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Social Media: benefits for researchers

by Inge de Waard

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Use the chat to add any comments, links, knowledge that you that could be relevant!

If something is not clear, demand the floor

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Web(2.0) was made for science

Tim Berners-Lee created the idea of the World Wide Web in 1983

together with Robert Cailliau the WWW was turned into an instrument for

scientific information exchange

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Is this the right time to dive into Social Media and Web2.0?

Some researchers are skeptical or feel an aversion to change but … shift happens

Generation C is here

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Closed => Open science

Copyright and intellectual property => science commons - interested: podcast of John Wilbanks from Science Commons, interviewed by MIT Libraries News.

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Science2.0 is emerging

Look at the wiki of the conference on science blogging.

Or look at The Open Laboratory: a paper book or digital book with great scientific blogposts

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Lets digg in

Why scientists embrace Web2.0? Looking at simple applications Diving in collaborative software

Examples galore!

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Why? Well, Web2.0 = participation

Sit around the campfire

Narratives + discussions + exchanging expertise

= science = benefits of Social Media

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Social Media = Connections

lifelong learning + latest knowledge + (global) network= science = benefits of Social Media

You and F2F colleagues

You within network of institutional partners

You within your global digital peer network

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Web2.0 = (informal) learning

Informal learning + personal content production = science = benefits of Social Media

Social Media gives everyone the means of production - Harold Jarche

Informal learning: definition and image by Jay Cross

You write, you learn => the read and write Web

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Web2.0 = personal & collaborative growth

"A single ant or bee isn't smart, but their colonies are. The study of swarm intelligence is providing insights that can help humans manage complex systems, from truck routing to military robots." National Geographic

learning is a process of becoming something (Stephen Downs on How the Net Works).

Wisdom of crowds

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Diving in is easy

Social Media is subscribingAND remembering username

and password

Use tag(s) to be able to retrieve relevant info.

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simple Web2.0 applications: blog

Write a post, publish it, enable others to comment/discussKeep track of your work and thought flow

Get in the top blogger list with Technorati

Writing enhances thought and reflection

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Blog – zoom in

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Microblog – zoom in

Short Q&A keeps everyone updated within a blink of an eye

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Blog & microblog - links

Blog start-upWordpress TypepadBloggerWeebly …

Microblog start-up


TwitterTwitter search (find a topic)Twitter apps


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One purpose Multimedia

Record media and publish it in one purpose Web2.0 apps.

Share your visual findings, record methods, show statistics… make your work known

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Multimedia – zoom in

Share images with your colleagues

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Multimedia – zoom in

Build a scientific show that reaches the world

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Multimedia - links

Flickr Photobucket Dropshot real life streaming

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Free bookmarks & references

Sharing bookmarks saves time and gives your colleagues relevant immediate access.

Surfing => reading => saving => sharing


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Bookmarks – zoom in

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References – zoom in

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Bookmark & reference - links

bookmarks Ma.gnolia

references Connotea Pubmed CiteUlike Zotero

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Collaborative software: wiki

Wiki’s enable collaborative work on 1 web locationweb based => accessible from all around the world.

It can be private or open, free or pay.

You all write, build upon what is written, change… collaboratively

No more scattered documents, just wiki.

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Wiki – zoom in

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Wiki - links

Wiki Pbwiki Wikispaces Mediawiki

Document sharing = online office Google docs Zoho Scribd


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Social Media is all about connecting to communities.

Put your profile out there and become a member of communities.

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Get your profile known




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Engage in a community

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Engage in a community

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Community software - links

Community building software Ning Elgg

Find communities facebook Mybloglog

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Crowdsourcing: what

taking a task traditionally performed by an employee or contractor, and outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large group of people, in the form of an open call. (wikipedia)

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Crowdsourcing – zoom in

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Crowdsourcing - links

Seti @ home: ET? InnoCentive: take up a challenge Stardust @ home: find stardust Engage in climate prediction

Crowdsourcing: the blog

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One last thing: RSS

Add a feed reader for easy (easier) content follow-up

Syndication, picks up social media content and spreads it throughout the internet where it can be found by anyone looking for that information.

See how it works (commoncraft). Some feed readers:


Google reader


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Conclusions: benefits

Social Media gives you:

Network + personal profiling

Narratives + discussions + exchanging expertise

lifelong learning + latest knowledge + (global) network

Informal learning + personal content production

Most of it is web based => accessible from all around the world

=> It is easy, just do it!

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LinksArticles Scientific American Science2.0 Business Week Science2.0 Social Computing Magazine network strategies Social Computing Magazine on social media

Books Wikipatterns by Stewart Mader Five minds of the Future, by Howard Gardner

Tutorials – movies on how to Common Craft videos RSS how to movie

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Thank you !

I will post this ppt on slideshare

Blog: linkedIn: