Page 1: Social Media Marketing - A sneak peek into what Social Media Marketing can achieve for your Business!

Discover the potential of interacting through the Narrow Window of Engagement to reach potential

customers anywhere in the world.

Page 2: Social Media Marketing - A sneak peek into what Social Media Marketing can achieve for your Business!

• Compete with larger businesses.

• Show that you listen.

• Show that you care.

• Show that you deliver.

• Show that you’re really interested in what your customers think and feel.

• Create a relationship and build up trust.

Page 3: Social Media Marketing - A sneak peek into what Social Media Marketing can achieve for your Business!

• Its all about sharing information

• Reach out to the people you know

• Share valuable information time and again, give upfront unconditionally and without a scorecard

• Reach outside your circle -Social media gives you the chance to expand your reach, and be involved with people you may never have met and learn from each other.

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• Join Social networks

• Social networks focus on building online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others.

• Social network services are web based and provide a variety of ways for users to interact, such as email and instant messaging services.

Page 5: Social Media Marketing - A sneak peek into what Social Media Marketing can achieve for your Business!

Engage everyone who share an

opinion or idea

Customers are


Active Conversation

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• Social networks : Facebook, Twitter, Myspace • Blogging : Wordpress, Typepad, Blogger, Activerain etc • Micro-blogging : Twitter, Plurk, Tumblr, and Jaiku. • Bookmarking : Delicious, Digg, Reddit, Spinn,

Stumbleupon • Wikis : Wikipedia • News : PR, Prweb, Sanepr. • Event sharing : Upcoming, Meetup, Eventful, Zvents

and Socializr. • Media Sharing : (Photo,Video & document sharing) :

Youtube, Metacafe, Flickr, Photobucket, Scribd, Slideshare, Docstoc.

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Post Interesting & useful articles

Mention products &


Spread the news


Build relationships

Customer Loyalty

Page 8: Social Media Marketing - A sneak peek into what Social Media Marketing can achieve for your Business!

• A personal approach.

• Spread the message with the right content.

• Fast publishing

• Low cost

• Minimal technical skills

• Collaboration between members of the community.

Page 9: Social Media Marketing - A sneak peek into what Social Media Marketing can achieve for your Business!

Convey your message in just a


Announce offers, events or even promote your

blog posts

Increased buzz, sales & customer


Page 10: Social Media Marketing - A sneak peek into what Social Media Marketing can achieve for your Business!

• Reconnect with old friends/colleagues/contacts.

• Make new friends/contacts

• Update everyone with your thoughts & ideas.

• Engage in active conversation.

• Join & hold discussions in chats/ groups/Forums.

Page 11: Social Media Marketing - A sneak peek into what Social Media Marketing can achieve for your Business!

• Create a profile for your company. • Create a fan page • Advertise • Engage your contacts in active conversations. • Post events • Run polls and ratings • Embed widgets into your profile page for

spreading the word. • Increase your website traffic.

Page 12: Social Media Marketing - A sneak peek into what Social Media Marketing can achieve for your Business!

• Generate business contacts. • Exchange professional knowledge. • Showcase your professional skills • Build a brand image. • Enhance your Google PageRank & Search engine

results. • Inform on new products, special offers. • Collect feedback & provide support on a one to

one basis. • Click deals and partnerships.

Page 13: Social Media Marketing - A sneak peek into what Social Media Marketing can achieve for your Business!

• Exchange professional knowledge

• Share knowledge among like minded people.

Most popular groups

1. Google groups

2. Yahoo groups

3. Microsoft Discussion groups

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• Spread news about you and your company.

• It is a "written or recorded communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something claimed as having news value”.

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• Posting media content

YouTube provides users the opportunity to upload compelling video and get additional traffic.

• Advertising on social media

Effective social media management can be a tremendous source for generating buzz, which includes inbound links and just plain direct referral traffic

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• Create a Brand : Be clear about what exactly you do and what is unique about you.

• Create a group and engaging readers. Give away good advice and valuable informations.

• Post Bulletins: Regular news updates can be carried over by posting Bulletins.

• Circulate polls and ratings. This marketing technique is perfect for the getting readers engaged.

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• Increase online awareness and establish the right brand reputation

• Improve SE rankings and increase web traffic

• Listen to your audience

• Develop your strategy

• Contribute to Social media

• Measure your success

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• Spread the word

• Monitor conversations about your brand

• Create a relationship with readers.

• Track and measure your success

• Take necessary steps to improve performance.

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• Generating publicity.

• Increased web traffic.

• Higher online presence

• Higher Search Engine rankings

• Increase your linkability,

• Reward inbound links

• Help your content travel

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• Social media is still growing and has become the virtual version of the town square. The sheer volume of the engaged audience is too large to ignore.

• As for the ground level statistics. Remember, your mileage may vary. It is still a cluttered marketing world and social media just increases the noise.

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Expand the reach of your business through Social Media Marketing
