Download pptx - Social penetration theory

  • 1. Ch. 9 SocialPenetrationTheoryGroup 4Tammy EsfandiMegan TrogdenKelsey KruegerJoseph Johnson

2. Have you ever felt uncomfortable duringa conversation? Has a person ever revealed too muchinformation at the wrong moment? Are you that person that reveals toomuch information? 3. Shrek 4. Social Penetration Theory The process of developing deeperintimacy with another person throughmutual self disclosure and other forms ofvulnerability. Involving the voluntary sharing of personalhistory, feelings, attitudes, values, secrets,etc. with another person 5. Self-disclosure is the sharing of informationabout yourself; without it relationships andcommunication is not possible Depth and Breadth are equally importantValuable Skill Set inCommunication 6. Steps to execute proper Self-disclosure Step 1- The right context Time and Place Step 2- Appropriate audience Friends, co-workers, family, bosses, etc. Step 3- Audience reciprocation Relational outcome, relational satisfaction,and relational stability 7. Benefits of Self-disclosure Develop more intimate relationships Being better understood by others Encouraging self-disclosure in others Avoiding conflict 8. Examples Example 1- Improper use of self-disclosure,which can potentially ruin relationships,embarrass yourself, and maybe evenjeopardize future relationships. Example 2- Proper use of self-disclosure.Leading to more successful intimaterelationships and a better you! 9. Lets Review! Step 1- The right context Step 2- Appropriate audience Step 3- Audience reciprocationNow we will SHOW you how to properlyexecute self-disclosure using the SocialPenetration Theory
