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Silent Suffering

Most of us have all known someone in our lives that has sparked our concern over their well being. The

friend that was going through a stressful time and her weight plummeted over the months, the girl at the gym who

looks dangerously thin - while often this is a temporary state of being, for some coming back from the brink can

be more difficult.

Eating Disorders Statistics

February is Eating Disorders Awareness month, which aims to focus on the silent suffering of millions of

people around the globe. Eating disorders including bulima, anorexia and obesity and have the highest

mortality rates of all mental illnesses, but it is estimated that only one in 10 people seek treatment for their


The UAE is considered to have one of the highest rates of obesity in the world and figures show that this is on the

rise in the Middle East especially amongst adolescents and teens. While women are most commonly affected

by eating disorders, men develop eating disorders too and while the number of sufferers are unknown in the

Middle East a survey by Al Ain University found that 1.8 percent of the 900 girls questioned were anorexic.

Another study conducted by university students in the UAE found that three quarters of young Emiratis have

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body issues and one in five needed clinical intervention.

Dubai based Right Bite Nutrition Centre, Dietician Maria Abi Hanna reveals: “Eating disorders are real,

complex and devastating conditions that can have serious consequences for health, productivity and

relationships.” She said physical warning signs include: rapid weight loss, signs of damage due to

induced vomiting such as calluses on the knuckles and feeling cold. Other tell tale signs include

behavioural and psychological warnings such as: preoccupation with eating, food, body shape and


Eating Disorders Treatment

Sufferers can also feel anxious at meal times, take part in excessive exercise and use laxatives. Dr Maria

said there is no known way to prevent eating disorders but early treatment is the best way to keep the

problem from progressing. The age group most at risk of developing eating disorders is between 12 and

20, but it can also happen at any age and be triggered by stress.

These guidelines to help people live happier and healthier lives:

*Create a healthy environment for self-esteem and encourage healthy eating habits. Family dining habits

can influence the relationships children develop with food.

*Keep in mind wellbeing is about leading a balanced lifestyle that includes eating a balanced and varied

diet in moderation.

*Make a checklist to value yourself and praise yourself by setting goals and record accomplishments.

This will build self confidence which is key to overcoming a disorder.

*Distorted images can often foster an unrealistic view of body image. The average model 30 years ago

was 8 percent thinner than the average woman. Today the average model is 23 percent thinner than the

average woman!

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