Page 1: Social CRM - Knockout Stats for Small Busineses

for Small Business CRM


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active mobileFacebook users

MILLION140active Twitter


MILLION150LinkedIn Users

in spend from customers who can engage in customer service requests via social media

average number of people a “social” customer will tell about a BAD customer care experience

of the world’s online population is reached via social networking sites

of businesses actively use social media for customer care engagement



of companies that identi�ed customer service as a TOP REASON for social media monitoring73%


If you’re a small business owner and haven’t yet considered using a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to help you build a loyal customer base now is the time. A shocking 73% of companies have no process for re-engaging leads after an initial sale. If you want to maximize your revenue – and let’s face it, every small business owner does -- now is the time to bring in a CRM to manage customer data, improve customer


Percent of companies

with no process for

re-engaging leads after initial sale


Odds of selling to an

existing customer


Percent of marketers

who say disparate customer

data prevents e�ective sales



Increase in sales force

productivity by using

mobile CRM


Odds of selling to a

new prospect


Social Media The New Heavyweight

Knockout Customer Service


Social CRMThe contender!

care, enhance productivity, and increase e�ciency. With the explosive growth in social media and a rapidly jading consumer sentiment, capturing and organizing customer interaction data is essential to thriving in today’s online marketplace. The statistics below tell the tale of the tape, and if companies wait too long to adapt to the social nature of customer interactions, they aren’t going to last long in the ring.

average number of people a customer who actively uses social media will tell about a GOOD customer care experience42


Expected growth of mobile CRM apps by end of 2014

52% of marketers

acquired a customer

on and 43%

acquired a customer from

in 2013


37% of B2B buyers ask questions via social media

71% of consumer who receive a response via social

media are likely to recommend that brand to others – NM Excit

The number of consumers that interacted with companies via social media grew from 19% in 2011 to 36% in 2012.

40% of social media users have purchased an item online or in store after sharing it on Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest.