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11. Lost Puppies (1:06) 12. Oh Santa/ (5:12)

13. Do the Moo Shoo (0:39)

M. Silly Song Remix Medley (3:58)

Total Running Time (42:58)



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The Water Buffalo Song 113 Music and Lyrics by Phil Vischer

© &©19p Bob & Larry Publishing (ASCAP)

Larry: The Water Buffalo Song.

Everybody’s got a water buffalo. Yours is fast but mine is slow. Oh, where’d we get them? I don’t know but everybody’s got a water buffalo- 000000000.

I took my buffalo to the store, got his head stuck in the door. Spilled some lima beans on the floor. Oh, everybody’s got a...

Archibald: Stop iti Stop/ Stop right this instant/ What do you think you’re doing? You can’t say everyone’s got a water buffalo when everyone does not have a water buffalo/ We’re going to get nasty letters saying, ^'Where’s my water buffalo?” “ Why don’t I have a water buffalo?” And are you prepared to deal with that? I don’t think so/ Just stop being so silly/

Narrator: This has been Silly Songs with Larry. Tune in next time to hear Larry sing...

Larry: Everybody’s got a baby kangaroo, yours is pink but mine is blue. Hers was small but...

Archibald: Ahhhhhh...

The Hairbrush Sung 3:03 Lyrics by Nawrocki Music by Mike Nawrocki, Lisa Vischer and Kurt Heinecke

®&©i995Bob & Larry Publishing (ASCAP)

Narrator: Our curtain opens as Larry, having just finished his morning bath, is searching for his hairbrush. Having no success, Larry cries out...

Larry: Oh, where is my hairbrush? Oh where is my hairbrush? Oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where... is my hairbrush?

Narrator: Having heard his cry. Pa Grape enters the scene. Shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of Larry in a towel. Pa regains his composure and reports...

Pa: I think I saw a hairbrush back there/

Larry: Back there is my hairbrush. Back there is my hairbrush. Back there, back there, oh where, back there, oh where, oh where, back there, back there, back there ... is my hairbrush?

Narrator: Having heard his joyous procla¬ mation, Junior Asparagus enters the scene. Shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of Larry in a towel. Junior regains his composure and comments...

Junior: Why do you need a hairbrush?

You don’t have any hair/

Narrator: Larry is taken aback. The thought had never occurred to him. No hair? What would this mean? What will become of him? What will become of his hairbrush? Larry wonders...

Larry: No hair for my hairbrush. No hair for my hairbrush. No hair, no hair, nowhere, no hair, no hair, no hair, nowhere, back there, no hair... for my hairbrush.

Narrator: Having heard his wonderings. Bob the Tomato enters the scene. Shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of Larry in a towel. Bob regains his compo¬ sure and confesses...

Bob: Larry, that old hairbrush of yours... Well, you never use it, you don’t really need it. So, well. I’m sorry... I didn’t know. But I gave it to the Peach — ‘cause he’s got hair/

Narrator: Feeling a deep sense of loss, Larry stumbles back and laments...

Larry: Not fair/ Oh, my hairbrush. Not fair/ My poor hairbrush. Not fair, not fair, no hair, not fair, nowhere, no hair, not fair, not fair, not fair/ My little hair¬ brush/

Narrator: Having heard his lament, the Peach enters the scene. Himself in a towel, both Larry and the Peach are shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of each other. But recognizing

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Larry’s generosity, the Peach is thankful...

Peach: Thanks for the hairbrush.

Narrator: Yes, good has been done here. The Peach exits the scene. Larry smiles, but, still feeling an emotional attachment for the hairbrush, calls out...

Larry: Take care of my hairbrush. Take care, oh my hairbrush. Take care, take care, don't dare not care. Take care. Nice hair. No fair. Take care, take care... of my hairbrush.

Narrator: The end/

The Dance ef the Cucumher3:i6 (Melody based on an Argentinean folk song) Lyrics by Mike Nawrocki. Translation by Lisa Nawrocki

© <? © 1995Bob and larry Publishing (ASCAP)

Larry: Miren al pepino Bob: Watch the cucumber

Larry: Vean como se mueve Bob: See how he moves

Larry: como un leon Bob: like a lion

Larry: tras un raton. Bob: chasing a mouse.

Larry: Miren al pepino Bob: Watch the cucumber

Larry: Due suaves movimientos Bob: Oh, how smooth his motion

Larry: Es como mantequilla Bob: like butter

Larry: en un change pelon. Bob: on a... bald monkey.

Larry: Miren al pepino Bob: Watch the cucumber

Larry: los vegetales Bob: all the vegetables

Larry: envidian a su amigo Bob: envy their friend

Larry: como el quieren bailar. Bob: wishing to dance as he.

Larry: Pepino bailarin, pepino bailarin, pepino bailarin Bob: Dancing cucumber, dancing cucum¬ ber, dancing cucumber

Larry: jBaila, baila, ya/ Bob: Dance, dance, yeah/

Larry: Miren al tomate Bob: Look at the tomato

Larry: ino es triste? Bob: Isn’t it sad?

Larry: El no puede bailar. Bob: He can’t dance.

Larry: jPobre tomate/ Bob: Poor tomato/

Larry: El desearia poder bailar como el pepino Bob: He wishes he could dance like the cucumber

Larry: libre y suavemente. Bob: free and smooth.

Larry: Pero el no puede danzar. Bob: But he can’t... Okay/ Stop the music/ What do ya mean I can’t dance? I can dance/ What about Uncle Louie’s polka party? Didn’t you see me dancing at Uncle Louie’s polka party?

Larry: No comprendo.

Bob: No comprendo? I’ll show you 'No comprendo’/

Junior: Mom/ Dad/ Look over here/ Get a picture of me next to the cucumber in

authentic Argentinean garb/

Dad: Okay, Junior. But we’d better hurry — I think the dwarves have your mother confused with someone else/ Say ‘Peas/’

All: Peas/

Larry: Escuchen al pepino Bob: Listen to the cucumber

Larry: oigan su voz fuerte Bob: hear his strong voice

Larry: como un leon Bob: like a lion

Larry: listo a devorar. Bob: about to eat.

Larry: Escuchen al pepino Bob: Listen to the cucumber

Larry: que dulce es su canto Bob: how sweet his voice

Larry: Que sopla su garganta, parece un trinar. Bob: the breath from his throat is like a chorus of little birdies.

Larry: Escuchen al pepino Bob: Listen to the cucumber

Larry: los vegetales Bob: all the vegetables

Larry: envidian a su amigo Bob: envy their friend

Larry: como el quieren cantar. Bob: wishing to sing as he.

Larry: Pepino cantador, pepino cantador, pepino cantador

Bob: Singing cucumber, singing cucum¬ ber, singing cucumber

Larry: jcanta, canta, ya! Bob: sing, sing, yeah/

Larry: Escuchen al tomate Bob: Listen to the tomato

Larry: ^No es triste? Bob: Isn’t it sad?

Larry: El no puede cantar. Bob: He can’t sing.

Larry: Pobre tomate. Bob: Poor tomato.

Larry: El desearia poder cantar Bob: He wishes he could sing

Larry: fuerte y dulce como el pepino Bob: strong and sweet like the cucumber

Larry: Pero el no puede... Bob: But he can’t...

Larry: jNi siquiera dar un silbido/ Bob: Can’t even... whistle/ All right/ That’s it Senor/ Come over here and let me sing YOU a song/

Larry: jAdios, amigos/

Narrator: This has been Silly Songs with Larry. Tune in next time to hear Larry sing...

Larry: Bob is really angry/1 hope he doesn’t catch me/ It’s so hard to run with this sombrero on my head/

Love My Lips 3 21 Lyrics by Mike Nawrocki Music by Mike Nawrocki and Kurt Heinecke.

© © i99b Bob & Larry Publishing

Larry: If my lips ever left my mouth, packed a bag and headed south, that’d be too bad. I’d be so sad.

Archibald: I see. That’d be too bad, you’d be so sad?

Larry: That’d be too bad. If my lips said adios, I don’t like you. I think you’re gross, that’d be too bad, I might get mad.

Archibald: Oh dear/ That’d be too bad, you might get mad?

Larry: That’d be too bad. If my lips moved to Duluth, left a mess and took my tooth, that’d be too bad. I’d call my Dad.

Archibald: That’d be too bad, you’d call your Dad?

Larry: That’d be too bad.

Archibald: Hold it. Did you say your father? Fascinating/ So what you’re saying is that if your lips left you...

Larry: That’d be too bad. I’d be so sad, I might get mad. I’d call my Dad. That be too bad.

Archibald: That’d be too bad?

Larry: That’d be too bad.

Archibald: Why?

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Larry: Because I love my lips. [Scatting]

Archibald: Oh my... This is more serious than I thought. Larry, tell me, what do you see here?

Larry: Urn, that looks like a lip.

Archibald: What about this?

Larry: It’s a lip/

Archibald: And this?

Larry: It’s a lip, it’s a lip, it’s a lip lip lip/ It’s a lip, it’s a lip, it’s a lip lip lip/ It’s a lip, it’s a lip, it’s a lip lip lip. Liiiiiiiiiiiips. Lip lip lip.

Archibald: Larry, tell me about your childhood.

Larry: When I was just two years old I left my lips out in the cold and they turned blue. What could I do?

Archibald: Oh dear/ They turned blue, what could you do?

Larry: Oh they turned blue. (A: I see) On the day I got my tooth I had to kiss my Great Aunt Ruth. She had a beard... and it felt weird.

Archibald: My, my. She had a beard and it felt weird?

Larry: She had a beard. (A: Oh/) Ten days after I turned eight, got my lips stuck in a gate. My friends all laughed. And I just stood there until the fire department came and broke the lock with

a crow bar and I had to spend the next six weeks in lip rehab with this kid named Oscar who got stung by a bee - right on the lip - and we couldn’t even talk to each other until the fifth week because both our lips were so swollen, and when he did start speaking he just spoke Polish and I only knew like three words in Polish except now I know four because Oscar taught me the word for lip: Usta/

Archibald: Your friends all laughed... Usta? How do you spell that?

Larry: I don’t know.

Archibald: So what you’re saying is that when you were young...

Larry: They turned blue, what could I do? She had a beard and it felt weird. My friends all laughed... Usta/

Archibald: I’m confused...

Larry: I love my lips/ [Scatting]

Archibald: Larry... Larry ...

Narrator: This has been Silly Songs with Larry. Tune in next time to hear Larry say...

Larry: Have I ever told you how I feel about my nose?

Archibald: Oh, look at the time/

Larry: [scatting]

The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything 3:15 Lyrics by Mike Nawrocki Music by Mike Nawrocki and Kurt Heinecke.

© © 1997Bob & Larry Publishing

Larry, Pa, Mr. Lunt: We are the Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything/

We just stay home and lie around. And if you ask us to do anything, we’ll just tell you...

Larry: We don’t do anything/

Pa: Well, I’ve never been to Greenland and I’ve never been to Denver, and I’ve never buried treasure in St. Louis or St. Paul, and I’ve never been to Moscow, and I’ve never been to Tampa, and I’ve never been to Boston in the fall.

All: ‘Cuz we’re the Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything/ We just stay home and lie around. And if you ask us to do anything, we’ll just tell you...

Mr. Lunt: We don’t do anything. And I never hoist the mainstay, and I never swab the poop deck, and I never veer to starboard ‘cuz I never sail at all, and I’ve never walked the gangplank, and I’ve never owned a parrot. And I’ve never been to Boston in the fall.

All: ‘Cuz we’re the Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything/ We just stay home and lie around. And if you ask us to do anything, we’ll just tell you... We don’t do any¬ thing/

Larry: Well, I’ve never plucked a rooster, and I’m not too good at Ping-Pong, and I’ve never thrown my mashed potatoes up against the wall, and I’ve never kissed a chipmunk, and I’ve never gotten head lice, and I’ve never been to Boston in the fall/

Pa: Huh? What are you talking about? What’s a rooster and mashed potatoes have to do with being a pirate?

Mr. Lunt: Hey, that’s right/ We’re sup¬ posed to sing about pirate-y things/

Larry: Oh...

Pa: And who ever kissed a chipmunk? That’s just nonsense/ Why even bring it up? Am I right? What do you think?

Mr. Lunt: I think you look like Cap’n Crunch/

Pa: Huh? No I don’t/

Mr. Lunt: Do too.

Pa: Do not/

Mr. Lunt: You’re making me hungry.

Pa: That’s it, you’re walkin’ the plank/

Mr. Lunt: Says who?

Pa: Says the captain, that’s who/

Mr. Lunt: Oh, yeah? Aye aye, Cap’n Crunch/

Pa: Arg/

Mr. Lunt: Yikes/

Larry: And I’ve never licked a spark plug and I’ve never sniffed a stinkbug, and I’ve never painted daisies on a big red rubber ball, and I’ve never bathed in yogurt, and I don’t look good in leggings...

Pa: You just don’t get it/

All: And we’ve never been to Boston in the fall/

Pa: Pass the chips/ Who’s got the remote control?

Larry: Here it is/

Mr. Lunt: Time for Geraldo/

Pa: It’s definitely time for Wapner.

Mr. Lunt: Oh, I don’t like this show...

The Song of the Cehu 3 m Lyrics by Mike Nawrocki Music by Mike Nawrocki and Kurt Heinecke.

© &©1997Bob & Larry Publishing (ASCAP}

Larry: Cebu/ This is a song about a boy. A song about a little boy and his cebus... a song about a little boy and his three cebus... the little boy who had a sick cebu, a sad cebu and a mute cebu. And also a hippo.

Dm... urn... this is me at the airport. This is my Aunt Ruth. This is me at a bullfight. This is me fighting a bull.

Jimmy, Jerry & Junior: Ohh/

Larry: This is me and the bull.

Jimmy, Jerry & Junior: Ahh/

Larry: This is me and the bull and... I thin1< that’s the bull’s cousin. He’s a cebu/

Archibald: Hold it/ You call this a multi- media event? This is a slide projector and a bed sheet/ And what on earth is a cebu, anyway?

Larry: It’s kind of like a cow. See?

Archibald: Yes. Well, very good. This could be interesting. Carry on/

Larry: Cebu/ Sing it with me/ Cebu/

Jimmy, Jerry & Junior: Cebu/

Larry: Boy is riding with cebu

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Jimmy, Jerry & Junior: Boy is riding with cebu

Larry: Into town in his canoe

Jimmy, Jerry & Junior: Into town in his canoe

Larry: Sick cebu is rowing and sneezing. Achoo moo moo, achoo moo moo, achoo moo moo, achoo moo moo moo moo

Jimmy, Jerry & Junior: Achoo moo moo, achoo moo moo, achoo moo moo, achoo moo moo, achoo moo moo, achoo moo moo moo moo

Larry: Hippo chewing on bamboo

Jimmy, Jerry & Junior: Hippo chewing on bamboo

Larry: Can’t see boy and three cebijs

Jimmy, Jerry & Junior: Can’t see boy and three cebus

Larry: Sad cebu is rowing and crying. Boo-hoo moo moo, boo-hoo moo moo, boo-hoo moo moo, boo-hoo moo moo moo moo

Jimmy, Jerry & Junior: Boo-hoo moo moo, boo-hoo moo moo, boo-hoo moo moo, boo-hoo moo moo, boo-hoo moo moo, boo-hoo moo moo moo moo

Larry: Cebu/

Jimmy, Jerry & Junior: Cebu/

Larry: Cebu/

Jimmy, Jerry & Junior: Cebu/

All: Achoo moo moo, boo-hoo moo moo, boo-hoo moo moo, achoo moo moo, achoo moo moo, boo-hoo moo moo, cebu/

Larry: Hippo seen by mute cebu

Jimmy, Jerry & Junior: Hippo seen by mute cebu

Larry: Tries to tell the other two

Jimmy, Jerry & Junior: Tries to tell the other two

Larry: Mute cebu is waving and grunt¬ ing. Mmm-hmm mmm mmm, mmm-hmm mmm mmm,mmm-hmm mmm mmm, mmm-hmm mmm mmm mmm mmm

Jimmy, Jerry & Junior: Mmm-hmm mmm mmm, mmm-hmm mmm mmm, mmm-hmm mmm mmm, mmm-hmm mmm mmm mmm mmm

Larry: Uh-oh.

Archibald: Wait/ What happens next?

Larry: Urn...

Archibald: Does the hippo see them? Is the poor mute cebu successful in commu¬ nicating the imminent danger to the other passengers? Is the boy injured? Why is the sad cebu sad? Is the canoe wood or aluminum? This is quite disap¬ pointing/ I’m going to have to speak to Bob about this.

Larry: Oh look, a cebu/

Jimmy, Jerry & Junior: Cebu/

Larry: No, wait... that’s a water buffalo.

Jimmy, Jerry & Junior: No more song about cebu/ Need another verse or two/ Audience is standing and leaving, bye-bye moo moo, bye-bye moo moo, bye-bye moo moo, bye-bye moo moo moo moo moo

Jimmy: I want my money back/

Jerry: Yeah/ That’d be good.

His Cheeseburger 3:06 Lyrics by Mike Nawrocki Music by Mike Nawrocki & Kurt Heinecke

© &©J998Bob & Larry Publishing (A5CAP)

Mr. Lunt: He said to her, 'Td like a cheeseburger... and I might like a milk¬ shake as well.” She said to him, '*1 can’t give you either.” And he said, Isn’t this Burger Bell?”

She said, '‘Yes it is, but we’re closed now, but we open tomorrow at te'n.” He said, “I am extremely hungry, but I guess I can wait until then.”

‘Cause you’re his cheeseburger/ His yummy cheeseburger/ He’ll wait for you. Yeah/ He’ll wait for you/

Oh, you are his cheeseburger/ His tasty cheeseburger/ He’ll wait for you. Oh, he will wait for you.

He stayed at the drive-thru till sunrise. He may have dozed off once or twice When he spotted a billboard for Denny’s - bacon and eggs for half price/

How could he resist such an offer? He really needed something to munch. Cheeseburger, please do not get angry. He’ll eat and be back here for lunch/

‘Cause you’re his cheeseburger/ His pre¬ cious cheeseburger/ Be back for you. He’ll be back for you.

Won’t be so long, cheeseburger/ Oh, love¬ ly cheeseburger/ Be back for you. Oh, he’ll be back for you.

‘Cause he loves you cheeseburger with all his heart/ And there ain’t nothin’ gonna tear you two apart/ And if the world sud¬ denly ran out of cheese, he would get down on his hands and knees to see if someone accidentally dropped some cheese in the dirt/ And he would wash it off for you/ Wipe it off for you/ Clean that dirty cheese off just for you...

You are his cheeseburger/

The Yodeling Veterinarian ef the Ains 3:S6 Lyrics by Mike NawrocKi Music by Mike Nawrocki and Kurt Heinecke.

© <S © i998 Bob & Larry Publishing (A5CAP)

Quartet: Mmmmmmm ... There lived a man so long ago his memo¬ ry’s but faint. Was not admired, did not inspire like president or saint. But people came from far and near with their afflict¬ ed pets for a special cure they knew for sure wouldn’t come from other vets/ Woooahhh...

Larry: This is a song for your poor, sick penguin. He’s got a fever and his toes are blue. But if I sing to your poor, sick pen¬ guin, he will feel better in a day or two/

Yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hoo Yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hee yodel-eee-ooo Yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hoo Ya-de ya-de ya-de ya-de ya-de-doo/

Pa: He’s gone a little loopy, in case you haven’t heard. Here’s a couple’ penicillin for your sickly, arctic bird.

Quartet: Mmmmmmm ... No skeptic could explain just how, nor could one oft rebut, the wondrous deeds that went on in that little alpine hut/ Some would stand in silence while some just scratched their scalps for the curious ways of the Yodeling Veterinarian of the Alps/

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Pa: Good news on the penguin, doc... He’s up and kickin’/

Larry: This is a song for your pregnant kitty. She’s looking nauseous and a week past due. But if I sing to your pregnant kitty, she will feel better in a day or two/

Yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hoo Yodel-leh-hee yodel-ye-dee yodel-eee-ooo Yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hee yodel-aye-hoo Yada-yada yada-yada ya-ga-doo/

Pa: Jump in your car, drive into the city, buy a jug of milk for your nauseated kitty.

Quartet: Mmmmmm... The practice grew, their profits flew until one fateful day, when the nurse who did assist the doc asked for a raise in pay. The doctor pondered this awhile, sat back and scratched his scalp, then said:

Larry: No way, Jose/

Quartet: To the nurse of the Yodeling Veterinarian of the Alps. Woooahhh...

Pa: Good news on the kitty, doc/ She’s feelin’ great... six kittens... named one after you.

Larry: This is a song for your bear- trapped teddy. He looks uncomfy, think I’d be too. But if I sing to your bear- trapped teddy, he will feel better in a day or two/

Yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hoo Yodel-leh-hee 0-layhee Oly-ooo Yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hoo Yodel-leh-hee yaba-daba yaba-doo/

Pa: Oh, yeah - that’ll work. He’s good.

Larry: Yodel-leh-hee/ Yodel-leh-hee yodel-leh-hoo/ No, wait/ This should work/ Yodel-leh-hee/ Yodel-leh-hoo yodel-leh-hoo/

Quartet: Now the moral of our story, it’s the point we hope we’ve made: When you go a little loopy better keep your nurse well paid/ Larry: Yodel-leh-hee/ Yodel-leh-hoo/ Yodel odie odie aye de aye de ooo-ooo- 000/

Quartet: Whoa/ Some would stand in silence while some just scratched their scalps for the curious ways of the Yodeling Veterinarian of the Alps/

Endangered Love 3:13 Lyrics by Mike Nawrocki Music by Mike Nawrocki & Kurt Heinecke

© & ©2000Bob S, Larry Publishing (ASCAP)

Larry: Barbara /iAanatee/ Choir: manatee, manatee

Larry: You are the one for me/ Choir: one for me, one for me

Larry: Sent from up above/ Choir: up above, up above

Larry: You are the one I love/ Choir: Barbara, Oh Barbara

Bill: Please don’t cry, Barbara/ You’re a nice manatee. You’ve been so good to me. But I must go into the world and do noble things for the good of all. And you can’t come because you don’t speak French/ Au revoir.

Barbara: But if you leave. Bill, who will take me to the ball? Who’s going to take me to the ball. Bill? I have a new dress and shoes and new manatee lipstick/ Who will take me to the Ball?

Larry: I’ll take you to the ball, Barbara Manatee/

Barbara: Please don’t go/ Bill: I must/ Barbara: Don’t go/ Bill: I must/ Barbara: don’t

Bill: must Barbara: don’t, don’t Bill: must, must

Larry: Barbara Manatee/ Choir: manatee, manatee

Larry: You are the one for me/ Choir: one for me, one for me

Larry: Sent from up above/ Choir: manatee from heaven

Larry: You are the one I love/

Larry: Barbara Manatee/ Choir: manatee, manatee

Larry: I’ll be your mon ami/ Choir: mon ami, mon ami

Larry: I’ll take you to the ball/ Choir: to the ball, to the ball

Larry: I hope you’re not too tall/ Choir: You might have trouble dancing/

Barbara: Bill/ I’ve learned French/

Bill: You have?/

Barbara: Mais oui/ Je suis Manatee. See?/

Bill: Oui/ Oui/ Mon amie/1 always knew you could/1 really hoped you would/ Now can we go into the world and do noble things for the good of all?

Barbara: Yes/ But first. Bill... will you take me to the ball? Oh Bill, will you take me to the ball?

Bill: I can’t dance.

Barbara: You can’t? Bill: No/ Barbara: I must go/ Bill: Please don’t go/ Barbara: I must/ Bill: Don’t go/ Barbara: I must/ Bill: don’t Barbara: must Bill: don’t, don’t Barbara: must, must

Larry: Barbara Manatee/ Choir: manatee, manatee

Larry: You are the one... Bob: Larry/ What are you doing?

Larry: Just... watching a little T.V., Bob.

Bob: Well, maybe you should read a book.

Larry: Yeah, okay/

Narrator: This has been Silly Songs with Larry. Tune in next time to hear Bill say:

Bill: Barbara/ I’ve learned to dance/

Barbara: Oh Bill/

Larry’s High Silk Hat 3:46 (Classy Songs with Larry) “Funiculi Funicula” Melody by Luigi Denza, Public Domain “0 Sole Mio” Melody by E. di Capua, Public Domain Words by Marc Volcano

© & ©2001Bob & Larry Publishing

Archibald: One day while he was wait¬ ing for the trolley, he had a hat.

Larry: My high silk hat.

Archibald: He wore it high upon his head so proudly, a beautiful hat.

Larry: My high silk hat.

Archibald: A hat like this just makes him feel so grandly, now fancy this, and fancy that. The splendor of his hat in all its majesty...

Larry: Like a king, in a royal cap. I feel so swell and handsome in my hat, I bet that others wish they had in fact...

Larry & Archibald: A hat as this, a hat as that, a hat so fine, a high silk hat.

Larry: Oh Mr. Art Bigotti, now what do you think of that?

Archibald: Now his hat was not all he wore so proudly. I must in fact, share more than that. For upon his lap there sat a treat so fondly, of chocolate this...

Larry: and chocolate that.

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Archibald: Deliciousness that makes him feel so dandy, a chocolate bliss...

Larry; a chocolate snack.

Choir: Confections such as these are more than candy, somewhat like life, a box of that.

Larry: I have my chocolate placed upon my lap. I feel so good; you just cannot top that.

Larry & Choir: I have my snack, a choco¬ late pack, of chocolate this and chocolate that.

Larry: Oh golly Mr. Nezzer, now what do you think of that?

Archibald: Now time was passing and the sun grew hotter, upon his hat...

Choir: and his chocolate snack.

Archibald: So beneath his hat he thought and pondered.

Larry: What should I do, to save my hat?

Archibald: He thought, and contemplat¬ ed as he perspired, beneath his hat.

Choir: Upon his lap.

Archibald: He feared his chocolate treats would soon retire, into a pool...

Choir: a chocolate vat.

Larry & Choir: I won’t feel grand if I take off my hat. The sun's getting hot and my hat just might go flat. My hat, it might go flat, and my sweets will melt like that...

Larry: Oh hurry Mr. Trolley before my dapperness goes flat.

Archibald: He decided to forego his look so dashing, to save his hat...

Jean Claude; and little snack.

Archibald: So he placed the treats upon the seat beside him ...

Nezzer: and put his hat on top of that.

Larry: Oh please!

Choir: Oh please, oh please!

Larry: Don’t anybody, sit close to me, upon my hat. I ask, if all of you could be so kindly, and just stand back, away from my snack!

A great big squash just sat upon my hat. A great big squash just squished my hat real flat. He squashed my hat, he made it flat, he squished my snack, oh what of that? Oh tell me anybody, now what do you think of that?

Choir: A great big squash just sat upon his hat. A great big enormous squash squished his hat real flat. He squashed his hat, he made it flat, he squished his snack, oh what of that?

Larry: Oh golly, uh... what is your name?

Scallion #1: They’ve never given me a name. I have been around since show one and I still don’t have a name.

Larry & Choir: Now what do you think of that?

Lost Puppies 1:06 Music & Lyrics by Mike Nawrocki

© & ©2000Bob & Larry Publishing (ASCAP)

Miss Achmentha:

Puppies are cuddly. Puppies are cute. They’re never nasty or mean. I’d give a home to all the lost puppies if ever one day I were Queen!

Puppies, puppies, bouncing happy pup¬ pies. Puppies, puppies of love. Puppies, puppies tender fluffy puppies. Lost pup¬ pies, I love you, love love.

Puppies are cuddly. Puppies are cute. They’re never nasty or mean. I’d give a home to all the lost puppies if ever one day I were Queen!


Oh Santa! 5:i2 Lyrics by Mike Nawrocki Music by Mike Nawrocki & Kurt Heinecke

© &© 1993Bob & Larry Publishing (ASCAP)

Larry: Oh Santa! I can’t wait for you to come. I just can’t wait for you to come, and I’ve got cookies - three yummy cookies! Just for you for when you come, only for you for when you come... because it’s Christmas!

Larry: Could that be Santa? Could that be him? Could it be the one who brings pres¬ ents for a cucumber like me, a good cucumber like me?

Narrator: Larry is surprised to be greeted not by Santa, but a crafty bank robber!

Larry: Who are you?

Bank robber: I’m a bank robber! And I’ve come to rob your bank. Oh yes. I’ve come to rob your bank, and I’ve come to take your dimes and swipe your nickels. So stand back, step aside you silly pickle! And let me in!

Narrator: Although frightened by the intruder, in the spirit of Christmas Larry makes an offering.

Larry: I’m not a banker... I have no bank my robbing friend, but I have cookies - three yummy cookies. And I don’t have nickels, but please take this my robbing friend. Eat one of these my robbing friend! They are for Santa, but you may have one.

Narrator: The bank robber is truly touched by Larry’s good will. But Larry, although momentarily distracted, is still excited about seeing Santa.

Larry: Oh Santa! I can’t wait for you to come. I just can’t wait for you to come, and I’ve got cookies - two yummy cook¬ ies! Just for you for when you come, only for you for when you come... because it’s Christmas!

Bank robber: (Simultaneously) I’m a robber! I came to rob your bank. Oh yes, I came to rob your bank... you shared a cookie - a yummy cookie. Though I’d love to take your dimes, perhaps another time ... because it’s Christmas!

Larry: Could that be Santa? Could that be him? Could it be the one who brings pres¬ ents for a cucumber like me, a good cucumber like me?

Narrator: Once again, it is not Santa who has come to Larry’s door, but this time a savage Norseman.

Larry: Who are you?

Viking: I’m a Viking! And I’ve come to take your land. Oh yes. I’ve come to take your land, and I’ve come to burn your crops and steal your horses. And I’ve come to... step on your chickens! And soil your quilts! ,

Narrator: Although frightened by the intruder, in the spirit of Christmas Larry makes an offering.

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Larry: I don’t have land... I don’t have

crops, my Viking friend, but I have cook¬

ies - two yummy cookies. And I don’t

have horses, but please take this, my

Viking friend. Eat one of these, my Viking

friend. They are for Santa, but you may

have one.

Narrator: The Viking is also touched by

Larry’s good will. But Larry’s thoughts are

still with Santa.

Larry: Oh Santa/1 can’t wait for you to

come. I just can’t wait for you to come.

I’ve got a cookie - a yummy cookie/ Just

for you for when you come, only for you

for when you come... because it’s


Viking: (Simultaneously) I’m a Viking/1

came to take your land. Oh yes, I came to

take your land... you shared a cookie - a

yummy cookie. Though I’d love to soil

your quilts, I don’t think that I wilt...

because it’s Christmas/

Larry: Could that be Santa? Could that be

him? Could it be the one who brings pres¬

ents for a cucumber like me, a good

cucumber like me?

Narrator: Larry is greeted now by an

agent of the Internal Revenue Service.

Larry: Who are you?

Peach: I’m from the IRS/ And I’ve come to

tax your... [Slam]

Larry: Oh Santa/1 can’t wait for you to

come, I just can’t wait for you to come...

It’s finally Santa/ It’s finally him/ At last,

the one who brings presents for a cucum¬

ber like me, a good cucumber like me/

Santa: I’m Santa/ And I’ve come to bring

you gifts. Oh yes. I’ve come to bring you

gifts, and I’ve come to stuff your stock¬

ings - oh ho-ho-ho/ And I’ve come to jig¬

gle my belly. And wiggle my nose... Hey,

wait a minute/ Isn’t that my belt? And

what are you doing with my hat? So

you’re the ones/

Bank robber: Wait a minute, I can


Viking: We’ve changed/

Santa: Nobody messes with Santa/ You

know that, don’t you? You’ve been very

naughty ... and I’ve got a list/

Peach: Did you claim that?

Larry: Merry... Christmas/

Do the Moo Shoo 0:39 Lyrics by Mike Nawrocki Music by Mike Nawrocki and Kurt Heinecke

© & ©2001 Bob & Larry Publishing (ASCAP)

Larry & Mr. Lunt: Chicken/

Mr. lunt: Rung Pao

Larry: Chicken/

Mr. Lunt: Mongolian

Larry: Chicken/

Mr. Lunt: Sweet and Sour

Larry: Chicken/

Mr. Lunt: Cashew

Larry: Chicken/

Larry & Mr. Lunt: Do the Moo Shoo/

Moo shoo shoo, moo shoo shoo, moo moo moo,

shoo shoo shoo, moo shoo moo, shoo moo shoo/

Larry & Mr. lunt: Pork/

Larry: Mandarin

Mr. Lunt: Pork/

Larry: Barbecued

Mr. Lunt: Pork/

Larry: Sweet and Sour

Mr. Lunt: Pork/

Larry: Spicy Shredded

Mr. Lunt: Pork/

Larry & Mr. Lunt: Do the tofu/

To fu fu, to fu fu, fu fu fu,

to to fu, to fu to, fu to fu/

Mr. Lunt: Stop/ Break a fortune cookie/

Larry: “Beware of grape with wooden mallet.”

Mr. Lunt: Ain’t that the truth.


Phil Vischer: Bob the Tomato, Archibald Asparagus, Jimmy Gourd, Mr. Lunt, Nezzer, Pa Grape, Phil Winklestein (Frankencelery), Scallion#!, Narrator

Mike Nawrocki; Larry the Cucumber, Jerry Gourd, the Peach, Scallion #2

Lisa Vischer: Junior Asparagus

Mike Sage: Scallion #3 on Veterinarian of the Alps”

“The Yodeling

Dan Anderson: Dad Asparagus on “The Dance of the Cucumber”

Paul Rosenburg; Bill Manatee on “Endangered Love”

Jacquelyn Ritz: Barbara Manatee and backup vocals on “Endangered Love”

Char Jackson: Miss Achmetha on “lost Puppies”

Robert Ellis; Bear on “The Yodeling Veterinarian of the Alps’

John Wahba: Telephone caller on “The Yodeling Veterinarian of the Alps

Additional Vocals:

Kurt Heinecke, RaeAnn Powell, Ginger Tam on “His Cheeseburger”

Laura Richey on “Do the Moo Shoo”

Choir on “Larry’s High Silk Hat”:

Joji Arnett Char Jackson Dawn Baldwin Lennie Jarratt Angie Billings Bob Landon Sarah Catherine Buddy Lewis

Brooks Joshua Lindsay James Breckenridge Shari Martin David Caton Scott Nelson Norma Caton Jody Nilsen Paige Craig Kenya Raichart Debbie Davis Jonathan Reich Lori Davis Laura Richey Frank Diaz de Leon Brian K. Roberts Adelia Erickson Paula Sandor Chris Geiger Ellen Silvestri Janet Gogins Ron Smith Ken Greene John Trauscht Matthew Gruett Nathan Tungseth Allen Hemberger Marc Vulcano


Kurt Heinecke: Keyboards, wind controller, trum¬ pet, valve trombone. E-flat horn, alto saxophone, percussion

Adam Frick: Guitar, string bass, mandolin, percus¬ sion, accordion, articulation bass

Mike Sage: Acoustic guitar on “The Water Buffalo Song”

Roddy Chiong: Violin on “Endangered love”

Tim Johnson: Guitar on “His Cheeseburger”

Pete Dugan: Bass on “His Cheeseburger”

Brad Schlueter: Drums on “His Cheeseburger” & “The Yodeling Veterinarian of the Alps”

John Trauscht: Mandolin on “Larry’s High Silk Hat”

Marc Volcano: Drums, Percussion on “Larry’s High Silk Hat” & “Lost Puppies”

Nate Bakkum: Acoustic Bass on “Lost Puppies”

Char Jackson - Accordion on “Lost Puppies”

Heather Finch - Violin on “Lost Puppies”


Producers: Mike Nawrocki and Kurt Heinecke (except “Silly Song Remix Medley” by Kormann Roque and Nathan Brenholdt)

Executive Producers: Phil Vischer and Ben Howard

Arrangements and Programming: Kurt Heinecke (except “The Water Buffalo Song” by Phil Vischer)

Audio Engineering, Editing & CD Compilation: Adam Frick

Additional Engineering on “His Cheeseburger”: Doug Ackman, Kurt Heinecke, Larry Hinds

Additional Audio Editing: Greg Wixted

Art Direction: Paul Conrad, Ron Eddy, and John Trauscht

Special Thanks:

Kurt Heinecke would like to thank Phil and Mike for the wackiness they bring to this mission. Adam, Laura, Christy, and Melody - the AV Club rules! All BIPpers past and present - You're family. And Judy, Gretchen, Clayton and Wesley - Thanks for showing me what love is all about. Oh... and thanks Mom and Dad for all the polkas, shw tunes, and church music we grew up with!

Mike Nawrocki would like to thank his beautiful, loving and inspirational family - Lisa, Ally and Michael. A big thank you to the Big Idea Family for their commitment to excellence in story telling and music, to Veggie fans everywhere for their loyal support, and to God for giving me the best job in the whole wide world!

Larry the Cucumber would like to thank the Lorax for posting the Astonishing Contraption of Silliness on eBay. It's been worth every penny including shipping and handling.

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VeggieTales® is a registered trademark of Big Idea Productions, Inc. ©2001 Big Idea Productions, Inc. All rights reserved.

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