Page 1: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 2: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

Sidney MaestrePlatform Evangelist

@SidneyAllenGitHub | Twitter

Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 3: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 4: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 5: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

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Saturday, June 22, 13

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Page 9: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS


Model View

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Page 10: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS


Model View

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Page 11: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS


Model View

Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 12: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS


Model View

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Page 13: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 14: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

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Page 15: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS


Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 16: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS


Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 17: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

HANDS ON01-model

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Wine = Backbone.Model.extend();

Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 19: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS


Wine = Backbone.Model.extend();

Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 20: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS


Wine = Backbone.Model.extend();

firstWine = new Wine({ winery : 'Clos Pegase', year : '2008', type : 'Chardonnay', size : '750ml',});

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Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 22: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

HANDS ON02-collection

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Wine = Backbone.Model.extend(); Wines = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Wine, url: "#"});

Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 24: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS


Wine = Backbone.Model.extend(); Wines = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Wine, url: "#"});

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Page 25: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS


Wine = Backbone.Model.extend(); Wines = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Wine, url: "#"});

wines = new Wines([ {winery : "Robert Mondovi"}, {winery : "CakeBread"}]);

Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 26: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS


Wine = Backbone.Model.extend(); Wines = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Wine, url: "#"});

wines = new Wines([ {winery : "Robert Mondovi"}, {winery : "CakeBread"}]);

wines.each( function(model) { console.log(model.get('winery')); });

Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 27: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS


Wine = Backbone.Model.extend(); Wines = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Wine, url: "#"});

wines = new Wines([ {winery : "Robert Mondovi"}, {winery : "CakeBread"}]);

wines.each( function(model) { console.log(model.toJSON()); });

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Page 30: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

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Page 32: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 33: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS


Geo Queries



Load Balancing


Push Notifications


Controls Twitter

Amazon S3 User Authentication

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Custom Code

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and talk to any API

Saturday, June 22, 13

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and talk to any API

Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 38: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

Easy to use SDKs

Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 39: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

Easy to use SDKs

Saturday, June 22, 13

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Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 46: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

HANDS ON03-stackmob-model

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Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 48: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

INITStackMob.init({    publicKey: "814004dd-a72a-4425-9d2e-63d21d76588e",    apiVersion: 0});

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MODEL var Wine = StackMob.Model.extend({ schemaName: "wine"});

Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 50: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

MODEL var Wine = StackMob.Model.extend({ schemaName: "wine"});

var wine = new Wine({name:‘Robert Mondavi});

wine.create({ success: function(model){


Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 51: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

MODEL var Wine = StackMob.Model.extend({ schemaName: "wine"});

var wine = new Wine({name:‘Robert Mondavi});

wine.create({ success: function(model){


Saturday, June 22, 13

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HANDS ON04-stackmob-collection

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Page 53: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

var Wine = StackMob.Model.extend({ schemaName: "wine"}); var Wines = StackMob.Collection.extend({ model: Wine});


Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 54: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

var Wine = StackMob.Model.extend({ schemaName: "wine"}); var Wines = StackMob.Collection.extend({ model: Wine});

var wines = new Wines();

wines.fetch({async: true});


Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 55: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

COLLECTIONvar Wine = StackMob.Model.extend({ schemaName: "wine"}); var Wines = StackMob.Collection.extend({ model: Wine});

var wines = new Wines();

wines.fetch({async: true});


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Page 56: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

COLLECTION var Wine = StackMob.Model.extend({ schemaName: "wine"});

var Wines = StackMob.Collection.extend({ model: Wine});

var wines = new Wines();

wines.fetch({async: true});

var wine = new Wine({name:‘Robert Mondavi});

wine.create({ success: function(model){ wines.add(model); }});

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HANDS ON05-home-view

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HomeView = Backbone.View.extend({});

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HomeView = Backbone.View.extend({

render: function() { this.$el.append("<h1>Wine Cellar</h1>"); return this; }});

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HomeView = Backbone.View.extend({

initialize: function() { this.render(); },

render: function() {

this.$el.append("<h1>Wine Cellar</h1>"); return this; }});

Wine Cellar

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HomeView = Backbone.View.extend({ el: 'body', initialize: function() { this.render(); },

render: function() {

this.$el.append("<h1>Wine Cellar</h1>"); return this; }});

Wine Cellar

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HomeView = Backbone.View.extend({ el: 'body', initialize: function() { this.render(); },

render: function() {

this.$el.append("<h1>Wine Cellar</h1>"); return this; }});

Wine Cellar Wine Cellar Wine Cellar Wine Cellar Wine Cellar

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HomeView = Backbone.View.extend({ el: 'body', initialize: function() { this.render(); },

render: function() { this.$el.empty(); this.$el.append("<h1>Wine Cellar</h1>"); return this; }});

Wine Cellar

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HANDS ON06-list-view

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ListView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'ul',

render: function() { this.$el.empty(); this.$el.append("<li>Wine 1</li>"); this.$el.append("<li>Wine 2</li>"); return this; }});

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Page 69: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

Wine Cellar


HomeView = Backbone.View.extend({ el: 'body', initialize: function() { this.render(); },

render: function() { this.empty(); this.$el.append("<h1>Wine Cellar</h1>");

this.listView = new ListView(); this.$el.append(this.listView.render().el);

return this; }});

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HANDS ON07-basic-template

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TEMPLATE<script type="text/template" id="listTemplate"> <li><%= winery %></li></script>

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TEMPLATE<script type="text/template" id="listTemplate"> <li><%= winery %></li></script>

ListView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'ul', initialize: function() { this.template = _.template($('#listTemplate').html()); },



Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 73: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

TEMPLATE<script type="text/template" id="listTemplate"> <li><%= value %></li></script>ListView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'ul', initialize: function() { this.template = _.template($('#listTemplate').html()); wines.bind('all', this.render,this); this.render(); },

render: function() { ... this.$el.append(this.template({value : "Cakebread"}));

return this; }});

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HANDS ON08-collection-template

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TEMPLATE<script type="text/template" id="listTemplate"> <li><%= value %></li></script>

ListView = Backbone.View.extend({ ... render: function() { var el = this.$el, template = this.template;

el.empty(); wines.each(function(wine){ el.append(template( wine.toJSON() )); });

return this; }});

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HANDS ON09-basic-router

Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 79: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

ROUTERAppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes:{ "":"home", "add":"add" },

home:function () { new HomeView(); }, add:function () { new AddView(); }});

Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 80: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

ROUTERvar app = (function($){


var initialize = function() { wineApp = new AppRouter(); Backbone.history.start(); }

return { initialize : initialize }


$(document).ready(function () { app.initialize();});

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HANDS ON10-adv-router

Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 82: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

ROUTERAppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes:{ "":"home", "add":"add" },

initialize:function(options) { this.collection = options.collection; },

home:function () { new HomeView({collection:this.collection}); }, add:function () { new AddView({collection:this.collection}); }});

Saturday, June 22, 13

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ROUTERvar initialize = function() { var wines = new Wines(); wines.fetch({async:true});

wineApp = new AppRouter({collection : wines}); Backbone.history.start();}

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HANDS ON11-events

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EVENTSAddView = Backbone.View.extend({ events: { "click #addBtn": "add", ... },

... add: function(e) { // do something... return this; }});

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ADDadd: function(e) { var collection = this.collection;

var wine = new Wine({winery:$('#winery').val() });

wine.create({ success: function(model){ } }); return this;}

Saturday, June 22, 13

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ADDadd: function(e) { var collection = this.collection;

var wine = new Wine({winery:$('#winery').val() });

wine.create({ success: function(model){ } }); return this;}

Saturday, June 22, 13

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ADDadd: function(e) { var collection = this.collection;

var wine = new Wine({winery:$('#winery').val() });

wine.create({ success: function(model){ collection.add(model); } }); return this;}

Saturday, June 22, 13

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ADDadd: function(e) { var collection = this.collection;

var wine = new Wine({winery:$('#winery').val() });

wine.create({ success: function(model){ collection.add(model); } }); return this;}

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HANDS ON12-update

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TEMPLATE<script type="text/template" id="listTemplate"> <li><a href="#update/<%= wine_id %>"><%= winery %></a></li></script>

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ROUTERAppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes:{ "":"home", "add":"add", "update/:id":"update" },


update:function(e) { model = this.collection.get(e); new UpdateView({model: model}); }});

Saturday, June 22, 13

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VIEWvar UpdateView = Backbone.View.extend({ ... initialize: function() { this.model = this.options.model; },

save: function(e) {{winery:$('#winery').val()}, { success: function(model) { } }); return this; }});

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VIEWvar UpdateView = Backbone.View.extend({ ... initialize: function() { this.model = this.options.model; },

save: function(e) {{winery:$('#winery').val()}, { success: function(model) { } }); return this; }});

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Wine = Backbone.Model.extend();

Saturday, June 22, 13

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define([ 'backbone'], function(Backbone) {

var WineModel = Backbone.Model.extend(); return WineModel;


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Wine = Backbone.Model.extend(); Wines = Backbone.Collection.extend({ Model: Wine, url: "#"});

Saturday, June 22, 13

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define([ 'backbone', 'models/wine/Model'], function(Backbone,Model){

var WineCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ Model: Model, url: '#' });

return WineCollection;});

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ListView = Backbone.View.extend({ ... render: function() { var el = this.$el, template = this.template;

el.empty(); wines.each(function(wine){ el.append(template( wine.toJSON() )); });

return this; }});

Saturday, June 22, 13

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define([ 'jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'text!templates/wine/WineListTemplate.html'], function($, _, Backbone,WineListTemplate){

var WineListView = Backbone.View.extend({



return WineListView;});

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HANDS ONrequire

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BOOTSTRAP<script data-main="js/main" src="js/libs/require/require.js"></script>

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MAIN.JSrequire.config({ baseUrl: "/js/", paths: { jquery: 'libs/jquery/jquery-1.8.2', underscore: 'libs/underscore/underscore-1.4.4', backbone: 'libs/backbone/backbone-1.0.0', templates: '../templates', app: 'app' },

shim: { underscore: { exports: '_' }, backbone: { deps: ["underscore", "jquery"], exports: "Backbone" } }});

Saturday, June 22, 13

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MAIN.JSrequire(['jquery','app'], function( $, App ){

$(function(){ App.initialize(); });


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APP.JSdefine([ 'jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'router' // Request router.js], function($, _, Backbone, Router){

var initialize = function() { Router.initialize(); };

return { initialize: initialize };});

Saturday, June 22, 13

Page 109: Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS

ROUTERdefine([ 'jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'views/home/HomeView', 'views/wine/AddView', 'collections/wine/WineCollection'], function($, _,Backbone, HomeView, AddView, UpdateView, Wines) { ...

var initialize = function(){ var wines = new Wines(); var app_router = new AppRouter({collection: wines});

Backbone.history.start(); }; return { initialize: initialize };});

Saturday, June 22, 13

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ROUTERAppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ initialize: function(options) { this.collection = options.collection; },

routes:{ "":"home", "add":"add" },

home:function () { this.changePage( new HomeView({collection : this.collection}) ); },

add:function () { this.changePage( new AddView({collection : this.collection, router : this}) ); },


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BUILD.JS({ appDir: "../", baseUrl: "js", dir: "../../appdirectory-build", paths: { ... },

shim: { ... }, modules: [ { name: "main" } ]})

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BUILDnode r.js -o build.js optimize=none


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OPTIMIZEnode r.js -o build.js


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HANDS ONjqm-template

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HANDS ONdevelopment

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HANDS ONmywine

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Q&ASaturday, June 22, 13