Download pdf - Siebel Chapter 0 Better

  • 8/22/2019 Siebel Chapter 0 Better



    Where is the alphabetic listing of all the screens?

    Pls go to Accounts My Accounts view

    Whats GUI and CLI?

    Name some version sof Siebel.

    oHow many types of applets are there

    : How can you save records in Siebel

    Q4. Define Tree applet

    : Define unbounded pick list.

    Gaurav: What MVg applet

    Whats pick applet

    Whats LOV

    Whats FF field?

    FF= free form

    What are screens

    What are views

    What is About record option in Help?

    What imp thing Tehcnical support option in Help menu


    What is About SRF optionin Help Menu?

    What is reports option?

    What is PDQ?

  • 8/22/2019 Siebel Chapter 0 Better


    What is Filemenu - Connect option

    What is Merge Records

    What is Change records

    What is a form applet

    What is a List applet

    How to freeze the columns?

    Finding a record

    Please create a query

    Sorting of Records

    How do you start 8.1

    Do everything in 8.1 also

    Tell me how cancel works

    tell me how new record works

    tell mw how copy reciord works

    Whats a drill down

    Whats History List

    Whats back button

    Go to Accounts My accounts and see thoe A B C D etc in the

    lower part of upper applet...what are on them one

    by one and see what they mean

    Whats the length of the desc field in Opty screen my opty view

    lower form applet

  • 8/22/2019 Siebel Chapter 0 Better


    Sales team is an MVG or a pick applet in the same view?

    Prob is LOV or Free form? Is it bounded or unbounded?

    What kind of field committed is?

    what kind of field Lead quality is?

    what kinda of field lea source is

    Do you notice that when you pick an account, Site Address

    fields also come with it...this functionality is called as pick

    map...that means these field values r mapped to the values of

    account opty-my opty-account field

    How do you associate two records. Account and contact or


    learn to execute blank query

    use *, wilkd cards, greater than etc.

    Use column displayedright click on empty space near the greater than symbol

    How to import a list applets all records in siebel using file

    Export feature.

  • 8/22/2019 Siebel Chapter 0 Better


    is historical orders in a read only view..yes

    is ur profiel there a read only view? No

    is shopping cart a read only view? Noopty compettior view

    Observe MVGs

    Create a New LOV value in Opty- My Optuy view's field called

    Lead Quality ..make the new value as 6- TEST

    Pls note how Phone number works in it gets


    Does Closed Date in Opty - My opty view let ya enter date in

    any other format?go to Opportunity Competetior View

    Does Siebel have radio buttons?

    How undo works

    Can we use delet instead of Undo

    Where is Clumns Displayed Option?

    Pls go to Opty My opties view

    Show me one special button..

    Account- My accounts View

  • 8/22/2019 Siebel Chapter 0 Better


    in Accounts- My Accounts view

    Example of how data gets created by admins and then

    it is available for every rep to use.

    requiremtn to show only active addresses for an account at the order level

  • 8/22/2019 Siebel Chapter 0 Better


    additional Questions Answer

    and show me at least one MVG

    show me at least one pick applet

    at least one LOV

    A. GUI Stands for graphical user

    interface. It is very easy to use. There are

    no commands to type, you just have to

    click with your mouse. It is very user

    friendly. Example- Windows

    CUI stands for character user interface. It

    is the old method to interact with


    There is a command for every function &

    you have to remember the proper syntax

    for that command. Example DOS

    5 6 7 and 8 are base version. Popular

    versions are 6.3, 7.5 7.7 7.8 8.0 8.1Form :List and Tree and Chart(with


    by just stepping off the record

    Show them oppty territory and ask

    whether it is mvg

    adv question: give me an example

    where there will be a primary flag in

    pick applet and it wil be useful from

    abusines perspective.

    it shows row id( the unique id for

    every record), who modified it etc

    user , connectstrin, srf etc

    Its version, path etc.

    these are analyctical or

    transactional reports

    these reports r at what level?

    investigate anmd tell me

  • 8/22/2019 Siebel Chapter 0 Better


    How do u see th etiotal numbers of

    records returned in a query

    can u firther refine iot?

    can u frther modify the PDQ?

    Can it be undone?

    Can it be done on mvg fields?

    How many records r shown in a listapplet at time?

    asc and desc both

    7.7 ke liye 2004

    7.5 2001

    8.1 only works in internet explorer

  • 8/22/2019 Siebel Chapter 0 Better



    LOV unbounded

    it is an mvg..for berry not for cons

    they can not be enter as part of Opty

    ..they r part of account and are here for

    only display purpose

    It is called professional as it is

    Siebel life sciences version.

  • 8/22/2019 Siebel Chapter 0 Better


    what is the busines meaning of this view?

    Is there any field which is getting

    automatically formatted


    is it available ofr Form applets?

    What are the mandatory fields

  • 8/22/2019 Siebel Chapter 0 Better


    also talk about accoutn filter and the active flag filter

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    Create a record and save it and let me know when you

    are saving it

    show me a tree appklet in the GUI

    ask them to show you one

    ask them to show you one

    ask them to show you one

    ask them to show you one

    ask them to show you one

    ask them to show you one, how do u scroll, where

    do u see th elist of all the screens?

    ask them to show you one, how do you scroll, can u

    see the list of all the viewsin menu options?

    ask them to go see it

    ask them to show it to you

    ask them to show it to you

    ask them to run a report.

    ask them to save one in accounts screen - my

    accounts viewand see whether it is avilable after

    login again

  • 8/22/2019 Siebel Chapter 0 Better


    ask them to login as Abiggs/abiggs and see if it is log in as sadmin again and go to app

    admin - Pre defined queries view and make it public

    and then it will be available to canders also..ask

    them to check it

    do it in opty screen, all opty view pls

    Ask them to refine a query

    Ask them to do it in front of you.

    go to Mktg Admin - accounts View and select two

    records and then this option will be enable din Edit


    pls note that by noticing row id which is the winner

    and which loser

    give me a goo dbusines suse of change record

    Ask them to do it in front of you.

    ask them to show you one

    ask them to show you one

    Ask them to do it in front of you.

    Ask them to show you. Ask them to find something

    in fron tof ya.

    Ask them to show you. Ask them to query

    something in fron tof ya.

    Ask them to do it in front of you.

    It is nto done mostly as records r numerous a

    start Siebel 8.1 by reducing the date to 2006

    and then sadmin sadmin and sample as user id

    opassword and database

    ask them to show one

    Ask them to observe to which view it takes them

    go to Professional my professionl view..and click on upper

    applet and click on option Go to last name...and tell me

    which view it takes ya to...go back using back button and

    tell me what are the other Go to Options available and

    where do they take ya

    Wher eis history list

    Where is back button

  • 8/22/2019 Siebel Chapter 0 Better


    adv: what is the business use case of thisof this


    Tell me what all fields r pick maps in Opty my opties

    Account field.

    first create an account

    then create a contact( also called Professional in Life


    and then associate the two

    After this create an Opty and associate the contact and

    account with it

    Go to Account activity u see it..

    come back to Opty acitivy and asso it with account

    go to account activity view and see that if it is thr or not..

    Similarly do with contact

    i.e. for the opty go to professional activ ity view and see if

    the activity is there. then come back and enter

    professional for it..and make sure that it is thr

    Please enter activity for an account and see that it also

    shows in Activity my activity view

    similarly enter professionl in Account professional view

    and see that it is thr in Professionals my professionals


    Login as CSANDERS/CSANDERS sampleby using file connect

    and see that the account you just created is nto there in

    his Account My accounts view...

    similarly for Professional...Opty and activity

    Log in as sadmin agaian by using Fi le Connect and then

    go to the newly create account, contct and opty and

    activity and add CSANDERS as sales team member...

    log in as CSANDERS again

    he should nwo see these in his MY Views of respective


    create new resp and give it to chris sanders the ccess to views my accounts and all account thru t

    got o accoutn oppty view

    also add accoutn opty view access to casanders

    now remove the access to all accounts view.

    Import Accounts - My accounts

  • 8/22/2019 Siebel Chapter 0 Better


    Try creating different different types of fiels like CSV etc.

    Query for all the accounts starting with A in All accounts

    view and then export. Observe that only those accounts

    which were in result got exported.

    find an account which has mpore than 3 addresses.

    similarly find an account which has mor ethan 3 salestemmembers

    and create a new record in lower applet ( basically a

    competetor record..) and observe how many records are

    available in the Pick applet? Only a few accounts are

    available orALL accounts r available

    go to All Accounts Acoorss all Accounts view and then

    make a query on check mark Competetor the list


    Observe that there are few records which are desgnated

    as competetor by sales reps

    and those r the onyl ones available in the pick applet in

    opty comp

    create a new account and check mark it as competor

    anmd see whether it starts showing in that pick applet

    enter a new record in list applet and enter only the

    mandatory fields.

    Now click on bottom applet..

    has the record been saved?

    In account My acounts View

    Enter a new record and identify Mandatory fields

    Identify read onyl fields

    Identify automatically generated fields..if any

    identify pre defaulted fields

  • 8/22/2019 Siebel Chapter 0 Better


    Identify any fields for which default values come the same

    every time

    Do the same exercise for Opty - All Opty view

    Pls ote that there is alist applet also and all the fields are

    listed there....u mustcheck all the fields in List applet to

    idenntify read only(greyed out ) fields

    also idnentify default values

    Also in Service Request - My service Request viewidentify any autogenerated fields

    Identify any constarined pick lists in that

    In SR - MY SR view which fields are coming in through a

    pick map

    what are the special buttons?

    Constarined pick lists are Area - Sub Area..please note

    that how valu ein Area Determines values "Available" in

    Sub Area

    thats constrained pick list

    Identify any calculated fields

    Gaurav: Create a new Activity Template in Siebel

    Assistant Admin - activity Template view (make it of typeAccount) and then defining activities in Activity Templat

    Details view and then going to Accounts-Activity Plan view

    and invoking this template by creating a new record in

    Activity plan applet and then see that those activities that

    you created get automatically created

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  • 8/22/2019 Siebel Chapter 0 Better


    nd it take salot of time. Users typcially query

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    at view.
