Page 1: SIGNZ Mail Merge / E-mail Merge / Labels SIGNZ Mail Merge / E-mail Merge / Labels

SIGNZ Mail Merge / E-mail Merge / Labels

SIGNZ Mail Merge / E-mail Merge / Labels

Page 2: SIGNZ Mail Merge / E-mail Merge / Labels SIGNZ Mail Merge / E-mail Merge / Labels

We now have a new Mail Merge function in SIGNZ (found in Utils) which enables you to send bulk letters, labels and emails.

Page 3: SIGNZ Mail Merge / E-mail Merge / Labels SIGNZ Mail Merge / E-mail Merge / Labels

You can choose single and/or multiple entries under Company Types, Assigned Reps, Areas and People Traits. Selecting “Find” displays the requested details and enables the buttons down the right hand side.

Page 4: SIGNZ Mail Merge / E-mail Merge / Labels SIGNZ Mail Merge / E-mail Merge / Labels

Now that we have the list of contacts what can we do. Each of these options is discussed in the coming slides ….

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SIGNZ E-mail Merge

SIGNZ E-mail Merge

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You can choose single and/or multiple entries under Company Types, Assigned Reps, Areas and People Traits. Selecting “Find” displays the requested details and enables the buttons down the right hand side. Click Email ...

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Choosing the Email button will display this screen.

If you have an existing “template” that you wish to use select it from the list top left and the text will appear down here.

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Notice the ‘tags’ in the email will be replaced with data from SIGNZ’s fields. The available fields are shown on the left.

If you want to add a ‘tag’ to the email just place your cursor in the message then double-click the Field on the left (or just type it ... remembering the << and >>).

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To create a new email just click New to clear the Message then type in your message and add ‘tag’ fields as you go.

No sexy formatting options here, sorry.

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To send you need to enter a message Subject and decide HOW you want them sent.

If you “Let SIGNZ send” the mail then the server will process each message and send for you. They will not appear in your “sent items” in Outlook.

The SIGNZ mail system does not give you formatting options (bold etc). The email will be plain text as shown in the Message box. You can add an attachment (maybe a PPT of your latest sites, details of specials, newsletter etc).

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If you let SIGNZ send the mail then the message will appear to come from the assigned rep for each account. That way replies will go back to them. If there is no assigned rep then it will use the email address here.

If you want them all to come back to one person (collecting RSVP or whatever) then click the “All from…” option.

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You can review each message before it is sent. Once again, no formatting but it gives you the chance to customise before it goes.

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The alternative is to let your Outlook email send the messages. The advantage here is that SIGNZ will pass the details to Outlook then you can edit using Outlook and add all the formatting you want.

Send messages will appear in your Sent Items.

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Using Outlook has the advantage that SIGNZ can ask it to send only one copy of the message but to BCC (Blind Copy) this to all listed recipients.

This means you can edit the email ONCE and it will effect all people. As the same message goes to EVERYONE you need to ensure that the message is not personalised…

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If you choose to type a New message or make changes to an existing template SIGNZ will prompt you to save it as a new template if you wish when you press GO.

Regardless of whether you select Yes or No, your messages will still be sent. Press Cancel to return to the Create screen.

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Follow the same procedure to send your email via Outlook. If you choose No here, you then get to change your mind and go back to select Review each message before sending.

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Regardless of which method you choose, SIGNZ will record a copy of the un-modified email (ie. No formatting / changes done in Outlook) in the relevant Documents tabs (company, person).

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SIGNZ Label Merge

SIGNZ Label Merge

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You can choose single and/or multiple entries under Company Types, Assigned Reps, Areas and People Traits. Selecting “Find” displays the requested details and enables the buttons down the right hand side.

Click Labels ...

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This will print A4 laser / inkjet labels in a given format. First you need to select which printer you want to use.

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Select the Label type from the dropdown and Edit where required, ready to print.

There are no ‘standard’ labels in SIGNZ. You will need to click NEW the first time in and create a specification.

Note: SIGNZ will not record anything about these labels under Documents.

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This is a sample that I have used in the past. You will need to create the label definition (out with the ruler…) and use the Test button to generate a page of samples to see if you go it right…

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SIGNZ Excel Merge

SIGNZ Excel Merge

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Choosing the Excel button will take the data to Excel…

This way you can save the sheet and use Word to do a mail merge using it’s own tools if you wish. SIGNZ will not record anything to do with this (or any mail merge you may do) list under Documents. If you use SIGNZ to do the merge (next slides) then each document will be saved with links into Documents tabs.

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SIGNZ Letter Merge

SIGNZ Letter Merge

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Last but not least … Letters.

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Choosing the Letters button will display this screen.

The document you want to merge with must already exist - either saved in the Templates folder or you can find it elsewhere using the “…” button.

The document will contain ‘bookmarks’ that tell it where to store data taken from SIGNZ.

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For more information on creating ‘bookmarks’ see the Letters.PPT document.

The list of available bookmarks is shown here top right.

As there is no contract or site information as part of the merge selection all you have available is company and people information.

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Here we have selected “Renewal” from Type of Letter. This will be displayed as the ‘type’ in SIGNZ’s Documents tabs.

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Select the appropriate option then GO.

Note: selecting ‘open’ will cause problems if you have more than a dozen letters.
