  • 7/23/2019 Sinowon Digital Readout DP100 Operation Manual En



    Digital Readout

    Operation Instruction

  • 7/23/2019 Sinowon Digital Readout DP100 Operation Manual En


    To insure the safety and obtain satisfactory performance,

    please study this operation instruction thoroughly before

    your operation.

  • 7/23/2019 Sinowon Digital Readout DP100 Operation Manual En


    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction

    User Guide Promise ........................................................................................................1

    Safe Marks .................................. ....................................... ...................................... 1 Type of Annotations........................ ...................................... ...................................... 1

    Environmental Conditions...............................................................................................2

    Direction for Use............................. ...................................... ................................... 2 Caution................................................................................................................... 3 Warranty................................... ...................................... ...................................... ... 3

    1 Brief Introduction................................................. ....................................................... 41.1 Summary.............................................................................................................. 4

    1.2 The Name and Function of Each part........................................................................4

    1.2.1 Introduction of Front Panel............................................................................. 4

    1.2.2Introduction of Back Panel.............................................................................. 41.2.3Side View......................................................................................................51.2.4Top View......................................................................................................5

    1.3 Keyboard panel...................................................... ....................................... .......5

    1.3.1 Keyboard panel button deploy.......................................................................5

    1.3.2 Function of Keyboard.......................................................... .......................... 5

    1.4 The Definition of the term Commonly Used.............. .................. .................. ...........7

    1.4.1 Graphic elements.........................................................................................7

    1.4.2 Graphic table......................................................... ...................................... 8

    1.4.3 Targeting Point................................. ...................................... ...................... 8

    1.4.4 Method of generated graphics.................................. ...................................... 8

    1.4.5 Recall Graphic Elements..................................................... ........................... 8

    1.4.6 Coordinate System............................ ....................... ........................ ............ 8

    1.4.7 Measurement Pattern............................... .................. .................. ................ 8

    1.4.8 Function of rotation of coordinates (Adjust the Coordinate)................................ 9

    1.4.9 Input Numbers................... ................. ................. ................. ................. ..... 9

    2 Basic System Setting.................. ................... .................... .................... ................... .. 10

    2.1 System Setting.................................................................................................... 10

    2.1.1 Pointing Measurement............................................... ..................................10

    2.1.2 Line Measurement......................................................................................102.1.3 Circle Measurement....................................................................................10

    2.1.4 Angle Display form...................................................................... ................10

    2.1.5 Set up key tone................................. ...................................... .................... 10

    2.1.6 Set up LCD back-light brightness................................................ ................... 10

    2.1.7 System Setting Operation Illustration............................................................10

    2.2 Advanced Management............................................... ...................................... .. 11

    2.2.1 Restore factory settings................................................. ............................... 11

    2.2.2 Setting up Z-axis type............................................ ............................... ........11

    2.2.3 Set up X-axis Resolution....................................................... ........................12


    2.2.4 Set up Y-axis Resolution................................................................... ............ 12

    2.2.5 Set up Z-axis Resolution......................................................... ......................12

    2.2.6 Set up X-axis Reverse Counting............................... .................................... .. 12

    2.2.7 Set up Y-axis Reverse Counting............................... ................... ...................12

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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction

    2.2.8 Set up Z-axis Reverse Counting................................................................. ....12

    2.29 Advanced Management Operation Illustration............................................... . 12

    2.3 Compensation Option...................................... ...................................... .............13

    2.3.1 Type of Compensation....................................... ....................................... ...13

    2.3.2 Linearity Setting.........................................................................................13

    2.3.3 Section Setting..................................... ...................................... ................13

    2.3.4 Operation for type of compensation..................................................... .........13

    2.4 Language Setting................................................................................................14

    2.5 Signal port setup................................................. ...................................... ..........14

    2.5.1 Baud Rate.............................................................. ....................................14

    2.5.2 Data Bit.................................................... ...................................... ...........14

    2.5.3 Stop Bit............................................................... ......................................14

    2.5.4 Check Bit......................................................... ....................................... .. 14

    2.5.5 Data frame format......................................................................................15

    2.5.6 Signal ports operation instruction.................................................. ............... 152.6 Manager............................................................................................................15

    2.6.1 Supervisor.................................................................................................15

    2.7 Print Option....................................... ...................................... ......................... 15

    2.8 Print Option.......................................................................................................16

    2.7.1 Operation for Print Option................................... ...................................... . 16

    2.8.1 Operation for Print Option................................... ...................................... . 16

    3 Clearance Function Operation.....................................................................................17

    3.1 Operation For Clearance Function........................... ...................................... ....... 17

    4 Introductions For Basic Operation..............................................................................184.1 Measurement basic Operation t.................................. ....................................... ...18

    4.1.1 How to Turn on/turn off the machinef............................................................18

    4.1.2 How to Select Graphic List..................................... ......................................18

    4.1.3 How to Make System Setting............................................................ ............18

    4.1.4 How to Enter into the Measuring Interface.......................................... ........... 19

    4.1.5 How to transfer Measuring Unit ................................. ................................. 19

    4.1.6 How to Let Axis Zero Clearing....................................... ............................... 20

    4.1.7 How to use Dimidiate ........................................... ...................................... 21

    4.2 Basic Factors For Measuring Function................................. ....................................214.2.1 Display Interface Introduction.............................. ...................................... .21

    4.2.2 Measuring Point.........................................................................................22

    4.2.3 Measuring Line.......................................................... ................................ 23

    4.2.4 Measuring Circle........................................................................................24

    4.2.5 Measuring Distance....................................................................................25

    4.2.6 Measuring Angle............................................................ ............................ 27

    4.2.7 Measuring of special figure........................................................ .................. 29

    4.3 Initialization of graphics function................................................................ ..........32

    4.3.1 Preset Point...............................................................................................334.3.2 Preset Line....................................................... ...................................... ... 33

    4.3.3 Preset Circle..............................................................................................33

    4.3.4 Preset Distance..........................................................................................33

    4.3.5 Preset Angle......................................................... ..................................... 33

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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction

    4.3.6 Preset skew...................................... ...................................... ....................33

    4.3.7 Demonstration of preset............................................ ..................................33

    4.4 Recall Function..................................................................................................34

    4.4.1 Meaning of Recall....................... ...................................... ..........................34

    4.4.2 Demonstration of Recall................................................ ..............................34

    4.5 Construction Graphic Elements Function................................................... ............ 35

    4.5.1 Construct Graphic ......................................................... .............................35

    4.5.2 Construct Point..........................................................................................35

    4.5.3 Construct Line...........................................................................................36

    4.5.4 Construct Circle.........................................................................................37

    4.5.5 Construct Distance.....................................................................................37

    4.5.6 Construct Angle............................................................ ............................. 38

    4.5.7 Example of Construction..................................................... ........................ 38

    4.6 The function of Coordinate Skew................................... ...................................... . 40

    4.6.1 Meaning of Coordinate Skew.................................. ..................................... 404.6.2 Function of Coordinate Skew....................................................................... 40

    4.6.3 Mode of Coordinate Skew..................................... ...................................... .41

    4.6.4 Skew demonstration....................................................................................42

    4.7 Communication.......................... ....................................... ................................ 42

    4.7.1 Communication Cable Connection............................................................... 43

    4.7.2 Communication and Print Setting............................................... .................. 43

    4.7.3 Print Output Format................................................................ ................... 43

    5 Speci ficat ion of Title ..................................................................................................45

    5.1 How To Add Measure Points When it is Measuring. ...................................... ............455.2 How To Finish Measuring ..................................... ....................................... .........46

    5.3 How To Cancel Incorrect Measuring Points.............................. .............................. 46

    5.4 How To Cancel a Measuring Result....... ....................................... ......................... 46

    5.5 How To Set Section Compensation Value............................... ................................ 47

    6 The Function Specification of the Process ....................................................................49

    6.1 Users Procedure Record....................... ....................................... .......................49

    6.2 Editor the Program of User.................................................................. .................49

    6.3 The Running of Users Program................................................ ............................50

    6.4 Samples of Users Program.............................. ...................................... ..............50

    7 Appendix.................................................................................................................. 53

    7.1 Output Symbol List.............................................................................................53

    7.2 Packed BCD Code............................ ...................................... .............................54

    7.3 ASCII Charac ter................................. ...................................... ........................... 54

    7.4 The Output Format of data ........................................................ .......................... 55

    7.5 The plug chart of all kinds of symbols Pin........................................... .....................55

    7.5.1 The plug chart of linear scalel................................. ...................................... 55

    7.5.2 RS232 Signal Interface................................................................................56

    7.5.3 Foot Switch......................................................... ...................................... 57

    7.5.4 Print Connect Interface.......................................... ..................................... 57

    7.6 Specification......................................................................................................58

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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction

    Safe Mark

    We applied different safe marks (Warning Sign, Safety Warning Marks) in its user s guide, in order to make

    sure users correc tly operate the instrument, preven t any danger and avoid acciden t.General Warning Signal:

    Indicate the potentia l danger, if neglect, may resu lt in physi cal harm or endanger the safety of

    life and proper ty.

    Indica te the potential danger, if neglec t, may result light or modera te endanger the safet y of

    life and proper ty.

    Special Warning Signal:

    Prohibit Particular Operation, the left S ignal means Prohibit Demolition

    Type of Annotations

    This guide has the following type of annotation s: to help operat ors correc tly operate the instru ment, to

    obtain reliable measuring data.


    An important annotat ions, i t i s n ecessary t o c omplete a task, i f w ant t o smoothly f ini sh a task, t he

    annotations can not be ignored.

    Users Guide Promise



    An annotat ion to i ndicate youd better c areful . Or e lse w i l l l ose t he i mportant data, r educt ion o f

    preci sion, to cause malfunction or cant work properly.


    Thes e annota tions are to stre ss or reple nish some important l itera l infor matio n, also offer special

    informa tion (such as Restrictions on equipment configuration memory or special version of software



    Cue is to hel p use rs , i t acc ord ing to use r s re qui rem ent to hel p use rs app ly the tech niq ue and

    procedures described in this text.

    It also offers some bibliography information about subject.

    For loss or damage that resulted by nonobservance the Users Guide, We will uncommitted any responsibil ity.

    This guide's contents are subject to change without notice.

    2008 All Right Reserved


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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction

    Avoid exposure to the sun or under high temperature, the temperature must be used in the 040range.

    Keep away from the equipment with high-voltage, high current, strong magnetic field.Keep the Optical scale signa l cable line away from the power cord.

    Avoid use it in the environment of scrap i ron, o il , water, bug dust and vibration.

    Keep away from strong acid, alkali and chemicals.

    Direction for Use

    If a malfunction occur s, such as on the circumstances the power is turned on, no LCD image display,

    should stop using the DP-100 digital read out. At the same time to inform auth orized distr ibutor,

    it will send maintenance engineer to repair immed iately. In such circumstances, if continue to use

    the DP-100, it may lead to electric shock or fire.

    Do not let fore ign bodies , such as wat er, met al or othe r l iquids ente r into the DP-100 digita l

    readoutfrom the back interface, otherwi se they may lead to elect ric shock or fire.

    Do not damage or modify the AC power adapter power cable. If squeez ing or pulling, distor ting

    or heat deformat ion by heavy objects, it may leads to AC power adapter damage and cause to electric

    shock or fire.

    When lightn ing near, pres s the combinatio n of AC power adapte r plugs. Otherwi se, they will

    probably lead to failure, electric shock or fire.

    Do not contact comb ina tion plugs and AC power adapt er plug by wet hand s, it coul d lead to

    electric shock or fire.

    When the plug inserts int o an electrical outle t, dont contact with the combination of AC poweradapter plugs, or may lead to electric shocks.

    Dont direct ly contac t with the back plate inte rfac e pins by hand , or will lead s to the failu re of

    interna l circuit by static electr icity, using the supplied protective cover, cover the interface that

    does use temporarily.

    If the power cord or a combina tion of AC power adapter plug s damaged, or loose of power plug,

    please do not use DP-100 digital readout. At the same time to inform authori zed distribu tor, it will

    send maintenance engineer to repair immediately. In such circumstances, if continue to use the

    DP-100 digital readout, it may lead to shock or fire.

    Do not connect AC power adapter to the high-current power supply, such as connect ing machinetools or large CNC measur ing machine power, but also avoid the use of comple x circuit wiring .

    If the meta l part or outlet of AC power adapter combination plugs contaminated with dust, water

    vapor or oil pollution, needed a dry cloth rub-up. Otherwise it might lead to fire.

    Do not arbi tra rily remo ve or modi fy DP-100 digi tal reado ut. Otherw ise , it will lead to DP-100

    digital read out can not be used. If the DP-100 digital reado ut needs to overhaul, please contact

    with authorized distributor.

    Environmental Conditions


    Do not impact LCD panels, not to use sharp tools top pressure LCD, otherwise it will cause breakdown

    of LCD panels. If the liquid flow from the breakdown of inside LCD panels , it will tarn ished your skin,

    at this time you need wash your skin in the water for 15 minutes. If the liquid crystal sullied your eyes,

    plea se r inse with water a t l east 15 minutes, and then quickly seek med ica l t reat men t beca use LCD

    liquid crystal contains a strong stimulus material.


    Please keystroke with your fingers, do not use pencils, ball pens or sharp tools to strike keyboard, otherwise

    it will cause damage to the keyboard.


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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction

    Must use a spec ific AC power adapter, or it may cause internal circui t fail ure, fire or injury of life.

    Be sure hold plug when pull out the AC power adapter combi nation plug, do not pullin g the power

    cord, or else it would pull off the line caus ed the inside wire nudit y, which could lead to elec tric

    shockor fire.

    Must insert the AC power adapter combination plugs into the electrical outlet, or it may result in fires or

    cause failure.Caution

    Prohibit unauthorized removal or any unauthorized modification

    Do not remove or modify DP-100 digital readout unilateral, otherwi se accuracy and function will

    be adversel y affecte d, or wil l be fai lure s. For test i ng or maint enance DP-100 digita l readout ,

    please contact with authorized distributor.

    At tent ion to insta ll bat tery

    Memory of backup saved applies lithium battery, so please note the following:

    Lithium batteries installed in digital readout of printed circuit boards.

    Do not disc arded or burning the scrappe d digi tal readout , or throw in the fir e, the batte ry willleak from chemical substance s, cause explo sions or intens e burning . Disposal methods should

    accordance with government regulations.

    The genera l note for use DP-100 digital readout

    Measures should be taken when problems

    When the temperature of DP-100 digital readout is too high, smoking or Off-flavor, it should

    be immed iatel y shut down power from the power outlet and unplu g the AC power adapter plugs.

    An d inform authorized distri butor immedia tely, they will send maintenanc e engineer to repair.

    In such circumstances, if continue to use, it may lead to elec tric shock or fire.

    If the for eig n bod y, suc h as wate r or met al debri s fa l l in g int o the digit a l readou t, should beim medi atel y shut down power from the power outlet and unplug the AC power adapter plugs .

    And to inform aut ho rized dist ri but or immedi ate ly, th ey will send mai nt ena nc e eng ineer to repai r.

    In such circumstances, if continue to use the DP-100 digital readout, it may lead to electric shock or fire.

    If the crust or some other components of DP-100 digital readout damaged by severe shock, it should

    be immediately shut down power from the power outlet and unplug the AC power adapter plugs. And

    to inform authorized distributor immediately, they will send maintenance engineer to repair. In such

    circumstances, if continue to use the DP-100 digital readout, it may lead to elec tric shock or fire.

    WarrantyFrom the date of purchase in one year, if confirmed the manufacturi ng processes and materi als are flawed

    of DP-100 digital readout manufactured by us, according to the user's choice, be repai red or replaced free of

    charge, but must be prepaid the retreat postage of DP-100 digital readout.

    If the following reasons lead DP-100 digital readout can not be used or damaged, even in the warranty period,

    will still collect maintenance fees:

    1.Because of improper operation or unauthorized modification caused by any failure or damage.

    2.After the purchase of equipment, due to improper transpo rt, crashed or re- instal lation caused by the

    failure or damage.

    3.Because of fire, salt and harmful gases, abnormal voltage or natural disasters cause the failure or damage.

    This warranty effective only in the following occasions:

    1.Equipment installation normal.

    2.Operation agrees with the Users guide requirements



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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction

    Brief Introduction

    1.2 The Name and Function of Each Part

    This chapter describes the overview, each part name and functions of DP100 digital readout.

    1.1 SummaryDP-100 digital readout is a multi -func tion

    digital display processing sys tem, which is

    used on profile project or to finish prec ise

    measurement of geometrical work-pieces.

    Work-piece measurement includes work-

    piece adjustment, creation coordinate origin,

    measuring work-piece via sample collection etc.

    The working principle of DP-100 as chart below:

    Master/slave raster oflinear scale Displacerelatively to create aphrase and B phasesignal

    Counting Value Display value

    Linear Scale Digital Readout

    Char t 1.3 Back Panel

    Char t 1.2 Front Pane


    Deal with A phaseand B phase to getfour phases

    Chart1.1 Working Principle of Digital Readout

    This section describes each parts the name

    and functions of DP100 digital readout.

    1.2.1 Front Panel Introduction

    Char t 1.2.1 Front Panel

    1.Small LCD screen

    Display operation cue

    2.Large LCD screen

    Display measuring results etc.


    Through Keyboard, you can create

    kinds of settings and input data.

    1.2.2 Back Panel Introduction

    Back Panel as chart 1.3 show

    1.Mains Switch

    Power switch is placed on, the power is turned on; placed OFF, power is cut down. When the power

    is cut down, the internal settings will remain unchanged, but without storage data will be lost.


    The socket is connected with the AC adapter.

    3.X Axis Raster Ruler Interface

    To connect with the X Axis of measuring inst rument.

    4.Y Axis Raster Ruler Interface

    To connect with the Y Axis of measuring inst rument.

    5.Z Axis Raster Ruler Interface

    To connect with the Z Axis of measuring inst rument.

    6.Foot -Switch

    To connect with spare foot-switch.

    7.RS 232 Interface

    To connect with counter or interface device.

    8.Printer InterfaceTo connect wi th printe r.

    9.USB Interface

    To connect with PC

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    1.3.2 Function of Keyboard1Measuring Key

    Correct ion Key for coordinate compensation.

    More function key, this instrument without definit ion for this key

    Measure distance, include distance for point to point, point to line, point tocircle , circle to circle and line to circle.

    Measure a point of intersection and angle formed by two lines .

    Key Function

    Measure a point

    Measure a line.

    Measure a circle

    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction

    1.2.3 Side View

    Side view as chart1.4 show

    1.2.4 Top View

    Top view as chart 1.5 show

    1.3 Keyboard Panel

    This section introduces the keyboard panel button configuration and each button functions. 1.3.1 Keyboard panel button deploy

    Keyboard panel as chart 1.6 show


    Chart1.4 Side View Chart1.5Top View

    Chart 1.6 keyboard panel button configurations

    LCD Screeen

    Function Key

    Measuring Key

    Print Key

    Direction Key


    Dimidiate Key

    View Key

    Unit Transter Key

    Power Key

    Coordinate Option Key

    Call-Out Key

    Order Key

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    4Zero Clearing Key

    Key Function

    For X Axis zero clearing.

    For Y Axis zero clearing .

    For Q or Z Axis zero clea ring .




    Key Function

    In numerica l input mode, press this key input 0

    In numerica l input mode, press this key input 1

    In numerica l input mode, press this key input 2

    In numerica l input mode, press this key input 3

    In numerica l input mode, press this key input 3

    In numerica l input mode, press this key input 5

    In numerica l input mode, press this key input 6

    In numerica l input mode, press this key input 7

    In numerica l input mode, press this key input 8

    In numerica l input mode, press this key input 9

    In numerica l input mode, press this key input decimal point.

    In numerica l input mode, press this key input posit ive signand minus, defaults is positive sign.

    3Numeral Key











    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruc tion


    2Function Key

    Key Function






    Setup function key

    preset function key

    creation function key

    program function key

    delete function key

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    1.4 The definition of the term commonly used

    This section introduces the definition of the term commonly used of DP-100 digital readout to help users

    understand the contents of the manual.

    Key Function

    5Order Key






    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruc tion

    7Measuring Pattern Option Key

    Shift between rectangular coordinate system and polarangle coordinate system

    shift among coordinate system, this key is non-effective insingle coordinate system.

    Shift between millimeter (mm) and inch.

    8Others Keys

    Printer Key, print the data.

    Screen On/Off.

    Dimid iate Key, in numer ical input mode, presses thiskey can dimidiate the cursor value.

    Menu key. Used for important setting, include system setting ,program and some important functions.


    6Direction Key

    Cursor move up one place

    Cursor move down one place

    Cursor move left one location

    Cursor move right one location

    Used to confirm what you had done and confirm coordinates .Confi rm selection or input operation and move to next step.

    Cancel the selection or input operation, back to original status.Cancel the last time measured point data.

    To finish the measur ing function or finish input.

    Quit the option or input operation, back to previous status

    Quickly view a certain graphic primitive information in the list



    1.4.1 Graphic elements

    The basic graphic elements generated by DP-100 include point, line, and circle. The angle and distance is

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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    the combination result of the above graphic elements, but in DP-100 they still are looked as graphic elements.

    Graphic elements are short for graphics, graphic element or element.

    1.4.2 Graphic Table

    When generated new graphic, it will be put in the graphic table. DP-100 can store 100 graphs (001-100).

    1.4.3 Targeting Point

    In Measuring , a special point of data is inputted the coordinates of DP-100 system, the DP-100 calculate the

    correct measurement graphics process. These graphic elements used to generate the special point is that the

    sampling points. In addition to measuring distance and angle measurement, other graphics can be measured

    up to collect 50 points.

    1.4.4 Method of Generated Graphics

    1.Graph Measuring

    Collect sample points on the work piece and generate graph by these points.

    2.Pre-place Graph

    Through the keyboard input the necessary information generated new graphics.

    3.Construct Graph

    Put the previous generated graph portfolio into a new graph.

    1.4.5 Recall Graphic Elements

    Rapid positioning an already exist element in the list.

    1.4.6 Coordinate System

    1.Relative / absolute Coordinate System

    Absolute Coordinate system refers to the basic coordinate system

    Relative Coordinate system means the coordinate system which is relative to absolute Coordinate.

    2. Polar /Rectangular coordinate

    Rectangular coordinate expresses a point as with (x, y)

    Polar angle coordinate expresses a point as with (, )

    For ExampleLCD displays The current coordinates location X window displays 1.000

    Y window displays 2.125

    It means the current coordinate is(1.000, 2.125), but if convert polar coordinate is (2.349, 64.799),thedisplay interface is as the chart 1.7 show.

    NoteIf it displays polar coordinate in small LCD, the coordinate system in large is rectangle coordinate.

    On the contrary, If it displays rectangle coordinate in small LCD, the coordinate system in large is polar

    rectangle coordinate.

    1.4.7 Measurement Pattern

    There are two kinds of measurement patterns, One is that before measuring, pre- set the measurement

    points (max is 50 sample points); another is that before measuring it is no need to preset the sample points

    quantities which will be decided during measurement. You can choose any kind of measurement pattern

    via presetting in the internet function setup.

    Chart 1.7 Polar coordinate displays

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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    1.4.8 Function of Coordinate Rotation (Coordinate Adjustment)

    DP-100 digital readout provides coordinate rotat ion to improve measuring precisio n and in order to

    improve the measuring precision, and make the user feel more convenient. The main purpose of coordinate

    rotat ion is help user to adjust the work-piece positi on.

    When the work-piece edge is irregul ar or has angle with X-axis, coordina te rotatio n function allows

    the operator rotate X-axis to the edge position of work-piece to improve accuracy and to be convenient

    to measure.

    1.4.9 Input Numbers

    Af ter putt ing in numbers , press key to confi rm input number. Press key to cancel input

    number. During putting in, press key to cance l the number put in last time, also can press

    at the beginning; it means that you put in the default number displayed on the screen.




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    Basic System Setting

    Thi s chapter descr ibe s the bas ic sys t em set t ings , inc lud ing sys tem set t ing , sen io r managem ent ,

    compensation options, and the language sett ing, communications sett ings, and administrator and

    prin ting opti ons, RI mode l.

    2.1 System Settings

    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    This function includes the settings of 6 aspects:

    lSet up the sampling point for point measurement

    lSet up the sampling point for line measurement

    lSet up the sampling point for circle measurement

    lSet up angle display pattern

    lSet up key ton

    lSet up LCD backlight brightness

    Chart 2.1 is System Setting Interface

    Chart 2.1 System Setting Interface

    2.1.1 Set up the sampling point for point measurement

    This function set up the max samplin g point quantit y for point measurement, the factory default

    sett ing is 01, the maximum sampling point s user can set up is 5.

    2.1.2Set up the sampl ing point for line measurement

    This function set up the max sampling point quantity for point measurement, the factory default

    setting is 02,the maximum sampling point s user can set up is up the sampling point for circle measurement

    This function set up the max sampling point quantity for point measurement, the factory default

    setting is 03,the maximum sampling point s user can set up is 50.

    2.1.4Angle disp lay pattern

    This function set up the angle display patterns, there are two patterns: degree centigrade and degree

    /minute/second. Factory default is degree centigrade.

    2.1.5Set up key tone

    This funct ion can turn on/ turn off key tone; thefactorydefault has opened key tone2.1.6Set up LCD back-light brightness

    This funct ion is forturnon/off the LCD back-light. The factory defau lt has opened LCD back-light

    2.1.7System Setting Operation Illustration

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    In system sett ing , use left key right key, up key, down key, number keys , Quit key and Enter key. The

    following are introduce each key:

    1 Enter System Setting.:

    2 and Quit System Setting.: :

    3 : Use for select each option. As point measuring sampling , points line measuring sampling,

    points circle measuring sampling, points angle display format.

    4number key: Use for input the sampling points .

    5 Two choices: Shift option, Use for angle display form, between degree centigrade and:




    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruc tion


    2.2.1 Restore factory settingsThis function is used to restore factory settings, the contents include below

    1)ABS zero clear ingINC zero clearing

    2)The resolution of X axis ,Y axis and Z/Q is set up as 0.001,angle display pattern is degree centigrade

    3)The coun ting way of X axi s, Y axi s and Z/Q axis is forw ard coun tin g , and the data for mat is

    compression format

    4)The transmission speed of RS232 is 9600bpsdata bit is 8stop bit is 1no parity bit.

    5)X an Y axis adopts linearity compensat ion whose standard value and view value both are set up

    as 1.0002.2.2 Set up Z axis type

    This function is used to set up Z axis type; there are two choices for Z axis setting: linearity and rotary

    Code scale. Factory default is linearity scale.

    2.2 Advanced SettingsThis function is used for 8 aspects settings

    To restore factory setting

    Set up Z axis type

    Set up X axis resolution

    Set up Y axis resolution

    Set up Z axis resolution

    Set up X axis reverse count

    Set up Y axis reverse count

    Set up Z axis reverse count

    Chart 2.2 is advanced setting interface

    Chart 2.2 advanced setting

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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruc tion


    2.2.3 Set up X axis resolution

    This function is used to set up X axis resolution, namely the accuracy, it has six options:0 .001,0.002,

    0.005, 0.0001, 0.0002,0.0005,factory default setting is 0.001


    Different scales have diffe rent resolution, operator should not be modified this settings, genera lly,factory has completed this setting.

    2.2.4 Set up Y axis reso lution

    This function is used to set up Y axis resolution, namely the accuracy, it has six options:0 .001,0.002,

    0.005, 0.0001, 0.0002,0.0005,factory default setting is 0.001

    2.2.5 Set up Z axis reso lution

    This function is used to set up Z axis resolution, namely the accuracy, it has six options: 0.001,0.002,

    0.005, 0.0001, 0.0002,0.0005,factory default setting is 0.001

    2.2.6 Set up X axis rever ses countThis function can set up whether you will open the function of X axis reverse count or not, in 2D graph,

    X axis is normally increasing from left to right, but some time the measuring direction is from right to

    left. Under this circumstance , you can set up the reverse count of X axis as YES, at this time, X axis is

    steadily increasing from right to left. Surely 3D graph, factory default setting is NO.

    2.2.7 Set up Y axis reverse count

    This function can set up whether you will open the function of Y axis reverse count or not, in 2D graph,

    Y ax is i s normally increasing from up to down, but some time the mea suring direc ti on i s from up to

    down. Under this circumstance, you can set up the reverse count of Y axis as YES, at this time, Y axis is

    stead ily increasing from up to down. Surely 3D graph, factory defau lt setting is NO.

    2.2.8 Set up Z axis reverse count

    This function can set up whether you will open the function of Z axis reverse count or not, in 3D graph,

    Z axis is normally increasing from down to up, but some time the measuring direction is from up to

    down. Under this circumstance, you can set up the reverse count of Z axis as YES, at this time, Z axis is

    steadily increasing from down to up, factory default setting is NO.

    2.2.9 Advanced Management Operation Illustration

    In advanced management , use left key right key, up key, down key, number keys , Quit key and Enter

    key. The following are introduce each key:

    1) :Enter advanced management setting .

    2) and : Quit advanced management setting .

    3) :Use for selec t each option. Such as restore fac tory sett ing , set up Z axis type, X axis

    resolution, Y axis resolution, Z axis resolution, X axis reverse count setting, Y axis reverse count

    setting , Z axis reverse count setting etc.

    4) :While selecting restore the factory setting , press ENTER can restore the factory setting .When there are only two kinds of options, it is used to transfe r the options. For more than two

    options, press ENTER firstly, then press up/down key to select the options, then press ENTER

    to confirm selection.



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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction

    2.3 Compensation options

    Chart 2.3 compensation options

    Chart 2.4 compensation type

    Chart 2.5 Linearity setting

    Chart 2.6 Section setting

    Note: we collected relevant compensation chart only X axis , the compensat ion of Y axis and Z axisis the same as X axis

    This function includes three options:

    Compensation type

    Linearity setting

    Section setting

    Chart 2.3 to Chart 2.6 is relevant interface of compensation options

    2.3.1 Compensation type

    This option is used to set up compensat ion type, there are two types: Linea rity compensation and

    section compensat ion. Linearity compensation will make compensation in the whole area (such as

    the X-axis) on the basis of linear relationship, the section can set multi- section of compensat ion, and

    you can set up different compensation correction in each compensa tion section.

    2.3.2 Linearity setup

    This option is used for linearity setting, including X axis, Y axis and Z axis linearitycompensation setting

    2.3.3 Section setup

    This option is used for section setting, including X axis, Y axis and Z axis section compensation setting.

    Meanwhile, it also can clear the section compensat ion.

    In compensation option, it wil l use left key, right key, up key, down key, number keys , Quit key and

    Enter key. Following is the introduction of each key:

    1 enter into the setup of compensation option2 and Quit the setup of compensation option

    3 and Used to select each option, such as compensation option, linearity se tting,

    section setting, etc.

    2.3.4 Compensation option instruction


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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    4Number key: It is used to put in standard value and view value while making linearity sett ing .

    5 :When there are only two kinds of options , it is used to transfe r the options. For more

    than two options, press ENTER firstly, then press up/down key to select the options, after

    entering into compensation option, press ENTER to enter into corresponding options setting .

    For example



    Compensation option linearity setting

    Cue: if the user had set up the linear ity and section compensation, you have to set up both linear ity

    compensat ion parameter and section compensation parameter simultaneously. Otherwise, it will lead

    to unpredictable error, and further an invalid measuring result. Before setting up compensation parameter,

    please confirm whether the coordinat e is in correct status, if so, please cancel compensation status.

    (Please refer to the chart 2.3 and Chart 2.5)

    This function is used to set up the language to be displayed, DP100 has only one language: English , chart

    2.7 is relevant display interface of language se tup.

    Chart 2.7 Language setup

    2.5 Signal port setup

    This funct ion can set up some parameter s of RS232 inter face to PC, includ ing Baud rate , data bit,

    Stop bit, check bit, and data frame format. Chart 2.8 is the inter face of signal ports

    2.5.1 Baud rate

    There are five options for this funct ion: 480096001440019200 and 28800. Commonly baud

    rate is 9600, factory defaults is

    2.5.2 Data bit

    There are two options for this funct ion: 7 Bit and 8 Bit, commonly it is 8 Bit, facto ry defaults is 8 bit

    2.5.3 Stop bit This funct ion has two options: 1 Bit and 2 Bit, facto ry defaults is 1 bit.

    2.5.4 Check bit

    This funct ion has three options: odd number check, even number check, and no check , factory

    defaults is none.

    2.4 Language setup

    Chart 2.8 signal port setup

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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    2.5.5 Data frame format

    This function is used to set up the data frame format when DP-100 is connected with the computer,

    there are two formats: standard format and compressed format, standard wont amend and process

    any data, compressed format will process data with compressed BCD code. Factory default is

    compressed format.

    2.5.6 Signal ports operation instruction

    In signal port setup, it will use lef t key, right key, up key, down key, Quit key and Enter key. Following

    is the introduction of each key:

    1 Enter signal port setup

    2 and Quit signal port setup

    3) and It is used to select Baud rate, data bit, Stop bit, check bit etc .

    4 When there are only two kinds of options, it is used to transfe r the options. For more

    than two options, press ENTER first ly, then press up/down key to select the options, finally,

    press ENTER to confirm options.

    This function is used to set up the user permission, if the user doesnt put in password, he can have

    only some modification permissions of system setting, including system setup, printing option.

    DP-100 preter its without permission identification, if user put in the password correctly, he can has

    the modification permission of all options, including system setting, advanced setting, compensation

    options, language setting , signal port setting , print option. If he put in a wrong password, there will

    display the hint of invalid password , at this time, he can re-put in password 51818.

    Chart 2.9 is the relevant interface of administ rator

    Chart 2.9 administrator

    2.6.1 Administrator operation instructions

    In administ rator operation instruc tion, it will use left key, right key, quit key, number keys and Enter

    key. The following are the int roduction of each key:

    1 Enter into administrator setting

    2 and Quit administrator setting.

    3)Number Key: It is used to put in the password. 4 It is used to confirm the password put in

    This function is used to set up printing information need to print, including print title, print blank line,

    print unit etc; please refe r to the appendix print output format list for specif ic option.

    2.6 Administrator





    Chart 2.10 print option

    2.7 Print

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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    2.7.1 Print operation instruction

    In print option, it will use left key, right key, up key, down key, quit key and Enter key. The following

    are the introduct ion of each key:

    1 Enter into print setting

    2 and Quit print setting

    3) They are used to select option, such as print title, print unit, print blank line etc.

    4 It is used to transfer options

    RI pattern will affec t directly finding of RI pointits effec t is avoiding any movement of linear scales after

    power cut off, further leads to a inaccuracy reading after re-start the machine.Chart2.11 is the RI pattern

    interface of setting axis.

    Chart 2.11 Set up Axis RI Patte rn

    2.8.1 RI pattern operation instructions

    In sett ing axis RI pattern, it will use left key, right key, quit key and Enter key. The following are the

    introduction of each key:

    1 Enter into RI pattern setting

    2 and Quit RI pattern setting

    3 it is used to transfer options.

    2.8 Set up Axis RI pattern





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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    In DP-100, clearance function includes the deletion of the graph element and coordinate adjustment that

    have stored in the graph list.3.1 Clearance function use

    Below is the introduction of clearance function operation step

    1press , enter into clearance operation interfaceas chart 3.1 show

    Chart 3.1 clearance key function display

    2Select clearance type according to need, if you select list, the display is shown as chart 3.2 show, ifyou select coord inate adjus tment , the display is shown as chart 3.3 show. If you select all, the display

    is shown as char t 3.4 show.

    Chart 3.2 clear list

    Chart 3.3 clear coordination adjustments

    Chart 3.4 clear all

    3There are three clearance instances

    aclear list

    Delete all graph ic elements stored in the list, includ ing all measuring graphic primit ives , all prese t

    graphic primitive and all construc ting graphic primitives.

    bclear coordination adjustment

    If the current coordinate has been adjusted, please delete coordinate adjustment element, and

    transfer originally adjusted informat ion into a straight line graphic primitive.

    cclear all

    Delete a and b

    Note: please use this funct ion carefully.


    If you want to delete a certa in graph ic primi tive, you can delete it through browsing graphic primit ive


    Clearance Function Illustrations


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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    This chapter introduces the basic opera tion of measurement, basic element measuring function, preset

    graphic primitive element, and Recall function, crea te graphic element, coordinate adjustment and signalcommunications.

    4.1 Measurement basic operation

    This section introduces the basic operation of measurement, include how to turn on/turn off this instrument?

    How to select the list item? how to do the system setting? How to enter into the measuring inter face? How to

    trans fer the measur ing unit? And how to zero clear ing the axis?

    4.1.1 How to Turn on/turn off the machine

    Start system operation Step

    1. Turn on the measuring inst rument power

    2. Turn on the measuring instrument screen.

    At this time, DP-100 enter s into self -check, press any key or after self- check status, if the three axes are

    linearity compensation, then enters into the normal display status, as chart 4.1.1. If a certain coordinate

    was set as section compensation, there are two kinds of cases displayed in the interface.

    1Find out R1 then enter into the normal display interface

    2If you want to use linearity compensation instead of sect ion compensation, press to enter

    into the normal display status directly.

    Basic Operation Instruction


    Turn off system operat ion steps

    1Turn off screen swi tch of measuring machine, at this time, you turned off only screen, the machine isreall y turned off.

    2Turn off the power switch of measuring machine

    4.1.2 How to Selec t Graphic List

    Function key

    Operation Step

    1Ad just the current inter face into the current coord inate inter face (char t 4.1.1) , Press

    Key enterinto the selection of list item.

    4.1.3 How to Make System Setting

    Function key

    Operation Step

    Chart 4.1 Current coordinate Chart 4.2 start interface


    Before starting the machine, please check power cable carefully to confirm they are connected with

    machine well. Under normal start, system will enter into self-check status , small LCD will display

    company name JATEN, machine name and version and so on in turn. Show as Chart 4.2. After starting

    the machine, please observe whether the machine is working normally, if any abnormity please cut off.

    Under start, please dont plug signal cable.


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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    1Ad just the current inter face into the current coord inat ion interface (char t 4.1.1) press

    enter into the interface of system setting, as the chart 4.3 show

    Chart4.3 system setting

    2Press Set up system

    3 and Quit system setting

    4.1.4How to Enter into the Measuring Interface

    Function key

    Operation Step

    1Ad just the cur rent inter face into the current coordinate interface press measuring key to

    enter into corresponding measuring interface ( show as chart 4.4-4.15)



    4.1.5 How to transfer Measuring Unit

    Function Key

    Operation Step

    Press the unit switch key you can trans fer the measuring unit between millimeter and inch.

    Illuminationthe length of decimal digits is unchanged, which had been decided when we set up

    the resolution of linear scales, if resolution of linear scale is 0.0010.002 or 0.005decimal digits

    is 3 when unit is mm, when unit is inch, decimal digits is 5. if reso lution of linea r scale is 0.0001,

    0.0002or 0.0005,decima l digits is 4 when unit is mm, when unit is inch, decimal digit s is 6. If

    the type of Z axis is set up as rotary encoder sca les, when Z express angle, fixed decima l digits is 2.

    Chart 4.4 measure point

    Chart 4.6 measure circle

    Chart 4.8 measure s the distance from point to line

    Chart 4.10 measure the distance from circle to circle

    Chart4.12 measure angle

    Chart 4.14 measure ellipse

    Chart 4.5 measure line

    Chart 4.7 measure dist ance from point to point

    Chart 4.9 measure distance from point to circle

    Chart 4.11 measure distance from line to circle

    Chart 4.13 measure rectangle

    Chart 4.15 measure screw thread



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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction



    1Press unit transfer key to display current coordinate interface, show as chart 4.16

    2Current coordinate interface after pressing unit transfer key, show as chart 4.17

    4.1.6 How to Let Axis Zero Clearing

    Function key

    Operation steps

    1when you want to zero clearing the collected value, press to make the value

    of X.Y.Z axis zero

    2)Current coordinate interface be fore zero clearing is shown as chart 4.18

    3)Af ter press , current coordinate inter face displayed i s shown as chart 4.19

    Chart 4.16 interfaces before unit transfer Chart 4.17 interfaces after unit transfer

    X0 Y0 Q0/Z 0

    X0 Y0 Q0/Z 0

    Y0 Q0/Z0


    Chart 4.18 the interface before X0 Chart 4.19 the interface after X0

    4)following, after pressing and , current coordinate interface displayed is shown as chart 4.20

    Chart 4.20 interfaces after zero cleari ng all

    Illustration:DP-100 still support the zero clearing of a certain coordinate value, at this time, DP-100 will

    look coordinate value afte r zero clearing as parameter to make offset of coordinate origin, and update

    all graphic primitives and current coordinates in the list. After that , if the user views other graphic primitives

    and current coordinate, these values will become relative value of cleared graphic primitive coordinate.

    Through this function, user can observe the relevant position of measured graphic primitive easily.

    Note:DP-100 cant clear angle value of graphic primitive; it can clear coordinate value of graphic primitive.

    Meanwhile , it is meaningless to clear some graphic primit ive parameter; they also wont be cleared, such

    as distance parameter.

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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    4.1.7 How to use Dimidia te Key

    Use key, you can make current coordinate value to be divided 2, using this function, you can

    determine 1/2 value of current coordinate, you also can dimidiated value move to 0to get midpoint

    of this section indirectly.

    Function key

    Operation steps

    1) When you need dimidiate the collected value, firs tly press ;Show as chart 4.21

    Chart 4.21 dimidiate function

    2)Then there are three cases

    aif want to dominate X axispress or number key

    bif want to dominate Y axispress or number key

    cif want to dominate Z axis press or number key

    Illumination:if user wants to find out midpoint betwe en two points, he can achi eve it through

    creating a new point by the two points, the new point he created is the midpoin t of the two points.

    4.2 Basic Factors Measuring Function

    This section introduces DP-100 usual usage measuring functions: the measurements of point, line, circle,

    distance and angle, and take the measurement of point as example to introduce the display interface.

    4.2.1 Display Interface Introduction

    Here take the measurement interface of point as example (chart 4.22) to introduce display inter face.

    Chart 4.22 Point measurement interface

    in the title bar of the inter face above, it displays in the title bar the current operat ion objective:

    measuring point

    in the lower right corner of coordinate information display zone, there will display coordinate

    type (CART/POL) to be used while measurement, user can change the lengt h unit type at anytime by pres sing on the pane l, but DP-100 suppo rt only singl e coord inat e sys tem, so

    coordinate system transfer is unavailable for DP-100.

    User can change the length unit type via pressing on the panelmminch

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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    above of coordinate informat ion display zone, namely in the middle of measuring information

    display zone, where is displaying the points you currently need sampling

    In the right side of interface, it is measuring information display zone

    In the lower left corner of coordinate information display zone, there is diplaying a picture which

    is relative with current measuring function, whose function is reminding of the user strikingly which

    measuring function his current measurement is.

    In the left of measuring information display zone, it is display zone of measuring point number,

    which is used to remind of user the point number the current measurement needs and the remainder

    point number to be sampled. Point measurement function supports multi-points measurement,

    under point measurement, user can press on the panel to increase sampl ing points number.

    For example, if current sampl ing point numberis 1, press , the sampl ing points becomes 2,

    press again , the sampling pointsbecome 3, and the like, maximum sampl ing point

    number can up to 50.


    User can set up the default value of sampling points under menu\ setting\ system sett ing\, for each

    measurement in futur e, point system will use samp ling points number automatically set up in the

    menu. It also support multi-points measuring function, line measurement and circle measurement,

    it also can amend sampling point number via similar operating way with point measurement.

    Measuring information data display zone


    In order to get correct measuring result, user should sample point according to system hint strictly,

    otherwise, the measuring result will be inconsistent with users expectation.

    4.2.2 Measuring point

    Point measurement is simplest graphic measurement because it can define the point position only

    need sampling 1 point. Point measuring function is recording some point graphic primitives of measured

    object, user use these point graphic primitives to create some points, line, distance, circle and angle.

    Key operation


    In the current coordinate interf ace(the default interf ace after starti ng) or while Browsing graphic

    primitive list, press to enter into relevant operating interface of point graphic primitive. After

    getting system defaults, press to Enter into point measuring function. On the small LCD screen,

    there is displaying the Current measurable point number, if you need measuring more points, you can

    press a Few correspondingly point measuring keyboard . If the measuring parameter can meet with

    Your requirement, the measuring result will add automatically to graphic primit ive List, normally, newly

    added graphic primitive will be listed in the last.


    If user want to delete newly collec ted sample point, press on the panel .Af ter col lecting one point each time, remainder sampling point in the hint zone of point number will

    automatically reduce 1when collected point number is equal to the sampling point(the maximum

    point number in the hint zone)measurement will finish automatically.


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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    measure point element 1-50 times to get the coordinate Value of point element

    While carrying out multi-points measurement, you can Get coordinates arithmetic

    average value

    Measuring result output: X.Y0 x



    Example1)Press to enter into point measuring function, measuring dialogue box is Shown as chart 4.23

    2)User moves the coordinates to measuring value interesting him, then collects this Point

    3) Press to collec t the coordinate value, the small LCD screen will display the general

    information of measuring point, large LCD screen display s data information of measuring point,

    show as Chart4.24


    Chart4.24 Chart4.24

    4.2.3 Measure Line

    The function of line measurement just measure line element through collecting 2-50 points, normally,

    within the maximum range on the straight line, user should collect points as more as possible to improve

    accuracy of graphic element, user can decide sampling point number by himself. When the number of

    sampling point is more than 2, system will create a most suitable line according to point data requirement,

    and also will reflect the true straigh tness of line.

    Press Key Operation


    In the current coordinate interf ace (the default interface after starting) or while Brows ing graphic

    primit ive list, pres s to ente r into relevant opera ting Inter face of line graphi c primit ive. Afte r

    getting system defaults, press toEnter into line measuring function. If measuring parameter can

    meet with requirement, Measuring results will be added to graphic primitive list automatically.

    Normal ly, newly added graphic primit ive will be listed in the last.


    The vector direction of line element is the direction from firs t point P1 to last point P2, please note

    that vector direction of line element will affect the calculation result of slant angle.

    Measure 2-50 points on straight line to get slant angle of line

    While carrying out multi-points measurement, you can get average value by

    least square method

    Measuring result outputXYAF10 x




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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction



    1) Press line measuring key to enter into line measuring function, line measuring dialog box is

    shown as Chart 4.25

    2) User moves the current coordinates to the beside of coordinate vale interesting him, press

    key to collect the coordinates value P1, then collec t coordinate value P2, show as chart 4.26


    Char t 4.25 Char t 4.26

    3) Use the same method to collect the value of P2, and then press to display measuring information,

    show as Chart 4.27, press to view the value of true straightness F1, show as chart 4.28.

    Chart 4.27 Chart 4.28

    4.2.4 Circle Measurement

    Circ le measurement can be real ized via collecting 3-50 points on the circle. Normall y, three points

    can get the circle, but in order for accurate measu ring, the sampling point number should be morethan 3, and sampling points should dist ribute on the circle equally. When sampling point number is

    more than 3, system will create a most suitable circ le according to collected points data, and also

    will reflect the roundness of this circle.

    Key operation


    In the curren t coordinate interface(the default interface after starting)or whileBrowsing graphic

    primitive list, press to enter into relevant operatingInterface of circle graphic primitive. Afte rgetting system defaults , press toEnter into circle measur ing function. If measur ing parameter

    can meet with requirement, Measuring results will be added to graphic primitive list automatically.

    Normally, newly added graphic primitive will be listed in the last.



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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    0 x

    y P1




    Measure 2-50 points on circle to get diameter of circle .

    While carrying out multi-point s measurement, you can get Average circle by

    the smallest average.

    Measuring result outputXYDrF2


    1) Press circle measuring key to enter circle measuring funct ion, measuring dialogue box is

    shown as chart 4.29.

    2) User moves the current coordinates to the beside of coordinate vale interesting him, press

    key to collect this coordinates value P1, then collect coordina te value P2, show as chart 4.30


    Chart 4.29 Measuring circle Chart 4.30

    3) Use the sam e met hod to col lec t the val ue of P2, P3, then pre ss to display mea sur ing

    circle inform ation, show as Chart 4.31, press to view diame ter D and the value of

    roun dness F2, show as chart 4.32.

    Chart 4.31 Chart 4.32



    4.2.5 Distance Measurement

    It includes 5 kinds of distance measurements: point to point, point to line, point to circle, circle to

    circ le, line to circ le, in whic h the distance measu rem ent of poin t to point is the most basica lly

    measurement.Key Operation


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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    In the current coordinate interface(the default interface aft er starting)or while Browsing graphic

    primitive list, press to enter into relevant operating Interface of distance measurement show

    as chart 4.33. You can press and toSelect the functions of measuring distance below:

    Chart 4.33 Relevant operating interface of distance measurement

    The distance from point to point

    Measure two points to get the distance between two points P1 and P2

    Measuring results output: XYDT


    The vector of distance element can get via the first measuring point P1, the second measuring point

    P2 and coordinate difference value (XY)according to follow calculation formula: (coordinate

    difference value)=(oordi nate value of the second measuring point)-(coordinate value of the first

    measuring point)The positive negative symbols of coordinate difference value is subject to Measuring sequence.

    Measure the distance from point to line

    Measure 3 points to get the distance from point (P1to the line created by pointP2and (P3

    Measuring results outpuut:X,Y,DT

    Measure the distance from point to circle

    Measure 4 points to get the distance from point (P1to the circle created by Point (P2 ),(P3) and (P4)

    Measuring results output: XYDTMax DTMin DT.

    Measure the distance from circle to circle

    Measure 6 points to get the distance from circle created by points (P1, P2 and P3) to the circle

    created by points (P4P5 and P6)

    Measuring result output:XYDTMax DTMin DT.

    Measure the distance from line to circle

    Measure 5 points to get the distance from the line created by (P1 and P2 )to the circle created by

    points( P3P4 and P5)

    Measuring results output: XYDTMax DTMind

    Generally speaking , the distance measuring steps as under:

    1) After pressing , you need selec t a certain number key according distance Measuring type2) Collect coordinates of each point

    3) Press to endFinish

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    (Take the distance from point to point as example

    1)Press distance measuring key then press key to enter into distance measuring function,

    the measuring dialog box of point to point as Chart 4.34 show

    2)User moves the curren t coordinates to the behind of coordinate value interesting him, then press

    key to collect the coordinate value P1, and then collect the coordinate of P2, as chart 4.35 shows.



    Chart 4.34 Measure the distance from point to point Chart 4.35 Measure the distance from point to point

    3) After finishing the collection of the coordinate P2, press key, the distance of P1 and P2 is

    shown as chart 4.36.


    Chart 4.36 Display the distance from point to poin t

    4.2.6 Angle MeasurementAngle measurement just records some angle elements of measured objec t.

    Key operation


    By measuring the two sides of an angle to realize purpose to measure angle element, this is angle

    measuring method. In DP-100, you can collect two points on each side of two lines. When you use

    the mode of preset sampling point number, the sampl ing point number requested to measure each

    line will be displayed on the small LCD screen.

    Measure 2 points on the straight line (P1, P2), then measure another straight

    line points(P3, P4)to get the intersec tion and angle of two lines

    Measuring resu lts output : X, Y, A1, A2, A3, A4.0 x






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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction



    The vector direc tion of each line is from the first measuring point (P1/P3) to the last measur ing


    AngleA1 (0~180 degree) , it is an inter ior angle created by vec tor of two l ines

    Angle A2 (0~180 degree),its value is 180-A1

    Angle A3 (0~180 degree), i ts value i s 180+A1

    Angle A4 (0~180 degree), i ts value i s 360-A1


    1) Press measuring key to enter into angle measuring function, angle measuring display dialogue

    x is shown as chart 4.37

    Chart 4.37 angle measurement

    2) As the user move the current coordinate to the posit ion he want to measure, press the key

    to acquire the data of coord inate P1,and then enter the data acqui sition of coordinate P2.As the

    chart 4.38 show, chart4.39 is the inter face of data acquisit ion of coordinate P3


    Data acquisit ion of coordina te P2 Inte rface of data acquis iti on of coordina te P3

    3) Repeat step2 to acqui re the data of coordinate P2,P3,P4.then press the key on the panel ,the information of angle measurement are showed on the LCD, as the chart4 .40.the angle value

    of A2,A3,A4 appear in the LCD by press the key



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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    Chart4.40 data display of angle measurement chart4.41 data display of angle measurement

    4.2.7 Measurement of special figure

    Measurement of special figure including the measurement of rectangle, ellipse, and screw thread

    press the key


    At The in terfa ce of cur ren t coo rdi na te (de fault in terfa ce afte r swi tching on t he ins tru ment ) or as

    looking through the list of graphics , press key to enter the opera ting interf ace of measurement of

    special figure. Showed as chart4.42, press key or or or to select the measurement

    function of three kinds of special figure

    4.42 measurement of special figure


    In the measurement of rectangle , the parameter : the center coordinate, the length and the width of

    the rectangle are obtained by measurement.


    Using the DP-100 to measure rectangle, need to sample at least five points, and the method of sampling

    point must accord with the Chart4 .43, and the first, and second sampling point must be in a same

    border of rectangle, then sample another three points in another three rectangle borders, the sample

    direction must accord with clockwise or anti-clockwise.

    chart 4.43

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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    operating procedure

    1) Press measuring key then press to enter the inter face of measuring rectangleEnter

    Chart 4.44

    2) Sample 5 points, the method of sampling accord with chart 4.43,press to finish the sampling ,now the center coordinate and the length a of rectangle display in the LCD, showed in the chart4.45,

    press key to display the length b of rectangle in the LCD, showed in the chart4.46.



    Chart4.45 display of rectangle measurement chart4.46 display of rectangle measurement

    Ellipse measurement

    The parameter s in ellipse measurement are cente r coordinates, the long axis, the short axis and A,

    F3 are obtained by measurement , A is the intersecting angle of long axis and short axis , F2 is thegeometrical deviation of ellipse


    When using DP100 to measure ellipse, need to sample at least five points, and the method of sampling

    point must accord with the chart4.47.and the sampling direction must be clockwise or anti-clockwise.

    0 x







    chart 4.47

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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    operating procedure

    1)Press measuring key ,then press or to select ellipse measurement, then press

    to enter interface of ellipse measurement, showed in the chart4.48


    2).Sampling five points , the method of sampl ing accord with chart4.47, press after sampling

    finish, the value of X, Y, Z axis displayed in the LCD are the center coordinate of el lipse and the long

    axis a of ellipse, showed in the chart4.49, press key to display the short axis b, the intersect ing

    angle of long axis and short axis, and geometrical deviat ion of ellipse.




    Chart4.49 display data of ellipse chart4.50 display data of ellipse

    screw thread measurementThe parameters in the screw thread measurement are major diameter, minor diameter, and the pitch

    P is obtained by measurement and other parameter are obtained by calculation.


    Sampling at least five points in measuring thread, and the amount of the sampling points of measurement

    are decided by the operator, the method of sampling points in a thread accord with chart4.51,1st step:

    measuring the sampling points in outline , like P1,P2,P3 and etc showed in the chart4.51,2nd step:

    measuring the point P4




    chart 4.51

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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    In the chart, and then the final sampling point P5, according to above method we can get the right

    result, otherwise, the result is wrong.

    operating procedure

    1) Press the measuring key ,then press or to select measuring thread, and then press

    to enter the interface of measuring thread, showed in chart4.52.Enter

    chart 4.52

    2) sampl ing 5 points , the method of sampl ing accord with chart4.51,press key to finish after

    sampling, the value displayed in X axis and Z axis in LCD are Pitch, Pitch Diameter and Lead angle

    of the thread, showed in the chart4 key to display the Major Diameter and Minor

    Diameter, showed in chart4.54. The procedure of measuring parameter of thread showed in chart4.55.



    chart4.53 display data of thread chart4.54 display data of thread

    Chart4.55 diagram of thread parameter






    4.3 Initialization of graphics function

    In the DP-100 digital readout system, it can generate a new graphic s by input a graphics data from the

    digital keyboard; this method is called initialization of graphics. This graphics is same with the one which

    was measured by sampling point, the difference of the preset graphics is generated by keyboard, its ideal

    graphics, and there isnt any error. The preset graphics are: point, line, circle, distance, angle and skew.

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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    Initialization of graphics procedure:

    4.3.1 Preset point

    Input coordinates of a point P(X, Y)

    Create a preset point

    Output of result : X, Y

    4.3.2 Preset line

    Input coordinate of a point P(X, Y) and angle A.

    Create a preset line, the intersect ing angle of this line and X axis is A.

    Output of result: X, Y, A, F1

    4.3.3 Preset circleInput coordinates of a point P(X, Y) and the radius r

    Create a preset circle, the center and radius of this circle is P, and r.

    Output of resul t: X, Y, D, r, F2.

    4.3.4 Preset distance

    Point to point: input coordinates of two point P1(X, Y) and P2(X, Y).

    Create a preset distance.

    Output of result:X,Y, DT.

    4.3.5 Preset angle

    Input coordinate of a point P(X, Y) and an angle A

    Create a preset angle.

    Output of result: X Y, A1, A2, A3, and A4.

    4.3.6 Preset skew

    Input coordinates of two points P1(X, Y), P2(X, Y) and the angle A

    Create a preset line

    Output of result : X, Y, A

    4.3.7 Demonstration of preset

    According to the preset point, demonst ra te the opera ting procedure in preset funct ion.

    Operating procedure

    1) Press preset key ,then press measuring point to enter inter face of prese t point, or

    press measuring point firs tly, and press preset key to enter interface of preset point, in the following

    demons tration is the fore method showed in the chart4.56, a status awaited to input data

    2) Using numer ic key to input data, like input 1.023,the order of press key is .

    Preset1) Press preset key , and then press measuring icon to select type of the preset graph ics

    2) Input the coordinate value of graphics by numeric key on the keyboard.

    3) Press key to finish

    In the following, its the demonstration of preset point, line, circle, distance, angle and skew.



    321 0

    Char t 4.56 prese t points

    chart4.57 data display

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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    3) Press to accept the data of input, show in the chart4.58.

    chart4.58 accept data

    4) Press cursor key, await to input value of Y axis, repeat step2, that is: Using numeric key to input

    data, like input -2.145, the order of press key is , or

    , like chart4.59 display

    1 1+- +-5


    2 24 4

    Chart4.59 data display

    5).Press to accept the input data of Y axis, press key, finish prese t point. Displayed

    in chart4.60


    chart 4.60


    If dont press key while input a wrong number, using or to choose the wrong data ,

    then press key to cance l the fore input data .

    Dont need to press after inputt ing a data , and press or direc tly, confi rm the

    input data and turn to fore or next input.

    Graphics in DP-100 like point, line, circle, distance, angle and skew can preset from above methods,

    its difference in displayed in the LCD for the differences in inputt ing data of graphics.




    4.4 This chapter introduces recall function of the DP-100 readout

    4.4.1 Meaning of recall

    The function of reca ll is using the permanent stored graphics element from the graphics list , it can

    set position quickly to one appoin ted graphics, if the appointed graphics dont exist, and a dialog

    box with pop up with no such graphics

    4.4.2 Demonstration of recall

    Operating procedure:

    1) Press reca ll key ,a dialog box pop up with please input ID No., showed in the chart4.61.Recall

    chart 4.61.

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    Params Construct result Graph Operation Step Remarks

    0 x


    P x,y1 points itself

    1.Press Key to confirm thetype of Construction

    2.Choose a point element3.Press key Finish

    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    2) Input the ID No. by numer ic key, press key to confirm the inputt ing ID, if the ID No. is 3,

    a inter face will showed in the chart 4.62


    4.62 chart


    The inputt ing ID No. can not exceed the number of graphic s, the Recall funct ion execute the

    constructing, if want to cancel one choosing graphics, first ly move the cursor to choose this graphics,

    and press key ,can cancel the lates t choosing graph ics.


    When one graphics was chose in the construction process, a* will display aside this graphics. When

    the elemen t of recall reach preset value, press key to create a graphics and the result will

    display automatic



    4.5 Construct function of graphics:

    This chapter mainly introduce s the meaning of constructing graphics, the procedure and function of

    constructing graphics, constructing point, and line, circle, constructing distance and angle, and demonstrating

    usage of construction graphics function in the end.

    4.5.1 Constructing graphics

    Choose a stored graphics to construct a new graphics from graphics list is called construct graphics.

    The constructed graphics by using such method and the graphics by measuring and presett ing can

    be used in every operation.

    General speaking , the procedure of constructing graphics is:

    1)Press construct key ,press measuring key, choose the type of construct ing graphics, or press

    measur ing key firstly, and press construct key to enter the function of constructing. The fore method

    is adopted commonly.

    2) Choose two or several graphics from the list of graphics.

    3) Press key to finish.

    Graph ics construction chart s in the follow ing help to interpre t the permiss ion of const ructi ng a g

    raphics element.

    Const ruct


    4.5.2 Point construction

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    DP-100 Digital Readout Operation Instruction


    2Two lines point

    of intersection

    1.Press confi rm the

    Construct result type.

    2.Select two line element

    3. Press0 x


    2 Middle point

    1. Press confirm the

    Construct result two point element

    3. press0 x




    0 x



    circle center to

    circle center


    1.Press confirm Construct

    result type

    2.Select two circle elements

    3. Press Finish

    0 x



    midpoin t of point

    and the center of



    2.Select two circle elements3. Press Finish


    0 x


    2point to the foot

    of a perpendicular

    1. Press key to confirm the

    type of construction.

    2. Choose one point element

    and a line element.

    3.Press key

    point is not

    in the line

    4.5.3 Line construction


    Resu lt ofconstruction

    Example Operating procedure Remarks




    line itself

    0 x


    0 x







    0 x


    1. Press key to confi rm the

    type of construction.

    2.Choose a line element.

    3. Press key

    1. Press key to confirm