

Welcome to the

L O N D O N A P R I L 6


Frank Hattann

Head of Enterprise Sales EMEA

LinkedIn Sales Solutions

LinkedIn has 414 Million members across the world

20M United Kingdom

LinkedIn has 414 Million members across the world

United Kingdom


4.8M Decision makers on LinkedIn

722.1K Unique companies on LinkedIn

25% Enterprise 10,000+ Employees

25% Mid-Market 10,000+ Employees

51% SMB Under 500

Connect the world’s buyers and sellers to build relationships

Relationships are foundational for sales success








The buyer’s process has changed

5.4 75 of B2B buyers now use social media to be more informed on vendors

% 90 of decision makers say they never respond to cold outreach

% people are now involved in the average B2B buying decision



9:30am Welcome and Overview 9:40am Social Selling: How to Unlock Competitive Advantage 10:10am Hallmarks of a Social Seller 10:40am Customer Panel: Your next steps to social selling success 11:30am Networking


Kevin Scott

Head of Sales Solutions, EMEA, LinkedIn

SOCIAL SELLING How to unlock competitive advantage

Thomas Bell

President, Linnean Society of London

“The year which as passed has not

been marked by any of those striking


“Everyone’s always asking me when

Apple will come out with a cell phone.

My answer is ‘Probably never.’”

David Pogue

Tech Columnist, New York Times


“Zuckerberg is an idiot! I can’t

believe he turned down Yahoo

for 1 billion dollars.”

Mike Derezin ???

“Zuckerberg is an idiot! I can’t

believe he turned down Yahoo

for 1 billion dollars.”

Michael Porter

Competitive Strategy

and Competitive Advantage


Advantage CompetitiveS U S T A I N A B L E


Rita Gunther McGrath

The End of Competitive Advantage


"To win in volatile and uncertain environments, executives need to learn how to exploit short-lived opportunities

with speed and decisiveness.”


Advantage Competitive


by Geoffrey Moore

Crossing the Chasm


The Chasm

Early Majority Late Majority Laggards Innovators and Early Adopters


The Chasm

Early Majority Late Majority Laggards Innovators and Early Adopters




The Chasm





Early Majority Late Majority Laggards Innovators and Early Adopters


The Chasm

Early Majority Late Majority Laggards Innovators and Early Adopters

The World Wide Web

‘94 -’95 ‘96 -’98 ’99 -’00 ’00+


The Chasm

Early Majority Late Majority Laggards Innovators and Early Adopters

‘94 -’95 ‘96 -’98 ’99 -’00 ’00+



The World Wide Web


The Chasm

Early Majority Late Majority Laggards Innovators and Early Adopters

Social Recruiting

‘07-’10 ‘11 -’13 ’14 -’16 ’17+


Social Recruiting Hero

Head of Global Talent Acquisition, SABMiller

"I saw the opportunity in direct sourcing

through LinkedIn. I knew it was the future,

but had to move quickly to lock-in as many

gains as possible before the rest of the

world caught on."


Head of Global Talent Acquisition, SABMiller

"I've helped save SABMiller

about $7-10M annually by shifting

to direct sourcing and LinkedIn

Recruiter." Social Recruiting



The Chasm

Early Majority Late Majority Laggards Innovators and Early Adopters

Social Selling

‘12-’14 ’18 -’19 ’20+ ‘15 ’16 -’17


Social Selling Index (SSI)

Create a professional brand

Find the right people

Engage with insights

Build strong relationships




Data from 10/1/2015– 1/1/2016 Decision Makers (DMs) are Manager Level+ (Manager, Director, VP, CXO, Partner, Owner) across all functions *Connection requests sent indicate requests sent to all LI Users Top Social Sellers have a SSI of >70, Less Social a SSI of <30

Social Selling is adding value at every step of the sales cycle in the United Kingdom

40.5x More DM profile viewed

UK Top Social Sellers vs. the laggards in the last 3 months

14.3x More profile views received from DMs

28.8x More connection requests sent*

12.9x More new connections

14.2x More new DM connections

SSI leaders create 45% more opportunities per quarter than SSI laggards.

SSI leaders are 51% more likely to hit quota than SSI laggards.

45% more opportunities

51% more likely to hit quota

Based on a global study LinkedIn ran in Q4 2013 of Q3 performance for reps focused on new business and reps focused on existing business. Respondents reported performance; they were matched to their LinkedIn profiles to understand their SSI.SSI leaders have an SSI > 70; SSI laggards have an SSI < 30

Why is Social Selling important?


100 0 20 40 60 80

Social Selling Index (SSI)


100 0 20 40 60 80

Social Selling Index (SSI)

28.5 2016

12.2 2012

100 0 20 40 60 80

Social Selling Index (SSI)

The Chasm

Early Majority Late Majority Laggards Innovators and Early Adopters

‘12-’14 ’18 -’19 ’20+ ‘15 ’16 -’17

28.5 2016

12.2 2012

29.9 NAMER

21.0 LATAM

24.9 APAC

28.3 EMEA

We can look at SSI by region

Source: LinkedIn Internal Data The charts above represents a regional view of SSI. Because the LinkedIn "Sales Definition" (who constitutes as a sales person) changes, we only display a time series view of SSI for members who were deemed as Sales Professionals back in January 2015. By doing this we are comparing apples to apples and are able to truly measure growth in SSI.

29.9 NAMER

21.0 LATAM

24.9 APAC

28.3 EMEA

We can look at SSI by region

31.0 United Kingdom

Source: LinkedIn Internal Data The charts above represents a regional view of SSI. Because the LinkedIn "Sales Definition" (who constitutes as a sales person) changes, we only display a time series view of SSI for members who were deemed as Sales Professionals back in January 2015. By doing this we are comparing apples to apples and are able to truly measure growth in SSI.

The average United Kingdom SSI has increased 16% over the last year

Source: LinkedIn Internal Data The charts above represents a regional view of SSI. Because the LinkedIn "Sales Definition" (who constitutes as a sales person) changes, we only display a time series view of SSI for members who were deemed as Sales Professionals back in January 2015. By doing this we are comparing apples to apples and are able to truly measure growth in SSI.

26.7 27.5 27.5 27.8

28.6 29.1 29.1 29.4 30.1 30.4 30.6




Source: LinkedIn Internal Data – January & December 2016











0 20 40 60

Retail & Consumer Products


Healthcare & Pharmaceutical



Oil & Energy

Professional Services

Tech, Telecom & Media


Some sectors are taking the lead in Social Selling

Growth in SSI January ’15 – Dec’15


Which companies are winning at Social Selling?

Source: LinkedIn Internal Data

1 57.9

3 45.9

4 44.6

5 44.6

2 48.6

Top Social Sellers in the room

5 Melanie-Ann Palmer Editor, The League of Brokers 86.6

4 Charlotte Leuw Head of Marketing and Communications, The Bakery London 87.9

3 Jeremy Wright Strategic Solutions Specialist, Fiserv. 88.0

2 Paul Lewis Global Social Media Marketing Manager & Social Selling Lead, Pitney Bowes 92.7

1 Marcs Leathwood Chief Marketing Officer, Acuity 93.0

Source: LinkedIn Internal Data 16

How can you seize the opportunity?

Measurement Education Executive Alignment


How can you seize the opportunity?

Measurement Education Executive Alignment

Social Selling Heroes


Executive Alignment Measurement Education

Social Selling Heroes

VP Global Sales Enablement and Programs, PTC

"IOT is new to the world and new to

us. Speed is king. We needed to

deploy social selling now. We

couldn't afford to wait six months."


VP Global Sales Enablement and Programs, PTC

"Our corporate strategy is enabling smart

connected products for competitive

differentiation. Our team personalized it to

get executive alignment - social selling is

smart connected reps for competitive


Executive Alignment


VP Global Sales Enablement and Programs, PTC

"We've seen greater than a 50x ROI

with Sales Navigator - measured in

either revenue attained or pipeline." Executive Alignment


Executive Alignment Education

VP Global Sales Enablement and Programs, PTC

"We've seen greater than a 50x ROI

with Sales Navigator - measured in

either revenue attained or pipeline."

Senior Director, GCO Sales Tools and Technology, SAP

"Social selling is the biggest single

change to the SAP sales strategy

in the last 10 years by an order of




Senior Director, GCO Sales Tools and Technology, SAP

"I was going to be either the hero or

villain. Someone has to take a risk to

make things happen."



Senior Director, GCO Sales Tools and Technology, SAP

"You have to customize the training,

embed it in your overall training,

and make sure to focus on middle




Senior Director, GCO Sales Tools and Technology, SAP

"We have seen massive ROI. I just

learned of a half million dollar deal

in Asia Pacific where a prospect

reached out to our SAP rep through




Senior Director, GCO Sales Tools and Technology, SAP

"We have seen massive ROI. I just

learned of a half million dollar deal

in Asia Pacific where a prospect

reached out to our SAP rep through



Senior Social Media Manager – EMEA, Symantec

“Measuring our social selling is

critical to justifying our ROI. SSI

is at the core of what we do.”


Senior Social Media Manager – EMEA, Symantec

"We always combine SSI with actionable

intelligence. If you only provide data it is

just another number, it won’t change the

mindset. You have to tell teams what

specific actions to take."




Senior Social Media Manager – EMEA, Symantec

"We always combine SSI with actionable

intelligence. If you only provide data it is

just another number, it won’t change the

mindset. You have to tell teams what

specific actions to take." Executive Alignment Education


The Chasm

Early Majority Late Majority Laggards Innovators and Early Adopters

Social Selling Heroes

Executive Alignment Measurement Education


Social Selling The


Early Majority Late Majority Laggards Innovators and Early Adopters


“The tipping point is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behaviour crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like


M A L C O L M G L A D W E L L - T H E T I P P I N G P O I N T
