Page 1: Smoke Signals -Samhain 2008

Be Good 2 Mother Earth, Buffalo, NY [email protected]


Ahh… I love the sights and smells of Autumn, don’t you? Here in the Buffalo, NY we’re in the full swing of Fall, my favorite time of the year. The leaves are changing colour, the weather is getting cooler (time to get out the ponchos and sweatshirts), and I’m getting ready for Samhain! I’ve been very busy at work, I know it seems like I’m always writing that whether it be on my blog or in my newsletters. But it’s true, and I’m thankful for it. Keeps my mind active and helps out the community. There’s still a lot of curiosity about Reiki, yet the hesitation remains. That’s ok; the word is starting to spread. Some good news for local Buffalonians: I’m now scheduling for Reiki services for the Fall. I’ve got my table ready and I’m making house calls! Yes, it’s true, have Reiki table- will travel. I’m working in approx. a 30-40 mile radius. If you’re interested in Reiki

Fall Is Here

House Smudging Ceremonies

Recently I was asked by a local resident if I did

house smudging ceremony. I quite aptly

answered: “Why yes I do!” She was ecstatic!

What is a house smudging ceremony? A house

smudging ceremony is a ritual where a

knowledgeable person cleanses a house of

unwanted energy. For example, if you’ve just

moved into an apartment that was previously

rented out, you may want it cleansed to get the

old energy out so that your energy may flow


Fall is Here 1

House Smudging Ceremonies 1

Dried Apple Faces 2

Stone of the Month: Hematite 3

Prayer for Samhain 4

What is Samhain? 4

New Items @ BGTME 5

services, give a shout out or shoot off an email my way for further information. The great thing about a house call is:

1. Convenience: make the appointment for when YOU want it.

2. The comfort of your own environment. 3. No muss, no fuss! I bring my stuff and

all you need to do is relax and enjoy the Reiki!

Fall is a great time for an attunement. The hustle and bustle of the Summer is over, and things are starting to slow down. Get yourself into the right frame of mind for the upcoming

Winter season.

harmoniously. Often times new homeowners will

buy an older home and feel that something is “off”

in the home, but are unable to put a finger on it.

This is where a smudging comes in very handy.

Think about it; say your home is 70 years old when

you buy it. It has 70 years of previous owners’

energy within it. Some of it may be good, yes, but

some of it may not be so good. Perhaps there was

illness, or a fire within the house. That energy

often gets trapped in corners of the home and

October 2008

Volume 1, I ssue 3

Please see House Smudging Ceremonies on page 4

By Rev. Kimberly

By Rev. Kimberly

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Smoke Signals

Dried apple faces can be made to

look like skulls, doll faces or


Dried Apple Faces

This is a fun activity and perfect for this time of year with all the apples that are readily available. Materials: Apples Small Knife Peeler ½ cup of lemon juice mixed with 2 tbs of salt (if you want to prevent a lot of browning) Imagination Directions: Simply peel the outer skin off the apples, and then care faces into them, eyes, noses, mouths. Then allow them to sit out or place on a baking rack on lowest setting in the oven to dry. This does take some time, so if you want them for a specific time, make sure to start early! The faces will brown and shrivel. They’re so cute when they come out! If you want to get creative when they’re done

Autumn Simmering Potpourri

This is a great way to make the house smell nice and use up the apple peels from the Dried Apple Faces. Ingredients: Apple peels Cinammon (sticks or powdered) Cloves (whole: small handful, ground 1-2 tsp) Nutmeg (ground: 1-2 tsp) Allspice (1-2 tsp) Vanilla (1-2 tsp) Orange peels (if you want them) Small simmering pot Water Directions: Simply throw all the times into a small simmering pot, add water to cover the peels, and allow them to float freely. Simmer on

you can make hats for them out of paper or scrap material, decorate them with raisins, cloves, rice for teeth or beads… paint them.

The sky’s the limit!

lowest setting on top of stove. As the water level lowers, feel free to add more.

It makes the house smell divine!

By Rev. Kimberly

Family Activities for Samhain/Fall

Coming soon: Q&A section. Please email me with your questions, and you could be featured in an upcoming newsletter! [email protected]

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Page 3 Smoke Signals

Hematite is a great stone for Samhain. It is a cold, silvery/black stone that is smooth to the touch. When smoothed and polished, it can be great for scrying. Light a candle and think of your question. Look into the hematite and allow your gaze to soften. Your answer will soon come to you. This stone is wonderful for grounding energy. Holding the stone in your hands and envisioning your energy going into it will help put you on a more even keel. (Think about when you’re out in public and you’re overwhelmed by everyone’s energy, carrying hematite in your pocket to rub when you get stressed soon makes the stress disappear.) You can place it on any part of your body where an affliction is and it will help draw out the pain. (Great for headaches!)

Cleansing the stone: Washing the stone in soapy water, and then allowing it to soak up moonlight is a wonderful way to get rid of all the energy it’s soaked up from you. Do this often. This stone is an added benefit to any pagan bag or pocket!

Herbs for Samhain:

Rosemary (for remembrance)

Mugwort (for aiding divination)

Mullein (for abundance)

*Make a Broom

*Make a resolution then

burn it

*Have a mute supper

*Leave apples out for

passing spirits

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Smoke Signals

remains there until it is cleared out.

What can one expect during a smudging

ceremony? First, I do an initial interview. I ask

about the home, business, property (whatever you

want smudged). Upon agreement, I come to the

residence/business/property and do a walk

through after spending some time with the owner

and get a “feel” for the place. I start with a

blessing on the home/business/property and then

I light a sage wand (sometimes I use other herbs as

well, or bring in crystals to help out). I go slowly,

methodically from room to room, clearing out energy

until the house/property/business is cleared. When the

owner feels contented, it is only then that I leave.

I am then available for any questions before, during

and after the ceremony.

Are follow ups needed? That depends on how the

owner feels. I cannot judge for the owner.

House Smudging Ceremonies from page 1

Prayer for Samhain By Rev. Kimberly

In the time of shadows, When the mist lies upon the ground, The veils between this world and the

other spreads thin. This is the time to remember those

who’ve gone before us, Our Friends,

Our Ancestors, Our Companion animals.

The connection is felt now, among the pumpkins, candles and ghoulish

festivities. Let us feel the distance no more.

Let us glean some sort of insight from this Otherworld.

May those that went before us show us the way.

May we never forget that the circle of life is endless.

With every Death is Rebirth. May we find comfort. May we find peace. May we find love.

Blessed Be

What is Samhain? Samhain (pronounced sow-when) is celebrated by marking the final harvest of the year, a day when the veil between this world and the Otherworld is thinnest and one can commune with and remember the dead. There are two sources that Samhain could’ve possibly stemmed from: one is from the Aryan God of Death Samana… and the other could be from the Irish Gaelic word “Samhraidhreadh” which means “summer’s end”. For the Celts, Samhain marked the end of summer and beginning of winter, the day after Samhain being marked as the first day of the Celtic Year. For modern pagans, this is a time of year for conversing with the dead, honouring the dead, and divining. One way this is done is by placing an ancestral altar in a central part of your home. Mine is usually covered with pictures of loved ones and special people and animals that have died. Also, my family lights special pumpkin candles making a wish for the future and a dressed Ancestral Candle that is lit for the evening in remembrance of those who have died. After trick-or treating, I spend time honouring the God and Goddess, my deceased loved ones and do my divining for guidance. I offer up drink and bread to them and thank them for all they help me with.

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Be Good 2 Mother Earth

Buffalo, NY


Phone number


[email protected]

We’re on the Web!

Visit us at:

Services for the Soul


Services for the Soul

Buffalo, NY 14220


What’s New at BGTME? I’m always working on new items, so here’s what’s up:

Astrology’s Children: currently working on Western Astrology. These little sculptures are my interpretations of each sign. At the moment Cancer and Aries are available. New children coming soon!

Healing Jewelry: Ideas are popping in all the time, newest pieces: Minerva’s Wisdom set, Soothing Malachite Bracelet and Calming Flight set.

Café Press Items: This is so much fun! New items of The BGTME Goddess on shirts, mugs, and more! New items will be posted regularly. URL:

Exciting New Ideas: There are some new things on the horizon. Look for them soon!

Do you have questions/suggestions? Please email me:

[email protected]