
Smart tricks of achieving more than your ability

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Want more?

I remember a couple of years back, when I just started my professional career, I was all charged & dared to take risks.

But, about two year later I felt I had tremendous energy & zeal but, it wasn’t getting channelised or used.

I was focused on work & had professional dreams. Where was I going wrong?

What was I missing that the goal eluded me?

Here is what I found out…………visit for best management ppts

Know the reason Do you know the reason why you

wish to take up a job, assignment or project?

Always have a motive & a reason behind any work that you do.

Have a goal & the purpose behind any task that you take up.

When you know the reason behind a task, you know the direction, path & you are focused.

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Passion with a purpose

I kept participating in photography contests, which started as a passion.

But, I realised I was spending money & time with no real appreciation.

Gradually I learnt that I was looking for recognition & when it didn’t come I got frustrated.

So I started publicising my work, which gave a purpose to my passion. visit for best management ppts

Minute details

Small details are ignored but, can cause a huge loss.

You would never ever had imagined what would happen if suddenly your laptop stopped working.

You have a presentation in just 10 minutes & your laptop decides to act funny.

What do you do? So always take care of minor details to have things going according to your plan.

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Alert & attentive

One of our clients was expecting his website to go live & so it did as planned.

But, just after 30 minutes of it going live, the client called saying, “The content has such blunders. How can your writer be so careless.”

These were errors due to the backend coding that messed up the content; basically typo errors.

See how things are intertwined & small errors results in huge blunders. visit for best management ppts

Extend help

When you look beyond yourself to understand someone’s challenge, you have a sense of happiness that is unparalleled.

In giving is a medium of extending your horizon, developing relations, which are the backbone of any business.

Often we get busy with our own hassles & fail to look at our colleagues too.

Extend help to them to grow personally & professionally.

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Empathy builds relations

My colleague who sits just next to me once looked pretty low.

He didn’t seem his usual self. Its hard to believe that I didn’t notice him till afternoon.

I asked him what was the matter. He said that he had lost his cousin.

He could hardly concentrate, I took up the responsibility of doing his work for two days & asked him to relax a bit.

This certainly brought me close to him & we developed a great work relation too.

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Have a mentor

Always have a mentor who can guide you; sail you through tough times.

A mentor knows where you are going wrong, what you need to learn, improve & relearn.

He helps you take decisions while you are in a dilemma. He builds certain values in your life that are hard to inculcate but, once you inculcate them in your life, you propel.

Without a mentor, who gives a third eye view & an insight, you wouldn’t maximise your potential.

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My mentor

Some values that my mentor inculcated in me: Always be on the time you promised; time is the most

valuable asset.

Given a word, stick to it, no matter how tough it is to fulfil it.

Never say, ‘I will try.’ Either it is ‘yes’ or a ‘no’.

Appreciate others. Take care of your health as your body is the vehicle of your dreams.

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Develop others

As you grow & get experienced in your professional journey, freshers do join your team.

Always develop them & guide them.

Your experience & knowledge can be of tremendous use to them.

Sharing of knowledge is never one way, it leads to exchange of ideas & results in your growth too.

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Share your knowledge

While walking through a book store, a young lad approached me, ‘Yes mam, may I help you.’

After a brief discussion his colleague a bit more experienced came forward to get me the title I was looking for.

After I proceeded to next section, I saw the same colleague explaining the young lad about various section & building relations with the customers.

He wasn’t the manager but, just a colleague who was trying to guide the lad. visit for best management ppts


Planning is the first step that you take towards your goal.

A fool proof plan doesn’t give the desired results unless you execute the plan.

Lot of people believe in plan, plan, plan.

But, I say execute, because along the plan you tend to procrastinate, stop monitoring & delay things.

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As a team everything was going well. Our manager too was satisfied. He had monitored our plan but, only Rakesh wasn’t performing up to the mark.

He lagged behind the schedule that he was given. Our manager didn’t realise it & the project took time to finish.

Our whole team had to suffer due to Rakesh not executing his daily schedule & our manager not monitoring the whole team.

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Failure or loss

You do your best to achieve success, but, failure comes your way.

What do you do when you fail? Your mind juggles for answers as to why you failed?

Hidden in this brainstorming is your answer to avoid doing the same mistakes.

Also, keep a plan B ready so that you don’t have to give up though plan A didn’t work. visit for best management ppts

Don’t doubt

Thank all the people who doubted you, because they make you all the more determined.

Skeptics will doubt you, when you take up a challenge that no one has ever been successful at.

Take it as a boost of confidence & as a challenge to prove the skeptics wrong.

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Achieve more

Have a reason & a motive behind what you do. Small details if ignored can result into huge losses. Extend help to those who need to be guided. Always have a mentor who can guide you; sail you through

tough times. Share your knowledge. Your experience & knowledge can be

of tremendous use to someone. Focus on executing because, along the plan you tend to

procrastinate, stop monitoring & delay things. Be prepared with Plan B, in case you fail. Search the reasons

for your failure, so that you can avoid making mistakes in future.

Thank all the people who doubted you, because they make you all the more determined. visit for best management ppts

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