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AOI, X-ray, functional testing – all typical inline testing and inspection equipment. They allow nearly com-plete monitoring of the production process – based on pre-programmed decision thresholds. One thing is still done manually, however: the quali-fication and improvement of the pro-duction process. This article presents an approach to comprehensive process qualifica-tion given the improvement potential in today‘s inspection environment.

The idea is simple: if we consider the production process, we see that mod-ern production systems are generally capable of manufacturing quality con-stant within a certain tolerance range, by means of correctly adjusted proc-ess parameters.Qualifying a production system proves more difficult, however. Qualification depends on the ability to detect souces of faults, to register the totality of all pos-sible faults, and to assess the effects of these faults.

Insufficient qualification of the process can be the consequence of the inade-quate detection of the possible causes of faults. The process then lies in the borderline area. Merely those faults occurring during the setup phase of the inline equipment can be generally be taken into account for the process. Faults that are not or cannot be de-tected are potentially dangerous for the process, however. The consequence can be early failure of the affected subassembly – no rare occurrence, as unfortunately seen in the past. The affected company may suffer financial loss if the failure is covered by the war-ranty, or at least the company‘s image

may be tarnished. In such cases pro-cess engineers were of the opinion that reliability data such as the PPM indica-ted a relatively high quality process – an erroneous conclusion, as it turned out.

The Goal: Comprehensive Process Qualification

Process qualification largely employs manual inspection mechanisms – gen-erally the microscope. The reliability of process qualification then crucially de-pends on the • available inspection equipment and the • inspector‘s experience.Both variables affect the reliability of process qualification and hence the quality of the process and the prod-ucts. As the producer of soldering and in-spection systems, ERSA GmbH has been deeply concerned about these issues and has sought for solutions.

Available Testing and Inspection Equipment for Detecting Sources of Faults

Sources of faults cannot be detected without knowledge of the process it-self. Take the soldering process, for example:The current inline testing and inspec-tion procedures are not capable of pre-senting a complete picture of all possible faults occurring in the soldering pro-cess, as Table 1 shows. For example, cold solder joints, fissured connections and flux residues remain largely unde-tected. According to analyses by Stig Oresjo of Agilent Technologies, inade-quate solder joints make up nearly a fifth of all soldering faults (Year 1999 Defect Level and Fault Spectrum Study).

The good/poor decision thresholds de-fined for the inline inspection equip-ment in the setup phase are in turn based on incomplete information about faults. While the classical microscope is generally used as a support for inspec-

SMT Process Qualification: What You Need to Know Beyond AOI & Arndt Neues*This article was published for the first time in the „productronic“ issue 02/01.

Table 1 Source: An Integrated Test And Inspection Strategy, David M. Mendez, SOLECTRON, Texas, IPC Proceedings of APEX, March 2000


Method Good Satisfactory Poor

ICT Interruption Too little solder Bent leadIn-Circuit Test Solder bridge Missing component Positioning precision Defective component Fissured joint Entrapped air Component value Cold solder joint

AOI Bent lead Interruption Hidden solder jointAutomated Placement accuracy Component value Too little solderOptical Inspection Solder bridge Entrapped air Missing component Cold solder joint

X-RAYS Hidden solder joint Polarity Defective componentLaminography Too little solder Component value Entrapped air Flux residue Interruption Fissured joint Solder bridge Cold solder joint Missing component

ERSA Know-How TransferTechnical Article

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ting fault phenomena more precisely, this inspection technology must keep pace with the rapid trend towards minia-turisation: greater and greater magni-fication is needed. The resulting new perspectives and types of faults become a challenge even for experienced inspectors. And faults at hidden solder joints are hardly ana-lysable even when detected by X-rays. They remain inacces-sible and hence unviewable except by means of cross sectioning – a time-consu-ming method that can be applied only sporadi-cally.

ERSA supple-ments the range of inspection tools with the ERSASCOPE System 3000 (Fig. 1 in the top). The 90° optics of the system allows viewing of areas on the electronic subassembly that in the past were hardly accessible opti-cally. The scope of performance inclu-des both the consideration of hidden solder joints and the inspection of solder deposits through side views. The device can thus display faults not detectable by other procedures. Moreover, it is an indispensable aid for graphically repre-senting suspected problems indicated by the other procedures. Fig. 2 shows a few ERSASCOPE images of faults detected by X-rays.

In combination with other systems, the ERSASCOPE thus forms a solid basis for uncovering fault types in the pro-duction process to the widest possible extent.

Process Improvement through Feed-back – the Inspector‘s Experience

There remains the second issue noted above – the inspector‘s experi-

ence. Every wrong decision by the inspector means reduced profitability, either

because the failure to detect faults leads to defective

goods being prodced, or because there is a high rejection rate for subas-

semblies with non-critical defects. Repairs are costly, as

is the manufacturer‘s reputation. The inspector thus bears a burden that should be alleviated. The subjective dimension of the decision-making pro-cess must be brought under control, if that process is to be objectively assessed.

Inspection has basically just one goal: process improvement. Inspection as-sures that the current status quo of the process is coupled to the tasksetting of process improvement and hence qua-lity improvement for the process in the future. And since this step is supposed

to be comprehensible and reconstruc-tible for future decision processes, com-plete documentation of the inspection results is equally necessary.

The process improvement comprises altogether the steps of fault detection, decision (good/poor), analysis, process modification, documentation and chek-king. Deming already graphically repre-sented this concept in the middle of the last century (Fig. 3). R.J. Klein Wassink & M.M.F. Verguld analogously state the requirements in their work on „Manufac-turing Techniques for Surface Mounted Assemblies“ as follows: no inspection without documentation, no documenta-tion without analysis, no analysis wit-hout action. But what does the practical approach look like for the SMT pro-cess?

Taking the soldering process as an example, we encounter an immense range of distinctive soldering faults. Their structure, form, colour, etc. vary enormously. In particular with the sol-der balls of the BGAs and flip chips, the hidden solder joints, a criteria tree cannot be set up without undue expen-diture that would allow automation of analysis. The approach by ERSA GmbH with the quality assurance software for pro-cess qualification, ImageDoc 1.2, opts for decision-making supported by the following software structure:

Fig. 2: X-ray image and explanatory ERSASCOPE views

X-ray image of PBGA 225: A and B show mistakes but are unclear of source

A. ERSASCOPE reveals flux residue bridge with conductive particles

B. ERSASCOPE shows incomplete solder melt of paste.



ERSA Know-How TransferSMT Process Qualification: What You Need to Know Beyond AOI & Co.

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The inspector retrieves good/poor ex-amples, or reference images, stored in the system for the element under in-spection (Fig. 4).

Comparing his inspection results with the reference images, he can easily reach an objective decision guided by the software.On the basis of this deci-sion, the software displays to the opera-tor the fault type at issue. The operator receives not only a definition of the fault, but also information on the effects of this type of fault as well as scientifi-cally prepared background information (analytical step). The operator thereby increases his range of experience (trai-ning effect).

As an approach to finding a solution, suggestions are made to the operator for improving the process, so that he can effect the feedback to the process (Fig. 5). Finally, the inspection findings are documented and entered in the database, where they remain available for later applications. The latter could be a verification of a decision, statistical analysis or recording of the inspection results in the reference image list.

This hardware-software concept can be applied to all processes possibly invol-ving faults difficult to detect because of the wide variety of forms in which they occur. The structure of the software allows a separate database to be set up geared

to the problems typically encountered by the user. Users can create, manage and expand their own reference image groups. The broader the basis of the information sources, the more objec-tive will this inspection tool become. The system continually grows, and can always be supplemented with new fault types related to new technology, for example.

The software supplied by ERSA already contains, for example, a problem data-base with typical faults of the soldering process.


The broad spectrum of applications al-lows ImageDoc 1.2 to be combined not only with the ERSASCOPE, but also with microscopes and X-ray equipment, for example. The consistent application of the structures contained in the soft-ware will always produce the desired results of a procedure appropriate to today‘s quality requirements on the inspection of production processes.ERSA intends its products ERSA-SCOPE and ImageDoc 1.2 to provide the foundation for comprehensive pro-cess qualification, which together with the procedures of AOI, X-ray radiogra-phy and functional testing constitutes a combined testing and inspection stra-tegy for state-of-the-art SMT proces-ses.

Fig. 3: PDCA cycle for process improvement acc. to W.E. Deming, 1950

Fig. 4 ImageDoc 1.2 software: Reference images for PBGA

Fig. 5 ImageDoc 1.2 software: Problem/solution description

*Dipl.-Ing. Arndt Neuese-mail: [email protected] Manager for Inspection Systems,ERSA GmbH in 97877 Wertheim, Germany

ERSA Know-How TransferSMT Process Qualification: What You Need to Know Beyond AOI & Co.

• Recognize the problem

• Analyze the Causes

• Collecting Data

• Plan Improvements

• Stabilize the Process

• Standardize Improvements

• Analyze Data

• Determimine effectiveness

• Observe Results

• Carry out Improvements



