  • 7/27/2019 Smart Material in Medicine


    Smart mater ials used in medical


  • 7/27/2019 Smart Material in Medicine


    Table of contents

    1. General description of smart materials

    2. Smart metallics used in medical applications

    Intelligent titanium surfaces Nitinol (for Nickel Titanium Naval Ordnance Laboratory)

    3. Smart ceramics used in medical applications

    Hydroxyapatite Zirconia

    4. Smart polymers used in medical applications

    High-performance polyethylene Hydrogels Poly(methyl methacrylate) Polyglycolic acid LTL Color Compounders

    5. Smart composites used in medical applications

    Electrical resistance measurement in carbon-reinforced composites Piezo composites

    6. New tendencies and ideas in smart materials used in medical applications

    7. Conclusions

    8. Bibliography

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    1. General description of smart materials

    1.1. What are smart materials?

    Fig. 1.1. Evolution of materials

    Science and technology have made amazing developments in the design of electronics and

    machinery using standard materials, which do not have particularly special properties (i.e. steel,

    aluminum, gold). Imagine the range of possibilities, which exist for special materials that have

    properties scientists can manipulate. Some such materials have the ability to change shape or size

    simply by adding a little bit of heat, or to change from a liquid to a solid almost instantly when near a

    magnet; these materials are called smart materials.

    Smart materials have one or more properties that can be dramatically altered. Most everyday

    materials have physical properties, which cannot be significantly altered; for example if oil is heated

    it will become a little thinner, whereas a smart material with variableviscositymay turn from a fluid

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    which flows easily to a solid. A variety of smart materials already exist, and are being researched

    extensively. These include piezoelectric materials, magneto-rheostatic materials, electro-rheostatic

    materials, and shape memory alloys. Some everyday items are already incorporating smart materials

    (coffeepots, cars, the International Space Station, eyeglasses) and the number of applications for

    them is growing steadily.

    Each individual type of smart material has a different property which can be significantly

    altered, such as viscosity, volume, and conductivity. The property that can be altered influences what

    types of applications the smart material can be used for.

    There are a number of types of smart material, some of which are already common. Some examples

    are as following:

    Piezoelectricmaterials are materials that produce a voltage when stress is applied. Since thiseffect also applies in the reverse manner, a voltage across the sample will produce stress within

    the sample. Suitably designed structures made from these materials can therefore be made that

    bend, expand or contract when a voltage is applied.

    Shape memory al loysandshape memory polymersare materials in which large deformationcan be induced and recovered through temperature changes or stress changes (pseudoelasticity).

    The large deformation results due to martensitic phase change.

    Magnetostrictivematerials exhibit change in shape under the influence of magnetic field andalso exhibit change in their magnetization under the influence of mechanical stress.

    Magnetic shape memoryalloys are materials that change their shape in response to asignificant change in the magnetic field.

    pH-sensiti ve polymersare materials that change in volume when the pH of the surroundingmedium changes.

    Temperatur e-responsive polymersare materials which undergo changes upon temperature. Halochromicmaterials are commonly used materials that change their colour as a result of

    changing acidity. One suggested application is for paints that can change colour to

    indicatecorrosionin the metal underneath them.

    Chromogeni c systemschange colour in response to electrical, optical or thermal changes.These includeelectrochromicmaterials, which change their colour or opacity on the application

    of a voltage (e.g.liquid crystal displays),thermochromicmaterials change in colour depending

    on their temperature, andphotochromicmaterials, which change colour in response to lightfor

    example, light sensitivesunglassesthat darken when exposed to bright sunlight.

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    Photomechanical materi alschange shape under exposure to light. Self -healing materialshave the intrinsic ability to repair damage due to normal usage, thus

    expanding the material's lifetime

    Dielectri c elastomers(DEs) are smart material systems which produce large strains (up to300%) under the influence of an external electric field.

    Magnetocaloric materialsare compounds that undergo a reversible change in temperatureupon exposure to a changing magnetic field.

    Thermoelectric materi alsare used to build devices that convert temperature differences intoelectricity and vice-versa.

    Several well established and ongoing applications are today available for adaptive/active

    materials in medicine that exploit the properties of shape memory and super elastic alloys, shape

    memory polymers, active and resorbable bioceramics and bioglasses, biomimetic polymers and gels,

    active (nano)particles, smart textiles, active optical fibers, etc.

    Nevertheless, the continuously increasing capability to image and manage matter at the

    atomic and molecular level enabled by a number of nanoscale tools such as scanning probes, self and

    directed assembly, single molecule techniques, nanolithography and DNA-based technologies,

    coupled with advanced theory, multiscale modeling and simulation approaches for nanophase and

    nanostructured materials and smart nano/micro/meso-engineered devices and prostheses, is fuelling

    relevant opportunities and entirely new perspectives to inbuilt smartness or intelligence in materials

    and devices that would interject in a meaningful way with the body environment. These are opening

    new frontiers in medical diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, therapies, and in implant and prostheses.

    Specific areas of interest include new or creatively engineered materials, multi-scale cell

    engineering for functional tissues and drug and gene delivery systems, new materials and systems for

    medical diagnostics, implants and prostheses, and systemic interaction in the body environment

    including biocompatibility and biofunctionality issues.

    2. Smart metallics used in medical applications

    2.1. Intelligent titanium surfaces

    Researchers Say That Smart Metallic Surfaces May Lead to Better Prostheses

    Researchers at the Universit de Montral with help from McGill University, the Institut National de

    la Recherche Scientifique (INRS-EMT), Plasmionique Inc and the Universidade de So Paulo, have managed
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    to chemically modify titanium to create so called intelligent surfaces. The new material can interact with

    cells in the body and either promote healing or suppress their growth. It is believed that this research will lead

    to smart prostheses that will help promote healing of tissue post implantation.

    Dr. Nanci and colleagues applied chemical compounds to modify the surface of the common

    biomedical metals such as titanium. Exposing these metals to selected etching mixtures of acids and oxidants

    results in surfaces with a sponge-like pattern of nano (ultra small) pits. We demonstrated that some cells stick

    better to these surfaces than they do to the traditional smooth ones, says Dr. Nanci. This is already an

    improvement to the standard available biomaterial.

    The researchers then tested the effects of the chemically-produced nanoporous titanium surfaces on

    cell growth and development. They showed that the treated surfaces increased growth of bone cells, decreased

    growth of unwanted cells and stimulated stem cells, relative to untreated smooth ones. In addition, expression

    of genes required for cell adhesion and growth were increased in contact with the nanoporous surfaces.

    Fig. 2.1. Control Ti-Uncontrolled growth of cells on a Titanium surface

    Nano Ti-Controled growth of cells on a nanoporous Titanium surface

    Uncontrolled growth of cells on an implant is not ideal. For example, when using cardiovascular

    stents, it is important to limit the growth of certain cells in order not interfere with blood flow. Also, in some

    cases, cells can form an undesirable capsule around dental implants causing them to fall. The scientists

    demonstrated that treatment with specific etchants reduced the growth of unwanted cells.

    2.2. Memory metal2.2.1. Introduction

    In 1965, the first of a series of metal alloys of nickel and titanium was produced by the Naval

    Ordnance Laboratory. These alloys are called Nitinol,

    for Nickel Titanium Naval Ordnance Laboratory. Many of the alloys have a rather remarkable

    property: they remember their shape. This "smart" property is the result of the substance's ability to

    undergo a phase change - a kind of atomic ballet in which atoms in the solid subtly shift their

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    positions in response to a stimulus like a change in temperature or application of mechanical stress. A

    simple demonstation involves bending a sample, then exposing it to a source of heat like hot air or

    hot water. The sample recovers its original shape as its temperature is raised above the temperature

    corresponding to the phase change. This temperature may be tuned by varying the ratio of nickel to

    titanium atoms in the solid by a few percent relative to a 1:1 ratio.

    2.2.2. How it works

    As noted above, Nitinol is an alloy of nearly equal numbers of nickel and titanium atoms,

    with the exact amounts varied to match the temperature of the phase change to the application. The

    alloy can exist in either of two structures (phases) at room temperature, depending on the exact ratio

    of nickel to titanium atoms. The structure found above the temperature of the phase change possesses

    the high symmetry of a cube and is called austenite; the structure found below the temperature of the

    phase change is much less symmetric and is called martensite. In the martensite phase the material is

    very elastic, while in the austenite phase the material is comparatively rigid.

    Nitinol can be "trained" to have a new shape while in the austenite phase by deforming it into

    the desired shape. As it then cools to below the phase transition temperature, the material enters the

    martensite phase. In the martensite phase the shape can then be changed by mechanical stress: groups

    of atoms that were "leaning" in one direction will accommodate the mechanical stress by "leaning" in

    another direction, as allowed by the less symmetric structure. The sample will revert to the shape

    enforced upon it while it was in the austenite phase by returning it to the austenite phase through an

    increase in its temperature. The thermal energy acquired by the shape through heating it provides the

    energy the atoms need to return to their original positions and the sample to its original shape.

    Fig. 2.2. Phases of Nitinol in different treatment

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    The transformation from austenite to martensite can be accomplished in 24 different ways.

    These 24 ways of producing martensite from austenite are the result of the symmetric CsCl structure

    having 6 equivalent face diagonal planes, each of which can shift in one of two directions and can

    distort (shear) in one of two directions, 6 x 2 x 2 = 2.

    Fig. 2.3. Modification of the crystal lattice during the transformation from Austenite to Martensite

    Fig. 2.4. A spring made oshape memory metal in its


    Fig. 2.5. The same spring

    stretched to a new shape.

    Fig. 2.6. In warm water or

    with a stream of hot air, the

    spring returns to its

    "trained" shape by heating it to

    above the temperature of the

    phase change into the more

    rigid austenitephase.

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    2.2.3. Applications

    The biocompatibility of NiTi allows its use in many medical applications such as: vascular

    stents, anchors for attaching tendons to bone, medical guidewires, medical guidepins, root canal files,

    bendable surgical tools, and devices for closing holes in the heart.

    Another important attribute of nitinol in medicine is itssuperelasticity.

    Other shape memory materials include gold cadmium, copper-aluminum-nickel, copper-zinc-

    aluminum, and iron-manganese-silicon alloys. Orthodontic archwires.

    The archwire of these braces used in orthodontia is made of memory metal to apply pressure

    uniformly to the teeth.

    Fig. 2.5. Braces of archwire made of memory metal Flexible eyeglass frames.

    Bending the memory metal eyeglass frames converts the metal from the rigid austenite

    structure to the more flexible martensite structure. When this mechanical stress is removed, the

    frames return to their original shape and austenite structure. See this exact pair of framesdistort

    when exposed to liquid nitrogen.

    Fig. 2.6. Eyeglass frames made of memory metal
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    3. Smart ceramics used in medical applications

    Ceramics are used as components of dental implants, hip implants, middle ear implants, and

    heart valves. They are generally more chemically stable and inert than most metals due to their

    chemical bonding.The most commonly used material are alumina, zirconia, bioglass, hydroxyapatite, and

    tricalcium phosphate. These materials work well within the human body for several reasons. They are

    inert, and because they are resorbable and active, the materials can remain in the body unchanged.

    They can also dissolve and actively take part in physiological processes, for example, when

    hydroxyapatite, a material chemically similar to bone structure, can integrate and help bone grow into

    it. One proposed use for bioceramics is the treatment ofcancer. Two methods of treatment have been

    proposed; treatment throughhyperthermia, and radiotherapy.

    Fig. 3.1. Cell of hydroxyapatite

    3.1. Classification of technical ceramics

    Technical ceramics can also be classified into three distinct material categories:

    Oxides: alumina, beryllia, ceria, zirconia Nonoxides: carbide, boride, nitride, silicide Composite materials: particulate reinforced, fiber reinforced, combinations

    ofoxides and nonoxides.Each one of these classes can develop unique material properties because ceramics tend to be


    3.2. Smart Biomaterials and their Applications

    The range of applications of smart materials in the biomedical field has become increasingly

    diverse over the past decade. The increasing complexity of modern smart biomaterials makes it
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    difficult to identify broad application areas, or themes, where current research is providing, or has the

    potential to provide, new or improved capabilities. A biomaterial may be defined as any natural or

    synthetic substance or combination of substances (other than a drug) which can be used for any

    period of time, as a whole or as a part of a system which treats, augments, or replaces any tissue,

    organ, or function of the body . It is clear that biocompatibility is an essential requirement for any

    implanted smart material or device. All other material requirements will depend on the particular

    application. For permanent implants, resistance to abrasion and wear, fatigue strength, durability

    (corrosion resistance), long-term dimensional stability and permeability to gases, water, and small

    biomolecules can be critical. These include:

    3.2.1. Hydroxylapatite, also called hydroxyapatite (HA), is a naturally

    occurring mineral form of calcium apatite with the formula Ca5(PO4)3(OH), but is usually written

    Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 to denote that the crystal unit cell comprises two entities. Hydroxylapatite is

    the hydroxyl endmemberof the complex apatite group. The OH- ion can be replaced

    by fluoride, chloride orcarbonate, producing fluorapatite orchlorapatite. It crystallizes in

    the hexagonal crystal system. Pure hydroxylapatite powder is white. Naturally occurring apatites can,

    however, also have brown, yellow, or green colorations, comparable to the discolorations of dental


    Hydroxylapatite can be found in teeth and bones within the human body. Thus, it is

    commonly used as a filler to replace amputated bone or as a coating to promote bone ingrowth

    into prosthetic implants. Although many otherphases exist with similar or even identical chemical

    makeup, the body responds much differently to them. Coral skeletons can be transformed into

    hydroxylapatite by high temperatures; their porous structure allows relatively rapid ingrowth at the

    expense of initial mechanical strength. The high temperature also burns away any organic molecules

    such as proteins, preventing an immune response and rejection.

    Fig. 3.2. Flexible hydrogel-HA composite, which has a mineral-to-organic matrix ratio

    approximating that of human bone.
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    3.2.2. Use of Zirconia in Restorative Dentistry

    Zirconia is being used on the artificial femoral heads for hip replacements. This makes the

    part stronger and the heads are smaller so the patient experiences less trauma during the operation.

    Besides hip replacements, zirconia is being used in shoulders, knee joints, spinal implants and

    phalangeal joints. This is an amazing use of ceramic materials and it is making great strides in the

    medical field. Who knows what they will come up with next.

    Though zirconia has been available for use in restorative dentistry for several years, there has

    been an increased interest recently in these materials. Zirconia based restorations are quite versatile

    and can be used for crowns,bridges, and implantabutments in a variety of clinical situations if the

    appropriate guidelines are followed..

    CRYSTAL Zirconia is a modern dental ceramic replacement for the metal substructures used

    under porcelain crowns and bridges. CRYSTAL brand Dental Zirconia is also translucent, which

    gives the overlaid procelain a brighter more natural look. Because of it's stronger-than-steel

    properties, Zirconia has been used for decades on the space shuttle and on the new high-tech brakes

    on German sports cars and other industrial applications.CRYSTAL Zirconia is a new formulation of

    medical grade zirconia material, packed into blocks and ground to a custom fit using state-of-the-

    art dental milling machines, and then sintered in 1500 C oven till it is virtually unbreakable. In the

    past, dentists used to say that crowns or bridges need to be replaced every five or ten years, but while

    the porcelain may chip or need repair, a crown or bridge substructure created with CRYSTAL

    Zirconia should last a lifetime, and includes alifetimewarrantywhen milled by a certified dental


    CRYSTAL Zirconia is 100% biocompatible and because the body does not reject zirconia,

    this material is the preferred modern material for medical applications. Unlike amalgams and metal

    alloys used in the dentistry in the past, the body accepts zirconia as a natural material, so you dont

    have to worry about allergies or adverse reactions.

    Fig. 3.3. Fixed partial denture Fig. 3.4. Crystal Zirconia
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    3.2.3. Ceramics and Medicine help Liver Cancer

    As most people know traditional treatment for cancer usually involves chemotherapy which

    can be very difficult for individuals. Usually this means a hospital stay and they will become sick

    afterwards with vomiting, nausea and hair loss. Most patients understand that this is the plight that

    they have to deal with when they go through these treatments and some will, but others decide it's

    just too much to bear.

    Because of this researchers looked for a new way to do some type of treatment so that people

    would not have to suffer so much. Glass microspheres are the answer that was found. These are very

    tiny and very thin -- some have compared them to a human hair saying they are smaller -- and they

    are approved by the FDA and currently in use in several hospitals across the United States.

    This is a very simple treatment and the individual can have it done as an outpatient. The

    microspheres are inserted into the tumor using a catheter and the radiation is centralized to the tumor.

    The malignant tumor is then addressed and there is minimal damage to the other tissue. Because it is

    done this way, the individual doesn't have the normal after therapy symptoms and will only

    experience fatigue for several weeks while the radiation is working.

    3.3. Discussions and Conclusions

    Ceramics are difficult to form into complicated geometries using high-temperature processes

    in a cost-effective manner in small dental laboratories. Other processes are well suited for custom

    operations. Hot-isostatic-pressing (HIP) has great advantages for creating standard shapes in a

    reusable mold, such as prepable zirconia abutments for implants. For custom prostheses (crowns and

    bridges), it is currently more practical to rely on milling operations or molding operations to form

    dental shapes. CAD/CAM ceramic materials provide a unique option to start with almost defect-free

    material, but they don't provide flexibility to regionally customize esthetics or other properties for a

    restoration. That is a large part of the reason that CAD/CAM has not replaced much of traditional

    ceramic fabrication technology. No alternative yet competes with the esthetic result of dental

    porcelain being layered by an artistic ceramic technician to fully characterize a restoration. While one

    can speculate that this is possible, this is not currently an option. When this is true, then CAD/CAM

    might have much grander appeal.

    The detection of ceramic defects before oral inserting the prostheses allows all the corrections

    in order to avoid the fracture of the ceramic component. The fractures that occur within the structure

    of these prostheses were motivated by the elasticity module of the ceramics and by the defects within

    the ceramic layers. Early detection of substance defects within these layers allows for optimal

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    corrections before inserting them and applying masticatory stress together with reduction of fractures.

    Also some of the defects are situated superficial enough and cervical, namely in the maximum

    tension area recorded during mastication with high risks of fracture at this level.

    4. Smart polymers used in medical applications

    Fig. 4.1. Polyethylene chain picture

    ` A polymer is a large molecule (macromolecule) composed of repeating structural units.

    These sub-units are typically connected covalent chemical bonds(sharing of pairs of

    electrons between atoms).The polymer can be natural(as examples shellac,amber,natural rubber) or

    synthetic(examples as synthetic rubber ,nylon ,PVC polystyrene,polyethylene,silicone,polypropylene

    and many others).

    What makes a polymer smart? Maybe because it can be used in various applications industry

    ,medicine , sports , agriculture and for his properties that makes him biodegradable , inert or bioactivif we refer to medicine.

    For instance high-performance polyethylene (HPPE or ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene)

    used in total or partial joint replacement implants, hydrogels used for scaffolds tissue engineering or

    Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) for bone cement and of course many other polymers.

    Fig. 4.2. Various polymers in their crude form

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    4.1. High-performance polyethylene (HPPE or ultra-high-molecular-weight


    Is a subset of the thermoplastic polyethylene. It has extremely long chains, chains that makes

    him transfer load more effectively from here result a very tough material, with the highest impact

    strength of any thermoplastic presently made.

    HPPE is a type ofpolyolefin. It is made up of extremely long chains of polyethylene, which

    all align in the same direction. It derives its strength largely from the length of each individual

    molecule (chain). Van der Waals bondsbetween the molecules are relatively weak.

    It is highly resistant to corrosive chemicals with exception ofoxidizing acids; has extremely low

    moisture absorption and a very low coefficient of friction; is self-lubricating; and is highly resistant

    to abrasion, in some forms being 15 times more resistant to abrasion than carbon steel. Its coefficient

    of friction is significantly lower than that ofnylon and acetal, and is comparable to that

    ofpolytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon).

    Fig. 4.3.Structure of HPPE, with n greater than 100,000 and knee implant

    4.1.1. Medical applications

    Used in total or partial joint replacement such as hip , knee or intervertrebal implants.

    4.2. Hydrogels

    Hydrogel (also called aquagel) is a network of polymer chains that are hydrophilic,

    sometimes found as a colloidal gel in which wateris the dispersion medium. Hydrogels are

    highly absorbent (they can contain over 99.9% water) natural or synthetic polymers. Hydrogels also

    possess a degree of flexibility very similar to natural tissue, due to their significant water content.
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    Fig. 4.4.Porous hydrogel structure

    4.2.1. Applications

    currently used as scaffolds in tissue engineering. When used as scaffolds, hydrogels maycontain human cells to repair tissue.

    hydrogel-coated wells have been used for cell culture[2] environmentally sensitive hydrogels which are also known as 'Smart Gels' or 'Intelligent

    Gels'. These hydrogels have the ability to sense changes of pH, temperature, or the

    concentration of metabolite and release their load as result of such a change.

    as sustained-release drug delivery systems hydrogels that are responsive to specific molecules, such as glucose , can be used

    as biosensors

    Fig. 4.5. Scaffold structures are built up from layers of cross-hatched hydrogel strands

    used in disposable diapers where they absorb urine, or in sanitary napkins contact lenses (silicone hydrogels)
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    EEG and ECG medical electrodes using hydrogels composed ofcross-linkedpolymers(polyethylene oxide)

    dressings for healing ofburn or other hard-to-heal wounds. Wound gels are excellent forhelping to create or maintain a moist environment.

    4.3. Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)

    Poly(methyl methacrylate) is a transparent thermoplastic, often used as a light or shatter-

    resistant alternative to glass.

    PMMA is an economical alternative to polycarbonate (PC) when extreme strength is not

    necessary. It is often preferred because of its moderate properties, easy handling and processing, and

    low cost, but behaves in a brittle manner when loaded, especially under an impact force, and is more

    prone to scratching compared to conventional inorganic glass.

    PMMA is methyl methacrylate monomer polymerization. Presents high mechanical strength,


    Fig. 4.6. Structure of PMMA

    4.3.1. Applications

    PMMA has a good degree of compatibility with human tissue, and can be used forreplacement intraocular lenses in the eye

    In orthopedic surgery, PMMA bone cement is used to affix implants and to remodel lostbone. It is supplied as a powder with liquid methyl methacrylate (MMA).Although PMMA

    is biologically compatible, MMA is considered to be an irritant and a possible carcinogen

    .Although sticky, it does not bond to either the bone or the implant, it primarily fills the

    spaces between the prosthesis and the bone preventing motion. A big disadvantage to this

    bone cement is that it heats to quite a high temperature.

    Dentures are often made of PMMA, and can be color-matched to the patient's teeth
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    In cosmetic surgery, tiny PMMA microspheres suspended in some biological fluid areinjected under the skin to reduce scars permanently

    A large majority of white Dental filling materials (composites) have PMMA as their mainorganic component.

    Fig. 4.7. Sacroplasty, a bone gluepolymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) is injected into the


    4.4. Polyglycolic acid (PGA)

    Fig. 4.8. Ring-opening polymerization of glycolide to polyglycolide

    Polyglycolic acid (PGA) is a biodegradable, thermoplastic polymerand It can be prepared

    starting from glycolic acidby means ofpolycondensation orring-opening polymerization.

    Polyglycolide is characterized by hydrolytic instability and the degradation process is erosive

    and appears to take place in two steps during which the polymer is converted back to its monomer

    glycolic acid: first water diffuses into the amorphous (non-crystalline) regions of the polymer matrix;

    the second step starts after the amorphous regions have been eroded, leaving the crystalline portion of

    the polymer susceptible to hydrolytic attack.
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    Silver ion AM does not kill microorganisms in the sense of a disinfectant such as chlorine

    bleach. Instead the AM suppresses cellular reproduction by disrupting the energy production

    mechanism of the cell, preventing DNA replication in the cell, and weakening the cell wall. Silver

    ions bound in an inorganic matrix are incorporated into a plastic. The silver ions migrate to the

    surface of the plastic in the presence of trace amounts of moisture and then move into the cell. As a

    result the count of microorganisms decreases over a period of hours. As an indication of

    effectiveness, standardized tests such as JIS Z 2801 utilize specific bacterial strains to determine the

    reduction in bacteria count on treated surfaces over a 24 hour period. In this test very large reductions

    of 99.9% or greater.

    Fig. 4.10.ColorRx Antimicrobial (AM)

    5. Smart composites used in medical applications

    The composite materials considered here are solid objects with a macrostructure. The

    constituents of these, solids can be observed with the naked eye. Solid objects are said to be smartif

    they embody additional functionality capabilities beyond their inherent structural attributes. These

    capabilities might be attributed to an embedded network of interconnected sensors, actuators and

    computers, for example. Synthetic inhomogeneous materials with these capabilities comprise the

    basis for a new generation of materials. These materials have the potential to revolutionize many

    types of products, and usher into existence unforeseen manufactured goods.

    Humankinds traditional quest for superior materials may be satisfied in the near future by

    ideas furnished by Mother Nature. The design and manufacturing methodologies needed for creating

    new generations of materials will come from a meticulous study of flora and fauna.

    The future lies with the development of synthetic materials that mimic naturally occurring biological


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    5.1. Cure monitoring

    Today, engineering plastics and polymer matrix composites (PMCs) are widely used in

    consumer and leisure products such as golf clubs, fishing rods, skis, and tennis rackets. Fiber-

    reinforced plastics (FRPs), particularly, are the most promising composite materials for airplanes,

    space structures, and military ships. Thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers are common

    materials used in FRPs.

    In the molding process for polymers, a liquid resin becomes solid. As for thermosetting

    polymers, a monomeric liquid resin becomes a cross-linked rigid solid and a tightly bound three-

    dimensional network is produced. This process is called cure. Thermoplastics do not need to

    becured because they are not cross-linked. In these advanced engineering materials, the integrity of

    the product is very important for certifying the performance. The quality of a product strongly

    depends on the profiles of the control parameters such as the temperature and pressure in the molding

    process. Therefore, many researchers have developed techniques for optimizing the molding process.

    The monitoring technique is essential for the optimal control system of the molding process. The cure

    monitoring technique, especially has been an important focus because the cure reaction of a

    thermosetting FRP is too complicated to predict. Techniques for monitoring the molding process of

    thermosetting FRPs are not discussed. However, it should be remembered that some of the

    techniques that monitor the mechanical, optical, and electrical properties, can also be applied to

    monitor the state of solidification in the process of molding thermoplastic polymers.

    5.2. Electrical Resistance Measurement in Carbon-Reinforced Composites

    The technique for health monitoring by measuring electrical resistance has become attractive

    since the late 1980s for carbon-reinforced composites (90). This technique measures changes in

    electrical resistance when strains or damages are applied to the composites. Like the tagging

    technique, the advantage of this technique is that there is no need for embedded sensors for in situ

    monitoring. In addition, the mechanical properties of the composites are not affected by using this

    monitoring technique because the carbon reinforcements work as sensors. Recently, applications

    have focused on three types of composites; carbonfiber- reinforced concrete, carbon-fiber-reinforced

    polymers (CFRPs), and carbon fibercarbon matrix (C/C) composites (91). The self-monitoring

    functions of carbon-reinforced composites are aimed at strain and damage monitoring. These

    functions result from changes in the electrical paths and in the conductivity of carbon. Short carbon-

    fiber-reinforced concrete consists of low conductive concrete and carbon fibers at a low volume

    fraction. In continuous carbon-reinforced polymers, the electrical paths are composed of the carbon

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    fibers due to the nonconductivity of polymers. A current flows overall in the C/C composite because

    it has conductivity in the fiber and matrix. The electrical paths in the composites are changed by

    damages such as fiber breaks, delaminations, matrix cracks, and debonding between the fiber and

    matrix. The mechanism of the variation of electrical resistance differs among these composites due to

    their different electrical paths.

    5.3. Piezo Composites

    1-3 Piezo Composites have become the material of choice for many high performance

    ultrasound transducer since it was invented by R.E. Newnham and L.E. Cross in the late 1970's .A variety of piezo composite materials can be made by combining piezo ceramic elements with a

    passive polymer such as epoxy or active polymer. Piezo-composites are classified according to their

    connectivity (such as 2-2, 1-3, 0-3 etc.,). Connectivity is defined as the number of dimensions

    through which the material is continuous. It is conventional for the first digit to refer to the

    piezoelectrically active phase.

    Prof. Newnham defined the family of interconnectivity of piezo electric composites as shown

    in one of his drawn pictures below.

    Today the most piezo composites on the market are with the 1-3 and 2-2 connectivity used in

    ultrasound transducers, actuators and sensors.

    1-3 piezo composites advantages over standard bulk piezo ceramics are in general:

    lower acoustic impedance, 1-3 piezo composites are available with acoustic impedancebetween 8MRayl and 26MRayl

    higher coupling coefficient of typically 0.63 to 0.70 compared with 0.54 of bulk material higher bandwidth and lower Qm

    Disadvantages of piezo composites over bulk piezoceramic components are in general the

    higher costs and the often limited temperature operating range.

    The typical applications for 1-3 piezo composites are

    Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound Non Destructive Testing NDT SONAR, mostly defense oriented for high performance Flow Control and Air Ultrasound

    The biggest single market for the 1-3 piezo composite is the medical diagnostic ultrasound

    market which is using more 1-3 piezo composite than the other markets combined. Today's medical

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    ultrasound imaging systems would be not possible without the advancements in 1-3 piezo


    Smart Material is manufacturing and distributing piezo composite material with 2-2

    connectivity (theMFC) and

    1-3 connectivity.

    Smart Material is utilizing different manufacturing technologies to meet to meet the typical

    requirements of the applications for 1-3 piezo composites as outlined above which are listed under

    Types Available:

    1-3 Fiber Composites with Random Pixel Distribution

    1-3 Fiber Composites with Regular Pixel Distribution

    1-3 Standard Dice&Fill Composites

    Utilizing different manufacturing technologies for 1-3 piezo composites allows Smart

    Material to provide 1-3 composites for frequencies ranging from 40kHz to 10 MHz, with fill factor

    ranging from 25% to 80% and sizes up to 100mm by 100mm (4inches by 4 inches).

    6. New tendencies and ideas in smart materials used in medical applications

    There are two diverting ideas that define a direction in the research of new materials field:

    Creating a universal material able to respond to all the requirements (this idea is purely sci-fifor now);

    Creating the material needed in the place needed, with the structure needed, in the quantitiesneeded (this would be possible by manipulating the matter at an atom scale).

    Implementing a system with an automated response in various fields present significant

    advantages by monitoring certain signals and responding accordingly when it detects limit overruns.

    Adding to the system the possibility of learning certain patterns, which is possible today using neural

    networks, enhances the autonomy and efficiency. Applying these new findings from science and

    technology in medicine requires miniaturization and keeping the interactions with the environment

    strictly limited to the purpose these assemblies were created for.

    Smart materials are exactley this, combining the sensing activity with the actuating one. The

    disadvantage is that they usualy respond to only one type of signal and respond in only one way. By

    combining in certain ways different types of smart materials there is a posibility of reducing this

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    Regenerative medicine, diagnostics and drug delivery could profit from intelligent

    biomaterials. For example enzyme-responsive materials have the potential to detect, respond to, and

    ultimately repair biological processes by injecting cell-scaffold that gels when triggered by tissue

    fluid enzymes. Also the flow of molecules into (and out of) polymer particles can be controlled by

    very specific enzyme switches - the first steps in making truly bio-responsive materials. The goal for

    now is to mimic the in-vivo feed-back systems that control enzyme activity.

    Carbon nanotubes is known to be highly electrically conductive, this being used to create a

    connection with the neuronal cell membranes. Unlike the metal electrodes that are currently used in

    research and clinical applications, the nanotubes can create shortcuts between the distal and proximal

    compartments of the neuron, resulting in enhanced neuronal excitability. From a study conducted in

    Switzerland resulted this finding is relevant for the emerging field of neuro-engineering and

    neuroprosthetics, the nanotubes could be used as a new building block of novel "electrical bypass"

    systems for treating traumatic injury of the central nervous system. Carbon nano-electrodes could

    also be used to replace metal parts in clinical applications such as deep brain stimulation for the

    treatment of Parkinson's disease or severe depression. And they show promise as a whole new class

    of "smart" materials for use in a wide range of potential neuroprosthetic applications.

    There are three fundamental obstacles to developing reliable neuroprosthetics:

    1) stable interfacing of electromechanical devices with neural tissue,2) understanding how to stimulate the neural tissue, and3) understanding what signals to record from the neurons in order for the device to make an

    automatic and appropriate decision to stimulate.

    The new carbon nanotube-based interface technology discovered together with state of the art

    simulations of brain-machine interfaces is the key to developing all types of neuroprosthetics -- sight,

    sound, smell, motion, vetoing epileptic attacks, spinal bypasses, as well as repairing and even

    enhancing cognitive functions.Near-infrared (NIR) light (which is just beyond what human can see) penetrates through the

    skin and almost four inches into the body, with great potential for diagnosing and treating diseases.

    Low-power NIR does not damage body tissues as it passes. A new smart polymer that responds to

    low-power NIR light breaks apart into small pieces that seem to be nontoxic to surrounding tissue. A

    hydrogel with the new polymer could release medications or imaging agents when hit with NIR. This

    is the first example of a polymeric material capable of disassembly into small molecules in response

    to harmless levels of irradiation.

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    Fig. 6.1. Near-infrared light

    Fig. 6.2. Molybdenum oxide wheel molecule

    Working out how nano-particles are built is key to developing new intelligent materials,

    electronic devices, and understanding the bio-machinery that operates in living cells. The ability to

    control this self-assembly has profound consequences for the development of new technologies as

    well as understanding the basis for complex chemistry, and for example, the origins of life.

    A team of experts at Glasgow devised an experiment which enabled them to observe

    molecules being constructed around what appeared to be a transient template cluster.

    The experiment involved the construction a flow reactor system for the assembly of the nano-

    particles under dynamic flowing conditions. This new experimental approach allows self-assembly

    being examined in a new way at the nano-level, giving rise to unprecedented mechanistic information

    unmasking the complexities of molecular self-assembly (the process by which objects form a

    particular arrangement without any external manipulation).

    During the experiment, the researchers observed the self-assembly of molybdenum oxidewheel molecules around an intermediate structure in the centre of the wheel which they found to be

    the template or scaffold used to construct the larger molecule. Following completion of the

    molybdenum oxide wheel molecule, which is just 3.6 nanometres in diameter, the template was

    ejected, freeing it to repeat the process. The researchers were able to photograph this process and

    the template using X-ray crystallography.
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    Understanding the assembly process is vital if we are to create a new range of functional


    A tiny cage of gold covered with a smart polymer, it

    responds to light, opening to empty its contents, and

    resealing when the light is turned off.

    The principle on which it is based on is fairly intuitive

    described in the next few steps.

    Attach a smart polymer to a gold nano-cage with thepores at the corners.

    To load the cages, shake them in a solution of thedrug at a temperature above the polymer's critical


    Fig. 6.2. Nano cage polymer

    Let the cages cool, so that the polymer chains stand up like brushes, sealing the cage's pores. To release the drug, expose the cages to laser light (the lightning bolt) at their resonant

    frequency, heating them just enough to drive the polymer over its critical temperature.

    The polymer chains will collapse, opening the pores, and releasing the drug. The cage can beresealed simply by turning off the light.

    Medicines sometimes have to be administered in extremely small quantities. Just a few tenths

    of a milliliter may be sufficient to give the patientthe ideal treatment. Micro-pumps greatly facilitate

    the dosage of minute quantities.

    The peristaltic pump is a highly complex

    system. It contracts in waves in a similar way to the

    human esophagus, and thus propels the liquid along

    it changes shape of its own accord. To achieve

    this, researchers had to use a whole range of

    different materials and special material composites.

    They used lead-zirconate-titanate (PZT) films that are joined in a suitable way with bending

    elements made of carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic and a flexible tube.

    PZT materials change their shape as soon as you apply an electric field to them. This makes it

    possible to control the pump system electronically. Special adhesives additionally hold the various

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    components of the pump system together. Thanks to the special control electronics, tiny quantities

    can be pumped accurately through the system.

    7. Conclusions

    The most sophisticated class of smart materials in the foreseeable future will be that whichemulates biological systems. This class of multifunctional materials will possess the capability to

    select and execute specific functions intelligently in order to respond to changes in the

    local environment. Furthermore, these materials could have the ability to anticipate challenges based

    on the ability to recognize, analyze, and discriminate. These capabilities should include self-

    diagnosis, self-repair, selfmultiplication, self-degradation, self-learning, and homeostasis.

    The intelligence to be imbued in a synthetic material developed by humankind should emulate

    the intelligent attributes found in biological systems. These attributes do not require human

    involvement, and they function autonomously, as evidenced by self-learning, selfdegradation, and

    regeneration. Thus the rusting of iron in a humid environment could be considered to be a simple

    form of self-degradation. Other functions could include the availability to recognize and subsequently

    discriminate, redundancy, hierarchical control schemes, and the election of an appropriate action

    based on sensory data.

    Furthermore, a material that has been damaged and is undergoing a process of self-repair

    would reduce its level of performance in order to survive. This intelligence should be inherent in

    future generations of smart materials.

    So, were looking forward to the future, waiting impatiently to see what wonderful discoveries will

    appear in the materials domain.

    8. Bibliography

    Encyclopedia of Smart Materials by Mel Schwartz
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