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Software Process and Management

Gu QingNanjing University


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Chapter 3. Resource Estimation

Software Size EstimatingDuration and Cost Estimating

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1. Software Size EstimatingSize prediction of product deliverables needed to fulfill the project requirements

Sizing, estimating and scheduling are intertwined during the project planning process

All begin with the best possible understanding of the project breakdown, as shown in the WBS

The 5 useful techniques for sizing are: LOC, function point, feature point, blitz modeling, and wideband Delphi

Account for reuse when doing size estimation

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Process of Sizing and Estimating

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The Estimating Steps in DetailEstablish estimation objectives

For funding requests, decisions, or planningPlan the estimation activities, allocate the resources

Domain experts, tools, detailed WBSClarify software requirements, document any assumptionsExplore as much detail as feasible

The more explored, the more accurate the estimating results, andthe less likely to miss functions

Use several independent techniquesStrengths and weaknesses of various methods are complementary

Compare, Understand and Iterate EstimatesReview estimate accuracy with actual data

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Inputs to Size EstimatingProject proposal, project goal and scope, or statement of workStatement of requirements

Performance, specific features, results evaluationConstraints, contract for services, procedures and standards to be usedPrior experience on similar tasks, historical estimating and actual data of the organizationSystem design information, concepts of software architectureReusable software information, programming languages to be used

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Different Size MeasuresLines of code (LOC)Function pointsFeature pointsNumber of bubbles on a data-flow diagramNumber of entities on an entity-relationship diagramCount of process / control boxes on a structure chartNumber of objects, attributes and services on an object diagramNumber of “shall” vs. “will” in a government specification or contractAmount of documentation

Doesn’t matter which one to choose as long as uses it consistently

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Estimation Techniques

Lines of CodeFunction PointsFeature PointsBlitz ModelingWideband Delphi

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Lines of Code

WhyOver the last 20 years, the average programmer productivity rate remains, at about 3000 LOC per programmer year

Bottom-Up SummationsDevelop the most complete WBS

Estimate the size of each lowest-level component (work packages)

Sum it upward until the whole (product) size is obtained

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Estimate the Lowest-level Size

Expert opinion or AnalogyStandard ComponentFuzzy Logic

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Expert opinion or AnalogyAsk experts who have developed similar components, or based on old similar ones

Provide an optimistic, pessimistic, and realistic size estimates

Compute the final estimates:(optimistic + pessimistic + 4×realistic)/6

An exampleFor a widget object, estimated between 200~400 LOC, with a belief that it will be closer to 200The result will be: (200+400+250×4)/6 = 267 LOC

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Standard Component (1)

Make standard components based on previous projects

Judge how many these components will likely be in the new program (work package)

The smallest, likely, and largest number

Estimate the number of componentsEstimated number = (smallest + 4×likely + largest)/6

Compute the total LOC

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Standard Component (2)An illustration

Standard component SLOC per component S M L X=(S+4×M+L)/6 SLOC


Object instruction 0.28

Files 2,535 3 6 10 6.17 15,633

Modules 932 11 18 22 17.5 16,310

Subsystems 8,175

Screens 818 5 9 21 10.3 8,453

Reports 967 2 6 11 6.17 5,963

Interactive programs 1,769

Batch programs 3,214

Total 46,359

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Fuzzy Logic (1)Get the fuzzy-logic size ranges (by Putnam)

Get the expected range of program sizesFrom smallest to largest

Divide the range into 5 equal categories on a logarithmic scaleSubdivide each category into 5 equal sets on the logarithmic scale

Make estimationDecide which category the new program falls inCompare the old programs in this category, place the new one into a sub-range

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Fuzzy Logic (2)Fuzzy-logic size ranges (in LOC)

very small small medium large very largevery small 1,148 1,514 2,000 2,630 3,467

small 4,570 6,025 8,000 10,471 13,804medium 18,197 23,988 32,000 41,687 54,954

large 72,444 95,499 128,000 165,958 218,776very large 288,403 380,189 512,000 660,693 870,964

Fuzzy-logic size ranges ( in log(LOC) )

very small small medium large very largevery small 3.06 3.18 3.30 3.42 3.54

small 3.66 3.78 3.90 4.02 4.14medium 4.26 4.38 4.50 4.62 4.74

large 4.86 4.98 5.10 5.22 5.34very large 5.46 5.58 5.70 5.82 5.94

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Guidelines for Counting LOCEnsure that each LOC counted contains only 1 source statementCount all delivered, executable statements, including support utilities not used by customerCount data definitions onceCount each invocation, call or inclusion of a macro as part of the source (only once)Do not count lines that contain only commentsDo not count temporary code such as debug or test codeTranslate the LOC number to assembly language equivalent LOCs, to allow cross project comparisons

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LOC Conversion TableLanguage Assembler SLOC Average SLOC per

Function PointBasic Assembler 1 320

C 2.5 128~150

COBOL 3 105~107

Pascal 3.5 91

FORTRAN 95 4.5 71


C++ 6 53

Java 6 53

Ada 95 6.5 49

Delphi 11 29

UNIX Shell Scripts (PERL) 15 21

CORBA 16 20

SQL 25 13~16

HTML 3.0 22 15

Excel 50 6

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Advantages of LOC

It is widely used and universally accepted

It permits comparison of size and productivity metrics between diverse projects

It measures software from the developer’s point of view

It directly relates to the end product, allow for continuous improvement by post-project analysis

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Disadvantages of LOCLOC is difficult to estimate for new software early in the life cycleThere are no industry standards for counting LOCHard to relate to functional requirements, varies with the type of platforms, design methods and programmer stylesLOC count should distinguish between generated code and hand-crafted codeLOC cannot count for other costs such as requirement specifications and design documentsLOC tends to the volume, but the essence of software is functionality and performance

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Function Points

Put forward by A. J. Albrecht of IBM in the late 1970s, expanded by Capers Jones

In 1986, the International Function Point User Group (IFPUG) was formed

In 1987, the British government adopted a modified FP for the standard software productivity metricIn 1994, IFPUG publicize the “Function Point Counting Practices Manual” v4.0

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The Function Point ProcessCount the functions in each category of end-user business functions

Establish the complexity of each function, assign weightsfor each complexity

Multiply each function by its weight and sum up to get a raw total FP

Apply environmental factors, calculate the complexity adjustment factor (CAF)

Compute the adjusted FPsConvert the FPs to LOCs if needed

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Category of Functions

Count only software requirements functionsOutputsInputsInquiriesData Structures (Files)Interfaces

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Illustration of Functions

User (Person or Application)

Business ProcessInterfaces

System Boundary


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Counting OutputsExternal things produced by the software that go to outside of the systemUnits of business information produced for the end userEach unit should be unique, i.e. with a different format / require different processing logicOutputs can be counted using context or source / sink nodes in a dataflow diagramExamples include screen data, report data, error message, etc.

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Counting Inputs

External things received by the software from outside of the systemUnits of business information input by the user for processing or storageEach unit of input should be unique

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Counting Inquiries (Input/Output)External commands or requests generated from outside, cause a software response

e.g. Direct accesses to a database that are real-time, use simple keys, retrieve specific data, and perform no update

Each inquiry should be unique, i.e. have a different format in input / output portions, or require different processing logic

Count both the input and output portions, but with different complexity weighting factors

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Associated Complexity Weighting

1~5 data itemsreferenced

6~19 data items referenced

≥20 data items referenced

0 or 1 filereferenced Simple Simple Average

2 or 3 file referenced Simple Average Complex

≥4 files referenced Average Complex Complex

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Counting Data Structures

Internal logical files within the software

Primary logical groups of user data permanently stored entirely within the boundary of the software system

Available to users via inputs, outputs, inquires, or interfaces

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Counting Interfaces

External machine generated files used by the software

Data (control) stored outside the boundary of the software system

Data shared between systems are counted as both interfaces and data structures

Count data and control flow in each direction as a unique interface

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Associated Complexity Weighting

1~19 data itemsreferenced

20~50 data items referenced

≥51 data items referenced

1 logical recordformat / relation Simple Simple Average

2~5 logical record format / relation Simple Average Complex

≥6 logical record format / relation Average Complex Complex

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Environmental Factors (1)Environmental

Factors Examples of High-Scoring Software

Data Communications

Software for a multinational bank that must handle electronic monetary transfers from financial institutions around the world

Distributed Computing

A Web search engine in which the processing is performed by more than a dozen servers working in tandem

Performance Requirements

An air-traffic-control system that must continuously provide accurate, timely positions of aircraft from radar data

Constrained Configuration

A university system in which hundreds of students register for classes simultaneously

Transaction Rate

A banking software that must perform millions of transactions overnight to balance all books before the next business day

Online Inquiry / Data Entry

Mortgage approval software for which clerical workers enter data interactively into computer from paper applications

End-User Efficiency

System with touch screens by which consumers at a subway station can purchase tickets using their credit cards

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Environmental Factors (2)Environmental

Factors Examples of High-Scoring Software

Online Update Airline system in which travel agents can book flights and obtain seat assignments

Complex Processing

Medical software that takes a patient’s various symptoms and performs extensive logical decisions to arrive at a preliminary diagnosis

Reusability A word processor that is designed so that its menu bars can be incorporated into other applications such as a spreadsheet

Ease of Conversion / Install

An equipment-control application that non-specialists will install on an offshore oil rig

Ease of Operation A software for analyzing historical financial records that would minimize the number of times the operators have to unload and reload different tapes

Used at Multiple Sites

Payroll software for a multinational corporation that must take into account of different currencies, languages, and income tax rules

Potential for Function Change

A financial forecasting software that can issue monthly, quarterly, or yearly projections with different format tailored to a particular business manager

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Environmental Factors (3)

14 suggested environmental factors, each weighted on a scale of 0~5CAF (complexity adjustment factor) is calculated byCAF = 0.65 + (0.01×ΣFn)Then CAF is between: 0.65~1.35, i.e. ±35%

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An Example (1)Count the raw FPs

Simple Average Complex Function PointsOutputs 12×4 = 48 11×5 = 55 5×7 = 35 138

Inputs 8×3 = 24 9×4 = 36 6×6 = 36 96

Inquiry Outputs 5×4 = 20 7×5 = 35 3×7 = 21 76

Inquiry Inputs 5×3 = 15 8×4 = 32 4×6 = 24 71

Files 12×7 = 84 3×10 = 30 2×15 = 30 144

Interfaces 9×5 = 45 6×7 = 42 4×10 = 40 127

Total raw FPs 652

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An Example (2)Factor Rating Factor Rating

Data communications 5 Distributed computing 5

Performance requirements 3 Constrained configuration 0

Transaction rate 5 On-line inquiry / entry 4

End-user efficiency 5 On-line update 4

Complex processing 2 Reusability 2

Ease of conversion / install 3 Ease of operation 4

Multiple sites 5 Function change 4

sum of influence factors 51

CAF = 0.65+(0.01×N) = 0.65+(0.01×51) = 1.16

Adjusted FP = Raw FP × CAF = 652 × 1.16 = 756.32

LOC for C Language = Adjusted FP × LOC per FP = 756.32 × 128 = 96,808.96LOC

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Advantages of Function PointsFP can be applied early in the software development life cycle, independent of programming language, application area and techniques

FP provides a reliable relation to effort, creating more FP per week or month is a desirable productivity goal

FP is requirements oriented, users can readily understand and relate it to software size

FP provides a mechanism to track and monitor scope creep, by counting FPs at the end of each stage

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Disadvantages of Function Points

FP requires subjective evaluations, with much judgment involvedMany effort and cost models depend on LOC, so FPs must be convertedFP is not well-suited to non-MIS applicationsFP counting is hard to automate

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Feature PointsAn extension of the FP method dealing with non-MIS applications

e.g. embedded, system, real-time, mathematical, AI software, etc.

Those applications are usually heavy in algorithmic complexity but light on inputs and outputsAn algorithm is a bounded set of rules required to solve a definite problem with single entry and exit pointsCount each input, output, inquiry, file, interface, and algorithm

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Modified Environmental FactorsLogic complexity

1 – Simple algorithms and calculations2 – Majority of simple algorithms3 – Average complexity of algorithms4 – Some difficult algorithms5 – Many difficult algorithms

Data complexity1 – Simple data2 – Numerous variables but simple relationships3 – Multiple fields, files, and interactions4 – Complex file structures5 – Very complex files and data relationships

Sum the 2 values and convert to CAF (0.6~1.4)

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An Example

Functions Average Feature Points Functions Average Feature

PointsInputs 12×4 48 Outputs 15×5 75

Files 22×7 154 Inquiries 17×4 68

Interfaces 8×7 56 Algorithms 43×3 129

Total raw Feature Points 530

Logic Complexity Some difficult algorithms – 4 Data

ComplexityMultiple fields, files, and interactions – 3

Complexity Adjustment Factor 7 1.1

Adjusted Feature Points = Raw Feature Points × CAF 530×1.1 = 583

LOC for the Java language = Adjusted Feature Points × 53 30,899

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Advantages and Disadvantages

AdvantagesSame as FP, but also handle algorithmically intensive systems

DisadvantagesSame as FP, and have subjective classification of algorithmic complexity

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Blitz Modeling

Based on Tom DeMarco’s bang metric

Count the component pieces of the system, then multiply the count by a productivity factor

The components may be: process bubbles, data flows, data repositories, entities, relationships, objects, attributes, etc.

The productivity factor maybe based on history data

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Examples of Blitz ModelingFor a structured program described using data-flow diagramEstimated size = Number of process bubbles × Average number of

modules per bubble × Average module size= 7 bubbles × 4 modules per bubble × 350 LOC (SQL) per module= 9,800 LOC (SQL)

For a object-oriented program described using class diagramEstimated size = Number of object classes × Average number of

methods per class × Average method size= 20 object classes × 5 methods per class × 75 LOC (C) per

method= 7,500 LOC (C)

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Combined with Fuzzy Logic

C++ object size in LOC per method

Category very small small medium large very


calculation 2.34 5.13 11.25 24.66 54.04

data 2.60 4.79 8.84 16.31 30.09

I/O 9.01 12.06 16.15 21.62 28.93

logic 7.55 10.98 15.98 23.25 33.83

set-up 3.88 5.04 6.56 8.53 11.09

text 3.75 8.00 17.07 36.41 77.66 58.6231.0916.488.734.63text






very largelargemediumsmallvery


Pascal object size in LOC per method

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A Complicated ExampleComponent class Number of methods in C++ Total LOC

A. Logic12 large + 5 medium + 2 small= 12×23.25 + 5×15.98 + 2×10.98


B. Calculation3 very large + 2 large + 3 medium= 3×54.04 + 2×24.66 + 3×11.25


C. I/O5 large + 6 medium + 7 small= 5×21.62 + 6×16.15 + 7×12.06


D. Set-up2 large + 1 medium + 2 small= 2×8.53 + 1×6.56 + 2×5.04


E. Text3 very large + 6 large + 7 medium= 3×77.66 + 6×36.41 + 7×17.07


Sum of Total 1,520 (C++)

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Advantages and DisadvantagesAdvantages

It is easy to use along with the structured and object-oriented methodologiesAccuracy increases with use of historical data, allow continuous improvement for estimation techniques

DisadvantagesIt requires the use of design methodology, and needs historical dataIt does not evaluate environmental factors

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Wideband DelphiA group of experts (3~5 in high risk areas) are each given the program’s specification and an estimation formThey meet to discuss the software (document) and any estimation issuesThey each anonymously list rationale and estimate size, include a min, expected, and max valueThe estimates are given to the coordinator, who tabulates the resultsResults are given to each expert, with his/her estimate & mean valueidentifiedThe experts then meet to discuss the results, review the rationales and revise their estimatesThe cycle continues until the estimates converge to an acceptable range (or 2 consecutive ones remain unchanged)

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An Estimation Form

Project:Estimator: Date:

Here is the range of estimates from the round:

X – estimatesX* – your estimateX! – median estimate

Please enter your estimate for the next round: SLOC.Please explain any rationale for your estimate.

0 20 40 60 80 100

X X* X! X X

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Advantages of Wideband Delphi

The implementation is easy, and takes advantages of the expertise of several people

All participants become better educated about the software

It does not require historical data

It can be applied to both high-level and detailed estimation

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Disadvantages of Wideband Delphi

It is difficult to repeat with a different group of experts

Experts may be all biased in the same subjective direction, and develop a false sense of confidence and an incorrect estimate

Experts may fail to reach a consensus

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Problems with EstimatingSoftware engineers are notoriously poor estimators — Tom DeMarcoThe requirements are not well understood by developers / customers, either missing facts or distorted by unsubstantiated opinions or biasesThere is little or no historical data upon which to base future estimatesManagement uses estimates as performance or motivational goals, reluctant to re-estimateDevelopers are optimistic and desire to please their management, peers, and customers

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Estimating Accuracy

Feasibility Plans and Requirements Product Design Detailed Design Development

and Test



e C

ost R











Accepted Software

Requirements Specification

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Mitigate the Estimating RisksProduce a WBS, divide and conquer, decomposed into the lowest level possibleReview assumptions with all stakeholders, including operations, maintenance and support departmentsWherever possible, do the research into past organizational experiences instead of just guessingStay in close communication with developers working on other parts of the systemUpdate estimates at frequent intervals, its accuracy improves over the course of the life cycleUse multiple estimating methods to increase confidenceEducate software development staff in estimating methods

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The Effect of ReuseReuse terminology

New code – totally new or with large amount of modificationModified code – with a modest amount of modificationReused code – without any kind of change

Count different type of LOCExamine the smallest level of unit, e.g. module (typically about 100 LOC)No change Reused≤ 50% Modified> 50% New

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Count the Different LOCComponents New LOC Modified LOC Reused LOC Total LOC

A 1,233 0 0 1,233

B 0 988 0 988

C 0 0 781 781

D 560 245 0 805

E 345 549 420 1,314

Total 2,138 1,782 1,201 5,121

Count different kind of Modification

Components New LOC Modified to Fix Bugs

Modified to Add Enhancements Reused LOC Total LOC

A 1,233 0 0






0 1,233

B 0 988 0 988

C 0 0 781 781

D 560 0 0 805

E 345 302 420 1,314

Total 2,138 1,290 1,201 5,121

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Convert to New CodeCalculate the factors based on the actual data from the organization

New LOC Modified LOC Reused LOC Total LOC

Delivered 2,138 1,782 1,201 5,121

Factor 100% 60% 30%

Equivalent Net 2,138 1,069 360 3,567

To be more accurate

Process Step Requirements Design Code Integration

Percent 18% 25% 25% 32%

2,138 New 100% 100% 100% 100% 2,138

1,782 Modified 20% 40% 70% 100% 1,124

1,201 Reused 10% 0% 0% 100% 406

5,121 3,668

Equivalent NetDelivered

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2. Duration and Cost Estimating

Effort means the amount of person-effortrequired to perform a taskUsually measured by person-hours, person-days or person-monthsA useful standard for person-month (staff-month) may be:

19 person-days or 152 person-hours by COCOMO for USA

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Typical Inputs to Effort EstimatingWBS – tasks to be performed

Development tasks – system, requirements, design, code, testSupport tasks – CM, QA, documents, management

Additional dollar costsTravel, equipment

Size estimatesHistorical data on effort and productivityHigh-level scheduleProcess and methodsProgramming language, tools used, target OSStaff experience level

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A Simple ExampleHistorical data

For complex software: 4 (2~8) SLOC per person-dayFor simple software: 8 (6~10) SLOC per person-day

Size estimated for new software: 12,000For complex software: 3,000 (1,500~6,000)person-dayFor simple software: 1,500 (1,200~2,000)person-day

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Productivity Factor (1)LOC Accounting for a module in 60 hours

Added Deleted Modified Reused








900 Total LOC = 500-200+600=900New & Changed LOC = 500+100=600

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Productivity Factor (2)LOC Productivity

Option LOC Productivity (LOC/Hour)

Added 500 8.33

Added + Modified 600 10.00

Added + Modified + Deleted 800 13.33

Added + Modified + Reused 1200 20.00

Added + Modified + Deleted + Reused 1400 23.33

Finished Product 900 15.00

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A Realistic Example (1)Historical Data in IBM

Size in KCSI (thousands of instructions)

Product Class <10 10-50 >50

Language 1.8 3.9 4.0

Control 1.6 1.8 2.4

Communications 1.0 1.6 2.0

Base: 3.9, means 400 LOC per person-monthVersus percent of new & changed code

>40%20-40%<20%Product Class

% New or Changed

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A Realistic Example (2)Size EstimatesDate: 5/25/87 Estimator: WSH Program: Satellite

Base Contingency Total

Component KLOC % KLOC KLOC

A Executive 9 100 9 18

B Function Calculation 15 100 15 30

C Control / Display 12 100 12 24

D Network Control 12 200 24 36

E Time Base Calculation 18 200 36 54

Total 66 145 96 162

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A Realistic Example (3)Effort Estimates

Size Productivity

KLOC Base Adjust. LOC/PM PM

A Executive Control 18 400 1.8/3.9 185 97

B Function Calculation Language 30 400 3.9/3.9 400 75

C Control / Display Control 24 400 1.8/3.9 185 130

D Network Control Communication 36 400 1.6/3.9 164 220

E Time Base Calculation Language 54 400 4.0/3.9 410 132

Total 162 248 654

Program Name Program Class

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Project Duration and Staff Size

1 2 4 8 16 >321 Day

1 Month

3 Months

6 Months

> 2 YearsP


ct D



Staff Size

Slow response to market


Almost impossible

Difficult to manage

UnwieldyQuick response

Typical new product or servide

Major asset

Too little staff makes the project stretch out too longToo many staff working on an “urgent” project is often impossible to manage

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The Estimation Paradigm

Budget Resources



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COnstructive COst MOdelA regression-based model developed by Barry W. BoehmIn the early 1970s, he analyzed 63 software projects, to observe the relation between LOCand effort expended / schedule duration

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3 COCOMO Modes (1)Organic

Systems such as payroll, inventory, and scientific calculationThe project team is small, little innovation is requiredConstraints and deadlines are few, development environment is stable

SemidetachedSystems such as compilers, database systems, and editorsThe project team is medium-size, some innovation is requiredConstraints and deadlines are moderate, development environment is somewhat fluid

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3 COCOMO Modes (2)

EmbeddedReal-time systems such as air traffic control, ATMs, or weapon systemsThe project team is large, a great deal of innovation is requiredConstraints and deadlines are tight, development environment is complex

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3 COCOMO Levels (1)Basic

Use only size and mode to determine the effort and scheduleUseful for fast, rough estimates of small to medium-size projects

IntermediateApply 15 additional variables to determine effortThe environmental adjustment factor (EAF) –relate to product, personnel, computer, and project attributes

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3 COCOMO Levels (2)Detailed

Introduce the additional phase-sensitive effort multipliers and a 3-level product hierarchyEffort-multiplier

e.g. memory constraints for coding or testing phases, but not for analysis phase

3-level product hierarchySystem, subsystem, and modulee.g. language experience may apply at the module level, analyst’s capability at the subsystem level, required reliability at the system level

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Basic Effort FormulaE = a × (Size)b

TDEV = c × (E)d

a, b, c, d – constants derived from regression analysisSize – KLOCE – person-monthsTDEV – months

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Basic COCOMO Formulas

Mode Effort Development Time

Organic E = 2.4×(Size)1.05 TDEV = 2.5×(E)0.38

Semidetached E = 3.0×(Size)1.12 TDEV = 2.5×(E)0.35

Embedded E = 3.6×(Size)1.20 TDEV = 2.5×(E)0.32

Average Staff = Effort ÷ TDEV

Productivity = Size ÷ Effort

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2 Examples

Example 1 Example 2

Project Mode

Project Size

Effort (PM)

TDEV (Month)

Staff 20÷8 = 2.5 267÷17.67 = 15.11


Organic Semidetached


2.4×(7.5)1.05 = 20 3.0×(55)1.12 = 267

2.5×(20)0.38 = 8 2.5×(267)0.35 = 17.67

7,500÷20 = 375LOC/PM 55,000÷267 = 206LOC/PM

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Intermediate COCOMO

Introduce 15 additional variables called cost drivers to estimate effortThe Effort formula is changed

Organic mode: E = 3.2×(KLOC)1.05×EAFSemidetached mode: E = 3.0×(KLOC)1.12×EAFEmbedded mode: E = 2.8×(KLOC)1.20×EAF

Where EAF (Effort Adjustment Factor) isEAF = C1×C2×…×C15

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Cost Drivers (1)4 categories and othersProduct attributes

Required reliability (L)Database size (L)Product complexity (L)

Computer attributesExecution time constraint (≥1)Main storage constraint (≥1)Virtual machine volatility (L)Computer turnaround time (L)

Project attributesModern programming practices (H)Modern programming tools (H)Schedule compression (≥1)

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Cost Drivers (2)Personnel attributes

Analyst capability (H)Application experience (H)Programmer capability (H)Virtual machine experience (H)Programming language experience (H)

Other cost driversRequirements volatility (L)Development machine volatility (L)Security requirements (L)Access to data (L)Impact of standards and imposed methods (H)Impact of physical surroundings (H)

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Product Complexity

Defined differently for 4 different applications

Control OperationsComputational OperationsDevice-Dependent OperationsData Management Operations

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An Example (1)Cost Driver Situation Rating Effort Multiplier

Required reliability Local use, no serious recovery problems Nominal 1.00

Database size 30,000 bytes Low 0.94

Product complexity Communication processing Very high 1.30

Time constraint Use 70% of available time High 1.11

Storage constraint Use 45M of 64M store (70%) High 1.06

Machine volatility Commercial microprocessor hardware Nominal 1.00

Turnaround time 2-hour average Nominal 1.00

Analyst capability Good senior analysts High 0.86

Application experience 3 years Nominal 1.00

Programmer capability Good senior programmers High 0.86

Machine experience 6 months Low 1.10

Language experience 12 months Nominal 1.00

Modern practices Most techniques in use over 1 year High 0.91

Modern tools Basic minicomputer tool level Low 1.10

Required schedule 10 months Nominal 1.00

EAF = 1.17

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An Example (2)An embedded-mode software with size of 10 KLOCEn = 2.8×(10)1.20 = 44 PME = En × EAF = 44×1.17 = 51.5 PM

Relax capable personnel to normal fellowAnalyst and Programmer capability will be 1Staff cost will decrease from $6,000 to $5,000 per PM

EAF = 1.17÷0.86÷0.86 = 1.58E = En × EAF = 44×1.58 = 69.5 PMTotal cost = 69.5×5,000 = $347,500

Compared with 51.5×6,000 = $309,000

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Detailed COCOMO (1)The software product is decomposed into sub-products and components

3-level hierarchy: system, subsystem, module

The project development activities are partitioned into phases

For development: Requirements, Product design, Detailed design, Coding & unit testFor maintenance: Integration & testing, Maintenance

All with different cost drivers (and value assignment) and specific coefficients

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Detailed COCOMO (2)Product Hierarchy Applicable Cost Drivers

System Required reliability, Machine volatility, Turnaround time, Modern practices, Modern tools, Required schedule

Subsystem Add: Database size, Time constraint, Storage constraint, Analyst capability, Application experience

ModuleFurther add: Product complexity, Programmer capability, Machine experience, Language experience, KLOC, Adaptation of existing modules

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Distribution of Effort and Schedule (1)

Plans and Requirements

Product Design Coding Integration

and Test

% of total effort 1% 21% 50.5% 27.5%

Effort of each phase 6.9 PM 145.3 PM 349.5 PM 190.3 PM

% of total time 4% 33% 38% 25%

Schedule 0.8 Months 6.6 Months 7.6 Months 5 Months

Average number of staff 8.6 22.0 46.0 38.0

Estimated Total effort = 692 PM, TDEV = 20 Months

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Distribution of Effort and Schedule (2)

Plans and Requirements

Product Design Coding Integration

and Test

% of total effort 17% 25% 25% 33%

Effort of each phase 117.6 PM 173 PM 173 PM 228.4 PM

% of total time 30% 30% 15% 25%

Schedule 6 Months 6 Months 3 Months 5 Months

Average number of staff 19.6 28.8 57.7 45.7

Current Distribution, Total effort = 692 PM, TDEV = 20 M

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Tailoring of COCOMO

Each organization and project is unique, the model should be tailored for a given environment

Cost drivers may be added, modified, and deleted, different values may be assigned to each rating

Exponent and coefficient constants can be calibrated using actual data

At least 5 projects are required to re-calibrate the coefficient, 10 are needed to re-calibrate the exponent

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Advantages of COCOMO

It is a repeatable process, allowing the addition of specific adjustment factors

The model can be refined with linear regressionusing historical data

It works well on projects that are not dramatically different in size, complexity, or process

It is easy to use with thorough documentation and many supporting tools

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Disadvantages of COCOMOIt needs factors for requirements volatility, customer attributes, security issues, documentation issues, and many othersIt depends on LOC estimates, hard to obtain at early stages but critical for COCOMO accuracyIt primarily represents development effort; maintenance, rework, porting and reuse issues don’t fit cleanly into the modelIt assumes a very basic level of effort for SCM and SQA, only 5% of the total budgetIt assumes a basic waterfall process model

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Allow the estimation ofObject-oriented software

Spiral or evolutionary software life cycle models

Software developed from COTS (commercial-off-the-shelf) software

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3 Models of COCOMO II (1)The application composition model

For software built with GUI builder tools using rapid prototypingSuitable during the conceptual stages of a projectUse object points estimates as size inputs

The early design modelSuitable during the early design stages, before the entire architecture has been determinedUse raw function points estimates as size inputs

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3 Models of COCOMO II (2)

The post-architecture modelSuitable after the development of the project’s overall architectureUse KLOC estimates as size inputs

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5 Scaling Factors of COCOMO II

Use to replace COCOMO modesPrecedent: if the product is familiar

Flexibility: if the requirements can be relaxed

Risk elimination: if major interfaces are specified and significant risks eliminated

Team: if the team is highly cooperative

Process Maturity: if the organization has a high CMM level

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COCOMO II for Model 3

Effort estimationPM = 2.45×A×(KLOC)B×(Sced)Schedule estimationTdev = 3.67×(PM)(0.28+0.2×(B-1.01))×(Sced)WhereA = Π(EMi)B = 0.91+0.01×∑(SFj)Sced – an overall schedule factor

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SLIMIn the 1960s, Peter V. Norden of IBM observed a Rayleigh distribution between project effort and time

In 1978, Lawrence H. Putnam applied Norden’s observation to his Quality Software Management (QSM), obtained his Software Lifecycle Management (SLIM) methodologies

Including SLIM-Estimate, SLIM-Control, and SLIM-Metrics

SLIM is used by US Army projects, suitable for large projects with >70KLOC and lifetime in years

SLIM has 4 phases: design & code, test & validation, maintenance, management, each with specific Rayleigh curves

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SLIM Curves


Design & CodeTest & Validation




Staff Level


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SLIM Equations (1)Basic equationS = C × E1/3 × td


S – software size in LOCE – total effort for overall project (including maintenance) in person-yearstd – delivery time constraint in yearsC – environmental and technology factor, rated from 610 up to 57,314

Typical rating of CReal-time embedded: 1,500Batch development: 4,894Supported and organized: 10,040

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SLIM Equations (2)Productivity Index or Manpower AccelerationD0 = E / (td

3)Then E can be calculated byE = (S/C)9/7D0


Typical values of D0

Project Type D0 Value Project Type D0 Value

Scientific systems 14.8

Telecommunications 11.4Stand-alone systems 15

Re-implementation of systems 27Real-time systems 8.3

Microcode systems 6.3

Business systems 17.3New software with many interfaces 12.3

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An ExampleA software with estimated size 200,000LOC, C is assigned to be 4,000, time constraint is 2 yearsE = (1/td)4×(S/C)3 = (1/16)×(50)3 = 7,812.5 PYDevelopment effort Ed = 39.45% × E = 3,082 PY

Effort change when time constraint varies

td Ed E

2 3,082 7,814

2.5 1,262 3,200

3 609 1,543

Note: 10% decrease in time constraint results in a 52% increase in total life-cycle effort

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Advantages of SLIMProvide a comprehensive set of software development management tools, offer value-added planning for large projects

Provide an optimal staffing policy in the context of the development environment

It is a repeatable process, allowing refinements using historical data

Can apply a sensitivity analysis showing how cost and effort varies when time constraint changed

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Disadvantages of SLIMRayleigh distribution may not be suitable for size-time-effort relationshipSLIM is based on many non-software projects, leaving suspect for estimating software developmentIt works best for large projects valued in years, may not be suitable for small projectsIt assumes a waterfall life cycle, does not map to incremental iterative or spiral processes suitable for modern softwareSLIM is complex and sensitive, many important factors must be modeled and are difficult to determine

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Software Size EstimatingEstimating process, problems and risks; effect of reuseSizing techniques: LOC, Function Points, Feature Points, Blitz modeling, Wideband Delphi

Duration and Cost EstimatingEstimation paradigmCOCOMO, COCOMO II, SLIM
