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Project Name: SMU Data Integration Exercise (SMUDIE)

Lead Institution: Swansea Metropolitan/University of Wales Trinity Saint David

Project Lead: Nick Potter

The current information management systems at Swansea Metropolitan, both human and technical, have evolved organically over the years and have multiple points of data entry, management and reporting that carry the risk of compromising data integrity, consistency and accuracy. The aim of the Smudie project was to use evaluation and modelling techniques to fully assess the existing information management systems at the university, identify opportunities to improve those systems, and to create new system models to deliver those improvements. The project would use three complementary modelling techniques: Enterprise Architecture, Viable Systems and Soft Systems modelling; and would also draw on JISC resources and the outputs of other JISC projects in achieving its goals.


Swansea Metropolitan University merged with University of Wales Trinity St David on 1 st

October 2012. The new university is currently engaged in a process of management systems integration and institutional information management will be central to that process.

The Smudie project is therefore very timely. It was originally conceived as a vehicle for improving the student information management systems at Swansea Metropolitan University, but now the project outputs will be available to assist in the design and development of an integrated information system across the new institution.

Aims and objectives

The broad aim of the Smudie project was to systematically analyse and model the student information management systems at Swansea Metropolitan University, identify opportunities for improvement, and to develop new models to deliver those improvements. The project would use appropriate JISC resources in achieving this outcome.

The project objectives were to:

Conduct a comprehensive series of semi-structured interviews with all the key users of the student information management system at Swansea Metropolitan University;

Use the JISC-CETIS Enterprise Architecture Archi application to build an ‘as is’ model of the student information management system based on the outcomes of the interviews;

Use Viable Systems and Soft Systems modelling techniques to supplement and enrich the EA model by evaluating the current communications and control capacity, as well as the human systems characteristics;

Analyse the information gathered and use the ‘as is’ model to identify areas for improvement and optimisation;

Use other JISC resources such as the JISC InfoNet Managing the Information Lifecycle Infokit and Business Intelligence Infokit in the design of an optimised system;

Develop a ‘to be’ Enterprise Architecture model of the student information management system, using the JISC-Cetis Archi application, that delivered the improvements envisaged;

Supplement the EA model with parallel VSM and SSM derived improvements in the final ‘to be’ student information system model specification;

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Disseminate the project outcomes through stakeholder engagement workshops and, more widely, through the project blog, video stories, conference presentations and published reports.


A well designed and efficient student information management system is essential for the effective management of any academic institution. However, it is common for such systems to develop over time as the institution itself evolves and, as a result, sub-optimal combinations of technical solutions and operational processes can emerge. This was felt to be the case at Swansea Metropolitan University and the JISC Smudie project was seen as an opportunity to review and improve the information systems and procedures.

Institutional staff view and use student information in different ways and for different management purposes depending on their functional role. This can lead to changes in the technical systems, for example, that deliver benefits to one stakeholder group whilst having an unforeseen and unwelcome impact on another group. An intention of the Smudie project was to provide a systems overview that would help avoid such conflicts and ensure mutually supportive data communications between the different functional areas.

Enterprise Architecture is a powerful tool for modelling management systems and processes. In particular, it provides an explicit link between the management, application and technical systems used. EA modelling was supplemented in the Smudie project by elements of Soft Systems modelling and Viable Systems modelling that reinforced the human activity nature of the systems being described. These recognised and accommodated the fuzzy nature of human activity systems and the need to ensure that control and communications capacity was adequate between the different management sub-systems.

The business case

An effective and efficient management information system that meets the needs of all institutional stakeholders is easy to justify as an essential business tool. It is not so easy, however, to define the benefits in terms of cost savings and profit that would normally be used to build a business case. A more useful approach, from a business management point of view, would be to accept the need for an information management system and to build a business case around the design and cost-effectiveness of the solution chosen.

This is essentially what the Smudie project is aiming to do. It is a design and optimisation exercise that looks in considerable detail at the needs of each of the stakeholders and develops system models that meet the different needs, reconcile conflicts and specify the functionality required. An important factor that the Viable Systems part of the analysis brings to the exercise is the recognition of self-managing information sub-systems and the need to ensure adequate communications capacity between them.

The resulting system specification, at a business operations level, can then be used to inform the design and procurement decisions to be made at the application and technical levels. Clearly there are legacy issues to be dealt with here. The existing technical systems in the merged university will be a mixture of home grown and proprietary applications with varying degrees of effective integration. Part of the planning process will be to decide which systems and sub-systems to retain and which to replace.

The outcomes of the Smudie project, in terms of a ‘to be’ model, is planned to be systems independent and will have the purpose of informing future systems design, investment decisions and hence the business case underpinning those decisions.

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Key drivers

The key drivers for the Smudie project all related to effective student support, efficient institutional management, the provision of high quality services and meeting the reporting requirements of external bodies. Central amongst these were:

Ensuring the accurate, consistent and timely capture and management of student information across the whole institution;

Aiming towards an integrated student information management system that was both effective and efficient as well as being user friendly;

Improving the support of students through the early identification of problems from information reported;

Providing high quality information for exam boards and other academic quality processes;

Ensuring that all externally reported information is accurate, meets all statutory requirements and effectively presents the institutional performance profile.

JISC resources/technology used

The main JISC resource used by the Smudie project was the Archi Enterprise Architecture application developed by JISC-Cetis. This is a free, open source tool for the creation of business system models using the Enterprise Architecture ArchiMate modelling language.

The Archi tool has been widely adopted in the commercial and educational sectors for Enterprise Architecture business modelling and has been used by members of the Smudie team in other JISC and European projects. During the JISC Bracken project, which included both Swansea Metropolitan and Trinity St David as partners, Two Enterprise Architecture workshops were organised, facilitated by an external consultant from Staffordshire University, aimed at developing skills in the use of the Archi application.

A range of other JISC resources were consulted as part of the Smudie project planning. In particular, the JISC infoNet InfoKits were a valuable source of information: the Records Management InfoKit being a good example.

Participation in the broader activities of the JISC community of practice has also been of significant benefit for the Smudie project team. In particular, long term involvement in the JISC Curriculum Design programme with Staffordshire University, Manchester Metropolitan University, Leeds Metropolitan University and the University of Bolton has provided valuable additional experience in the use of Enterprise Architecture modelling. Similarly, regular participation in the JISC Learning and Teaching Practice Experts Group has enabled the valuable sharing of innovative developments with other practitioners.


There were two key outcomes to be delivered by the Smudie project. The first of these was the ‘as is’ model of the student information management system at Swansea Metropolitan University that was created during the first phase of the project and was reported through three reports for university management (Appendix A), and also on the project blog.

The second outcome planned for the project was the ‘to be’ model which took the lessons learned from the first phase and used them to design new models that addressed the problems identified with the existing student information management systems and proposed improvements. A planning report was prepared for this phase and led to the detailed evaluation of information management modelling methods that, together, could contribute to the planned outcome. This resulted in a project report that described the process of

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synthesising the different modelling methods and included a case study of how the modelling was applied in practice.


The overall achievements of the Smudie project have included:

The completion of a comprehensive stakeholder survey at Swansea Metropolitan University that gathered the views of all the different functional areas that used or had impact on the student information system. The key outcome was a picture of how the needs and viewpoints varied depending on their different roles. This in turn, indicated where improvements could be made to accommodate those different needs;

The creation of a series of Enterprise Architecture models of the existing student information management systems at the university. These models clearly indicated the inconsistencies that existed in the system and provided a focus for discussions about improvement;

The production of a series of management reports and the presentation of project findings to senior management at the university. This had the immediate effect of informing decisions regarding, for example, student attendance monitoring and reporting;

The development of a ‘to be’ modelling technique for future information systems management planning that combined the benefits of Enterprise Architecture, Viable Systems and Soft Systems modelling methods. The benefits here were seen to be not only for the improvement of information systems at the university, but also to advance the debate on effective management modelling approaches generally.


The benefits delivered by the Smudie project include:

A better understanding by all the stakeholders across the university of the different viewpoints on the student information management system by the different functional areas.

As a consequence, the ability of the different functional areas to understand each others’ needs and to work towards a mutually supportive solution.

The production of a systems design model to assist management conversations and decisions about student information management in the merged institution.

A contribution to the wider debate in the JISC community of practice about information systems management and the use of modelling techniques in systems design.


The main drawback for the Smudie project will be the timescale and processes involved in the institutional merger. Although it is anticipated that the outcomes of the project will be valuable when an integrated student information management system is discussed, there will clearly be many other management decisions to be taken during 2013 and beyond. An obvious option is for both institutions (which currently have different information management software systems) to continue to use their existing systems pending a planning process. As a result, implementation of the project outcomes may be delayed.

It is for this reason that the project reporting focussed on presenting the outcomes and lessons learned in a more generic way. The intention was to provide a tool to assist future planning rather than make specific recommendations for the existing systems.

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Key lessons

The key lessons learned from the Smudie project included:

The need for senior management sponsorship of any project that is addressing institution-wide issues. It has to be driven from the top and be seeking to solve issues already identified as important by management;

The benefits of the JISC-Cetis Archi Enterprise Architecture modelling tool. The value of this open source software application cannot be over emphasised. It provides a cost-effective and comprehensive tool that works straight out of the box, is intuitive to use and will help anyone new to Enterprise Architecture modelling to develop competence and technique. Without a doubt, a hugely successful JISC-Cetis development;

The importance of understanding the viewpoints of all stakeholders using a management system, of understanding that they are different, and of ensuring that all the stakeholders are aware of that. Only then can they all contribute to the design of an integrated system;

The benefits of using management modelling techniques in systematically analysing and designing management systems. A key lesson here is to draw from the modelling methods that best suit the purpose of the exercise. In this case, Enterprise Architecture was not the whole solution (though it was the main visualisation method) and needed the additional human activity systems modelling considerations contributed by SSM, and the control and capacity considerations of VSM;

A final lesson that came from the exercise was the recognition that institutional management systems are made up of self-managing sub-systems that need to be supported as such with the requisite variety of resources and communications channels to optimally fulfil their role.

Looking ahead

Swansea Metropolitan University, now merged as part of the University of Wales Trinity St David, will be planning the integration of all their management systems, including the student information management system. It is hoped that the outcomes of the JISC Smudie project will be of assistance in that process.

Beyond that immediate activity, it is also hoped that the experience from the Smudie project, particularly in the use of systematic management system modelling as part of the planning process, will be a valuable legacy. It is also hoped that the same value will be of benefit to the wider JISC community addressing similar issues.


A key feature of the Smudie project was its use of Enterprise Architecture and the JISC-Cetis Archi application. This software fits in well with the general sustainability strategy and objectives at Swansea Met where all recent JISC funded TEL developments have had a similar approach.

Open source software, social networking applications OERs and cloud computing are all seen as components of a future sustainable online educational delivery environment. The Smudie project has now made a modest contribution to extending the principle to educational management planning.
