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Slums Around The World

Slums Around The World

By:Bala Jing Xiong

Slums in Manila

Hundreds of thousands of people live in squalid conditions in Manila's slums, eking out a living within sight of the mansions owned by members of the wealthy, or people that has immense wealth.

Other Slums

How Slums hinder development

It hinders development in four different ways, social, economic, political and intellectual.

Social:Slums develop communities that has strange and dangerous behaviors . These behaviors threaten the lives of the families living in that society, they include; not respecting the neighbors privacy, abuse other people's rights like money, self and religion, the spread of dangerous social issues such as organized robbery, taking drugs, alcohol addiction, mutual violence and commit adultery relatives or incest; illiteracy rates are high in these communities while life expectancy rates are very low.

How do Slums hinder development

Economic:Slums depend on jobs that are considered inferior, legal and illegal jobs such as drugs and children trade, fruits and vegetables trade transferring between the near neighborhood areas as these slums are on the city sides, in addition to the house workers at the side of women and small girls. Furthermore, children labor is very spread in these areas, there is no rights for this children. Moreover, the slums dwellers are controlling a wide space of land owned by the government which lack the abilities to build infrastructure, public services and facilities necessary for living. These government owned lands are illegally controlled by the slums with the local authorities' inattention . These slums are hindering the way of overall development.

How do Slums hinder development

Culture:Slums are the exporter of a strange culture based on the envy and dissatisfaction on the society as whole, it is a place where overpopulation, lack of infrastructure,greed, no loyalty towards country, no capable leaders to lead them and regardless of the law.Political:There are all sorts of people that involves themselves with cults and illegal jobs, all these is caused by Poverty.Political ideas such as democracy, dialogue, other and variety acceptance, forgiveness and partnerships are all absent in these areas.

Names of Slumbs in different places

# Villas de emergencia or villas miseria in Argentina# Barrio or barriada in Puerto Rico# Champerios or tugurios in El Salvador# Asentamientos (settlements) in Guatemala# Barrios de chabolas and barrios bajos in Spain# Bairro de Lata in Portugal# Barrio Malo in Dominican Republic# Bidonvilles in French-speaking countries# Bustee in Hindi(India)# Cantegriles in Uruguay
