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  • 8/12/2019 Socio 128


    1. Is the world experiencing Global cooling or Global Warming?

    Globa Warming:Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go a whole winter without even seeing snow?Well the way the atmosphere is heating up today you ust might experience this kind o! event inthe !uture I chose to do my cause and e!!ect paper on global warming because I believe it has ama or impact on humans" not only today" but especially in the !uture. In this paper I am goingto explain the causes and the e!!ects o! global warming and how it will impact our lives in thelong run. Greenhouse gases are gases such as carbon dioxide" methane" nitrous oxide" and o#one"and play an important role in the earth$s atmosphere. Without them it would really be cold" butthat does not seem to be the problem in today$s li!e. %ver the past sixty years" the world$s o#onelayer has built up tremendously because o! trapped gases being. &ecause o! this build up it doesnot allow the gases to leave the atmosphere" which is a bad thing !or the atmosphere. 'orexample" greenhouse gases are like riding down the road with the windows up and the sunshining through the car windows. (he windows allow the light and heat in" but there is nowhere!or it to go a!ter it enters. (his causes the inside o! the vehicle to heat up. (his is basically whatis happening to our atmosphere. %ur atmosphere is heating up like global warming" which isexactly like the heat being trapped inside o! the car. (he ma or e!!ect o! global warming is that itis heating up the entire world. Which is not exactly a good thing? &ecause when theatmosphere heats up so does the )ntarctic %cean. In !act" over hal! o! it is made up o! ice burgsand ice. When they heat up" they melt" which causes mass amounts o! !looding" yet anothere!!ect o! global warming and greenhouse gases.)nother leading cause o! global warming is us" humans. )s years go by" more and more land is

    being cleared o!!" which is most commonly known as de!orestation.

    )nthes" *.)." +orell" *.W." Holland" G." Hurrell" ,.W." -ac+racken" -.+." (renberth"/. 0 212" 'ebruary 1 3. Hurricanes and Global Warming45otential 6inkages and +onse7uences. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 89: ;< 8. )ccessed)pril 1=" 212.

    )rctic +ouncil. 0 22>3. )rctic +limate Impact )ssessment *eport. )ccessed -arch "229.

    &alachandran" ." *ind" @." 6onergan" 5." Ahindell" @. 01BBB3. C!!ects o! solar cycle variability on the lower stratosphere and the troposphere. Journal of Geophysical

    Research, 12>0@ 3" 9" ; 1

  • 8/12/2019 Socio 128


    In &ra#il" 5arana%nline has reported 122 tons o! dead cat!ish" croaker and sardines. In ewDealand hundreds o! dead snapper have been !ound. )nd Awedish o!!icials are reporting thedeaths o! do#ens o! birds. (he &altimore Aun is also reporting the sudden death o! million !ishin the +hesapeake &ay.

    It began on ew EearFs Cve in &eebe )rkansas with the discovery o! ="222 blackbirds that had!allen !rom the sky dead. %ne day later" 122"222 !ish suddenly died in the nearby )rkansas *iver"and more than =22 blackbirds turned up dead in 5ointe +oupee 5arish" 6ouisiana. @o#ens morewere soon reported dead in Gilbertsville" /entucky.

    )uthorities have attempted to explain the massive numbers o! dead birds and dead !ish on naturaloccurrences" like !ireworks and weather. However" none o! the deaths" so !ar" have a solidscienti!ic explanation. %!!icials have also been unable to explain why so many animals have died"in so many di!!ernt countries" in less than a week.

    (he unexplained disruption o! wildli!e and the impact on the ecosystem have sparked many people to suggest the true cause is related to biblical and apocolyptic prophesy.
