Download pdf - Sleep Project.2


A Good Day’s SleepAfter a hard day’s night, it’s what you need

People who work the night shift have it rough

When they want dinner, the rest of

the world wants breakfast

When they’re ready to go out, everyone else is going to work

But the worst thing about working the night shift?

When you’re ready to get some hard

earned shut eye...

...the rest of the world is ready to shine, brightly

Blackout shades and panels have largely solved this problem.

But all of these shades have one

thing in common

They’re plain

Give them some personality

You put your decorative touch on the rest of your home. Why not these too?

A variety of designs for a variety of tastes.

Each design would come with the option of muting the brighter colors so it would be less visually stimulating

Many of the images would be at night to help remind your mind that it’s time for bed

For the sports fanatic:

For the art aficionado

For the world traveler

For the comic book geek

For the stargazer

For the nature lover

With so many styles to choose from, why would you ever want plain shades to aid your

