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Raster Images Processing

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1. Raster processing in PHOTOMOD VectOr ..........................................................3 1.1. Raster map .............................................................................................................3 1.2. Raster data conversion...........................................................................................4 1.3. Raster georeferencing............................................................................................4 1.3.1. Georeferencing by one point. ................................................................................4 1.3.2. Moving to the southwest corner. ...........................................................................4 1.3.3. Georeferencing by two points with scaling. ..........................................................5 Rotation without scaling. ................................................................................................5 1.3.5. Georeferencing by two points with rotation and scaling.......................................5 1.3.6. Horizontal alignment. ............................................................................................6 1.4. Raster region..........................................................................................................6 2. How to choose a type of raster transformation......................................................6 3. Recommendations for creating raster regions depending on the type

of source data.........................................................................................................6 3.1. Paper map with a rectangular border.....................................................................6 3.2. Paper map with a border containing arch points. ..................................................9 3.3. Paper map fragments without a border..................................................................9 3.3.1. Preliminary raster orientation. .............................................................................10 3.3.2. Final raster orientation.........................................................................................10 3.4. Fragments of an arbitrary image..........................................................................10 3.5. Fragment of an aerial image with a control points catalog. ................................11 3.6. An aerial image with corresponding GCP catalog and exterior

orientation parameters. ........................................................................................12 3.8. Fragment of an aerial image and a corresponding vector map............................13 4. Rules of creating GCP coordinates catalog. ........................................................14 5. Creation of the passport of a digital map.............................................................14 5.1. General info. ........................................................................................................14 5.2. Copy information from the passport of an existing map. ....................................15 5.3. Entering map passport information .....................................................................15 5.3.1. Data, related to the work region. .........................................................................15 5.3.2. Map sheet related data. ........................................................................................16 5.4. Creating a map passport, step by step. ................................................................17 5.4.1. Creating a topographic map.................................................................................17 5.4.2. Creating a geographic map. .................................................................................17 5.5. Nomenclature. .....................................................................................................17 5.5.1. Nomenclature of topographic maps.....................................................................17 5.5.2 Nomenclature of geographic maps. .....................................................................19 Appendix 1. GCP coordinates catalog format (coordinate system

Pulkovo1942 (Gauss-Kruger)) ............................................................................24 Appendix 2. GCP coordinates catalog format (geodetic coordinate system) ...............25 Appendix 3. GCP coordinates catalog format (transformation by the

exterior orientation parameters) ..........................................................................26

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1. Raster processing in PHOTOMOD VectOr

1.1. Raster map Raster map in PHOTOMOD VectOr is stored in RSW format. This format has

been developed in 1992 and it is pretty much similar to TIFF 6.0. Main parameters, describing a raster map are listed below:

• Image scale; • Image resolution; • Image size; • Image color map; • Image planimetric georeference.

Image scale – a value that characterizes source photo material, which was

scanned to make a raster image. Image scale is a ratio of a distance between two points on the source material to the distance between corresponding points on the ground.

Image resolution – a resolution used when scanning (dots per inch). The bigger resolution, the smaller size of a recognizable object.

Image size (width and height) – image extents in pixels (number of lines and columns). Image size depends on the size of scanning material as well as on the scanning resolution

Image color map – number of colors used to represent image cells. There are following types of color map:

• Binary (two colors); • 16 colors (or gray tone levels, 4 bit); • 256 colors (or gray tone levels, 8 bit); • High Color (16 bit); • True Color (24 or 32 bit).

If there is a possibility to set a resolution and number of colors (some scanners work with fixed parameters only) you should take into account that the output file size grows rapidly when using higher resolutions and big number of colors. For example there is no reason to use 16 bit or 24 bit color maps for scanning paper maps since a real number of “source” colors is not greater the 256 (usually it is just 8).

Image color map is stored in the source file, but the resolution and scale values are to be entered when converting a raster to the internal format. The exception is TIFF format, which stores resolution value along with a color map. In other cases the resolution should be set according to the scanning parameters. If you have no idea about the image scale you should enter an approximate value (the image scale is specializing during raster georeferencing).

Once a raster image is loaded to the system it is not a raster map yet since it is not georeferenced. Ungeoreferenced raster image is always added to the southwest map corner. So if you are working with a big work region you should use option “Go to” of pull down menu of “Raster list” dialog to find an added raster quickly.

After georeferencing the raster map becomes a measuring document. You can determine object coordinates by moving the cursor over the raster map (they are displayed in the low part of screen). Georeferenced raster map can be used whether as an independent document or along with other datasets.

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1.2. Raster data conversion. PHOTOMOD VectOr works with raster objects in internal RSW format. The

program is able to import rasters from PCX, BMP and TIFF formats. Besides, RST format (old raster internal format) is supported.

There are to following ways to load rasters to PHOTOMOD VectOr: • Open raster as a separate document (“File|Open” menu) • Add raster to an existing vector, raster or combined map (“File| Add | Raster”

or “Raster list | Add”).

1.3. Raster georeferencing.

Raster can be georeferenced only to existing map. Thus you have to open a map (of any type), add a raster to this map and make its georeferencing. You can georeference raster using one of the ways, provided by “Raster list | Properties” dialog.

Note that all operations from this dialog are available for currently selected raster. So if the map contains several rasters you should previously select the one you need to operate with.

1.3.1. Georeferencing by one point.

To georeference raster by one point you should pick the point on the raster and pick the point you want to move the source point to. Raster will be moved without changing its scale and orientation.

1.3.2. Moving to the southwest corner.

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In this case the raster objects just moves to the

southwest map corner without any scaling or rotation. This mode is useful when for example you are adding to the open map a raster object which has incorrect georeference and is displayed “very far” from the work region. Once the raster is moved to the southwest map corner it is easier to georeference it another time.

1.3.3. Georeferencing by two points with scaling.

In this case you should pick a couple of points on the raster and pick another pair used to move raster to (source-destination, source-destination). Once the

transformation is done raster is moved and scaled. It is georeferenced based on the first pair of points. The second pair of points determines a new raster scale. Thus, if the raster resolutions by X and Y axes are not equal (the raster is distorted because of the source material deformation or an error of the scanning devise) the second point will be positioned with some error. To correct the output raster use

one of methods of the raster transformation (see application task named “Raster image transformation”).

1.3.4. Rotation without scaling. In this case you should pick a couple of points on the raster and pick another

pair used to move raster to (source-destination, source-destination). Once the transformation is done a source raster gets changed its spatial orientation. It is rotated

about the first georeference point. It is georeferenced based on the first pair of points. The second pair of points determines a raster rotation angle. Thus, if the raster resolutions by X and Y axes are not equal (the raster is distorted because of the source material deformation or an error of the scanning devise) the second point will be positioned with some error. To correct the output raster use one of the methods of the raster transformation (see application task named

“Raster image transformation”).

1.3.5. Georeferencing by two points with rotation and scaling This type of georeference also uses two pairs of points

(source-destination, source-destination). The raster transformation causes changing of its scale and orientation.

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1.3.6. Horizontal alignment.

This operation causes placing selected raster points on one

horizontal line. The raster is rotated about the first selected point.

1.4. Raster region.

When loading raster images to the database there may be raster work region created. To create raster region you should consequently load each raster image and georeference them to the same coordinate system.

The combination of raster and vector maps for the same terrain districts is useful for creating and updating work regions quickly. In this case you are able to resolve application tasks related to raster and vector objects representations.

2. How to choose a type of raster transformation. In case of creating of large-scale plans (layouts), it is recommended to use a

transformation by corner points of a map sheet (chapter 3.1). When creating small scale digital maps (smaller than 1:50 000) in order to

increase the accuracy of the output raster image you should transform a raster image, taken into account arch points of the map border (chapter 3.2).

If there is no map border on the raster image (or it exists partially), you can transform raster by control point coordinates, which can be precisely recognized on the image. The ground coordinates of control points (at least 4 points) must be known. The other way is to transform a raster by two points with rotation and scaling (“Raster list | Properties” menu). Besides, you can combine these two methods and make two steps georeferencing (chapter 3.3).

If you about to create a raster map based on a raster image, mosaicked from several fragments which are not images of standard nomenclature map sheets you should use a method of consequent georeferencing of the raster image to the raster map that already has a georeference. Act this way if for example a big source image was scanned to overlapping portions (see chapter 3.4).

If you have a raster image of source photo-materials (airphotos or satellite images) you can transform the source raster using a set of control points (chapter 3.5) or control points along with exterior orientation parameters (chapter 3.6), depending on what kind of corresponding information is available.

3. Recommendations for creating raster regions depending on the type of source data.

3.1. Paper map with a rectangular border. In this case the raster image is an image of a scanned paper map which border

does not have arch points (it is rectangular and consists of just four corner points). Sheet corners should be precisely recognized on the raster image.

This kind of the transformation can be considered as a simplest one. You should transform each raster using real values of map corners coordinates (stored in the previously created map passport), cut the output image by the border of corresponding

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map sheet and combine all output images to the raster region. To create raster region you should:

1. Create vector work region that corresponds to the creating raster region

by nomenclature map sheets: • Create new map (plan) depending on the source dataset (“File | New | Map


• Enter the information, related to the first nomenclature map sheet, included

to the work region. If source materials correspond to different 6 degree zones (for topographic map), you should decide which zone to use for the orientation of your creating work region, since all nomenclature map sheets, added to the work region are transformed to the coordinate system of the first entered nomenclature (Fig. 1). Digitizing density value field should be filled in according to the resolution of processing rasters

• Add to the work region all other map sheets.

2. Add to the map the first processing raster. If it is loaded from external

format (BMP, PCX, TIFF) you should set the resolution and the scale of loading image (according to corresponding parameters of the vector map).

3. Start “Run application | Raster image transformation ” process.

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Raster image transformation dialog.

4. Perform raster transformation:

• Set output raster name; • Select transformation method (By map sheet border / By corners of sheet

border) • Select the nomenclature of transforming raster map sheet; • Press “Run” button; • Pick on the raster points of the map corner in the order shown on the Fig.2.

Once you have set the first point, the program will place the crosshair to the neighborhood of the second point and so on. If the approximate point position differs significantly of its real location (the distance is greater than 20% of the sheet size), probably the raster resolution or scale was not set correctly when raster loading. The program will ask you to confirm the automatic resolution correction. You can leave everything as it was and process the raster without resolution correction. In this

case raster size will get changed after the transformation. If the crosshair is

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displayed “lower” the real point position – raster will be squeezed (its resolution is reduced) otherwise it will be expanded (its resolution is enlarged).

• Close the source raster;

• Cut the raster by map sheet border (“Raster list | Properties | Extract | Map

object”) and select map border object to cut off the raster

• Close the output raster.

5. Repeat the operations, described in 2, 3, 4 for all other rasters.

6. Delete (if necessary) source rasters.

7. If you need to add to the raster image some vectors – create for the raster region a user map.

8. Close a vector map.

9. Open the first processed raster.

10. Add all other rasters in the “Raster list” dialog.

11. Add created user map if needed.

3.2. Paper map with a border containing arch points.

In this case the raster image is an image of a scanned paper small scale topographic map which border includes arch points (it is rectangular a consists of just four corner points). Sheet corners should be precisely recognized on the raster image. As in chapter 3.1 it is necessary previously to transform each raster image using ground coordinates of the map border points that store in created map passport, cut off the output images by the corresponding map sheets border and combine them to raster region.

To create a raster region from separate raster images you should make the same operations as described at chapter 3.1 except that now you have to set the transformation method to “ By map sheet border / By all points of sheet border”. The control points selection starts from the southwest map corner and goes consequently clockwise.

3.3. Paper map fragments without a border. This chapter takes a case when there is no map border on your source paper map

for some reason or some border points are missed. Note that precise georeference can be done just when using a map border. So if there are any ways to restore it just do this (for example you can “continue” the existed border lines to get a missed point on their intersection). Then refer chapters 3.1 or 3.2 to transform rasters using a map border. Otherwise you should make raster georeference including 2 steps.

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3.3.1. Preliminary raster orientation. Preliminary raster orientation is to be done using a mode of raster georeference

Raster list | Properties | Place by 2 points with scaling and rotation. For this purpose two points at a maximum distance should be selected on the raster. You have to know the real ground coordinates of these points. For example there should be map grid intersections or existed map corners. Once a control point is selected on the raster you should select it on the map. Move a cursor to exact position, using coordinate values which are displayed at the bottom part of the main window. After raster placing by these two points check out the accuracy (by some other points with known coordinates). If you are satisfied you may stop at the first step. Otherwise (if the residuals are greater than 0.3 mm in the map scale) you have to start the second step of the raster transformation. For visual estimation of the residual just remember that the contour lines and map grid lines have a thickness of 0.1 mm on the paper map. So the line of 0.3 mm thickness is 3 times as thick as the contour line.

3.3.2. Final raster orientation. • Start “Run application | Raster image transformation ” process. • Set parameters as follows: Transformation – by control points; Control points

– by map; Measured points – from map

• Press “Run” button.

• Set pairs of points used for the transformation (source – destination, source – destination, … source – destination). Control points (at least 5) should be distributed evenly over the raster. If there are map border points on the image, they must be included to processing.

• Complete points selection by the right mouse button.

• Close output raster when processing is complete;

• Cut the output raster image by the corresponding nomenclature map sheet

border (“Raster list | Properties | Extract | Map object” and select Map border as a map object)

If there is no way to exactly determine control points coordinates neither on the vector nor on the raster map you should receive them using some other materials (field measurements, other paper maps, geodetic point catalogs, etc). Then create a catalog of control points and make a transformation using this catalog (chapter 3.5). Elevation matrix should not be used in this case (it is used only when photo materials transformation).

3.4. Fragments of an arbitrary image.

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1 2 3 4

5 6 7

If you about to create a raster map based on a raster image, mosaicked from several fragments which are not images of standard nomenclature map sheets

(if, for example, a big source image was scanned to overlapping portions) you should: • open one of the fragments (it is recommended to start with a fragment which is

located inside the total raster image area) • make its preliminary orientation (“Raster list | Properties | Place by 2 points |

Horizontal alignment”) • add the second raster and georeference it to the first one (“Raster list | Properties |

Place by 2 points with scaling and rotation”) • cut images if needed (“Raster list | Properties | Extract | Manually”)

3.5. Fragment of an aerial image with a control points catalog. The transformation by a set of control points is used to georeference raster with

at least 4 points whose real coordinates are known. The minimum number of control points is 5 if the elevation is taken into

account when the transformation. If there is an elevation matrix available for the work region its values are used in the processing. Otherwise an average elevation value of the control points is used.

To transform a source raster you should previously create a corresponding catalog of ground control points (GSP). The file format is described in chapter 4. Once the catalog is complete start “Run application | Raster image transformation ” to open a transformation dialog.

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Set parameters as follows: Transformation – By control points; Control points –

from catalog: Measured points – from map. If an elevation matrix is used in the transformation you should select an appropriate file in the Elevation data text field. Once the parameters are set up press “Run” button. Now you have to select GCPs on the raster image. First picked point is the first GSP from the catalog and so on. Once you have selected a first point the system places a cursor approximately, according to the second point ground coordinates, etc. The control point number is displayed at the screen bottom.

While the transformation the system may ask you to confirm a rejection of some point (when the corresponding residual increases the acceptable one (which is set)).

Close output raster when the transformation is over and open the second fragment (if any) for its transformation.

You can use Raster list dialog to combine a raster region by adding each transformed raster to it.

If output rasters have big

overlapping areas it is recommended to cut them in the middle of overlap. In order to this you should create vector polygon objects, which outline raster portions as needed and have common parts at the overlapping areas. Then you have to cut each fragment by corresponding polygon and delete vector objects.

3.6. An aerial image with corresponding GCP catalog and exterior orientation parameters.

The transformation by exterior orientation parameters may be applied if the

aerial survey (image type and focal length) parameters are known. If the image type is airphoto you can enter the focal length value approximately

since it is specialized while processing. For central and panoramic images the focal length should be specified precisely.

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If there is an elevation matrix available for the work region its values are used in the processing. Otherwise an average elevation value of the control points is used.

To transform a source raster you should previously create a corresponding catalog of ground control points (GSP). The file format is described in chapter 4. Once the catalog is complete start “Run application | Raster image transformation ” to open a transformation dialog.

Set parameters as follows: Transformation – By exterior orientation parameters; Control points – from catalog: Measured points – from map. If an elevation matrix is used in the transformation you should select an appropriate file in the Elevation data text field. Once the parameters are set up press “Run” button. Now you have to select GCPs on the raster image. First picked point is the first GSP from the catalog and so on. Once you have selected a first point the system places a cursor approximately, according to the second point ground coordinates, etc. The control point number is displayed at the screen bottom. Last control points that must be entered are the fiducial marks which are used to determine the image central point and the image rotation angle.

While the transformation the system may ask you to confirm a rejection of some point (when the corresponding residual increases the acceptable one (which is set)).

Close output raster when the transformation is over and open the second fragment (if any) for its transformation.

You can use Raster list dialog to combine a raster region by adding each transformed raster to it.

If output rasters have big overlapping areas it is recommended to cut them in the middle of overlap. In order to this you should create vector polygon objects, which outline raster portions as needed and have common parts at the overlapping areas. Then you have to cut each fragment by corresponding polygon and delete vector objects.

3.7. Fragment of an aerial image and a corresponding vector map. There are two ways to georeference an aerial image to an existing vector map: a). If you have a corresponding GCP catalog you can process raster according to

chapters 3.5 or 3.6 and add it to the vector map

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b). If there is no GCP catalog available you can use 2 steps transformation (see chapter 3.3):

• Select on the vector map two points at a maximum distance. Both of them

should be precisely recognizable on the raster image.

• Complete a first step of the transformation.

• If you are satisfied with the results of the first step stop processing. Otherwise you should go to the second transformation step. Select well distinctive terrain features as control points. Note that all of them have to be time independent (especially in case of a big time difference between a raster image and a vector map). Thus don’t use as control points such terrain features as a forest corner or a river’s crook. Roads intersection (close to right angle) or building’s corner are preferable.

4. Rules of creating GCP coordinates catalog.

The catalog of GCPs coordinates may contain either rectangular coordinates in Pulkovo 1942 coordinate system (Gauss-Kruger) or geodetic coordinates (degrees, minutes, seconds). Besides there are some additional records to be added to the catalog in case of the transformation, using exterior orientation parameters. See for details appendices 1,2,3.

5. Creation of the passport of a digital map.

5.1. General info.

Digital map passport includes general information related to the map sheet (scale, projection, coordinate system, rectangular and geodetic coordinates of the map cornres, etc.)

To create a map passport go to “File | New | Map” menu. “Map creation” dialog opens. You can fill out the dialog fields in two ways:

- copy information from an existing map (Copy)

- enter all necessary information manually (starting from the left part of the dialog)

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Once all dialog text fields are filled press “Save” button to save the passport and open the map. As a result files with *.map, *.hdr and *.dat extensions are created. *.map file contains passport relative information.

5.2. Copy information from the passport of an existing map.

Press “Copy” button and select the source map file name. Note that the source and the destination map should not be stored in the same directory. You can copy all source files to another directory or just type a full path in the “File name” text field.

5.3. Entering map passport information

5.3.1. Data, related to the work region.

At first you should fill out the left part of the dialog (work region data). This part consists of 4 tabbed pages: Starting, Projection, Size, Additional. “Starting” tabbed page fields should be filled obligatorily. These fields include:

- “Map file” – filled automatically by the map file name (can be edited manually)

- “Type of digital map” opens a list of map types supported (the default one is topographic)

- “Scale” – used to set the map scale (can be chosen from a list of predefined map scales or entered manually)

- Resource file – field of classifier file selection.

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Tabbed pages “Projection”, “Size” and “Additional” are filled in automatically. You can edit data in all tabbed pages except the “Size” one. At the “Projection” tabbed page “Ellipsoid” and “Coordinate system” can not be changed for the standard topographic maps (used standard Russian nomenclature system). You can edit these fields for other map types if needed.

5.3.2. Map sheet related data.

Once data describing a region is entered you have to add map sheet related data. Press “Add” button and enter map sheet nomenclature at the opened dialog along with a sheet name. After saving this data you are done with the second part of map creation dialog.

For topographic maps with a standard Russian nomenclature system “Coordinates”

tabbed page is not editable. You can edit this page when working with other map types.

Tabbed pages “Material”, “Magnetic declination”, “Additional” are filled automatically but available for editing.

If the map consists of several map sheets you can continue data entering: press “Add” button and repeat all described above.

A digital map passport is created when after pressing “Save” button or the dialog is closed after saving confirmation. If the entered data does not match the selected projection you will get an appropriate error message.

After closing “Create map” dialog the created map is opened automatically. If there is the same map currently opened you should close it after an error message and repeat all creating map operations.

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5.4. Creating a map passport, step by step.

5.4.1. Creating a topographic map.

1. Select “File | New | Map” option.

2. Enter a name of the map file (“Map file”).

3. Enter a name of the work region (“Name”).

4. Enter a scale value (“Scale”).

5. Enter a name of the resource file (“Resource file”).

6. Press “Add” button.

7. Enter a nomenclature using a template.

8. Enter a sheet name.

9. Save entered data.

10. Press “Save” at the main dialog.

5.4.2. Creating a geographic map.

1. Select “File | New | Map” option.

2. Enter a name of the map file (“Map file”).

3. Enter a name of the work region (“Name”).

4. Set a type of the digital map as “Geographic”

5. Enter a scale value (“Scale”).

6. Select a resource file

7. Press “Add” button

8. Enter a geographic map nomenclature using a template

9. Enter a sheet name.

10. Correct the rectangular coordinate values (“Coordinates | Rectangular”)

11. Save entered data.

5.5. Nomenclature.

5.5.1. Nomenclature of topographic maps.

The nomenclature of topographic map depends on the map scale. Standard topographic map scales are as listed below:

- 1 : 1 000 000, - 1 : 500 000, - 1 : 200 000,

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- 1 : 100 000, - 1 : 50 000, - 1 : 25 000, - 1 : 10 000. - 1 : 5 000. The code of the nomenclature for scales of 1 : 10 000 and smaller looks like:

9 . Z - 99 - 999 - 9 - 9 - 9 . Z 1 2 34 567 8 9 10 11

Dot or dash may be used as delimiter. 1 character. Hemisphere code:

0 - north, 1 - south.

2 character. Earth ellipsoid belt (latitude zone) (Latin characters from A to U).

3,4 characters. Earth ellipsoid zone (longitude zone). (Integers 1 to 60)

5,6,7 characters. Number of map sheet after dividing a sheet of 1:1 000 000 into: 1 : 100 000 sheets: Integers from 1 to 144. 1 : 200 000 sheets, Integers from 1 to 36. 1 : 500 000 sheets, Integers from 1 to 4. 8 character. Number of a sheet of 1 : 50 000 scale when dividing a sheet of

1 : 100 000 scale, (Integers from 1 to 4) 9 character. Number of a sheet of 1 : 25 000 scale when dividing a sheet of 1 : 50 000

scale, (Integers from 1 to 4) 10 character. Number of a sheet of 1 : 10 000 scale when dividing a sheet of

1 : 25 000 scale, (Integers from 1 to 4) 11 character. Sheet type (A, B, C, D)

- single (A,B,C,D) - double (A,C) - four in one (A).

Sheet type depends on the region latitude:

- geographic belts from A to O – single sheets, - geographic belts from P to S – double sheets, - geographic belts from T to U – sheets “four in one”.

Characters 8, 9 and 10 depending on the map type may be as follows:

- single - 1,2,3,4 - double - 1,3 - four in one - 1.

Character 8 is optional.

The nomenclature samples.

Scale 1 : 1 000 000 :

0.A-01, 0.A-60

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Scale 1 : 500 000 :

0.A-01-001, 0.A-01-004, 1.A-60-001, 1.A-60-004

Scale 1 : 200 000 :

0.A-01-001, 0.A-01-036, 1.A-60-001, 1.A-60-036

Scale 1 : 100 000 :

0.A-01-001, 0.A-01-144, 1.A-60-001, 1.A-60-144

Scale 1 : 50 000 :

0.A-01-001-1, 0.P-01-144-3, 0.T-60-144-1, 1.A-60-144-2

Scale 1 : 25 000 :

0.A-01-001-1-1, 0.A-01-144-1-4, 0.A-60-144-4-1, 0.A-60-144-4-3

Scale 1 : 10 000 :

0.A-60-001-1-1-1 0.A-60-001-1-2-3 0.A-60-144-4-1-1 0.A-60-144-4-3-1

The code of the nomenclature for 1 : 5 000 scale looks like:

9 . Z - 99 - 999 - 999 1 2 34 567 89 10

Characters 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Correspond to the code of 1 : 100 000 scale (see above). Characters 8,9,10. Number of a sheet of 1 : 5000 scale when dividing a sheet of 1 :

100 000 scale (Integers from 1 to 256)

The sample of a nomenclature: 0.A-60-144-256.

5.5.2 Nomenclature of geographic maps.

Standard scale range for geographic maps includes following scale values:

1 : 500 000, 1 : 1 000 000, 1 : 2 500 000, 1 : 5 000 000, 1 : 10 000 000.

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Geographic maps are created in 4 subsystems (zones) that cover the entire globe. • Midlatitude (main) in conformal conic projection (standard parallels are 30

and 60 degrees (north)) • North (polar) - central meridians are 90 degrees (east and west). Conformal azimuthal (stereographic) projection (standard parallel is 60 degrees (north)). • South (polar) - central meridians are 90 degrees (east and west). Conformal azimuthal (stereographic) projection (standard parallel is 60 degrees (south)). • Equatorial - conformal cylindrical Mercator projection (standard parallels are

26 deg 08.4 min south and north). Midlatitude subsystem used for mapping of north hemisphere in 1:500 000 -

1:10 000 000 scale range. Subsystem includes following 5 blocks: • Europe (central meridian is 20 deg east), code 1 • Asia (central meridian is 90 deg east), code 2 • Pacific ocean (central meridian is 170 deg west), code 3 • North America (central meridian is 40 deg west), code 4 • Atlantic ocean (central meridian is 40 deg west), code 5

Blocks of midlatidude subsystem are composed as follows.

Europe, Asia, North America, Atlantic Ocean





Pacific ocean



Composing polar subsystems










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Composing equatorial subsystem
















Map sheet of 1 : 10 000 000 scale divided into:

4 sheets 1 : 5 000 000; 16 sheets 1 : 2 500 000; 100 sheets 1 : 1 000 000.

Map sheet of 1 : 1 000 000 divided by 4 sheets of 1: 500 000 scale.

Dividing sheet of 1 : 10 000 000 into sheets of 1 : 5 000 000.





Dividing sheet of 1 : 10 000 000 into sheets of 1 : 2 500 000.

















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Dividing sheet of 1 : 10 000 000 into sheets of 1 : 1 000 000.

90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09

Dividing sheet of 1 : 1 000 000 into sheets of 1 : 500 000.





Standard nomenclature of geographic map includes subsystem code or Midlatitude block code, scale code and sheet number. Codes of subsystems, Midlatitude blocks and scales are as follows: Subsystem (block) name Subsystem code Scale Scale code Blocks of a Midlatitude subsystem: Europe Asia Pacific ocean North America Atlantic ocean North pole subsystem South pole subsystem Equatorial subsystem

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1:10 000 000 1: 5 000 000 1: 2 500 000 1: 1 000 000 1: 500 000 For the summary enlarged sheets 1:10 000 000 1: 5 000 000

01 02 03 04 05 10 55

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Sheet number includes number of Latitude and Longitude zones, which intersection it is located on. Numbering of both zones starts at 0 and rises from bottom to top (Latitude) and from left to right (Longitude)

Nomenclature template looks like: 99 - 99 - 99 - 99 12 34 56 78

Character number Meaning 1 Block or subsystem (1-9) 2 Scale (1-5) 3,4 Number of Latitude zone, Longitude zone of subsystem (00 - 24) 5,6 Number of Latitude zone, Longitude zone of 1:10 000 000, 1:5 000 000,

1:2 500 000, 1:1 000 000 maps (00 - 99) 7,8 Number of Latitude zone, Longitude zone of 1:1 000 000, 1:500 000,

(00 - 11)

Nomenclature samples: Subsystem Europe: Scale 1: 10 000 000: 11-01 Scale 1: 5 000 000: 12-01-10 Scale 1: 2 500 000: 13-01-21 Scale 1: 1 000 000: 14-01-53 Scale 1: 500 000: 15-01-53-10

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Appendix 1. GCP coordinates catalog format (coordinate system Pulkovo1942 (Gauss-Kruger))

The sample of file-catalog: .CAT // comment .GAU N1 X1 Y1 H1 N2 X2 Y2 H2 ....................... Nm Xm Ym Hm .END where: .CAT File beginning key word (obligatory field) // Comments key word (optional field) .GAU Coordinate system (Pulkovo 1942 – Gauss-Kruger) –

optional field (default value) N1 – Nm Numbers of raster control points (obligatory field) X1 – Xm Y1 – Ym

Ground GCP coordinates in given coordinate system (meters) – obligatory field

H1 – Hm Absolute altitude values of control points in meters (optional fields)

.END End of file (obligatory field)

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Appendix 2. GCP coordinates catalog format (geodetic coordinate system)

The sample of file-catalog: .CAT // comments .GMS N1 BG1 BM1 BS1 LG1 LM1 LS1 H1 N2 BG2 BM2 BS2 LG2 LM2 LS2 H2 ...................................................... Nn BGn BMn BSn LGn LMn LSn Hn .END where .CAT File beginning key word (obligatory field) // Comments key word (optional) .GMS Coordinate system: geodetic (degrees, minutes,

seconds) N1-Nm Numbers of raster control points (obligatory) BG1-BGn Latitude: degrees BM1-BMn Latitude: minutes BS11-BSn Latitude: seconds LG1-LGn Longitude: degrees LM1-LMn Longitude: minutes LS1-LSn Longitude: seconds H1-Hn Absolute altitudes of control points in meters

(optional) .END End of file (obligatory)

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Appendix 3. GCP coordinates catalog format (transformation by the exterior orientation parameters)

The file-catalog of GCP coordinates used for raster transformation by the

exterior orientation parameters should have following format: .CAT // comments .GAU N1 X1 Y1 H1 S1 N2 X2 Y2 H2 S2 ............................. ............................. ............................. Nm Xm Ym Hm Sm .MET J .END where: .CAT File beginning key word (obligatory field) // Comments key word (optional field) .GAU Coordinate system: rectangular in meters (Gauss

Kruger) – optional since set as default N1 – Nm Numbers of raster control points (obligatory field) X1 – Xm Y1 – Ym

Ground GCP coordinates in given coordinate system (meters) – obligatory field

H1 – Hm Absolute altitudes of control points in meters (optional)

S1 – Sm RMS of ground coordinates computations (optional) .MET J Information associated with the fiducial marks on the

airphoto which used for the central point determining and the image rotation (if J = 1 – it is a middle of a line between fiducial marks)

.END End of file (obligatory field)
