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Social Doctrines of the Church

and Encyclicals

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Sources Provided By• Mr. Baltazar Quiambao

– Internal Audit Consultant– Vicariate of Southern Arabia, United Arab


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7 Principles/Themesof Social Doctrine

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1. Life and Dignity of the Human Person

Respect the Human Person

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2. Call to Family, Community, and Participation

Promote the Family

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3. Rights and ResponsibilitiesProtect Property Rights

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4. Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

Work for the Common Good

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5. The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers

Observe the Principles of Subsidiarity

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6. Solidarity

Respect the Work and the Worker

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7. Care for God's Creation

Pursue Peace and Care for the Poor

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Laudato Si'

“On Care for Our Common Home”Pope Francis (2015)

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Evangelii Gaudium

“The Joy of the Gospel”Pope Francis (2013)

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Caritas in Veritate

“Charity in Truth”Pope Benedict XVI (2009)

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Evangelium Vitae

“The Gospel of Life”Pope John Paul II (1995)

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Centesimus Annus

“The One Hundredth Year”Pope John Paul II (1991)

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Sollicitudo Rei Socialis

“The Social Concern of the Church”

Pope John Paul II (1987)

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Laborem Exercens

“Through Work”Pope John Paul II rights (1981)

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Octogesima Adveniens

“On the Eightieth Year”Pope Paul VI (1971)

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Populorum Progressio

“The Progress of Peoples”Pope Paul VI (1967)

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Gaudium et Spes

“The Joys and Hopes”1965

(A document of the Secnd Vatican Council '62-'65, promulgated by Pope Paul VI)

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Dignitatis Humanae“Human Dignity”

1965(another Second Vatican document

rather than an encyclical)

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Pacem in Terris

“Peace on Earth”Pope John XXIII (1963)

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Mater et Magistra

“Mother and Teacher”Pope John XXIII (1961)

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Quadragesimo Anno

“On the Fortieth Year”Pope Pius XI (1931)

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Rerum Novarum

“Of New Things”Pope Leo XIII 1891
