Download pptx - Smad session 1

  • 1. Shared Medical Appointments for Diabetes Session 1 Created by Rebecca Bates, DNP(c), RN, CFNP July 2014

2. Objectives 1. Participants will gain a basic understanding of diabetes: signs, symptoms, and complications. 2. Participants will develop personal strategies to address psychosocial issues and concerns. 3. Participants will learn to monitor blood glucose and other parameters and to interpret these results for self- management decision-making. 4. Participants will understand how to live with diabetes. 5. Participants will learn how to cope with sick days. 3. Diabetes: Statistics Total: 25.8 million children and adults in the United States 8.3% of the populationhave diabetes. Diagnosed: 18.8 million people Undiagnosed: 7.0 million people Prediabetes: 79 million people New Cases: 1.9 million new cases of diabetes are diagnosed in people aged 20 years and older in 2010. Source: 4. Overview of Diabetes in the U.S. Click to play video. 5. Diabetes: Facts Diabetes is a chronic disease You are in charge of managing your diabetes Blood glucose monitoring can help you manage your diabetes Who is most likely to have diabetes? 6. Diabetes: Myths and Facts Myths Facts 1. Insulin is a cure for diabetes 2. You can catch diabetes 3. It is easy to manage this disease 4. You cant eat sweets if you have diabetes 5. You should only eat small amounts of foods 6. The only problem is blood glucose 7. Insulin causes diabetes to get worse 8. Insulin causes complications 1. You can lower high blood glucose with high-fiber foods 2. Your body needs carbohydrates for energy 3. You are in charge of managing your diabetes 4. Smoking increases the risk of complications 5. Blood glucose monitoring can help you manage your diabetes 7. An Emotional Journey The emotional side of this disease Common feelings Diabetes can affect you physically and emotionally Coping Activity: Discuss how you felt at diagnosis and how you feel today. 8. Information You Need Click to play video. 9. Monitoring A1C Blood Pressure Cholesterol 10. Tracking Results Use a glucometer Download your meter results to your computer Use a blood sugar diary Use a smart phone App Activity: Discuss how you track your results. 11. How are blood sugar results used? Changing your meal plan Keeping active Medicine Plan for checking blood sugar Schedule health checkups Manage sick days 12. Keeping Active Click here for video. 13. Medicine Oral medications Injected medications (non-insulin) Injected insulin Activity: Share with other participants what types of medications you use to help control your diabetes. 14. References American Diabetes Association. (2014). Statistics about diabetes. Retrieved from Clearly Health. (2009). What is type 2 diabetes? Retrieved from MonkeySee. (2011, February 24). Diabetes management Being active. YouTube. Retrieved from NovoNordisk. (2014). Request educational materials. Retrieved from support/educational-materials.html WebMD. (2013, June 11). Type 2 diabetes 101. YouTube. Retrieved from
