
Software Process, the good parts


quis, quid, cur, quomodo, ubi, quando, quibus auxiliis

who?what?why?how?where?when?with what?

Andrew Clay Shafer

@littleidearouser of rabble

AgileI hated it

I hated the dogma

hated that it wasn’t working

Beware the ‘Expert’

People say ‘Agile’, they really mean ‘Scrum’

Salt Lake Agile Roundtable

Wonders of the Agile World

I went there to get ammunition

What I found was more interesting

Smart People Discussing Ideas


•Frequent Delivery

•Reflective Improvement

•Close or Osmotic Communication

•Personal Safety


•Easy Access to Expert Users

•Automated Tests, Configuration Management and Frequent Integration.

Context Matters










Leanwaste not

kanbansee the flow

Recipe for Success

•Focus on Quality

•Reduce Work-in-Progress

•Deliver Often

•Balance Demand against Throughput


•Attack Sources of Variability to Improve Predictability

Visual Pull Signaling + Metrics

leanstartupconnect dots

programmingzbgureshpxredo you speak it?

where were we?

hardest thing to do

Inspect and Adapt

Cargo Culting

all ceremonyno substance

ARxTAWe believe Agile software development is being dumbed down, commodified, and is losing its spirit. We seek to replace the current name with one having two virtues: first, that it capture more exactly the attitudes originally behind Agile; second, that it be obscure enough that no one will assume they already know what it means and that—amazingly enough!—they are

Working software is the primary measure of progress.


Building vs Planning

But what are we building and why?

Dude’s Law

can I be less meta?



the hardest thing in software is capturing the vision

"If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea." - Antoine de Saint Exupéry

Telling the Story

"As a <role>, I want <goal/desire> so that <benefit>"

that’s one way to do it

a user story is a promise to have a conversation...

The Backlog is a Ghetto

where stories go to die

Story Mapping

We design systems, why don’t we design teams?

who needs to join the party?

different strokes for different folks

Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance

6 Laws Of Reliability



Failure Detection

Fault Identification

Live Upgrade

Stable Storage

says nothing about computers

Not the end...

....only the beginning


• I really like kanban

• I really like XP technical practices

• focus on quality

• everything depends on context, but in context make policies explicit

• if something doesn’t feel right, you are doing something wrong, might be that thing, but might be you

• if you aren’t getting results, change something

• if you are changing too much too often, you won’t get good results

• measure

• process is a competitive advantage, passion is a competitive advantage, don’t let process kill passion

• smart people solve problems


Questions?Comments?War Stories?
