Page 1: Social Media and Compliance - Here's what you can (and cannot) do

Social media &

compliancein the financial industry

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1) Social media policy and training

2) Management Training

3) Reputation & Brand

4) Legal & Privacy

5) Operational

6) How-to demo

7) Case study

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“Forms of electronic communication through

which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal

messages, and other content (as videos).”

- Merriam-Webster

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Regulatory Notice 10-06 and 11-39

“The goal of this Notice is to ensure that—as the use of social media sites increases over time—investors are protected from false or misleading claims and representations, and firms are able to effectively and appropriately supervise their associated persons’ participation in these sites.”

“At the same time, FINRA is seeking to interpret its rules in a flexible manner to allow firms to communicate with clients and investors using this new technology.”

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Social Media Policy & Training

“Each firm must develop policies and

procedures that are best designed to ensure

that the firm and its personnel comply with all

applicable requirements.”

Regulator Notice 10-06

“A firm must conduct appropriate training and

education concerning its policies, including

those relating to social media. “Regulator Notice 11-39

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Company Goals

• Introduction to company social media team

• Overview of company social media properties

• Company social media goals

• How employees can participate

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Personal Use of Social Media

• Definition of personal use of social media

• When to include social media disclaimers

• Risks of posting on personal vs. company social networking profiles

• What type of information should be confidential, what’s okay to share and how to tell the difference

• How to manage online recommendations

• Employee social media privacy

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Business Use of social media

• Definition of business use of social media

• How to represent the company brand on social networking sites

• Issues that could impact data security and confidential information

• Overview of intellectual property, copyright and fair use as it pertains to social media

• How and when to respond to third-party messages

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Recommendations & reviews

• Recommendations for others

• LinkedIn recommendations vs endorsed skills

• Recommendations on 3rd party sites

– Google Reviews

– Yelp

– Angie’s List

– Facebook

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Pre-review vs post review

• Static Content

• Interactive Electronic Forum

• Social Media Archiving

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Social media ethics

• Demonstrating tolerance for alternative points of views

• Social media discrimination and harassment

• Determining what is appropriate to share on social media and what is inappropriate

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Management training

• Employer rights to monitor how employees use social media for personal and business use

• Free speech rights and what employers can prohibit employees from saying online

• Rules for using social media to screen job applicants and monitor employees’ personal communications

• Guidance for connecting with employees on social media

• Guidance for whether employers can investigate an employee’s misconduct on social media, both on and off duty

• Customer and prospect data security

• Social media property ownership

• Use of mobile devices for social networking on the job

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Reputation & Brand

Brand Consistency

• Key messages and soundbites

• Logo placement and branding guidelines

• Use of images and photos

• Post & pre-review process

Responding to 3rd party posts

• How to determine whether a response is needed

• Timeliness of response

• Tagging people and profiles

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Legal & privacy

Copyright Law

• Use of images

• Sharing third-party content

• Content repurposing

Photo Privacy

• When and where to include disclosures

• Obtaining photo releases

• Tagging others (employees, clients, media)

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OperationalSocial Network Security

• Choosing passwords

• Transferring network ownership

• What to do when an employee leaves

• Malware and phishing scams

• Mobile app security and mobile posting policy

Regulatory & Compliance

• Compliance pre-review process

• Compliance post-review process

• Crisis management

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Download the Compliance Guide

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How to…

• LinkedIn Endorsements Settings

• LinkedIn Review Options

• LinkedIn Connection Privacy

• Twitter Private Lists

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Clean layout & design

Search engines love blogs!

Social buttons on every page

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Lessons from Leamnson

• Consistent branding across multiple channels

• The best messages add value (not self promotional)

• Share content & drive traffic back to your website

• Allow readers to share your content on social

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“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but

on building the new.”

- Socrates

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Social Media Coaching

FSM University

1-1 Training

Managed Services

Social Media Startup

Turnkey Management

Email Marketing


Marketing Audit

Digital Strategy

Action Plan

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