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We’re really into culture at SalesLoft

As a startup, it’s one of the only things we have complete control over. We get the feeling it’s one of the most important and overlooked aspects of a great business.

Culture is more than just a recruiting tool, it’s motivation for our team members to come in every morning and fulfill their dreams, through having fun, building their careers, and serving our clients.

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We operate in a results only work environment.

This means we care about keeping the culture and accomplishing our goals. It doesn't matter where you work from or when you leave in the evening.

Our vacation policy is "be reasonable," "mandatory vacations" and “paid vacation” - where we actually

pay for you to get out of town!

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We look for team members who always start on their own, look for ways to help,

and listen to others to make improvements.

Start. Look. Listen.

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As a company, we’re always looking for people who love the customer, want to

build great tools, and blast off their careers.

Love. Look. Blast.

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Every single day, our team devotes 10 mins to answering the following questions:

1. What did you do yesterday? 2. What are you doing today?3. Any roadblocks?

This facilitates an effortless flow of information and creates the shortest feedback loop to keep a fast decision making process

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The ATL Tech Village is our home. It’s instant community for our small organization and provides creative inspiration, learning opportunities, and serendipitous interactions.

It’s just more fun and effective to be around others who you enjoy being around and who motivate you to be your best!

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We move fast and change direction rapidly, so our development and

marketing operations work in one week sprints. We call these our weekly tactical


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Every Saturday morning, Kyle sends a weekend update. It includes results on

our most important metrics (MRR, satisfaction score, dev sprint

completeness, product usage, and velocity of inbound leads).

We also include a story on how a member of the team is showcasing our

core values.

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We call this our Monthly SaaS Metrics Review. It includes complete

transparency across our financials and shows which priority projects we

accomplished and which ones come next

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Each quarter, the SalesLoft team has a retreat offsite. Here we update the One-Page Strategic Plan, set new

quarterly priority projects, and update goals for our KPI’s

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Whether it’s a trip to the bar, a company lunch, or a smash on the

gong, we like to have fun while we’re ringing up wins!

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Every Friday, the team has lunch with the Atlanta Startup

Community. It’s a great networking opportunity and a time to enjoy great food. We’d

love for you to join us!

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Our software is the simplest way to build accurate sales and marketing

lists. And Yes! We’re hiring

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