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Conventions of a TV Soap Trailer

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Most soaps include issues that people can relate to, including:

An issue can be the basis for the show that week, but their multi-strand storylines allow them to include more than one issue, including different characters in the show to make it look more realistic. They are usually set in one place and rarely introduce new characters, helping the audience to identify the characters and understand what is going on.

Relationship issues Sexual identity Friendship issues

Drug addictions Fights Family issues

Money problems


IllnessSexual infidelity

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Conventional characters:There is usually at least one good looking, dark male character that always find themselves in relationship problems. This character(s) is also used to appeal to the female audience. They usually appear strong, intelligent and heroic in comparison to the other characters.

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There are also a few attractive female characters in the soap, some of them are dressed provocatively, to attract the male audience and present heterosexual and homosexual relationship storylines.

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Young children are also featured in soaps to make them more relatable for parents and younger children.

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It is conventional for soap dramas to be set in a location like a lane, road or street.

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The most recent popular storylines include:

Hayley Croppers cancer story, whose final episode saw 10million people tune in

Sienna Blake's search for her daughter and mental breakdown

Lucy's murder, which attracted around 6.4 million viewers

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Front cover of magazines about soaps are aimed at the main storyline of that week, and feature a main image of characters included in the storyline. There are also thumbnail images of characters from other soaps and a tag line about that storyline too. The magazines are all bright using colours such as blues and yellows to attract the readers attention.

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Hollyoaks Will and Texas Wedding

Sound bridge, multi strand narrative, dramatic music, shot clips that cut to the beat, facial expressions. Linked to twitter with #

Eastenders Who Killed Lucy Beale Street Who Kills Tina

Mid shot of different characters involved, historic flashbacks, dramatic music, narrator over the top of channel ident, time and programme, features theme tune, short clips of her falling off of building

Shadowing word art effective, entertaining, linked to theme. Dramatic slow music, focus pull, eye effect, different storylines who killed her? Slow motion, tag line, narrator over channel ident

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Other effective A level videos:

Slow shot circling actors works well as it highlights that they are doing something important, makes it more creative and entertaining

Flashbacks work well, contrast between bright and dark develops storyline

Camera in the bottle looks effective, different type of camera shots which entertains audience, builds up tension
