
SMMA: Yet Another Tai Lopez's Grand Slam January 28, 2017

Tai Lopez’s Grand Slam From the desk of Mike Long Note; Many images click to video footage.

The first day Tai Lopez announced Social Media Marketing Agency, his new program, 4-months ago, I was on the phone with his cousin Maya, setting things in motion for this event. I’m more wowed than expected. But when Tai goes for it, he goes big. He brings us big celebs. His Social Media presence is big. SMMA too.

OMG Tai Lopez Events Page �1

Tai Lopez

Entrepreneur’s Social Media Strategist to watch 2017, Tai Lopez rocketed from underground phenom, to celeb, taking us for the ride.


Shocking grand slam for insane price. You’ll know if you want it after reading this.

Joe & my bonus

Street Smart Joe and I went to Tai’s Hollywood HQ, revealed Video SEO.

Kotton’s bonus

Joe and $11,000,000 in 2016 man, Kotton, deliver Client Consulting Crusher webinar Jan 31 6 EST. Client scripts + how to get your ads on (and any other “news” site) during the Super Bowl, free.

TAI LOPEZ SMMA WHITEPAPER Tai Lopez's Instagram | Tai Lopez YouTube | Tai Lopez Facebook | Tai Lopez Twitter | Tai Lopez Snapchat

Tai Lopez and Mike Long: Click here for our Client Consulting Crusher Event.

SMMA: Yet Another Tai Lopez's Grand Slam January 28, 2017

Social Media Marketing Agency One you see it, Tai’s SMMA speaks for itself. You’re getting a Ferrari for the price of a Honda.

So I decided to let SMMA speak for itself. Because of that this OMG SMMA Whitepaper is 90% images, pulled from SMMA and Tai’s social media.

OMG Tai Lopez Events Page �2

SMMA: Yet Another Tai Lopez's Grand Slam January 28, 2017

OMG Tai Lopez Events Page �5

But wait! There’s more!

Because Kotton, Street Smart Joe, and I decided to really pump up the value proposition to tip the scales for anybody left even thinking twice.

First I went to Tai’s Hollywood HQ and recorded an incredible Video SEO bonus for SMMA.

Then Joe called me up and said he wanted to do a webinar to give people an incredible client getting script and game plan. Kotton upped the ante big time when he decided to reveal his Consulting Client Crusher technique that allows you to put your ads on nearly any site, even during the SuperBowl…and you’ll have the knowledge of how to do it free.

That webinar is Monday January 31st, 6 PM Eastern. Click here to join SMMA
