


My name is Siobhán Murphy and I am afinal year Arts student from theClare/Limerick border. I have a passionfor fundraising and have been involved invarious charities growing up and on intocollege, from Simon to The Irish RedCross to Saint Vincent dePaul.I have volunteered with the Irish RedCross and Milford Care Hospice. I have always been involved in UCCstudent life, from my role as an Ents Repin first year to being the PRO for UCCSVPthis year.I have a genuine interest in UCC studentlife and in improving on-campus events(when allowed).2021/22 will be a defining year for the roleof Commercial and Fundraising Officer onUCCSU if we can return to campus andutilise the role to its full potential, and Ibelieve I have the necessary skills andqualities to improve on-campus eventsboth commercial and fundraising based!


I am the Public Relations Officer forthe UCC SVP society this year, so Ihave an understanding of thedifficulties that come with fundraisingfrom the societies perspective,especially having had no option but tofundraise online this year.I am one of eight studentrepresentatives on the UCC MentalHealth Advisory Group, workingalongside the SU, UCC psychiatrist andother student representatives inimproving students' awareness of thefacilities available to them, reviewingSilvercloud as a virtual mental healthplatform, and working hard for thewellbeing of students in every aspectof their university experience. I was an Ents Rep in first year, whichinvolved co-ordinating events for agroup of over 60 students, frombowling to study groups.


I want to work with the Ents Officer toensure we are maximising charitabledonations, not only during RAG week butalso branching out to SHAG week, when wecan fundraise for charities such as SexualViolence Cork who could really benefitfrom student fundraising.In addition to this, I would love to establisha RAG committee; the roles ofCommercial and Fundraising Officer andEnts Officer are full-time jobs, but RAGshould be a job in itself. I hope to work withthe Ents crew and societies to make asmall committee who would work with theCommFund Officer and the Ents Officer toplan RAG week, allowing students tobecome more engaged in the planning ofRAG, and allowing the SU to delegate.I also want to make RAG week accessiblefor everyone, including alcohol-free gigson-campus and alcohol-free bowling tournaments, karaoke etc.



I want to work with the Societies President,Clubs President and the Comms Officer topromote the good work being done by UCCstudents in clubs, societies, class groups orindependently. Students deserve credit fortheir fundraising efforts, and we need toshowcase our charitable interests, publicising areport each semester on SU social media, andreaching out to local newspapers and radiostations with our reports.This year, we have seen students adapt toonline fundraising, with interactive andinnovative fundraisers, using apps like Strava,appealing to our competitive sides to raisemoney for good causes; I think we shouldcontinue to use social media and apps tofundraise, but we should also keep upinteractive fundraising and continue to appealto eachother's competitive sides.



Student businesses are an assetundervalued by the university; theycontribute to UCC student life in a massiveway, and encouraging young entrepeneurs issomething that should be at the forefront ofthe University and the SU's plans.I have contacted the student entrepeunerson the newly established StudentAdvertising Portal on the SU website. Justsome of the ideas we came up with tosupport growing student businesses were:Start a podcast including lecturers, smallCork business owners and the studententrepeneurs, where they share their storiesand advice.Hold a marketing workshop once asemester, open to all students, coveringsocial media advertising, algorithms, who togo to for funding and how to expand yourbusiness even further.Introduce a 'Meet the Students' section onthe advertising portal, where students can telltheir stories and explain their brand.






There is no denying that this year has beentough on students looking for workplacements and work experience. We needto find a sustainable solution in case this is aproblem for students in coming years.I have contacts in two temp agencies, and Iwant to work alongside UCC Careers Servicesto help students gain valuable experience: One works with students on short-termcontracts, - varying from a few hours in aweek to a few weeks part-time - with specificrequirements, eg. '3rd year Civil Engineering,conversational French'; short contracts meanstudents can gain valuable experience andtry out different types of jobs without toomuch commitment.The other agency works with recentgraduates from all disciplines and gives themexperience in the public sector; contractlengths vary from a few weeks to a year, andgive graduates an opportunity to trialdifferent areas, from reception to HR.






COMMERCIALI want to work with the Ents Officer to bring abuzz back to campus if we can have in-person events, and if not, to adapt and planfor online events. I want to work alongside the Marina Marketto bring new and fresh stalls to UCC, and togive students the opportunity to try newthings without having to travel too far.I want to work with the Ents Officer to havethese stalls on the Honan Plaza at least oncea month, and in Brookfield or WGB once amonth too, so we could work with the stalls tohave them on-campus twice a month overall. As well as this, transparency has and alwayswill be the most important thing yourStudents' Union can provide. If elected, Ipromise to work with the Comms Officer onposting updates once a month on the SU'ssocial media, detailing the SU's plans, whatwe have achieved in the month before andwhy we didn't achieve what we were hopingto achieve. I believe that this makes your SUaccountable for you, for their actions andfor their plans.


Thank you for taking the time toread my manifesto! If you haveany questions, please feel freeto contact me on Instagram oron Twitter!








