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Page 1: Social Media Case Studies

Define your success metricNumber of people who filled in the “get more info” form

Number of influential people who tweet something about us

Number of influential blogs that linked to us

Number of repeating, unique visitors

Number of new customers / sales

Number of people who used a specific coupon that is associated with this campaign

Number of minutes a day we are nice to customers

Number of features suggested by users that we actually implement

Number of people in a specific location / demographic who follow us on twitter

Your marketing team / social media consultantcan help you define these.

Number of new things we discovered about customers that we never knew before

Reduction in support costs

Increase in Pagerank

Page 2: Social Media Case Studies

•Define relevant success metrics that translate into a business context.

• Quantitative - sales (obviously), new leads, new qualified subscribers

• Qualitative - satisfaction, loyalty, authority, interaction, feedback

• For qualitative goals, use simple rules as metrics.

•Set campaign goals based on these metrics. Your return is successfully meeting or exceeding these goals.

• Implement campaign, review metrics and goals. Filter out channels and strategies that don’t get good returns. Repeat.

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Measuring Qualitative Returns

Page 4: Social Media Case Studies

A simple campaign to build Loyalty & Trust

Be nice to customers who mention your company / product name on Twitter.

Success Metrics Goal As implemented by...

- Amount of positive comments sent to customers per week within a given time ceiling

- Amount of conversations that started from the comment.

N amount of positive conversations about your company or product per week

Measuring Qualitative Returns

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A campaign to increase Satisfaction

Engage with customers / prospects using social media and ask what they would like from you.

Success Metrics Goal As implemented by...

- Amount of good suggestions that your company hadn’t thought of.

- Amount of the above that your company actually implements.

N amount of suggestions collected per month and N amount that you actually implement.

Measuring Qualitative Returns

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A campaign to increase Authority

Start a blog on a topic that relates to your company and that you an expert on. Focus on writing authoritative content first, promoting your company second.

Success Metrics Goal As implemented by...

- Amount of influential blogs linking to you.

- Pagerank relative to that of competitors.

- Amount of organic traffic per month.

- Amount of traffic that converts to sales.

N Pagerank by a certain date.

Nth position in Pagerank relative to competitors by a certain date.

N% of organic traffic per month.

$N per month attributable to referrals from blog.

Measuring Qualitative Returns

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Measuring Quantitative Returns

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A campaign to increase Offline Sales

Implement a promotion on a social media platform. Give participants a printable campaign voucher so you can track where offline sales originated.

Success Metrics Goal As implemented by...

- monthly sales

- monthly store traffic

$N monthly sales

N% increase in store traffic over the pre-promotion period.

Measuring Quantitative Returns

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Page 13: Social Media Case Studies

A campaign to increase Online Sales

Use Twitter to inform prospects about special promotions, capitalising on Twitter’s real-time nature for exclusive, limited-customer / limited-period offers.

Success Metrics Goal As implemented by...

- monthly sales attributable directly to Twitter

- new customers attributable directly to Twitter

- monthly revenue generated from customers originally from Twitter (i.e. did the customer go back later of their own accord and buy more)

$N monthly sales

$N monthly sales directly attributable to Twitter

Measuring Quantitative Returns