


Soap is a versatile product that everyone uses and needs. A soap-making business can be a fun way to increase your income. You can start the entire business at home and find many venues in which you can sell your products.

You can customize your soap with herbs, oils, and original fragrances, so you will stand out.

If you enjoy handcrafts, this business may be just what you’re looking for! You can do it as a hobby that also brings in some extra money, or you can take it full-time and grow your business to a point where it brings in a full-time income.

Use this guide to help you get started!

REQUIRED SUPPLIESA soap business requires several essential supplies. You may also want to buy extra oils, herbs, fragrances, colorants and other items to make your soap unique.


Consider  these  supplies  for  your  soap  business:

1. Molds. Molds come in many different shapes! You can purchase a variety of molds or even make your own.

2. Spoons and mixing utensils. You will need clean utensils to stir your soap mixtures and add different liquids.

3. Fragrances. Use them as they come to add standard fragrances to your soaps or mix and match them to come up with unique and original fragrances of your own.

4. Goggles. Soap mixtures can be hot, so you want to protect your eyes from any spills.

5. Gloves. Purchase gloves that fit well and keep your hands safe from the different mixtures as you work.

6. Colorants. They add color to your soap and make it stand out.

7. Oils. You may need several types of oils to make your soap, but it will depend on the recipe you use.

8. Lye. If the recipe calls for lye, then you want to stock up on it.


9. Blender or mixer. You may want to invest in a blender or mixer to make your soap. They can speed up the process.

10. Scale. Soap recipes often require specific weights of ingredients, so you may need a scale.

11. Labels and stickers. Quality labels will show off your brand with a perfect finish.

12. Bags, boxes, or other wraps. How will you package your soap? You may want to invest in plastic bags, boxes, or a variety of other wraps.

13. Melt-and-pour soap bases. You can purchase kits with these bases to speed up the process.

14. Measuring cups. Silicone or plastic cups will work fine to measure ingredients.

15. Thermometer. Soap recipes may require a specific temperature.

16. Butters. They can add extra moisture to your soap.

After you’ve selected a recipe that you’d like to try for your soap, you can pick up the required supplies and make plans. You


can buy preassembled soap-making kits or purchase individual items and build your own cache of ingredients and supplies.

GETTING STARTEDSoap  can  be  an  easy  way  to  increase  your  income  and  provide  customers  with  high-­‐quality,  handmade  items.  However,  it’s  important  to  create  a  business  plan  for  your  best  profits.

You’ll  also  need  space  in  your  home  or  other  area  to  make  the  soap.

Lastly,  you’ll  want  to  consider  the  markeBng  and  branding  aspects  of  your  business.

Follow  these  steps  to  get  started:  

1. Make a business plan. As you work on your business idea, you’ll want to have a plan for how to create and sell the soap.

2. Check local, state, and federal laws. You may be required to get a permit or other paperwork before you can start selling the soap. In addition, you may have homeowner association restrictions in your area that limit home businesses.

3. Consider business insurance. Your state or city may require you to have business insurance before you can sell your soap.


4. Educate yourself. Before you can start making or selling soap, you have to learn how the process works.

✓ You will need to find soap recipes that fit your business. The internet has tons of recipes you can try.

✓ Test the recipes that interest you. Try out your ideas for customizing your soaps with your own unique ideas.

5. Purchase supplies. A typical soap-making kit that includes all of the supplies can cost $500 to $800. You can usually purchase supplies for $1,000 or less and set up the business at home to save more money.

✓ For example, some kits cost $800, but you can make 400 bars of soap with them.

6. Determine costs and potential profits. How much will the soap business cost long-term?

✓ For example, if you buy an $800 kit and make 400 bars of soap, then you can price each bar at $4. This will give you a total $1600, so you make a profit of $800.


A soap-making business requires an investment of time and money. You can calculate your potential return after you buy supplies and figure out the costs.


Scented soap is a popular product, but how will you compete with major brands and boutiques? It’s important to consider your customer base and where you’ll sell your soap.

Consider these tips for finding customers:

1. Create your own website. A website can help you reach customers around the world and build your business.

✓ Advertise your website and products to find customers.

2. Join an established website. If you don’t want to make your own website, then you can join a website for sellers. You have multiple options including Etsy, eBay, and others. You can also find sites that specialize in handmade products.

3. Get a stand or booth at a farmer’s market. These markets often welcome handmade soap products.


✓ Farmer’s markets attract customers who value unique, handmade products.

✓ You can set up a booth and sell your soap. You can also use the opportunity to sign up customers for a list and have soap shipped to them on a regular basis.

4. Join local fairs. The fairs may allow you to sell your soap and reach new customers.

5. Make deals with small, local boutiques. Many boutiques welcome new merchandise that is handmade.

6. Consider getting a cart at a shopping center or mall. You can sell soap from a rolling cart or stand at the mall.

7. Join flea markets. They may be willing to let you sell your soap.

8. Make deals with hotels and bed and breakfast venues. Do you have local hotels or bed and breakfast inns that may enjoy stocking their rooms with handmade soap?

9. Check out gift shops. Local gift shops may be interested in carrying handmade soap for their customers.


It’s important to consider multiple customer bases and reach out to different locations. You can build a thriving soap-making business by finding new customers on a regular basis.


Soap can be purchased at any retail or online location, so you’ll have to stand out from the crowd. Your marketing and advertising plans will play a big role in the success of your soap-making business.

Try these marketing tips:

1. Create unique branding. Your individual brand needs to be special and help you stand out from other soap manufacturers.

2. Consider making unique soap. If you want your brand to stand out, then the soap has to be unique too. You can customize it in several ways and find different shapes, colors, and fragrances that work.

✓ You don’t have to make boring square soap bars. You can make soap into any shape depending on the mold you use.



✓ You can buy molds that create soap that looks like cars, dolls, trees, flowers and many other shapes. You can also practice and make your own molds or order custom ones from retailers.

✓ Make your own, unique fragrances by mixing several standard essential oils or other fragrances.

✓ You can even offer fragrance-free soap for people with sensitive skin.

✓ You can add various kinds of butters to your soap to turn it into moisturizing soap.

✓ Your soap can be customized with ingredients such as honey, aloe vera, goat milk, almond butter, olive oil and others.

✓ You can make your soap colorful and unique. You may want to consider fun colors such as pink, blue, green, purple or neon shades. You can purchase different colorants and mix them together.

3. Make unique labels for your brand. If you want customers to remember your soap, then you need labels that clearly carry your brand name.


✓ Your labels should state that the soap is handmade and point out the other features.

✓ Is your soap moisturizing, chemical-free, natural, or organic? Communicate these features on your label.

4. Advertise online. You can purchase social media ads and other types of ads to promote your business.

5. Advertise in local magazines or newspapers. They may be less popular, but you can still reach customers this way.

6. Attend small business events. These events give you the chance to talk about your business and share business cards.

✓ You may also learn more about running a small business and networking with others.

✓ You can build connections with local stores and boutiques that may be interested in carrying your soap.

7. Join soap-making forums online. One of the easiest ways to learn more about the business and pick up marketing tips is to reach out to other soap makers.


✓ Online forums dedicated to making soap can help you learn more about the process.

✓ They can introduce you to others who have years of soap-making experience. You can ask for advice, tips, or simply listen to their wisdom.

✓ You can learn more about advertising and marketing related to soap.

8. Consider retail distribution on a bigger scale. Can you get your soap into top retail stores around the country?

✓ For many soap makers, it’s a dream to sell their products in stores such as Whole Foods. However, it’s not easy to get retail distribution, and it requires money and effort.

✓ You also need a great deal of inventory before you can join big retail stores.

9. Consider niche markets. You may already be making unique soap, but it may not be enough. Niche markets can help you find more customers.


✓ What type of niche market for soap can you join?

✓ For example, one niche market for soap would be vegans. You can also make special soap for pets or exclusive, allergen-free soap.

10. Consider joining the Handcrafted Soap and Cosmetic Guild. This guild is an exclusive organization for people who make handcrafted items.

✓ The guild can help you market your soaps and learn more about advertising.

✓ It can also help you save money on insurance and other soap-making products. You can join other soap makers and learn from them.

✓ The other benefits of joining a guild include shipping discounts, listings in directories, and promotional help. You may also benefit from the online stores available from the guild or the discount merchant services.

11. Get interviews and make press releases. You can discuss your business with local reporters or bloggers who cover soap.


✓ You can discuss running a small business or offer advice toothers in interviews.

✓ You can also put out your own press releases andannounce new soap fragrances or shapes that you create.


A soap-making business can be an interesting way to increase your income. You can do the business at home, but you can sell the soap to people around the world, thanks to the internet.

Soap-making requires skill, time, effort, and a small amount of money to get started. However, you can build a fun, successful business that brings in a consistent income every month.