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The Movie Industry and Emotions in the Workplace

Kali Marcott

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My ViewI took the chapter of emotion in the workplace and looked past the people who are creating and producing the movie. I picked the actual actors who are paid to present an emotion because that is what is going to make or break the movie outcome. I think the “fake” emotions are just as important on screen as they would be behind the screen.

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The Lion KingPersonally, The Lion King is my favorite movie. I feel every emotion when I watch it. I am 22 years old and I still cry, laugh, and sing like I’m a child because I connect so deeply with this movie.

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Emotions in the workplace

In the movie industry, creating emotion for the audience are what give the movies their power. Creating a good story, and creating characters takes thought and time. Finding characters who can portray these scenes and roles are amazing at what they do because they are connecting the audience to the emotion that is supposed to be felt.

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Characters usually have to go through some sort of event through the movie whether it be happy, sad, scary, traumatic, or just growth. This allows the character to show change in emotion and opens up a wider range for the audience to connect with. There always is a protagonist who is the ideal character that people tend to connect with. Giving them likeable or relatable traits allows connection much easier.

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Styles and types of movies

Different movie styles utilize people's emotions to make the movie something they need to watch. With horror films, they scare the audience as best they can. Some need gore, some need slasher, some need spiritual, and some just like the anticipation of not knowing what is going to happen. Same thing with other genres of movies; sad, funny, romantic, action. They all play on emotion.

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What else?Not only are the characters important to presenting the correct emotion in the movie, the music helps the audience tie it all together. The right kind of music helps make the scene so much better. When the killer is on their way, the frantic scary music ensues; when the love scene is happening, slow soft music is playing to set the tone. This is not by accident why these songs are placed where they are.

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The TitanicA prime example of playing on the audience’s emotion; not only was this based on a real event in history, the characters did phenomenal with their acting and the music… well the music is what made this very movie.

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Music in MoviesAccording to The Beat, they said music is the most vital and certainly one of the most powerful tools that a filmmaker has at their disposal.…”Music fleshes out the emotional landscape of a production…” was said as well in The Beat.When movies are having a climactic or adaptive episode, the music helps the audience connect to the change that is undeway.

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Real Life Events as a Movie

When movies are based on real events, they don’t have to stray far from the truth to get in tune with it’s audience’s emotions. War, genocide, epidemics, any historical event can make people feel some type of way. The movie industry is smart and they play on the already existing emotions from the audience. The industry is basically all emotion, although it may not be the same from every party, it is still present.

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Movies Based on True Events

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Reactions from Audiences

The movie industry is playing on their audiences emotions which is a good thing. The more emotion they get out of people, the more sales and profit that they gain. Any of the movies I just used as an example have all made me feel some type of emotion, and if I can recall, they were all fairly different feelings. Even with the two scary ones, it was a different feeling per movie.

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ConnectionsWhen emotions are felt, the connection to characters in the films are made. It tends to make us have a strong sense of empathy or even draws on our own past experiences from the past. People see things in the characters that remind them of themselves, whether it’s being bullied, having siblings, a sad extreme situation, or even how their hair was cut when they were 8 years old.

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Connections cont. The human’s ability to connect with fictional characters shows possibly the ability we may have to care or connect with other people in reality. This creates the sympathetic and empathetic yearning audiences have during movies, and it doesn’t just pertain to sad movies. If characters are happy or excited, or something funny happened, we can feel it as if we are a part of the experience.

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Emotional MoviesPeople even categorize movies by cry-fest, love movies, and any other emotion that want to feel. Sometimes, we need a break from our reality and we just need a solid cry. This includes turning on the tear jerkers that we love.Or some people would rather solve their issues with comedy and turn on all the movies that keep them laughing for hours.

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Movies that people instantly know can

make them cry and we still watch them…

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ConnectednessWheretoWatch says, “as long as the story-telling and emotional perspectives are there, the ability to feel for fictional characters will transcend all the other circumstantial details.”The ability to feel for a character isn’t the same feeling that everyone has though, some feel sad for a character while someone else might think it was the character's fault they are where they are.

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When watching…People are able to feel whatever they need to during a movie and sometimes they are not in the position in their life currently to allow themselves to feel how they really need to.By watching say a sad movie, they can cry for their own personal reasons and say it’s the movie that did it. It’s like a sweet release from reality for some and I personally attest to that.

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Movies with no emotion..

Honestly, without emotions in movies, it wouldn’t be productive. No one would have any want or tie to see a movie that they have no notion of connecting with.Humans are feeling oriented, at least on the inside. We need something to connect with to awaken our senses and make us understand what is going on around us. Movies are such a great way for us to experience this. All ages are capable of feeling and connecting even if it is with a fictional character.

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Works Cited"Connecting with Audiences Through Character Emotions." Connecting with Audiences Through Character Emotions. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2017."Music Makes Movies." Center for Digital Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2017."The Undeniable Emotional Impact of Music in Film." The Beat: A Blog by PremiumBeat. N.p., 02 Oct. 2015. Web. 22 Mar., Nuvotech Limited. "How Filmmakers Connect With Audiences." Movie Outline - Screenwriting Software. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2017
