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Social Darwinism Argument

Please settle down, and allow me to explain my actions. Throughout the course of

history, Europe has been the center of the intellectual and civilized world. We are the creators of

modern science, the leaders in industrial manufacturing, and generally the greatest political and

military power in the entire world. Humans in other regions of the world have had similar, if not

more, resources than us, but have failed to create the same level of civilization present in Europe.

This is not without reason. Europeans are scientifically an intellectually better equipped

branch of homosapien, in comparison to our counterparts in other regions of the world. For this

reason, it is our DUTY to colonize and help other races develop in similar ways that we have. I

understand how many aspects of expansion and other ideas of imperialism seem inhumane

towards the regions, but it is a way for both parties to advance in the world. For example, with

the opening of diamond shops such as these, Europeans provide a purpose to life for Africans,

while also making a profit. Aforementioned, contain imperialistic aspects seem cruel, such as

taking over the region politically or pushing for trade, but it will help the native people in the

long run. It is our moral obligation to introduce European influence to these regions. By setting

up protests such as these, you are preventing the betterment of the world; instead take up this

ideology and embrace imperialism for the good of everyone.
