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Page 1: Slaughterhouse multimedia

ENG 230 Slaughterhouse Multimedia

Marcie Bosworth

Page 2: Slaughterhouse multimedia

“Are all your subjects Christian?”“(They) deem themselves so, and they are the most faithful and true

subjects I have.” -The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner

Hess, Jason. “They will know us by our… hate?” Ecksermonator: evolve your thinking. 5 August 2010. Web. 15 November 2011.

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“Maman used to say that you can always find something to be happy about.”

-The Stranger

“Forrest Gump- My Mama Always Said.” Youtube. Grahovc. 29 August 2008. Web. 15 November 2011.

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“And one and all fell prey/To women they had used;/If I be led astry,/Methinks I may be excused.”

-Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Gibbs, Nancy, et al. “Clinton’s Crisis: Truth or… Consequences.” Time. Time Inc. 2 February 1998. Web. 15 November 2011.

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“By that time he had pushed the bottle so long and so freely, that its fumes had taken possession of every brain to such a degree, that they held

Dame Reason rather at the staff's end, overbearing all her counsels and expostulations.”

-The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner

“I am on a drug, it’s called Charlie Sheen!” Youtube. Shmevey. 1 March 2011. Web. 15 November 2011.

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“He wanted to talk to me about God again, but I went up to him and made one last attempt to explain to him that I only had a little time left and I

didn't want to waste it on God.”-The Stranger

This picture was taken by me outside of the Student Center in November 2011.