Page 1: Similar Products – The Nine Shots

This first credit of the movie comes accompanied with a low bass sound in the background which starts to slowly fade in. No image is displayed yet apart from title on black. This creates a tense atmosphere. Text fades in and out slowly.

The second credit of the film. The low bass continues not getting any louder but just staying present in the background. Again there is no other visuals other than still text on black. Text also fades in and out slowly.

Page 2: Similar Products – The Nine Shots

The Title is the third shot of the film. This comes accompanied with a sharp violin squeal. This takes you by surprise and ads to the tense atmosphere that is starting to be created. The credits appear by each character spinning onto screen in a line. The bass begins to fade out and ends when the title ends. The title fades out and appears to disappear into the darkness.

Wide shot panning down from the ceiling and then zooming in on the ‘character’ on the ledge. Visuals start with first strike of lightning. Narrated giving background information on the story. Bats enter the frame and fly towards and off the camera before first human visual is seen . lightning continuous through the shot illuminating the scene and being the only other sound other than the narrator. Zooms to a midshot.

Page 3: Similar Products – The Nine Shots

Exterior wide shot of the building roof. Lightning still in the background. Background dialogue still present.

Pan Right wide shot of a pillar then the character emerging from behind the pillars , on the ledge, as the camera pans. Background dialogue still present.

Page 4: Similar Products – The Nine Shots

Cut to midshot of the character . lightning still in the background and background dialogue still present.

Page 5: Similar Products – The Nine Shots

Extreme Close-up of fingers drooped over ledge. A few drips of water drip off. Dialogue is still present along with the lightning.

Close up on face of character, and emotions of the character are now visible. Character appears intrigued and soaked with water. The Narration continues past this shot and the storm is still present in visuals and sound.
