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An American lady took Rowling to court over the use of a single word “Muggles” that she claimed had been stolen from her. Keep that in mind while�

you peruse this document. Unless you read “�Travels with Li Po”� of course, most of these similarities will be lost on you, but�not all of them.� Nor do I�

expect you to wade through all that is here offered. If you just read the similarities between any two characters plus the two pages on style of writing�

you will have done more than I dare expect. The scholars among you, hopefully armed with a copy of “...Li Po”, can soldier on to the longer version�

that has the lot... in finer print. I have kept the fundamental comparisons between the two main characters Muldoon and Potter until last until you are�

familiar with how the procedure works with� Li Po� and�Dumbledore�,�Bartholomew� and�Hagrid� etc.�

Briefly, my book for children, written in� 1990� and read by many people, is about a boy who is orphaned and stranded in�another world�that�

resembles his own, but in a hyper-real sort of way.�Owen Muldoon�is his name, formerly called by me� Sam Muldoon� until I got wise and�

decided to define him more clearly, to sageguard his identity, if you will. Changing his name to Owen Muldoon signified for all that his mission is a�

spiritual�one. His quest is Enlightenment - that holy quest known in the Middle Ages and long before known as The Philosopher’s Stone. My hero’s�

initials thus became�OM�, signifying the Indian mantric chant as well as a tribute of sorts to Krishnamurti who supplied some of the insights in the�

story. My thanks to M. Travers, my good friend, who introduced me to his writings.�“The word is not the thing”�, is one of the master ideas of the text.�

Ergo, my story was designed to appeal to adults as well as kids. Owen is confronted with a monstrous world and left to his own�

resources. That’s how it is for kids in reality. However, my hero’s resources are greater than he know;�for Owen is a boy who is really a sorcerer and is�

being trained into this realisation by an old alchemist called Li Po�who has taken the form of a Puffin, a� talking�Puffin, let it be noted. Owen, in fact,�

has been� chosen�. He is The Chosen One, rescued by Master Magician Li Po with a view to training him into his new sense of Self.� The boy doesn’t�

know he is a sorcerer and that is the key to him.� Unfortunately, the book never made it to print for reasons I have hazarded in the preface.�

You may rightly wonder why I have taken so long to bring this matter to the public’s attention. Well, from 1994 until 2006, I was engaged�

with the Bogside Artists in building The People’s Gallery our famous suite of twelve large-scale murals for the Bogside area of our hometown, Derry.�

Last year 2008, we published the book ourselves. What happened after that you can find on the “ROWLING” link. We stand by every word of that.�

We contacted� The Guardian�,�New Stateman, Irish Times,� and�The Irish Examiner� to name but a few. Most backed off for reasons they didn’t�

bother to explain to us. So too did the Guardian. The Irish Examiner was frightened off by Rowling’s legal hounds, the notorious Schillings, as was the�

Derry News. The Guardian didn’t tell us why they dropped the story but we suspect Schillings, present or in absentia, had something to do with it. The�

rest didn’t even bother to reply. Ah, what champions of truth the ‘free’ press is! Money and dread rule the press, even from a distance.�


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William Kelly�

Dedicated to my mother and father.�

THE NUMEROUS SIMILARITIES�between the book for children called�

“Travels with Li Po”�and the “Harry Potter” series.�

Subject: Travels with Li Po�

Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 12:13:15 +0000�

The Goldsmith Press Ltd.�


Co. Kildare�

“ This is to say that Mr. William Kelly submitted some chapters of his book, Travels with�

Li Po, in the early 90s. As we are mainly a Poetry Press, we were unable to publish the�

book -- but were impressed by its quality.”�

Viv Abbott, MA, MPhil.,�

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1.�Main Themes� -� existential abandonment. A boy who is a�

sorcerer and doesn't know it but must be trained into�

the realisation. The human condition and the search for�

Enlightenment ie�,�The Philosopher’s Stone�and�

its immortal gifts.�

2.� Magical empowerment through self-knowledge.�

3�. Relationships.�Everybody is related to somebody else and�

these relationships mediate their lives and, in many cases,�

determine them.�

4. Sub-theme -�low self-esteem.�

5. Sub-theme -� living by one’s intelligence�

6�. Sub-theme -� time.�

7. Sub-theme -�Decisions that shape personal destiny and�

individual responsibility for them.�

8. Sub-theme -� madness, dreams and free will.�

NB: These themes were established to be amplified later� throughout the series.�


1.�Main Themes�-�existential abandonment. A boy who is a�

sorcerer� (wizard)� and doesn't know it but must be�

trained into the realisation. The human condition and�

the search for Enlightenment ie,�The Philosopher’s�

Stone�and its immortal gifts.�

2.� Magical empowerment through self-knowledge.�

3.� Relationships.�Everybody is related to somebody else and�

these relationships mediate their lives and, in many�

cases, determine them.�

4. Sub-theme -�low self-esteem.�

5. Sub-theme -�living by one’s intelligence.�

6. Sub-theme -�time.�

7. Sub-theme -�Decisions that shape personal destiny and�

individual responsibility for them.�

8. Sub-theme -�madness, dreams and free will.�

NB: These themes were also amplified throughout the series.�

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s�Stone�Travels With LiPo�


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P202: “HAVE YOU GONE MAD?” Ron bellowed.�P196: “SO WHAT?” Harry shouted. ….There won’t be any Hogwarts to get�expelled from! “� (use of caps for specific emphasis)�

P63: A tinkling bell rang somewhere in the depths of the shop as they stepped�inside. It was a tiny place, empty except for a single spindly chair which Hagrid�sat on to wait. Harry felt strangely as though he had entered a very strict library;�he swallowed a lot of new questions which had just occurred to him and looked�instead at the thousands of narrow boxes piled neatly right up to the ceiling. For�some reason, the back of his neck prickled. The very dust and silence in here�seemed to tingle with some secret magic.�

P115: They pulled on their dressing-gowns, picked up their wands and crept�across the tower room, down the spiral staircase and into the Gryffindor�common-room. A few embers were still glowing in the fireplace, turning all the�armchairs into hunched black shadows. They had almost reached the portrait�hole when a voice spoke from the chair nearest them: “I can’t believe you are�going to do this, Harry.�

P108: At three-thirty that afternoon, Harry, Ron and the other Gryffindors�hurried down the front steps into the grounds for their first flying lesson. It was a�clear, breezy day and the grass rippled under their feet as they marched down�the sloping lawns towards a smooth lawn on the opposite side of the grounds to�the forbidden forest, whose trees were swaying darkly in the distance.�

P54: For a famous place, it was very dark and shabby. A few old women were�sitting in a corner, drinking tiny glasses of sherry. One of them was smoking a�long pipe. A little man in a top hat was talking to the old barman, who was quIte�bald and looked like a gummy walnut. The low buzz of chatter stopped when�they walked in.�

P67: ‘Yes, you know, BELIEFS!’�P30: Li Po could THINK!� (use of caps for specific emphasis)�

P78: The entrance to the Virtue Agency lay atop of a steep flight of marble steps.�The huge glass door was flanked by lofty statues in the Greek style and there�were a brace of bronze lions on their plinths. As soon as he entered the spacious�foyer his eyes met a pretty little girl seated at a desk big enough for a game of�ping-pong. She was evidently the receptionist and a busy one at that, for she had�no less than six phones all around her. So acute was Owen's shyness that he�hesitated before approaching her and instead pretended to read the notice board�that stretched right across the far wall. He adjusted what was left of his clothes�and tried to ignore the chaffed toes that poked through his trainers.�

P51: He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and then another until finally he�regained his composure. Slowly, he began to descend.�When he touched the�ground he fell down flat in the dust and lay there listening to his heart pounding�aware that his fingers were still fluttering like blades of grass�. He hauled himself�towards the gate and lent back against it letting out an enormous sigh of relief. Li�Po flew down and perched on his shoulder.�'Can't...can't understand how that gate got locked...I was sure....”�“I locked it,” said the bird.�

P17: Standing there at the rails, a light warm breeze blowing through his thin�blond hair he felt good. It was a beautiful night filled with the scent of plants, the�moon so hugely near and bright, and the sea so calm. He stood there, looking out�at the vast expanse of the ocean hoping to see again, in the dying light, the school�of dolphins that had followed the ship for miles.�

P45: The village was quiet as he approached and seemed to lack any color but a�mousy grey. A dog or something whimpered in the distance. Shutters creaked in a�blustery wind. He pushed the big wooden gate. It gave way easily. Still, he could�hear nothing. A long street flanked by old tenements stretched before him in the�dying light. There were no pavements and no tarmac on the road, just the same�old grey dust everywhere. He could see no signs of life at first until at the very�end of the street he spied what he thought was a pile of rags.�

Page 1�EXPLANATION:�The origins of the style are fully�explained in the complete version of this document.�

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P76: Owen observed that the people in the pews ate as they prayed so that�the place looked and felt like a huge restaurant. Some of them cried while they�ate. Owen knelt down beside a woman. At first he tried to pray but when he saw�that the woman was eating sandwiches his mouth began to water and his stomach�rumbled. Eventually, unable to endure it any longer, he turned to her abruptly:�"Could I have a sandwich, Missus?"� P70: As he wiped the dust from off his badge with his sleeve he saw funeral�cortege coming up the hill towards him. As it passed, he noticed with awe that it�was no ordinary funeral but something of a mass funeral. He counted. There were�no less than one hundred and fifty coffins being transported uphill in a long�procession that seemed to go on forever. Each coffin was carried by four men in�white coats and white trousers and even white shoes while a representative of the�deceased walked behind dressed in the usual garb of black. Behind him walked�three more people, also in black, the relatives. These three were all women. Every�coffin therefore had one man to follow and three women. And it was odd too how�sprightly and healthy the men in white looked compared to the ones who slow-�marched after them. These were frail and stooped and their skin a greyish blue�color. Nobody cried.�P22: . When the sun itself peaked above the horizon he felt as happy as he ever did�in his life. The sea, as if in obedience, became softer as if to reassure him. Fish of�radiant hues that he had never seen before leapt up out of the water and plopped�back in again. He was alive like them and just as happy.�P50:�Owen looked down unable to believe he had climbed so far and yet secretly-�proud of the fact that he had survived.�P100: Half an hour later he found himself in what appeared to be the local jail.�Local is scarcely the right word, for it stood in the countryside miles outside town.�There wasn't a house in sight. And it didn't quite resemble any jail he had ever�seen. It looked more like a lighthouse, its tower rising to a gigantic height. Around�its turret, crows circled and squawked.�P54: Owen followed him into the sitting room. The first thing he noticed was the�vaulted ceiling festooned with gold stars and the many chandeliers whose candle-�light gave the place an eerie glow. He looked around hoping Li Po had followed�him but the Puffin was nowhere to be seen. Nobody seemed to notice his arrival.�There were a number of highly decorated people in the room. Every now and then�one of them would break out in loud applause. Oddly enough, the room was�sparsely furnished for its immense size. Because of the ceiling's great height all the�furniture in the room, especially the two long divans in the center, looked�dwarfed. Some of the ladies and gentlemen sat on these while all the others�strolled around the room like sleepwalkers.�

P71: Harry pressed on through the crowd until he found an empty compartment�near the end of the train. He put Hedwig inside first and then started to shove and�heave his trunk towards the train door. He tired to lift it up the steps but could�hardly raise one end and twice he dropped it painfully on his foot.�"Want a hand?" It was one of the red-haired twins he'd followed through the�ticket box.�P123: As seven O'Clock drew nearer, Harry left the castle and set offf towards the�Quidditch pitch in the dusk. He'd never been inside the stadium before. Hundreds�of seats were raised in stands around the pitch so that the spectators were high�enough to see what was going on. At either end of the pitch were three golden�poles with hoops on the end. They reminded Harry of the little plastic sticks Mug-�gle children blew bubbles through, except that they were fifty feet high.�P121: As the owls flooded into the Great Hall as usual, everyone's attention was�caught at once by a long thin package carried by six large screeching owls. Harry�was just as interested as everyone else to see what was in this large parcel and�was amazed when the owls soared down and dropped it right in front of him,�knocking his bacon to the floor. They had hardly fluttered out of the way when an-�other owl dropped a letter on top of the parcel.�

P165: He couldn't ever remember feeling happier. He'd really done something to�be proud of now - no one could say he was just a famous name any more. The eve-�ning air had never smelled so sweet. He walked over the damp grass, reliving the�last hour in his head, which was a happy blur....�

P100: And the fleet of little boats moved off all at once, gliding across the lake�which was as smooth as glass. Everyone was silent, staring up at the great castle�overhead. It towered over them as they sailed nearer and nearer the cliff on which�it stood.�

P87: Harry had never even imagined such a strange and splendid place. It was lit�by thousands and thousands of candles which were floating in mid-air over four�long tables, where the rest of the students were sitting. These tables were laid�with glittering golden plates and goblets. At the top of the hall was another long�table where the teachers were sitting. Poressor McGonagall led the first years up�here, so that they came to a halt in a line facing the other students, with the�teachers behind them. The hundreds of faces staring at them looked like pale lan-�terns in the flickering candlelight.�

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CHAPTER 1:�O�M ESTABLISHED AS LOST, ABANDONED, A MIRACULOUS�SURVIVOR LINKED TO ANOTHER WORLD.�HE IS THE CHOSEN ONE�of�whose presence the cosmos and all creatures in it are aware. OM is�linked to the forces of nature. Survives hecause he is recognised for who�he is and protected by unseen powers.�IT IS ESTABLISHED THAT HE IS�BADLY BULLIED AT SCHOOL. CAST OF THE SERIES INTRODUCED. THIS IS�HIS BAPTISM OF FIRE IN THE WILD FORCES OF NATURE.�CHAPTER 2�:�OWEN IS RESCUED BY OLD BART.�OM FINDS HIMSELF IN A�SURREAL WORLD.� IS IT DREAM OR REALITY?�IS INTRODUCED TO LI PO�HIS MENTOR AND GUARDIAN, AN ANCIENT ALCHEMIST�who has taken�the form of a comical little Puffin in order to instruct his charge.�CHAPTER 3:�THE ENCHANTED FOREST.� OM’s education begins in earnest.�Li Po tells OM about�THE PHILOSOPHER’S STONE�to whet his appetite.�Li�Po behaves unexpectedly.�But OM is more concerned with survival at�this stagE.�HP COMMUNES WITH A WILD ANIMAL, A TIGER.�Li Po�demonstrates his clairvoyance by seeing� INVISIBLE PRESENCES�.�CHAPTER 4: OM journeys through the Land of The Serious who are�constantly at war with The Jokers. They live underground. OM meets the�gatekeeper and�MUST PROVE HIS COURAGE�in order to escape by�climbing over the gate that is a hundred feet high.�CHAPTER 5: OM and hunger. The Red House. Madness.�THE ROOM OF MIRRORS.�Forced to make a fool out of himself for food.�CHAPTER 6:� OM PERFORMS UNCONSCIOUS MAGICAL FEAT OF LEAPING�WALL.�HE PINES FOR HIS MOTHER AND FATHER.� Has fun wtih Li Po. Is�cross examined by the customs man,�the incurable Joker.�CHAPTER 7:�OM arrives at Abandonville, the nightmare metropolis�where people are divided into only two classes, the Uglies and the�Beautifuls.�CHAPTER 8:�The Virtue Agency and�SATANIC MR. YUTHERE.�CHAPTER 9�: OM betrayed and imprisoned. Obsessed with girl. Sees Li Po�as he really is in a dream... a wise old man. Is sent to the palace to meet�king and runs into the evil sadist Le Compte de Pilfer.�CHAPTER 10�: Li Po scuppers Yuthere’s plans. OM is released.�


CHAPTER 1:�HP ESTABLISHED AS LOST, ABANDONED, A MIRACULOUS�SURVIVOR LINKED TO ANOTHER WORLD. THE CHOSEN ONE.�Nature�itself knows of his existence. He is linked to the forces of the cosmos.�Survives because he is recognised for who he is and protected by unseen�powers.�CHAPTER 2:�IT IS ESTABLISHED THAT HE IS BADLY BULLIED AT HOME AND�AT SCHOOL�.� HP PERFORMS UNCONSCIOUS MAGICAL FEAT OF�APPEARING ON ROOF.�HP COMMUNES WITH A WILD ANIMAL, A SNAKE,�and releases it by magic.�CHAPTER 3:�HARRY'S BAPTISM OF FIRE IN THE WILD FORCES OF NATURE.�HP IS RESCUED BY OLD HAGRID�and told he is special - a wizard.�CHAPTER 4: HP promised fame and recognition at last as the wizard he�had no idea, except in retrospect, that he was and he is off to study�witchcraft and expand his powers.�CAST OF SERIES INTRODUCED.�CHAPTER 5: HP has the fortune. Only fame awaits�CHAPTER 6:�HP FINDS HIMSELF IN A SURREAL WORLD.�CHAPTER 7: The school regime.� MEETS DUMBLEDORE, HIS MENTOR AND�GUARDIAN, A 150-YEARS-OLD ALCHEMIST.�CHAPTER 8: Madness.�Dumbledore behaving unexpectedly.� Harry the�thinker.�CHAPTER 9: Harry has feelings.�CHAPTER 10:� HP MUST PROVE HIS COURAGE.�CHAPTER 11: HP has established his warrior credentials again. Intro to� The Philosopher's Stone.�CHAPTER 12:� HARRY LONGS FOR HIS MOTHER AND FATHER.�THE INVISIBLE PRESENCES. THE ROOM OF MIRRORS.�CHAPTER 13:�THE PHILOSOPHER’S STONE.�CHAPTER 14:�Interlude.�CHAPTER 15:�THE ENCHANTED FOREST�and its strange creatures.�The three headed dog. The baptism of fire proper. Hermione lets it all�hang out. Harry has more feelings.�CHAPTER 16: Chess game. Journey to the last chamber.�CHAPTER 17:� SHOWDOWN WITH SATANIC VOLDEMORT.�

PLOT�EXPLANATION�:�VERY IMPORTANT�or essential similarities are in� caps and� yellow�.�Other�Important similarities are in�WHITE� .�

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Similarities of�PLOT�EXPLANATION:�What is dealt with here are plot significances common to both stories�.�Sub-themes are dealt with elsewhere in this document.�

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P37: His face was round and he hated the fact it made�him look even younger which gave the bullies in his�school one more reason to torture him�.�

P107. Here it's like a school playground, only a thousand�times worse.’ (Li Po).�P103: Fear makes a man lonely. Loneliness makes a man�afraid. It's a spiral, a prison. So, he frightens others for�the company. Bullies are Jokers.' (Li Po).�

P22: The bullies played their games for real, and some-�body always suffered, some more, some less. And�many, like Owen, suffered badly in a way grown-ups�could never understand�

P23: Dudley’s gang had been chasing him as usual, ..�P20: Dudley's favourite punchbag was Harry.�P27: Every body knew that Dudley’s gang hated that old�Harry Potter in his baggy old clothes and broken glasses.�

P23: Dudley had laughed himself silly at Harry, who�spent a sleepless night, imagining school the next day,�where he was already laughed at for his baggy clothes�and sellotaped glasses.�

P47: At school, Harry had no one. Everybody knew that�Dudley’s gang hated that old Harry Potter in his baggy�old clothes and broken glasses, and nobody liked to�disagree with Dudley’s Gang.�


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P204: They were standing on the edge of a huge�chessboard…..�

P51: “Gringotts is hundreds of miles under London,�see.”�

P213: “….and once I have the elixir of life I will be�able to create a body of my own….”(Voldemort).�

P111: 'It would appear so,' said Owen noting the marble�floor of black and white tiles that stretched out before�him like an endless chessboard.�

'P47: Excuse me, Madam. Where is everybody?' asked�Owen.....�P48: 'Underground. When any of us gets depressed we�come up here.'�

P64: Thirdly, I am not really a Puffin at all, and so I've�got few friends even among Puffins.� (Li PO the Master�Magician)�

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P53:�The first thing he noticed was the vaulted ceiling�festooned with gold stars ....�

P22: For, St Benedict's High, however pretty it might�have looked on the outside, was actually a bullies' haven�where the weak and the odd suffered abominably.�

P88: Virtue! It's worth its invisible weight in gold fidgets.�

P33/34: Li Po hopped quickly up to his mirror pretending�not to see his master's disgruntled face. Then, the old�man laughed: 'It's not that he's vain, as you suppose,' he�whispered. 'That is all an act for your benefit. He knows�a great deal about you.�

P29:�'And may I present, gentlemen and unseen�presences,....�P47Owen moved on. Once or twice he looked back, not�altogether sure if he hadn't been talking to a ghost.�

P59: At least that was his first thought. His second was -�And I won't be getting rich either.�

P87… Harry looked upwards and saw a velvety black�ceiling dotted with stars.�

P568 … P29:. tried not to think how he was going to�look on his first day at Stonewall High -....�

P50: “Give him five Knuts,..”�

P219: I don't think it was an accident he let me find�out how the mirror worked."�

P86: About twenty ghosts had just streamed through�the back wall.�

P59: ...and he leant forward eagerly, expecting to see�fabulous jewels at the very least - but at first he�thought it was empty.�

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P102: Snape’s lips curled into a sneer.� “Tut, tut – fame clearly isn’t everything.”�P118: Peeves cackled. “Wandering around at mid-�night….? Tut, tut, tut….�

P37: As night fell, the promised storm blew up around�them. Spray from the high waves splattered the walls�of the hut and fierce wind rattled the filthy�windows……The storm raged more and more fero-�ciously as the night went on. Harry couldn’t sleep. He�shivered and turned over, trying to get comfortable,�his stomach rumbling with hunger.�

P206:A disgusting smell filled their nostrils, making�both of them pull their robes up over their nose.�

P56: 'Tut, tut, tut, tut,' went on The Major, 'and double�tut. It is better for your�own sake and for that of the human race at this perni-�cious time, when the very�pith and marrow of our civilization and culture is under�threat, that you starve.'�P58: 'Tut, tut and treble tut, Sir. Have you no�grat…eee… tuuude?'� P62: 'Tut tut,' laughed Li Po, as he soared into the air.�

P19: Indifference ruled everywhere. He was alone in�the midst of it like a tiny spider in a big bath. The sun�sank in a blaze of purple and a cold wind came out of�nowhere. That too frightened him.�

P114: As the oars hit the water he covered his nose and�mouth with his hands to ward off the intolerable pong�that rose from the black river.�

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P47. Jokers killed most of the young'uns. Laughed for�months too when they did it.'�P62: For Jokers games are what life is about.�P103: ‘Bullies are Jokers.' (Li Po)�

P93: 'That's my job, Sir. I am to virtue what a hog is to�truffles. I can see it in the mystical aura. Psychic, you see.�If in doubt, I send him to Gotcha.�'Gotcha?'�'The governmental testing laboratory. They have a very�advanced machine there. It incorporates a lie detector, a�good manners detector, a virginity detector, an emotion�detector, compassion detector, libido detector,�patriotism detector, a humour detector and so on. It�measures virtue to one ten thousandth of a micro-�penance. It can detect everything. It can even tell us how�many times you have picked your nose in public since�birth. “�

P43: ‘A muggle’, said Hagrid. ‘It’s what we call non-�magic folk like them. An’ it’s your bad luck you grew up�in a family o’ the biggest Muggles I ever laid eyes on.�

Filch is at least able to use wizarding devices that�have their own innate magic such as�the Secrecy�Sensor� used in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood�Prince.��

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P63: Bartholomew was a Portuguese alchemist who�voyaged to Peking in search of The Philosopher's Stone.�He met Li Po there.'�

P110: When they reached the ground floor he was hus-�tled down another flight of stairs to the cellars.�He heard�the sounds of lapping water as they stopped.�A subterranean river flowed at his feet in an echoing bab-�ble. A small rowing boat drew alongside through the mist�and he was pushed into it�

P19: With an almighty crash the sea closed over.�P15: But, the horror was always present that the light�swell would become an angry sea,....�P23: The sea, as if in obedience, became softer as if to�reassure him.�

P116: “If mercy were a physical attainment the Compte�would be a total cripple�.�”�

P160: Professor Dumbledore is particularly famous�for....and his work on alchemy with his partner Nicolas�Flamel.�

2942 P84: ....the little boats.... were carried along a dark�tunnel, which seemed to be taking them right under-�neath the castle,until they reached a kind of under-�ground harbor, where they clambered out on to the�rocks and pebbles.�

P38: Was that the sea, slapping hard on the rock like�that? (HP)�P37: The storm raged more and more ferociously as the�night went on.�

P163: “Longbottom, if brains were gold you’d be poorer�than Weasley, and that’s saying something.”�

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P127:….there was really no way he could permit him to pursue�his mission of world conquest unimpeded.�

P15: How difficult it was now to heed the warning he remem-�bered from Miss Cecilia's talk on safety at sea. "Under no cir-�cumstances,' she said, "if the worse ever comes to the worse,�drink sea-water!"�

P17: But, nothing seemed ever to please Jonathan. He was�spoilt and always miserable. In the canteen, Jonathan was the�only one who dared complain about his dinner, often.�


He's six foot two. Has eyes of green,� And the strength of fifty lions.� His waist is thin. Commits no sin.� His limbs are concrete pylons.� His word is true. All honour due.� He never will confuse ya.� He's the King, the King, the King of� Strandedusia.� All hail the King!�

P196: “SO WHAT?” Harry shouted. ….There won’t be any Hog-�warts to get expelled from! He’ll flatten it,or turn it into a school�for the Dark Arts!..... because I’m never going over to the Dark�Side!”�

P113: Professor McGonagall peered sternly over her glasses at�Harry; “I want to hear you’re training hard, Potter, or I may�change my mind about punishing you�

P21: Dudley meanwhile was counting his presents. His face fell.�“Thirty-six,” he said. ....”That’s two less than last year.”�

P95: “And now before we go to bed, let us sing the school song!”� ( Dumbledore).�

Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,� Teach us something please.� Whether we be old and bald� Or young with scabby knees,� Our heads could do with filling� With some interesting stuff,� For now they’re bare and full of air,� Dead flies and bits of fluff.�

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P38/39: 'The man who finds The Philosopher's Stone�never� dies,' said Li Po�haughtily. 'The Philospoher's Stone, that's what they call the mystery of�things, the answer to the riddle of the universe. Li Po has all power and all�wisdom. He can turn lead into gold as well.'�'Gee,' said Owen. 'I wouldn't mind having that trick up my sleeve.'�'Many have tried, earthling. Down through the ages there have been wizards�and warlocks. In what you call the Middle Ages they called themselves alche-�mists. Before that they were known as The Druids. Li Po learnt his skills in�Egypt. He was an�explorer. Still is.'�'Did he tell you the secret?'�'Tell me Li Po. Tell me the secret!' pleaded Owen.�

P63: “Bartholomew was a Portuguese alchemist who voyaged to�Peking in search of The Philosopher's Stone. He met Li Po there.'�'And did Li Po give him.......'�'Yes, now he is an immortal, like me.'�

'P36: You're not as stupid as you look, earthling. Li Po was a great magician.�He found The Philosopher's Stone.'�'The what?�'�'Never mind....... Li Po found the secret of eternal life. I am Li Po, master of�myself. I am over two thousand years old. '�P35:�'My master was an ancient Chinese philosopher and a magician.”Does it�show?'�'Yes.'�

P43: I don't know if it's all a dream and I don't care no more neither�.�Don't talk to me about eternal youth or Chinese magicians or anything else�for that matter! I am going to sleep......after I say my prayers.�

P161: “A stone that makes gold and stops you ever dying!” said�Harry,….Anyone would want it!”�

P215:”As for the stone it has been destroyed.”... (Dumbledore)� “But that means he and his wife will die, won’t they?”(H P)� “They have enough Elixir stored to set their house in order and� then, yes, they will die.”�

P162: Harry and Ron were still discussing what they would do with a�Philosopher’s Stone if they had one. It wasn’t until Ron said he’d buy his�own Quidditch team …�

P160: “ Professor Dumbledore is particularly famous for .... and his�work on Alchemy with his partner Nicolas Flamel. “�P161: “Nicolas Flamel,” she whispered dramatically, “is the�only known�maker of The Philospher’s Stone!”�(Hermione)�

P161:�The ancient study of alchemy is concerned with making The�Philosopher’s Stone, a legandary substance with astonishing powers.�The stone will transform any metal into pure gold. It also produces�the Elixir of Life. which will make the drinker immortal.�(Hermione).�

EXPLANATION:� This is important enough to be part of the title of the Harry Potter book.� In “...Li Po” it is established as� the�goal to die for.� It is indeed what “..Li Po” is�all about and you would be hard pressed to find a better or more exciting goal for any story appealing to young or old.�

Page 15: Similarities Short

THE FOREST�EXPLANATION:�The enchanted forest that OM has to go through is to facilitate his first encounter with his real self and his hidden power�s. If he calls it a jungle on� occasion it is only to allude to the fact that in all its wildness and hunger it has much to do with himself and the world as it is.�


P39: 'Are there wild animals in this jungle Li Po?'�'You bet. Millions of them.'�P35: Often he could discern the shape of animals that came near or�heard their presence in the bush. Maybe, I wouldn't even recognize�them even if I did see them, he thought. Strange fruit hung from trees�all around him and once a huge snake dropped down from a branch�right in front of him and scared him half to death.�P41: Creatures stirred in their branches and things moved in the tall�grass all around�.�P37: And horses too. They like to ride the horses especially at night.�Angels taught the horse how to run.�

P32: If you are not out of the forest by then you will never get out. '�P34: When you sleep at night make sure you are well covered. Apart�from that… you will need all the luck you can get.'�

P38: ‘Li Po has all power and all wisdom.’ (Bart)�P35: ‘I've decided to guide you through the forest,' said he. 'Poor Bart�didn't like it. But, what's a Puffin without a conscience, eh?'�

P27: Au contraire. It's just that this forest here casts a powerful spell�over anybody what gets too close to it. If it takes a likin' to ye, you're�done for�

P34: The deeper he went into the jungle the darker it became, until the�foliage became so thick that scarcely any light got through at all. The�noises and screams that echoed all around him grated on his nerves�and made him fearful.�

P95: “The forest’s full of dangerous beasts, everyone knows that.”�P182: “The forest?” he repeated…. “ – there’s all sorts of things in�there -…”�P185: He walked forward and shook the centaur’s hand.�P183: “It’s not easy ter catch a Unicorn, they’re powerful magical�creatures.” (Hagrid)�


P181: “Well think again boy - it’s into the forest you’re going and I’m�much mistaken if you’ll come out in one piece.” (Hagrid).�

P183: “There’s nothin’ that lives in the forest that’ll hurt yeh if yer�with me or Fang,” said Hagrid.�

P184: And into the clearing came - was it a man, or a horse?”�P185: At last, he said, “The forest hides many secrets.”�

P186: Their ears seemed seemed sharper than usual. Harry’s seemed�to be picking up every sigh of the wind, every cracking twig. What was�going on? Where were the others?�P186: They walked for nearly half an hour, deeper and deeper into the�forest, until the path became almost impossible to follow because the�trees were so thick.�

Page 16: Similarities Short

OWEN MULDOON’S DOMINANT TRAITS�P119:You are very brave. (King to OM)�P99: 'He has her hypnotized. I will set her free.' (OM)�(CP=1)�

P104: 'But Yuthere is more than ugly. He's grotesque.�He's evil.'�P20;… the stewardess who made a special request to the�captain so that he could phone his mother to wish her�happy birthday.�P61: There was good food on the table and the smiling�face of his mother. There was the friendly advice of his�father�P18: He clambered on top and lay flat down clutching its�sides, unable to restrain the crying fit that suddenly�came over him. He called out into the darkness. He�called for Theresa, for Fred, for Jonathan. He called for�Miss Cecilia. He called again and again. He heard no re-�ply. His friends were all gone and his teachers too and all�the others who had been on the ship.�P33: Owen thought about his lost friends. He realized he�liked Theresa... more than he thought. And he regretted�now not having told her so.�P32:�'Now, they know what it's like to be drowned.'�Owen collapsed in a flood of tears.�


One of Harry's most defining personality traits is his�bravery and his willingness to risk his life for others.�(http:/�Character:Harry_Potter#Characteristics)�


P196: “SO WHAT?” Harry shouted. ….There won’t be�any Hogwarts to get expelled from! He’ll flatten it,or�turn it into a school for the Dark Arts!..... because I’m�never going over to the Dark Side!”�

Friendships are the most important things in Harry’s�life; “More than anything else at Hogwarts, more even�than playing Quidditch, Harry missed his best friends,�Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.”�15. Ibid., Chamber of�Secrets, 11 (�

P153: Harry was so close to the mirror now that his�nose was almost touching his reflection. “Mum?” he�wispered. “Dad?”�P156: And there was his mother and father smiling at�him again and one of his grandfathers nodding happily.�Harry sank down to sit on the floor in front of the mir-�ror. There was nothing to stop him staying here all�night with his family. Nothing at all.�

CP=1� (love of family and friends)�

EXPLANATION�:� CP-1, 2�etc refers to� a character chart drawn up for Owen�that you can find on�the complete version�of this document.�

CP=1� (love of family and friends)�

Page 1�

Page 17: Similarities Short

P107: Owen flung himself on the straw face down.�'Why is all this happening to me?'�P108�:� He even managed to scratch a couple of poems to�Servilia onto the hard cement, but thinking Li Po might�consider them amateurish, he quickly scratched them out�again.�P109: Time and again he screamed through the door or�tried to tear it from its hinges. Defeated, he would laugh�hysterically at his absurd belief in his own strength and�then the laughter would turn to tears.�P105: 'But, life is so empty. So grey.' moaned Owen. 'I�can't see the point in any of it, if I can't make her my�friend. And I never will. I just want to die, Li Po.'�CP=1�

P98: . He was sure of it as he remembered her eyes on�his, the perfect smile. A feeling of leaden futility was�upon him.�P108: The riddle strained his will. Try as he might he just�could not figure it out.�CP=1�

P39: Owen, for his part, lay long time thinking. If only�that ship had spotted him he wouldn't have had to go�through all this.�CP=1�

P51:�He hauled himself towards the gate and lent back�against it letting out an enormous sigh of relief.�P77�:�Owen sat up and relaxed. He could think a little�clearer now.�CP=1�( stress)�

Harry doubts himself and this is not only a stage he goes�through at eleven, but at several points in his life. Harry�is often unsure of his abilities and often undervalues�himself. This is what makes Harry human and helps the�reader relate to him�.�(�

P76: “I bet,” he added, voicing for the first time�something that had been worrying him a lot lately, “I�bet I’m the worst in the class.” (HP)�CP=1�

P205: “We’re nearly there, “ he muttered suddenly. “Let�me think - let me think...” CP=1�P63: Harry could have laughed out loud with relief. He�was safe. CP=1�P154: What Harry feared most was that he might be�able to find the mirror room again. CP=1�(stress)�

Page 2�

Page 18: Similarities Short

P15: "...But how in the name did Harry survive?"�P17: "To Harry Potter, the boy who lived."�

( The Chosen One)�

P11: "Harry. Nasty, common name if you ask me."�P81: ‘Think my name’s funny do you?’(Malfoy)�

(the name)�

P20: "....Harry had always been skinny for his age."�

P15: "He'll be famous - a legend - I wouldn't be surprised if�today was known as Harry Potter day in future - there will be�books written about Harry - every child in our world will know�his name."� CP-2�(the dream of fame)� P47: “…. you’ll be right famous at Hogwarts”.�

P20: Harry didn't look it, but he was very fast.�

P32: 'Were there any more survivors.......Mister Po?'�'None,' announced the bird as if he was calling a tennis score.�P16: Owen Muldoon found it very hard to believe that he was�the sole survivor.� (The Chosen One)�

P36: 'And what if I call you Loony Muldoony? Would you like�that?'�'You don't like Gabriel?'�'My name is Li Po.' (Li Po to OM)�(the name)�

P37: OM... was also skinny and a little knock-kneed.�P30: 'Skinny, isn't he?' (Li Po of OM)�

P30: He'd be famous overnight. He'd be on every television�channel in the world. He would be more famous than anyone�that had ever lived.� CP-2�( the dream of fame)�

P69: Owen needed no more persuasion. Seconds later, he was�running through the traffic, ....�P49:The thing to do was to get to hell out of there as fast as his�footwear would allow.�


EXPLANATION:�When the Japanese want to do Hamlet on stage or screen, they pick a small guy with black hair. It is still Hamlet he plays. The character is�the man. Or, as Mr. Yuthere put it so Owen....”what’s a little dye between friends?”� For simplicity Owen is cited by his initials�OM�as is Harry Potter -�HP�. The�CP-1, 2 etc refers to OM’s original character chart in the unabridged document.�


Page 19: Similarities Short

P25: “I know,” Harry murmured through the glass although he�wasn’t sure the snake could hear him. “It must be really�annoying.”�P202: “Yeah,” said Ron, “ and lucky Harry doesn’t lose his head�in a crisis.”�(brave)�


P111: “Give it here,’ Harry called, ‘or I’ll knock you off that�broom!”�P192: “I wish I knew what this means!’ he burst out angrily.�(HP)�P116: “Shut up, both of you,!” said Harry sharply....�P134: “He’s just made that story up,” Harry muttered angrily....�(capable of anger)�

P102: “I don’t know, sir,” said Harry.�P70: “Yes,” said Harry. “The thing is – the thing is, I don’t know�how to-“ CP=2�(self-honesty)�

P29: He sat down at the table and tried not to think about how�he was going to look on his first day– like he was wearing bits�of old elephant skin, probably.�P23: Dudley had laughed himself silly at Harry, who spent a�sleepless night, imagining school the next day, where he was�already laughed at for his baggy clothes and sellotaped glasses.�CP=2�(concern for appearances)�

P40: 'What!? Speak to a!?�You�speak to him.'�P42: 'Tiger, tiger burning bright in the forests of the night,' he�began.�(brave)�

P27: 'Puffins don't talk,' scoffed Owen.�

P45: 'Just......just don't say another word,' said Owen. 'Not an-�other word. I mean it.'�'P103: ‘Of course, she does, you stupid bird! Everybody wants to�be free!'�P40: ‘This is no time for jokes bird!” (OM)� (capable of anger)�

P17: 'I really don't know how to dance,' was all he said.�P67: “I don’t really know.”�CP=2�(self-honesty)�

P93: 'And where do I come into your scheme?' asked Owen�looking down at his rags.�P79: He adjusted what was left of his clothes and tried to ignore�the chaffed toes that poked through his trainers.� P102: Owen turned his head away, and then sadly began pick-�ing threads from the fringe of a rent on the knee of his jeans.�P61: He remembered too how shabby he looked in the mirror of�The Major's hall.�P80: Owen sat down on the velvet feeling very awkward in his�rags.� CP=2� (concern for appearances)�

Page 2�Muldoon -Potter�

Page 20: Similarities Short

P73: “Poor dear – no wonder he was alone, I wondered. He was�ever so polite when he asked how to get on to the platform.�P41: I’m sorry, but I still don’t really know who you are.’ (HP)�P217: And sir, there’s one more thing....(HP)�CP=2�(mannered)�

P107: “Typical,” said Harry darkly. “Just what I always wanted.�To make a fool of myself on a broomstick in front of Malfoy.�

CP=2� (self-regard)�

P135: Harry went to bed with his head buzzing with the same�question.Neville was snoring loudly but Harry couldn’t sleep. He�tried to empty his mind –�P63:… he swallowed a lot of new questions that had just�occurred to him….�

P112: “Potter, this is Oliver Wood. Wood – I’ve found you a�Seeker.”�P145: “We must have been through hundreds of books already�and we can’t find him anywhere – just give us a hint – I know I’ve�read his name somewhere.” (HP)�CP = 1, 2�(seeking truth)�

P217: ...which gave Harry time to dry his eyes on the sheets.�When he had found his voice again...�

(cries when he has to)�

P26: 'Where am I, Sir?' he asked.�P78: 'If there is any way I can repay you for your kindness�Missus.....,' began Owen:�P53: ‘I....would be glad of any food you could spare me, Sir.’�P57/58: 'I couldn't possibly accept all that,' said Owen�remembering his manners.�CP=2�(mannered)�

P58: He was angry at the way these people had made a fool of�him.�P89: There didn't seem to be a lot to smile about and he felt�foolish.�CP-2�(self-regard)�

P26: Try as he did, he could not sleep. Images came and went in�his mind:�P26: 'Inquisitive wee lad now, aren't you?' (Bart)�'I have to know....' began Owen.�P62: 'Wait a minute!' cried Owen. 'There are some questions....'�P66: 'You see I'm lost...... I'm trying to find......'�P28: 'But, I have to know!' Owen stared wild-eyed.�P53: 'I am a traveler on my way home,' he said clearly. (OM)�

CP = 1, 2�(seeking truth)�

P18: He clambered on top and lay flat down clutching its sides,�unable to restrain the crying fit that suddenly came over him.�

(cries when he has to)�

Page 3�Muldoon -Potter�

Page 21: Similarities Short

P187: “The forest is not safe at this time – especially for you.”�(HP special)�

P213: “LIAR!’ Harry shouted suddenly.�CP-2�(integrity)�

P212: “I must lie,” he thought desperately. “ I must look and lie�about what I see.”�P61: “Nothing,” Harry lied.�

(lies when he has to)�

P195: Harry flushed.�P62: Harry felt himself go red.� (can blush)�

P189: But who’d be that desperate?” he wondered aloud. “If you�are going to be cursed forever, death’s better isn’t it?” (HP) CP=2�(intellect)�

P81: He held out his hand to shake Harry’s but Harry didn’t take�it. “I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks,”�he said coolly.�(relies on his own viewpoint)�

P123: Harry had a lot of trouble keeping his mind on his lessons�that day. It kept wandering up to the dormitory where his new�broomstick was lying under his bed….�

(CP-2) (Pride of�Ownership)�

P32: Is there danger in the forest?'� ‘For�you� there will be.’� (OM special)�

P89: 'But that is lying!' protested Owen.�CP-2� (integrity)�

P66: The dryness was back again in his throat.'The Land of The�Best People in The World,' he lied.�P68: 'Yes!' lied Owen. 'I know a few ologies.'�

(lies when he has to)�

P82: 'I suppose not,' said Owen who blushed carmine as his�stomach gurgled.� (can blush)�

P106: Maybe, she wasn't who he thought she was. In that case,�beauty was just an illusion; and if it was an illusion then what�hope for anyone? (OM�)�CP = 2� (�intellect)�

P58: 'You belong in another century, all of you. Can't you see�that?'�(relies on his own viewpoint)�P96: 'I'll consider your offer, Sir. But I have to go.' .�..�Honesty�

P30:�If I could take Li Po back home with me......I would make�millions.�P60: I'd have a swimming pool and a gym. And I'd live until I was�a hundred and ninety.� CP-2� (Pride of Ownership)�

Page 4�Muldoon -Potter�

Page 22: Similarities Short

P50: But, suddenly, his legs began to tremble as if an electric�current had been passed through them.�P40/41: A wave of fear came over Owen. He grabbed his�machete.�P110: Owen could see why as he gazed with horror at the�numerous skeletons that lined the way�P40/41:'But I am! I'm terrified. Look at me; I'm trembling from�head to foot.'� (knows fear)�

P80: The square man went on:�'You are not bad looking. Of course we will have to do something�about the chin, too pointy. And dark hair is in these days. But,�what's a little dye between friends? And the knees might have to�be straightened.� (knees)�

P102: Then he fell to his knees, overcome by a sadness that was�impossible to bear.�(pain of loss)�

P108: He grew to hate this old man even though he was not real.�(can hate)�

P68: Are you familiar with that word.......ideology?'�'Yes!' lied Owen. 'I know a few ologies.'�(not the academic)�

P41: 'You're a coward.'�'I am not!'�CP-1� (bravely determined)�

P203: He took a deep breath…..He expected to see sharp beaks�and claws tearing at him any second.�1343 1092 P205: Harry’s knees were trembling.What if they lost?�P211 And to Harry’s horror, a voice answered….�P206: Shaking, Harry moved three spaces to the left.�P86: Harry’s heart gave a horrible jolt. A test?�

(knows fear)�

P20: Harry had a thin face, knobbly knees, black hair and bright�green eyes."�P153:.... even a little old man who looked as though he had�Harry’s knobbly knees.�(knees)�

P153: He had a powerful kind of ache inside him, half joy, half�terrible sadness.�(pain of loss)�

P144: “I hate them both,” said Harry, ….�(can hate)�

P41: “I know some things,’ he said. “I can, you know, do maths�and stuff.”� (not the academic)�

P90: ‘....Plenty of courage I see....- and nice thirst to prove your-�self.’�CP-1� (bravely determined)� (sorting hat).�

Page 5�

Page 23: Similarities Short

P179: He felt so ashamed of himself that he went to Wood....�CP-2�(integrity)�

P179: Harry’s new resolution not to interfere in anything....�(resolute)�

P213: “Then kill him fool and be done!” screeched Voldemort.�(faces possible death)�

P203: Not for nothing though was Harry the youngest Seeker in�a century. He had a knack for spotting things other people�didn’t.�(aware)�

P92: Harry didn’t know whether to laugh or not.� (has a sense of humour�)�

P75: Owen, feeling suddenly very ashamed of himself, fought his�way through the mob.� CP-2�(integrity)�

P23: He resolved then he would not sleep again, no matter what.�(resolute)�

P62: “… If you had laughed out loud even once they would have�killed you on the spot. Sports people, don't you know?” (Li Po).�P114: One boiler coming up.' He reached for his pen to add his�signature to Owen's death warrant.�(faces possible death)�

P61: 'You've been reading my thoughts!' exclaimed Owen sitting�up.� (aware)�

P52: He was an absurd and comical little thing but Owen didn't�feel brave enough to laugh�P92: It was difficult not to laugh.� (has a sense of humour)�

Page 6�Muldoon -Potter�

Page 24: Similarities Short

NB: I should be borne in mind that Li Po is� not� a puffin but an�ancient alchemist and magician�in the form�of a puffin. His�actual human description is below.�

P45: Li Po could be anywhere, anywhere in this wide universe.�P102: Then, a very old man with long white hair and beard came�and she took his arm.�(Li Po in the flesh).�P32: Then, there was the beak, yellow as a banana, curved like�an Indian dagger, ....�

P38: 'A great poet. He Taught Confucius everything he knew.�Wisest man in China my master is. (Bart about Li Po).�P36: 'You're not as stupid as you look, earthling. Li Po was a�great magician.�

'P39: “Did he tell you the secret?'�'Yes.'�'Tell me Li Po. Tell me the secret!' pleaded Owen.�'Here it is. Always brush your teeth and get to bed early at night.'�

(wry humour)�

P215: “We must have crossed in mid-air.” (Dumbledore)�P10: He was tall, thin and very old, judging by the silver of his�hair and beard…..He was wearing long robes, a purple cloak�which swept the ground and high-heeled, buckled boots.... and�his nose was very long and crooked…..�

P48: “Great man, Dumbledore.�P217: Dumbledore now became very interested in a bird out on�the window sill,….�P92: ...Best wizard in the world!�

P157: “Sir – Professor Dumbledore? Can I ask you something?”�…..Dumbledore smiled. “You may ask me one more thing, how-�ever.”� “What do you see when you look in the mirror?”� “I? I see myself holding a pair of thick, woollen socks.”�

(wry humour)�

LI PO� ALBUS DUMBLEDORE�(Albus means ‘white’)�

Page 1�

Page 25: Similarities Short

P107: 'Why is all this happening to me?'�Li Po ignored the question:�P62: 'Truth is, earthling; I was interested in how you would cope.�You did very well.'�P.62: 'I apologize,' explained Li Po. 'But, I have great faith in your�instincts.�P62: “… If you had laughed out loud even once they would have�killed you on the spot. Sports people, don't you know?”�P44: L Po’s insistence took the form of a long lecture on laziness�P106: Something in what the bird said always seemed to reach a�part of him that seemed to be wiser than his thinking self.�P51: 'The Law. That's what law. They have to learn the blessings�of old age. When they learn that lesson, they will be young�again.'� (Li Po - mentor and controller)�

P28: Vain creature by all accounts this Puffin, he thought to� himself.�P78: He looked pleased with himself but then he never seemed�to look anything else.�P31: 'When God was handing out the looks to Puffins he got a�wee bit extravagant when he came to Li Po, that's what I say.'�( Li Po about himself)�(vanity)�

P219: "No, it isn't," said Harry thoughtfully. "He's a funny man,�Dumbledore. I think he sort of wanted to give me a chance. I�think he knows more or less everything that goes on here, you�know. I reckon he had a pretty good idea we were going to try,�and instead of stopping us, he taught us enough to help. I don't�think it was an accident he let me find out how the mirror�worked."�

(Dumbledore - mentor and co�ntroller)�

P217: It was one of my more brilliant ideas, and between you and�me, that’s saying something.�(Dumbledore about himself)�


Page 2�

Page 26: Similarities Short

Li Po-Dumbledore continued� Page 3�

Albus Dumbledore was tall and thin, with long silver hair and a�long beard (auburn in his earlier years). He had brilliant blue�eyes, which usually twinkled with kindness and mischief.�

P91: “Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few�words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Squeak!�

(Dumbledore’s s zany humour)�

Harry and Dumbledore forged a bond comparable to that�between two brothers, in spite of the century in age difference.�Harry felt comfortable enough around the impressive,�intimidating figure of Dumbledore to shout at him in frustration,�cry out of grief, admit to his fears, and entrust him with his life.� Albus_Dumbledore#Personality_and_traits�

(Li Po and Om- buddies)�

It was Dumbledore who arranged for the infant Harry to be res-�cued from the cottage at Godric's Hollow . His abilities as a wiz-�ard are combined with a cunningness and subtlety of mind that�allows him to comprehend human nature in addition to Dumble-�dore's great trust in the power of the human spirit,....�

P102: Then, a very old man with long white hair and beard came�and she took his arm.�P108: Always, at the end of the dream the ancient one would�appear to take her out of the garden. He grew to hate this old�man even though he was not real. He was a mystery.�

P39: Li Po, enthralled at his own quip, flew around the tent�letting out that shrieking laugh of his.�(Li Po’s zany humour)�

P43: 'Maybe that's why you met the tiger in the first place,'�counseled his feathered sage. 'Li Po, he say, a little brush with�danger can paint a most revealing picture.�P61: 'Go away,' said Owen, turning over so that the bird would�not see his tear-filled eyes.�P44: But Li Po pecked at his neck and face so that he had no�choice but to keep moving forwards.�P105: Owen rolled over on the straw and with tearful eyes gazed�up at the low�ceiling: 'I just want to die,' he moaned. (to Li Po)�P64: 'I'm not saying you are lying. But, you know a lot more than�you are telling, Li Po.'�(Li Po and Om- buddies)�

P101: And where was Li Po? Why wasn't he here when he�needed him most?�P62: 'I apologize,' explained Li Po. 'But, I have great faith in�your instincts.�P50: 'A mere...I could have gotten killed!'�'I could have gotten killed, I could have gotten killed, I could�have gotten killed,' mimicked Li Po as he shrieked and whirled�above him.�

Page 27: Similarities Short

P45: Li Po flew higher and higher until he was a tiny dot; and�then he disappeared entirely.�(Li Po invisible)�

P61: 'You've been reading my thoughts!' exclaimed Owen�sitting up. Li Po moused along the branch and tried to look�indifferent. 'That's not very nice Mister Po!'�'Well......I......was curious, that's all.'�

(Li Po mind-reading)�

P76: 'Appearances rule here,' replied Li Po. 'Li Po, he say,�….appearances rule when poor man seek riches in mirror.'�P99: Li Po, he say, what you think of as destination maybe only�another part of�journey.'�P104: Li Po, he say, man who cannot live with what he cannot�get, cannot live with what he got.'�P105: Li Po, he say, poet who try to kiss moon's reflection may�fall in water and drown.'�P105: 'You have to learn about the emptiness too. You, yourself,�are the emptiness.'�P105: 'But, life is so empty. So grey.' moaned Owen. 'I can't see�the point in any of it, if I can't make her my friend. And I never�will. I just want to die, Li Po.'�

(Li Po as sage)�

Invisibility: He claimed the ability to render himself invisible with-�out the use of an Invisibility Cloak. To achieve such a state,�Dumbledore merely used an extremely powerful Disillusionment�Charm.� Occlumency/Legilimency Expert: Dumbledore was also�skilled in�Occlumency and Legilimency.�Albus_Dumbledore #Personality_and_traits�(Dumbledore invisible)�

Many people, particuarly Harry Potter, often noted that Dumble-�fore sometimes seemed to see right into their mind and correctly�decipher what they were thinking.��Albus_Dumbledore#Personality_and_traits�

(Dumbledore mind-reading)�

P157: However this mirror will give us neither knowledge nor�truth.�P215: After all, to the well organized mind, death is but the next�great�adventure.�P157: “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”�

(Dumbledore as sage)�

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LE COMPTE DE PILFER�Etymol.ogy: “Pilfer” = to steal�

P110: Countless bodies hung from the vaulted roof and from be-�neath the arches in all sorts of contortions...�P116: ... the Compte de Pilfer, says so. He's the chap you just�met. Tall isn't he? But, absolutely without mercy. If mercy were a�physical attainment the Compte would be a total cripple.�(sadist�}�

P111: The men disembarked and Owen was handed over to an�official. He was a tall man with strikingly green eyes: (ie, Pilfer).�P112: . His Majesty has a lot of work to......ex...ecute.' His pur-�poseful stressing of the last word did nothing to make Owen feel�welcome. (Pilfer)�P116: He designed this palace and furnished it too. I just sign�things for him.�P120: Everybody knows I am mad. It's an honour to be mad, Pil-�fer tells me. And he ought to know. Pilfer knows everything.�

(expert on the palace)�

P120: Pilfer would be really angry, that's for sure. He would put�an end to my supply of chocolate. That's the sort of cruel man he�is, capable of�anything�.�P107: They have a king,... 'More often than not he is told to sign�an order of execution.' (by Pilfer)�

ARGUS FILCH�Etymology: “Filch” = to steal.�

P181: “It’s just a pity they let the old punishments die out…hang�you by your wrists from the ceiling for a few days, I’ve got the�chains still in my office, keep ‘em well oiled in case…�Filch is a rheumatic and hunchbacked man who wheezes and�shuffles when he walks.�(sadist}��

P99: Even worse than Peeves, if that was possible, was the�caretaker, Argus Filch.�P99: Filch owned a cat called Mrs. Norris……with bulging,�lamplike eyes just like Filch’s.�P99: Filch knew the secret passageways of the school better�than anyone….�His knowledge of the secrets and shortcuts of the castle is�almost unparalleled..... He has been known to favour almost�sadistically harsh punishments...��

(expert on the castle)�

This bitterness expresses itself in the endless restrictions he�places upon the students and the powerful desire he has to�torture them.��Muggles%27_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Characters/Argus_Filch�P116: “Do you think I am going to stand here and wait for Filch�to catch me?”�P119: Filch must have hurried off to look for them....but they�hardly cared - all they wanted to do was put as much space�between themselves and that monster.�

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BARTHOLOMEW O’MALLEY� RUBEUS HAGRID�(Aged 65. Born 1929 -�hagrid.html)�

P133: Hagrid could be seen.... bundled up in a long moleskin�overcoat, rabbit fur gloves and enormous beaverskin boots.�

P104 Hagrid lived in a small wooden house on the edge of the�forbidden forest.�P169: When they knocked on the door of the gamekeeper’s hut�an hour later…�(Hagrid’s hut)�

P40: “I’ll not say no to summat stronger if yeh’ve got it, mind.”�P40: “Got summit for yer here.�(speaks in vernacular)�

P41: “Call me Hagrid,” he said, everyone else does. An’ like I told�yeh, I’m keeper of the keys at Hogwarts....”�

P48: Be grateful if yer didn’t mention that teh anyone at�Hogwarts.� ( Hagbrid - a private man)�

P48: He cast a sideways look at Harry under his bushy eyebrows.�(Hagrid)�

( Bartholomew. No birth date given, but old enough to be Owen’s�grandad.)�P25: Glad to be out of it. That were forty years ago now.'�P24: He saw that the old man was dressed in animal skins and�wore a funny hat with flowers on it. ... , his little blue eyes peer-�ing off into nowhere:�

P26: An old man, a beachcomber, had found him and carried�him to his hut buried deep in the forest.�(Bart’s hut)�

P24: 'Tis that, son. Irish as stout and shamrocks or babblin'�brooks.'�P24: 'Was shipwrecked meself a long while ago.�P25: 'The fightin' Irish they call us. Been fightin' the English for a�thousand years or more.'� (speaks in vernacular)�

P46: . He searched his rags and produced a big rusty key.�'There it is,' he said. 'Can't pull the gate no more, that's the�problem.’� ( the gatekeeper)�P33: 'He called you Bart!' shrieked the Puffin.�

P34: 'One other thing. If you do make it, tell nobody about me�or where I am.'�(Bart - a private man)�

P24: The old man smiled to himself and tweaked one of his� bushy eyebrows.�(Bart)�

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P24: ...he decided there and then that the old man was right�about the forest because everything on the table came from�there.�P25: The shack was very neat and furnished with a wide variety�of wooden things, tables, shelves and chairs that looked very�ornate and homely.�(Bart’s hut)�P34: Bartholomew had washed his denim, jacket, his T-shirt, his�jeans and even his trainers. He heaved a rucksack onto the boy's�back:�P35: Old Bartholomew had thought of everything, even a sheet�of polythene that he could leave out at night to collect fresh�water.�(caring Bart)�

P24: The dish of rice and vegetables and fruit pie tasted so deli-�cious ....He had never tasted anything like it.�P33: 'I do, Bart.' said Owen reaching for another slice of pineap-�ple pie.�(Bart has the chef’s magic touch)�

P33:'Anyway,' said Bartholomew. 'Time to eat. You get yourself�out of bed and go and freshen yourself up and I'll make us a good�meal.'�

P26: Owen could hear him talking to himself outside.�He seemed�angry about something. He heard a bucket or a wheelbarrow be-�ing kicked and then, silence.� It didn't seem to Owen as if he was�coming back in again.�Now he was talking to himself again,�louder this time�.�(Bart has a temper)�

P25: Understand me drift?' He got up and draped a blanket over�Owen. 'Think ye'd better sleep now, son.'�

P104: There was only one room inside. Hams and pheasants�were hanging from the ceiling, a copper kettle was boiling on�the open fire and in the corner stood a massive bed with a�patchwork quilt over it. “Make yerselves at home,” said Hagrid.�(Hagrid’s hut)�

P40: He bent down over the fireplace; they couldn’t see what he�was doing but when he drew back a second later, there was a�roaring fire there. It filled the whole damp hut with flickering�light and Harry felt the warmth wash over him as though he had�sunk into a warm bath.�(caring Hagrid)�

P41: He passed the sausages to Harry who was so hungry he had�never tasted anything so wonderful.�(Hagrid has the chef’s magic�touch)�

P169: Hagrid made them tea….�

Dear, dear, you know, that temper of yours will lead you into�trouble one of these days, Hagrid." —Lucius Malfoy provoking�Hagrid.��P181: “Then get back off ter the castle an’ pack. Go on!”�

(Hagrid has a temper)�

P48: He took off his thick black coat and threw it to Harry: “You�can kip under that,” he said.�

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P118: 'Well, the lyrics's a homage to the King,' replied�Owen.�'Yes!' cried the little man springing to his feet. 'But,�which�King!?�P120: . Pilfer would be really angry, that's for sure.�P116: However, he (Pilfer) is the real king. I just sign things for�him. A great man. A very, very, very, very great man.�P118: Pilfer wrote the anthem. Pilfer does everything. Pilfer is�the King.� ‘�He slumped down again into the throne.�P123: 'Ye gods! I forgot about him. Pilfer will have my head.�What am I to do?'�

P122: The King curled up on his throne and was crying bitterly. In�a tantrum he chucked all the cushions to the floor. Owen wanted�to console him but could not think of anything to say. Helplessly,�he watched and waited until His Majesty had gathered himself.�Presently he sat up, produced a large hankie the size of a shirt�and blew his nose:�'Obviously, I will have to flee,' he mumbled.�P102: 'No, no. When in doubt flee. My grandfather's motto.�

P123: My only friend is Pilfer. And he's not really my friend. I see�that now. Pilfer is a dog. Maybe, I should have him boiled in oil�before I go.�P124: 'I will leave a fake suicide note for my valet to find in the�morning and convey to the Minister of Internal Affairs. It will�state that a divine vision has been granted me that the true King�of Strandedusia is actually Pilfer. Under the burden of this�knowledge I have decided to take my own life. Voila. That should�do it.'�


“ Since then, I have served him faithfully, although I have let�him down many times. He has had to be very hard on me.”�Quirrell shivered suddenly. “He does not forgive mistakes eas-�ily.”�P210: a spasm of fear flitted across Quirrell’s face.�“Sometimes,” he said, “I find it hard to follow my master’s in-�structions – he is a great wizard and I am weak –“�P210: “ I see the stone. … I’m presenting it to my master…. but�where is it?”(Quirrell)�

Quirrell appears in the Great Hall to warn staff and students�of a troll in the dungeons, and then promptly faints�.�(http://��

His voice was stammering, and he often stuttered. He was�usually trembling, and was prone to fainting. His nervousness�turned out to be something of an act; even though he was ter-�rified of disobeying Lord Voldemort, he was really very cold�and calculating�.��Quirinus_Quirrell�

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507 Saint Hedwig, of Rowling's choosing, was the saint of or-�phans and abandoned children.�(Source -��meet_the_real_hedwig_harry_potters.html�).�P 67 Hedwig swooped in and out of the window as she pleased.�P49: There was an owl rapping its claw on the window, a news-�paper in its beak.� Owls especially a tawny or Snowy owls have a very small beak�that it uses for breaking the bones of its victims. Heavy and awk-�ward objects it carries in its claws.� (��forumphotos/data/1327/Tawny_Owl.jpg�)�CHARACTER FILE�Hedwig is female although in the films his char-�acter is played by a male.� P101: Hedwig…… sometimes flew in to nibble his ear….�

Apparently, she was also able to understand human speech;�Harry usually gave her verbal instructions where to deliver let-�ters and she also obeyed other spoken orders such as�Harry's command to peck his friends until they answered his let-�ters (OP3, OP4). In turn, she could effectively express her mood�and opinion with a variety of hoots, clacks of her beak, expres-�sive looks, and other forms of body language (CS2, CS12, GF18,�OP3).Hedwig was a very dignified owl who took great pride in�her talent. Hedwig seemed to understand Harry and adjusted to�his needs (PA2). However, she was easily offended when Harry�failed to notice her, did not treat her well and respectfully, or�asked her to do something she did not like (CS2, CS7, PA5, PA14,�GF14, GF18, OP3).�(�

P24: Named after some saint or other as far as I know.� Bartholomew O'Malley, that's me.'�

P91: Li Po had perched himself outside the window and had been�listening to everything.�

P96:� Li Po was back, drumming at the window with his beak.�P124: It was dark when he felt Li Po's beak pecking at his ear.�P75: Owen hugged him tightly so glad was he to see him.�The�bird pecked his ear fondly.�P51:�If that isn't the craziest bird that ever sprouted feathers, he�thought to himself, then I'm still in my bed somewhere in Ireland.�And somebody had better waken me up, real soon.�P97: 'I'm not going anywhere.'�The Puffin perched on his shoulder and shouted into his ear:�'Snap out of it! It's getting dark already.'�P33/34:'It's not that he's vain, as you suppose,' he whispered.�'That is all an act for your benefit. He knows a great deal about�you.” (Bart speaking of the Puffin).�P36: The bird fell into a frenzy of gaiety. His laughter, as he flew�in wide circles above Owen's head, was a piercing cackle that�seemed to fill the skies. Perhaps, thought Owen, Li Po's wife was�a witch and that's where he learnt to laugh or else Li Po was a�very funny chap to be sure�
