………………………………………..………....21 5.4 Report the loss of the account and renew it…………………………..…………..22 5.5 Logout the account…………………………………………………………..…...24

6. Appendix…………………………………………………… …..….26

6.1Glossary……………………….……………………………………..…………...26 6.2 Abbreviation………………….…………………………………….….………...26 6.3 References……………….………………………………………….…………...26

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

1. Introduction 1.1 Document Purpose This document is to show intended readers a clear definition of the software including any revisions. Because this software is about Capital Account Operation, which is part of Stock Trading System, this document will also be related to Stock Trading System partly.

1.2 Project Scope This project is to develop a subsystem of Stock Trading System, in which the brokedealers will get a lot of convenience and shareholders will execute their business about stock quickly and effectively. And this subsystem is named as Fund Account Operation, which will provide brokedealers with a flat to deal with the fund belonging to their customers.

1.3 System Context An entire Stock Trading System consists of the following subsystems:

Stock certificate Account Business Carry out the business logic of the stock certificate account. Develop the staff member manages interface and used for the account-open of stock certificate account and report loss with open an account, sell afresh door.

Fund Account Business Carry out the related business logic of the funds account. Develop staff member's interface, used for record into customer's information, examine and approve, open an account, modify password, deposit, withdraw money, report loss, sell a door, funds information search. Also carry out the connection of funds account and stock certificate account.

Client-end Of Trading Carry out the related business logic of client-end trading. Develop customer's interface, include customer's application to trading, landing for the very first time, looking into stock price, searching the cash in the funds account, searching the stock circumstance in the stock certificate account, sending out information to purchase and sell a stock, showing bargain a result.

Central Trading System Carry out the trade related business logic inside stock field. Develop a central trade system of stock, keep the instruction of the customer what stock to buy or sell out. Then match the related instruction of the same stock, two instructions being suitable on the price were

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

brought together. Trading result will be put into the different stock certificate accounts for conservancy, then modify an information of the matching instructions already.

Information Release Online Realize solid hour release of the trading information. Carry on covariance of the latest trading results of each stock and the near future trading results, and release information on the website provided for customer to search. The customer can input stock name or code to search the related information of the stock.

Management of Trading System Realize supervision of the managing person to trade system. Develop a staff member manages interface, identify different customer’s pass authorization, look into all amounts of instructions of different stock, all information of price and business amount.

This graph is an overview of the whole system . Our team’s goal is to implement the Capital Account Operation subsystem . It is a component has a strong relationship with the DataBase , which all the movements are based on , namely , storing , fetching and querying (See 1). Also , Capital Account has an one-to-one relationship with Stock Account . A Stock Account has and only has one Capital Account .(See 2)

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

Modified in ver.1.1 Relation 1 : The relation is not physically , but logically .Namely , one-to-one relation

1.4 Intended Audience software managers software developers software users

1.5 Reading suggestions You can find the information quickly by the “Index” in the page 2. Take care of the words bolded, which always imply you with the following context. To different readers, the reading suggestions are different. You should take the right manner to read the document in accordance with your role:

software managers They should read all the parts of the document carefully and give advice to improve the software’s design and performance. In addition, they must check the requirements in terms of the commercial sight comparing with software developers.

software developers They should read all the parts of the document carefully and understand the requirements of the customers clearly. They should make sure that they have the ability to carry out the requirements described in this document.

software users They can get the information available from the part 3、4、5 to understand the software well. The three parts will show them the functions of the software effectively.

2. Background Specification 2.1 Design and Implementation Constraints

Time The project is asked to deliver before 2007-11-19, we only have less than 2 months. Time is limited for us and maybe the major constraint. We have to learn JAVA and JSP, write codes and documents, despite time is not enough to us, that’s difficult to handle.


Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

Java and Jsp is new for us, we also may confront many problems we have never met before. So we have to buy some books and try to find the answer from them. But books about computer are not cheap, we are only students and it’s hard to avoid that.

Skill Coding skill is another problem we have to face. Our team is required to implement the program in Java, but we don’t have any experience about coding in Java or JSP before, which is almost new for us. As the project progresses, more and more questions may come out.

Mission Distribution It’s the first time for us to accomplish a project in such a 7-person-team, we are inexperienced about how to distribute the missions. We are not clear to give different modules to the staff, maybe that’s not equally.

Experience The team is inexperienced in software engineering process management and documents management. That’s our first works. We have to explore ourselves ,it is a hard way. It’s difficult to complete the project identical as the planned schedule.

2.2 Assumptions and Dependencies

We can pay much more time on the project, although two months are short.

We can master Java and JSP ourselves, and we also can have enough communication with other members in the team.

We can ask our senior with much more experience than us to get pertinent advice.

We can find similar project from the internet and that is a excellent reference.

3. Overall Description 3.1 Product Perspective As China’s economy has been developing so quickly for several years, stock has walked into Chinese’s lives and made thousands of millionaires. As a result, Stock Trading System becomes more and more important to shareholders, for they can use the system to exchange their stocks quickly and effectively. To brokedealers, the system is also helpful because it can ease their busy working. As an direct interface to brokedealers, Capital Account Operation plays an important role in the exchange of stocks undoubtedly.

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

Therefore, Stock Trading System will have a nice perspective.

3.2 Product Functions

Start a new account You can start a new account by inputting the name, sex, identity card number, negotiable securities’ account number of the shareholder, and a password set by the shareholder.

Put in or take out the capital You can put more money into the account or take out money to shareholder while being asked for this execution.

Change the password You can change the password with which shareholders can exchange stocks. But the precondition is you have got the permission of the according shareholders.

Report the loss of the account and renew it When some shareholders lose their capital account card, they will ask you for help. Then you can report the loss of the account to the computer and the according account will be logout and all of the capital will be frozen. Meanwhile, all stocks of the according stock account will be frozen. If the shareholders want to renew their account, you also can rebuild a new account and the primary according information will be copied into the new capital account. Meanwhile, the according stock account will be activated.

Logout the account You can logout the account while being asked for this execution. After this execution, the balance will disappear in the capital account, so you should take out all of the balance to the shareholders. And this subsystem will automatically turn to the Stock Exchange Center for the permission to separate the capital account and the according stock account.

3.3 Data Descriptions The general DFD of the capital account business ::::

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

registered and


ID,securities accounts




card and


iinstruction of buying

and selling

new password change




card and

password new password

set up a new

capital account

instruction of


intruction of


look stock and

capital state


Accounts num

requirement of


cancel capital


freeze capital

Update databse


store to databse




copy old capital account


change databse




separate capital and

securirites accounts

all cash withdrawed

Stock dealer




of dealing

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

DFD of register ::::

DFD of add and withdraw cash ::::

open a capital



information link capital and

stock accounts



activate the



imformation of the


login into the

stock dealer’s

capital account


prepare for

money input

wtithdraw the


command of

add command of



add the money

to the account

cash or e-money

capital account

state information

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

DFD of change password ::::

DFD of losing and re-opening account ::::

login in to

the system

account num

and password command select the function of

changing password

new password

check the

password new password

done changing

password information

check the

information ID and account


requrement of


freeze the

stock account

freeze the

capital account

requrement of


open a new

capital account

requremnent of

opening a new


information of

old account

copy to the

new account command activate capital

and stock account


Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

DFD of logout account:

Data Dictionary

name:capital account information description:every client have a fund account. definition:fund account= useable fund+ frozen capital position:input to stock trading system.

name:useable fund description:useable part in the fund account. definition:useable fund=the money you can use now position:input to stock trading system.

login in to

the system ID and account


withdraw all

the capital

command of


application for


Separate caiptal and

stock accounts,freeze

stock accounts

application for a new


check the


ID and account


open a new

account stock account

infornation link new capital account

and stock account information

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

name:frozen capital description:unuseable part in the fund account. definition:frozen capital=the money you can not use now position:input to stock trading system.

name:the stock buy into description:client buy stock from others. definition:the stock buy into=price *number position:input to stock trading system.

name:the stock sell out description:client sell stock to others. definition:the stock sell out= price *number position:input to stock trading system.

name:stock account information description:include stock name, stock sum, price of stock, cost of stock definition:sum value of stock=Pi*Si ,cost of stock = sum value of stock/ Si , i is count from 1 to n. position:input to stock trading system.

name:interests description:the money the clients get just like save money in the bank definition:interests = corpus*rate position: input to stock trading system.

Note: See Data Requirement Specification for detail .

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

3.4 State Descriptions State diagram is showed as followed:

3.5 Entity Descriptions

Entities related are showed below: Entity: Stockbrokers


Responsibility: Collaboration:

OPEN capital account Database


Cancel an account Database

Stockbrokers is an official in the stock department, having the responsibilities of opening capital account , Interests COMPUTATION & PAYMENT and canceling an account.

Entity: Database


Responsibility: Collaboration:

Query for the intended information Stockbrokers & private investor

Store the data

Reply Dislay

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

Database is an entity which has the responsibility of querying for the intended information , storing the data and replying. It’s a major object our work being based on.

Entity: Private Investor


Responsibility: Collaboration:

Deposit & Drawing Stockbrokers

Modify the Password of the capital account Database

Report loss of account & Reopen Stockbrokers

Query the account Database

Private Investor is another roles in our class classifying. They have the responsibilities of depositing & drawing , modifying the password of the capital account , reporting the loss of account & reopening and querying the account.

Entity: Stockbrokers-Display


Responsibility: Collaboration:

Display the result of database querying for



Entity: Private Investor-Display


Responsibility: Collaboration:

Display the result of database querying for

Private Investor


These two classes are interfaces, displaying the result after querying the database.

3.6 Runtime Environment Specification

Hardware: Processor:

450 megahertz (MHz) Pentium II-class processor 600 MHz Pentium III-class processor recommended

Minimum RAM requirements: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 — 160 megabytes (MB) Windows XP Professional — 160 MB Windows XP Home Edition — 96 MB Windows 2000 Professional — 96 MB Windows 2000 Server — 192 MB

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

Disk space requirements: 10 MB of available space required on installation drive


Super VGA (1024x768) or higher resolution display with 256 colors Mouse:

Microsoft mouse or compatible pointing device NIC: Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC or compatible NIC


Software: Operating System:

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Windows XP Professional Windows XP Home Edition Windows 2000 Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me) Windows 98 Microsoft Windows NT 4.0

Compile Software: JRE 1.4.2 J2SDK1.5 JRE1.5

4. User Scenarios 4.1 User Definition This system is designed for the workers in the stock exchanges that serve the customers with their capital accounts, namely brokedealers.

4.2 User Cases

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

The user can directly execute above five functions. In addition, “Renew” is related to “Start a new account” greatly, because their aims are both to create a new account.

5. User Interface Requirements (Note: The pictures showing the user interface is just for reference, there may be several modifications according to the fact later.) The prototype of the interface is showed as below:

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

From this picture, you can find that there are five main functions in this system:

Start a new account Put in or take out the fund Change the password Report the loss of the account and renew it Logout the account

Once you press any button in the above interface, a sub interface will appear to execute the according function. Now, let me show you the interface of each function:

5.1 Start a new account

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

From the picture above, you can see that if you want to open a new account, you should input the name, sex, identity card number, negotiable securities’ account number, and set a password. And then, you can get the account successfully by pressing the button “确定”. If you start the account successfully, an interface will be given as below:

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

5.2 Deposit or drawing

First, you should input the account number and the password, and then, you can see the interface:

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

You can see your balance in the account, choose the kind of the serving you want, and then input the number of the money you want to put in or take out. The operation will be accepted by pressing the button “确定”.

5.3 Change the password

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

If you want to change your password of the account, you can first input the account number and old password, then input the new password twice which can effectively avoid you making mistakes.

5.4 Report the loss of the account and renew it

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

Choose the service you want in the above interface:

Report the loss of the account

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

Provide the ID card number, account number, negotiable securities’ account number, and input the password, you can report the loss of the account quickly.

Renew the account

Just like open a new account, if you want to renew the account, do the similar thing, and the information of the account reported as lost will be copied into the new account.

5.5 Logout the account

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

If you want to logout an account, what you need to do is just inputting account number and password, and then, everything is OK. You can get the information from the interface below if the execution is success:

Software Requirement Specification By Team B2

Capital Account Business Stock Trading system

6. Appendix 6.1 Glossary Java: A new-style computer language

6.2 Abbreviation JSP: Namely Java Script Page, a program running in the pages.

6.3 References IEEE 830-1998 Standard for Software Requirement Specification 《Software Engineering – A Practitioner’s Approach》Sixth edition 《Core Java2》
