
Pre-School Teacher’s Manual


Shubharambha Publication Pvt.Ltd.Kathmandu, Nepal

By : Kumud Bhatta


model questions

The teaching skills of the teachers must be improved in maintaining and promoting quality education. Teacher training is one of the key measures to enhance the professional skills of teachers. If the knowledge and skills obtained from such training are implemented effectively in classroom teaching activities, we can expect a quality education.

Shubharambha Publication has prepared this Teachers Guide in order to provide them with innovative skills and other activities to be conducted in the classroom teaching for preprimary children based on the Montessori Method. The main objective of this book is to guide the teachers engaged in preprimary teaching. Implementing the teaching pattern given in this book will definitely enhance the skill of pre-primary teachers. It is useful even for newcomers in this profession as different interesting methods of teaching English, Nepali and Mathematics are included in this book. Besides, examples of activities presented here will provide proper guidance to the teachers to engage their students in learning effectively.

Students’ strong participation is the most essential part of creative and effective learning. Hence, we believe that learning by doing, the learner-centered method unlike teacher-cantered traditional teaching method will definitely help the teachers to achieve the expected goal of preprimary teaching.

We would highly welcome and appreciate constructive opinion and valuable comments and suggestions from experts, teachers and intellectuals. We extend our sincere thanks to the Publisher, language editors and layout designer, and to those who inspired us to write this Teachers Guide.



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Who was Maria Montessori ?Dr. Maria Montessori was one of the most influential pioneers in early childhood education in the 20th century . Her ideas have become known and recognized throughout the world over a period of more than ninety years and yet seems fresh, modern and child-centered when encountered for the first time .It is no surprise that they have also been incorporated into good practice in mainstream education.Dr. Montessori was born in Italy in 1870. Her original interest was in Medicine; she was the first woman to graduate from University of Rome Medical School and gradually became interested in education through her work as a doctor, treating what are known today as children with special needs. Because of her medical background, she approached education not as an educator or a philosopher but as a scientist. She used the classroom as a laboratory for observing working parents in Rome and for developing ideas and materials.

Four Planes of DevelopmentAccording to Dr. Maria Montessoria) The main categories enlisted on the four planes of development according to Maria Montessori’s record are as follows : (1) First stage is 0-6years old. At this stage, the children educate themselves by observing the things they see and sounds they hear. So, we call them absorbent mind children . At this stage, they like to see beautiful things around them ; they themselves like to be dressed beautifully. They pick up the words and greetings said to them. They try to put things in their mouth and try to grip things or touch things to gain knowledge as they are sensorial explorer. This is the age where the children learn a lot of things by sensorial experiences . b) The second stage children are the children of 6-12 years of age. At this stage, they start to lose their milk teeth. They become rough in attitude. They want to know the reason for every happening. They can’t bear any injustice done to anyone. They try to rebel against such injustice. They are not satisfied with their home atmosphere; they want to go out and find information for their inquisition. So, these children are sent to schools where they are provided with materials to quench their curiosity. They want to know everything and have a lot of questions to ask which will enhance their knowledge about the society, community and the world around them . These children build up their vocabulary a lot as they are Intellectual Explorer.

What is Montessori Education?

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c) The third stage children are in between 12 to 18 years of age. At this stage, they are very sentimental. These children need to be rewarded for their jobs. So they need to go out into the community . When they get paid with money for their hard job, they understand the value of money. These children gain knowledge through experiences. So, they should be allowed to go into the society and experience the real world. The children of these groups are known as pre-adolescence and adolescence. At this age, the children are introvert and self-conscious, emotional and sentimental. They undergo a lot of physical changes. It is the time they are shaky in self confidence and require lots of assurance from the adults.d) The fourth stage children are the adolescences of age 18-24. They are young people who go to colleges and university to gain more knowledge and get their degrees. They are the people who decide to make a decision to serve which side of the society they belong to. So, they achieve their degree in a particular field accordingly. In fact, they are the pre-adult people who decide to become professional in different fields. They take the greatest decision of their lives in mastering the field they have chosen to be a part of it. Since these are people who have undergone so many planes of education, they are self-confident and strong will powered. They can face the world easily in all circumstances.Question/Answer TimeWhat are the main categories enlisted on the four planes of development?


Known as eleven pillars of human life by Dr. Maria Montessori1) ORIENTATION 2) SENSE OF ORDER3) COMMUNICATION 4) ACTIVITY 6) MANIPULATION 7) WORK 8) REPETITION 9) ABSTRACTION 10) EXACTNESS 11) SELF PERFECTIONThe eleven points on human tendencies are the nature and tendencies of each human being. In other words, we can say, it is the common character of all human beings. It is universal , constant and never changing. No matter what nation, country, language or background we may be from, the 11 points of human tendencies are the same. It is the common tendency of each one and if this doesn’t happen, the child will go into deviation ; at that time, the child will

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behave in a different manner rather than his/her tendency which drives us to our optimum level. It is the inner drive which helps us to reach to our highest potentials. According to Maria Montessori, it is the inner equilibrium which helps a person or a child to adapt to the physical condition of his/her environment.The first point of human tendencies is:(1) Orientation : It means that a person or a child is adapted to his/her environment so well that if there is going to be any changes in his/her surroundings. He/she should be informed before hand and make that person mentally prepared to accept the new environment. It is the process of telling the person about the change that is going to occur in that person’s life. It is the process of making the child/person mentally prepared for the changes that is going to occur in his/her life. According to Dr. Maria Montessori, mental health depends upon the stability which is the second point of human tendency.2) Sense of Order : As the human tendencies are common, universal and constant in all people of different age groups, ‘order’ is one part of it. Everyone needs to have order in life. In human tendencies, when we say order, it is usually the sense of order which comes after the person has been oriented to the new things, places or changes that’s going to occur in that person’s life and environment. All people need order in life to be at peaceful state of mind and to gain happiness. A person who finds everything in order is a harmonious person. Socially, he/she can get along with everyone. Once a child or a person is spoken about all the changes that are going to occur in his/her environment, that person will be fully aware of the forth coming changes in his/her environment and be mentally as well as physically prepared to adapt himself/herself to that new environment.3) Exploration : After the child has proper sense of order and has adapted into the new environment, he/she will start to touch things, tries to discover the use of materials available in his/her environment by doing things and finding out for themselves.4) Communication: Now when the child has finished exploring, he/she will start to talk about them, he/she will try to quench his/her inquisition of everything that’s available in his/her new environment. According to Dr. Maria Montessori, communication is a very important part of development. Had there been no communication in between the early men of the stone age, there would have been no language developed and no society formed. 5) Activity : After the communication bonding with everything in the environment, the child is ready for presentation of the activity. The child will start to say or communicate about the things in the environment. At that time, he/she will do the activity as shown. After the presentation has been made by the people in charge of that environment ,the child will start to trying and performing the activity as

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shown to him /her. This will be a new challenge for the child to develop further. The activity may not be exact as shown but he/she will keep trying.6) Manipulation : After doing the activity several times, the child will start manipulating the equipment and try to do the same thing in different ways. After they have tried out the equipments for several times, they will start building the same thing in different ways. For example; if a child has been shown the activity of transferring the solid from one bowl into another by a spoon, the child may try to do the same activity by pouring from one bowl into another bowl. This is called manipulation of the equipment as the child discovers different ways of doing the same thing.7) Work : After the child has satisfied his/her curiosity, the child will start performing the work. At this time, he/she will really work with full concentration. So at this time, the person in charge of that environment should ensure that nothing disturbs/distracts or hinders the working progress of the child.8) Repetition : While working with full concentration, the child will repeat the activity many times and aims to get it done exactly the same way as it had been shown to him/her.9) Abstraction : While repeating the activity several times , there is always a clear picture in mind as shown to him/her. It is the abstraction form of the activity which leads the child to do it in same manner no matter how many times he/she will attempt to do that particular activity. For activity, there is the abstraction formed in the mind of the child to lead him/her to do correctly. It is the concept formed in the mind.10) Exactness : After having the correct abstraction formed in mind, the child will try to perform the activity exactly in the same manner as shown to him/her. The activity might be repeated for several times to get into exactness.11) Self Perfection : After the child has been able to do the activity exactly as he/she has been shown, he/she will achieve self-satisfaction. That makes him/her independent and has self-respect. (high self-esteem)Historical Development of Early Childhood Development in Nepal The history of Early Childhood Education in Nepal does not date back to a long time. The first Montessori school established in 1950 at Kathmandu, the capital city of the country, is considered as the first ECE school in Nepal. The establishment of Nepal Children’s Organization (NCO) in 1962 led to the expansion of ECE services in an organized manner. This Organization has established a Child Care Centre (CCC) in each district of the country. However, as the CCCs established by NCO are located at the district headquarters, they primarily serve the need of the urban or suburban residents and the children of the government officials working at district headquarters (Joshi,1991).However, the

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CCCs established in the 60s and 70s do not exist any more. Most centres have been upgraded to primary and secondary schools. Quite a few centres are being operated under NICO these days.The implementation of rural development projects in the mid 1980s like Production Credit for Rural Women (PCRW) Projects and Small Farmers Development Project (SFDP) focused on the establishment of CCCs, basically to free the mothers for their involvement in income generating activities, which have helped in making available ECCE services to the children living in rural areas albeit to a limited extent .Early Child Development (ECD) programs (in the context of Nepal) influence ( family, community, schools, health centres, etc.)The basic need for food, healthcare and protection have always been central to child-focused agencies and have been long instituted in government policies. More recently these have been understood not just as needs but as right (implying duties and obligations). In addition to that the right to affection, interaction, security, stimulation and opportunities for learning have been accepted as being just as fundamental.Maintaining Emotional climate with pre-School children In preschool teaching, the teacher’s relationship with each child is critically important. When young children feel cared and safe, they are eager to listen to and learn from their teacher. Preschool teachers make sure that they get to know each child in their classroom by observing and interacting them and talking with parents and guardians. Preschool teachers plan a learning environment in which there is balance between activities the teacher directs and activities the children initiate based on their interests.Preschool teachers use games, music, artwork, audio visual, books, computers, and other tools to teach basic skills. They help children identify colours, shapes, and textures.Most children learn the best by doing. For this reason, early childhood education teachers see the children engage in hands-on experiences and other interactive activities. Understanding the importance of playing, teachers also incorporate play as a natural part of preschool programmes.Preschool teacher may , for example, use storytelling , rhyming games, or acting games to further language and vocabulary development . They may have the children work together to build a neighbourhood in a sandbox to teach them how to work as a team . They may introduce scientific and math concepts by showing the children how to balance and count blocks, or how to mix primary colours into secondary colours when painting.

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Preschool teachers help the children learn from these activities. They also provide the children with opportunities to observe, question, and investigate. Arts and crafts allow children to experiment with paints, crayons, chalk, clay, wood, yarns, and other materials and simple tools. Learning through art and other types of creative activities such as dance and music, not only builds motor skills but also gives children a chance to create things and to express themselves.

Preschool teachers encourage children to talk about the things they do. This helps to build verbal communication skill, and strengthens critical thinking and problem solving skills.

They help them to express their feelings in a calm and productive manner, such as taking things out instead of hitting or yelling. Preschool teachers also help children to build strong listening skills, and to be open to or considerate of what others think and feel.

Early childhood teachers welcome children from varied ethnic backgrounds. To enrich their programme for all children, preschool teachers begin each day by preparing materials and classrooms for class activities. They greet arriving children and help them to keep their personal belongings to put in their right place like bags, water bottles , assignments. A nutritious snack time is a part of most preschool programmes. Teachers help children learn to pour without spilling and to clean up after they eat. They also teach good eating habits, table manners, and the skilful use of forks and spoons.

Preschool teachers teach the children proper personal hygiene, including washing their hands before they eat and after using the bathroom. They also require a rest period each day . During the daily rest period, the children sleep on cots or mats or sit quietly. The teachers may read stories, play music on CDs or taps, or play an instrument such as a guitar or recorder.

Although most preschool programmes have a less structured approach than primary school programmes, preschool teachers must maintain classroom discipline and be alert to each child’s needs. They observe and evaluate the children’s performance and behaviour during activities, and offer correction , reprimands, encouragement, or assistance as needed. They comfort quiet, shy, scared and lonely youngsters ; take care of scrapes and bumps; and listen to complaints. Preschool teachers may also identify physical or mental problems which need to be addressed by a specialist. Preschool teachers are increasingly using computer resources, such as educational software to expose students to a range of information and experiences that promote interactive learning. Teachers also use computers to perform administrative and clerical duties, such as creating lesson plans and keeping records.

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Preschool teachers keep in touch with parents through progress reports, conferences and newsletters, as well as informally through notes and in meetings before or after school. Teachers encourage parents to observe or participate in class sessions. Occasionally they may also make phone calls or home visits to get to know children and parents better. After the children go home for the day, teachers often attend meetings with other staff members. They discuss the progress of the children in their care, and make plans and prepare materials for future activities. Hence, Early childhood professionals must know how to :

promote child development and learning by creating learning environments based on a deep understanding of children’s needs and development.

build relationships with family and community that support and involve them in children’s education.

systematically employ observation, documentation and assessment to positively influence children’s development and learning.

promote learning and development by integrating knowledge of : relationships with children and families; a wide array of effective educational approaches; content knowledge in each area of young children’s learning; and how to build a meaningful curriculum. Guidelines for Teachers to teach English Teaching Alphabets Teaching alphabets is a foundational aspect for reading and writing . Around the age of 2, children begin showing interest in learning alphabets. While some kids learn letters very quickly, others need more repetition and time to learn letters.Here is an activity designed for the teachers to teach alphabets from Aa to Zz. Activities MaterialsRecite /sing the alphabet song to your students. Introduce the letters to them in a fun way. Have them start singing along with the action. Also, encourage children to watch audiovisual materials/resources.

Television /computer/


Introduce letter through sandpaper letter to enhance pre-writing activity by letting them feeling the alphabet with their finger. This activity helps children where to start and which direction to go.

Sandpaper cards

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Encourage children for sandpaper 3 period lesson: Sandpaper letters are a part of the Montessori approach to learning how to read. These letters provide a tactile and visual way to help children learn the alphabet. In the Montessori method, you teach letters to a child in the 3-period lesson.

Green mat /Sandpaper


1st Period (‘This is’ period): Show your children the letters. Have them trace the sandpaper letters .The best way to teach children alphabet is by telling them their phonetic sound. So, each time they trace the letter, say the phonetic sound.2nd Period (‘Show me ‘ stage ): Ask your children to follow simple directions with the letters. For example, please pick up /a/, show me / a /, put /a / under the mat and so on. Continue to do this with each letter several times to reinforce this. If it is too difficult or children make mistake to recognize, return to the first period.3rd period (‘What is this ?’): Go to this period when they’ve mastered the content of the other 2 periods. Put a letter in front of the child and say, ‘‘Can you trace this and tell me what is it ?’’ Continue with the other letters in the same way.When you use these sandpaper letters, you are teaching them 3 things, the shape of letters, the feel of its shape and how it’s written, and how you pronounce its sound.Encourage children to identify alphabet and the words begin with by telling ‘’ Alphabet Story’’

Booklet of particular alphabet story like’’ A story Booklet’’/’’B story Booklet’’ with pictures, etc.

Encourage children to recognize alphabet with the related object.

Real object/ material related with the particular alphabet

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Encourage children to trace on pattern writing. Pattern writing work

sheet or text bookEncourage children to walk on letters. Big lettersEncourage children to write letters on ground with colourful chalk.

Colourful chalk

Encourage children to trace letters on sand papers. sand papersEncourage children to write freely. Colourful chalk /StringMake letters out of play dough or string. Encourage children to trace sand with pointer and middle fingers.

Sand tray

Encourage children to trace rice with pointer and middle fingers.

Rice tray

Encourage children to trace alphabet in the air /on the floor/ on the wall/on friend’s back then in their own hand with pointer and middle fingers.Encourage children to practice Vocabulary and verbal skills.

Alphabet puzzle

Encourage children to practice Vocabulary and verbal skills.

Alphabet puzzle

Encourage children to read alphabet and the pictures related.

Course book

Encourage children to write and colour alphabet activity.

Course Book

LanguageLanguage skills play a vital role in early childhood . Here are some tips for teachers to develop all four skills of the children listening, speaking, reading and writing.Guidelines to enhance listening skills for pre-school children How can you help children to develop their listening skills? Read aloud to students. Do model appropriate listening behaviour. Have students listen to and talk about environmental sound. Talk about sound qualities. Play listening game like listen and identify, listen and draw.

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Sing rhymes /songs. Have sharing circle time.Guidelines to enhance speaking skills for pre-school childrenHow will you help children to develop their speaking skill ? As children become better listener, they develop good speaking. Engage students in informal conversation and show interest in what they say by encouraging all the effort children make to speak English, no matter how small it is. Listen to them carefully when they speak and do not interrupt to correct slight errors. Give Students opportunity to do conversation and discussion . Introduce new vocabulary using pictures, words, actions. Sing chant and recite poems. Let children tell and retell stories or their favourite experiences/TV shows. Use activities like role play, sharing time phonic game, puppet show, free play, etc.Guidelines to enhance reading skills for pre-school children How can you help small children to develop their reading skill? Read a variety of texts such as stories, poems, words, sentences, alphabets, etc. to students. Demonstrate book handing. Draw children’s attention to letters and its phonic sound. Create a print rich environment, display charts, posters , words list, create word wall, bulletin board, label each item of the class. Point to the letters/words while reading. Create and maintain classroom library. Use phonic approach and sight word approach while reading.Guidelines to enhance writing skills for pre-school childrenHow can you help children to develop their writing skills? Introduce pre-writing exercise before writing. Holding and throwing balls activity. Rolling ball, playing with play dough activity. Tearing and pasting activity, paper cutting activity. Finger play song / body movement song. Sand play, dry pouring / arranging the blocks.

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Paper folding, colouring with pencil colour, colouring with paints brush, and crayons, scribbling with colourful chalk/crayon colour / drawing. Show interest in students writing their works, display it and ask about it. Provide daily opportunity for students to write independently. Have students to read their writing to others to make sure it makes sense and also to motivate them in writing and build their confident. Demonstrate how to write with correct letter formation, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, letter size, etc.Guidelines to do “morning circle” Arrange the carpet area in the classroom. Encourage children to make a circle while chanting rhymes “ Let’s make a circle and we all sit down”. Let children sit comfortably.Introduce a soft toy( any) to class and tell whoever has the soft toy can speak. Take the soft toy with you and greet to the class. Greet with every individual student with eye contact and smile. Make a partner for each child and encourage them to greet each other freely. Ask everyone to stand and sing “National Anthem”. Talk about day, date and month. Talk about weather and season. Chant good morning song and then weather song along with students. Do news sharing time / topic talk. Do “ theme based discussions”. Chant theme based rhymes and finger plays. Have opinion sharing time. Talk about good habits. Tell moral stories. Do show and tell activity.Guidelines to teach writing in 4 lines exercise book Warm up with alphabet song. Introduce children giraffe letters, tortoise letters and monkey letters. Encourage children to practise giraffe letters first in their exercise book. When they have a clear concept about giraffe letters, then introduce tortoise letters and then monkey letters. Make them practice more in worksheet and in copy.

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Guidelines to teach children write their name Warm up with naming song. Encourage children to find the letters of their name from the learning chart. Make children to drill their name’s alphabets. Encourage children to read their name aloud. Let children write their name in exercise book.Guidelines to teach words through phonics (3 lettered words) Warm up with phonetic rhymes. Encourage children to learn words through phonics by using this method.1st Step ( breaking each sound) c-a-t cat b-a-t bat h-a-t hat r-a-t rat m-a-t mat2nd step (when children master in 1st step, teach words by breaking beginning and other sound) c-at cat b-at bat h-at hat r-at rat m-at mat3rd step (when children master in 2nd step, teach words by sight reading) cat bat hat rat matNote: Encourage children to learn by 3 step approach for any 3 lettered words Teaching children how to write sentences ( By using This, That, Those, These,It)

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Warm up with some rhymes.

Introduce sight words through chart or flash card ( given in the book as well)

Use dictation.

Introduce naming words (show them the real object or materials).

Encourage children to read sentence by pointing each letter.

When they can read sentences encourage children to copy sentence.

Finally, ask them to make and write by themselves.

Teaching children how to use article ( a, an, the)

Warm up with rhymes.

Introduce articles a, an and the through flash cards and chart.

Encourage children to read sight words of articles.

Introduce children all 26 letters.

Introduce vowel letters (a,e,i,o,u).

Encourage children to circle vowel letters.

Introduce words with vowel letters.

Tell children we use ‘an’ in front of vowel lettered words.

Encourage them to practise more with each vowel lettered words.

Introduce consonant letters.

Introduce words with consonant letters.

Tell children we use ‘a’ in front of consonant lettered words.

Encourage them to practise more with each consonant lettered words.

Teaching children how to use prepositional words (on, in, under)

Warm up with rhymes.

Introduce prepositional words through flash cards (for eg .on, in, under )

Prepare the sentence card “ The apple is in the basket”.

Prepare the sentence card “ The bag is on the table”.

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Prepare the sentence card “ The doll is under the chair”.

Prepare all the objects mentioned in the sentences.

Put the right object in the right place and tell the sentence.

Ask children where is ………………….?

Invite student to place object in different place.

By this activity, they get a sense of its place and its relationship with other objects.

Teaching children “singular” and “plural nouns”

Warm up with rhymes.

Introduce naming words.

Prepare the words list as per the naming words.

Prepare the objects as per the naming word.

Prepare the cards with singular and plural nouns (for eg: an apple and apples).

Put the right number of objects below the right flash card of singular or plural nouns.

Show object one by one to student and ask is it an apple or apples?

Invite student to place flash card with singular and plural noun in different one or many objects.

By this activity, they get a clear concept of singular and plural nouns.

Teaching children ‘give the short answer’

Warm up with rhymes.

Build curiosity to them by showing different kinds of objects

Ask various questions to children like Is this a ……..? Is this an…….?

Tell children to answer by saying Yes, it is a/an or No, it is not........

Give each child a partner and encourage them to ask questions each other by showing the object.

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Teaching children action words

Warm up with rhymes.

Build curiosity by doing different kinds of action ( pretend like eating/drinking/ singing or dancing.)

Ask children to copy the teacher and repeat after her / him.

Prepare flash cards with different action words including picture.

Conduct pick up game.

Give them colouring worksheet to colour different action word based pictures.

Invite children one by one and ask them to act various actions.

Teaching children opposite words

Warm up with rhymes.

Show the picture of different opposite words.

Show the available real objects too.

Drill different opposite words with children.

Teaching children use of ‘but’ ‘and’

Warm up with rhymes.

Take any 2 objects and show to children.

Prepare the flash card of ‘and’ and ‘but’.

Give a demo of these objects by using ‘and’ like a pen and a pencil/ a book and a box.

Offer children to show the object and make a phrase by using ‘and’.

Give a demo of these objects by using ‘but’ like I like pencil but I do not like pen.

Offer children to show the object and make a phrase by using ‘ but’ .

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Guidelines on how to teach new rhymes to students

1. Tell children that we are going to learn new rhymes and request them to watch the teacher properly.

2. Chant a new rhyme to student, let student listen and watch you.

3. Encourage children to do humming together with action.

4. Chant and do action, encourage children to do action along with you.

5. Encourage children to repeat after you.

6. Encourage children to sing along and do action.

7. Invite student to do rhymes presentation.

Guidelines on how to develop concentration skills of the children

Activity 1 ( walking on the line)

Make a straight line out of chalk or with paper tape in or outside the class.

Encourage children to walk on the line slowly and carefully with one object with right hand, another object with left hand and then another object on the head

When children are introduced to walk on the straight line, encourage them to walk on zizzag lines and curve lines too.

Such activities help children to develop their concentration skills as well as social skills.

Activity 2 (Sorting beans)

Prepare 2 bowls with 2 different beans.

Prepare beans tray.

Encourage children to mix 2 different kinds of beans.

Encourage children to sort the beans.

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Guidelines on how to teach shape “circle” to the Play Group/Nursery.

Warm up with shape rhymes.

Build curiosity by showing some circular objects.

Let everyone feel and say that particular object.

Introduce other circular objects like ring, tambourine, bangle, etc.

Show flash cards of other circular objects as well.

Let children repeat after teacher.

Let children find the circular objects around the class.

Note: Same sort of activities can be done to introduce other shapes like triangle, square and rectangle to the youngest children.

Teach children to do rote counting (without understanding the value of number)

Guidelines for the teachers

Introduce number rhymes.

Count numbers when they are playing, walking in the staircase or playing swing.

Show the visual aids and audio listening activities

By these activities, they will get an opportunity to listen numbers.

Guidelines on teaching children to do meaningful counting (with understanding the value of number)

Warm up with some number rhymes.

Introduce spindle box activity for the concept of counting.

Do the presentation of cards and counter.

Do the counting activity with counting sticks or with pencils.

Teach children to count, say and write Number ‘1’

Guidelines for the teachers Warm up with some rhymes related with numbers.

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Show them Number ‘1’ from flash card. Show them demo. Encourage them to count a bead and say ‘1’.

Let them find out some object that is single which is available in the classroom.

Encourage them to count their 1 finger and 1 toe.

Ask them to clap 1 time, jump 1 time or tap 1 time.

Encourage them to write in sand tray/sand box, rice try, in the air, on the wall, on their friend’s back or on their hands with their finger.

Encourage them to trace on sand paper number cards.

Give the 3 period lesson of sand paper numbers (1,2,3).

Take them outside the class and let them observe 1 object in the environment.

When children get the clear concept about the number with associated symbol and quantity, give them the worksheet like count and colour.

Finally, encourage them to read, trace and write number ‘1’ in their exercise book and copy.

Note: Follow the same sort of activity to teach other numbers (2 to 9)

Guidelines on teaching children to compare big and small objects

Warm up with some comparison rhymes (I am big big elephant… ............I am a little little ant)

First, collect some big objects and show them and tell ‘‘ These are big objects”.

Then collect some small objects and show and tell small objects.

Keep big and small objects together and ask children whether they can sort out or not.

Use body language to make big and small-like make big circle and small circle by using arms and fingers.

Make children find and say big and small objects around the class.

Let children compare among themselves who is big and who is small.

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Make children walk around the school to observe big and small objects.

Show the flash card, learning charts of big and small objects.

If possible, allow children to watch the visual aids of “big” and “small” objects.

When children get concept of big and small, let them do writing work in a book and in copy.

Note: Follow the same sort of activity to teach other comparison like long/short, tall/shortfull empty.

Guidelines on teaching numbers name Warm up with some number rhymes (o-n-e one hi ho the derry ho..) Show the flash cards ,learning chart of number names. Introduce number names one by one to the students. Introduce three number names at a time and make children to pick up one (note: focus for 1 number names). Make children to read after teacher. Ask children to read one by one. When children can read well, let them do writing work in a book and in copy.Note:Follow the same sort of activity to teach any other number names.

Guidelines on teaching children addition

Warm up with some number rhymes ( one potato , potato…..).

Introduce the sign plus ’+’.

Introduce the sign equal to ‘=’. Prepare the flash cards for plus ’+’ sign and equal to ‘=’ sign. Make every child hold the flash card and let them read one by one (+/=). Collect some materials like counters or beads and add one by one and say 1 counter + 1 counter = 2 counters/2counters +1 counter=3 counters and so on. First do the addition activity with materials then with picture. When children get the concept of addition through the materials and picture, go for language addition.

Let children practise in a book and in a copy.

22Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Guidelines on teaching children subtraction Warm up with some number rhymes (5 little ducks went out one day). Introduce the sign minus ‘−’. Introduce the sign equal to ‘=’. Prepare the flash cards for minus ‘−’ sign and equal to ‘=’ sign. Make every individual child hold the flash card and let them read one by one (−/=). Collect some materials like counters or beads and subtract one by one and say 2 counters − 1 counter = 1 counters/3counters −2 counter=1 counter and so on. First do the subtraction activity with materials then with picture. When children get the concept of substraction through the materials and picture, go for language subtraction. Let children practise in a book and in a copy.

Guidelines on teaching children odd and even numbers Warm up with the rhyme entitled “Odd and even”. Collect some walnuts and place them on the table. Make a pair of 2 walnuts and say ‘2’. Drag 2 fingers in between the walnuts and say ‘2’ is even number because 2 has a pair/friends. Invite students to do the same activity. Place 3 walnuts and say ‘3’ ( Place in a domino’s way). Drag 2 fingers in between the walnuts and say ‘3’ is odd number because 3 does not have a pair/friends. Invite students to do the same activity. Follow the procedure up to 10. Make every individual child do walnut activity. Introduce flash cards with paired and unpaired picture. Make children draw the pictures of odd and even numbers.

When children get the concept of odd and even through materials and pictures, then let them practise in a book and in a copy.

23Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Guidelines on teaching children ascending / descending numbers Warm up with the number rhymes. Collect some wooden blocks with different sizes. Arrange blocks smallest to biggest. Invite students to do the same activity. Place number cards randomly. Arrange number cards from smallest to biggest like ( 1,2,3,4,5) Invite students to do same activity. Follow the procedure up to 10. Make every individual child do this activity and let them say ascending numbers. Invite any 10 children in front to stand randomly. Arrange them according to their height ( shortest to tallest). When children get the concept of ascending numbers practically through materials and pictures, then let them practise in a book and in a copy

Guidelines on teaching children descending numbers

Warm up with the number rhymes.

Collect some wooden blocks with different sizes.

Arrange blocks biggest to smallest.

Invite students to do the same activity.

Place number cards randomly.

Arrange number cards from biggest to smallest like ( 5,4,3,2,1)

Invite students to do the same activity.

Follow the procedure up to 10.

Make every individual child do this activity and let them say descending numbers.

Invite any 10 children in front to stand randomly.

Arrange them according to their height .

When children get the concept of decending numbers practically through materials and pictures, then let them practise in a book and in a copy.

24Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Guidelines on teaching children the multiplication table of ‘2’

Warm up with the number rhymes.

Collect some beans.

Make a set of 2 beans and say 2…. 1 time =2.

Then, make 2 sets of 2 beans and say 2…. 2 times =4.

Then, make 3 sets of 2 beans and say 2…. 3 times =6.

Follow the procedure up to 10 sets of 2 beans.

Invite students to do the same activity.

Then do the drill of skip counting of 2’s like 2,4,6,8,10….

Introduce the sign ( x) by flash card or wooden card.

Make the learning chart of table of ‘2’.

When children get the concept through repeated addition, then introduce learning chart of multiplication table of 2 with pictures.

Drill together with children.

Invite students to read the table of 2.

Make every individual child do this activity.

When children get the concept of table through repeated addition and skip counting, let them practise in a book and in a copy.

Guidelines on teaching children the table of ‘3’

Warm up with the number rhymes.

Collect some beans.

Make a set of 3 beans and say 3…. 1 time =3.

Then, make 2 sets of 3 beans and say 3…. 2 times =6.

Then, make 3 sets of 3 beans and say 3…. 3 times =9.

Follow the procedure up to 10 sets of 3 beans.

Invite students to do the same activity.

Then do the drill of skip counting of 3’s like 3, 6, 9,12….

25Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Introduce the sign ( x) by flash card or wooden card.

Make the learning chart of table of ‘3’.

When children get the concept through repeated addition, then introduce learning chart of multiplication table of 3 with pictures.

Drill together with children.

Invite students to read the table of 3.

Make every individual child do this activity.

When children get the concept of table through repeated addition and skip counting, let them practise in a book and in a copy.

Note: Follow the same sort of activity to teach the table of 4, 5 and 6

Guidelines on teaching time

Warm up with number rhymes.

Prepare long hand and short hand.

Introduce long hand and short hand.

Introduce the number that is in clock like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12

Do the activity placing short hand in different number and say it’s 1 o’ clock, 2’oclock …….

Do the activity placing long hand in different number and say it’s 1:05, 1:20, etc.

Invite students to do same activity

Make children touch, feel and say on each hand and say It’s 1 o’ clock……..

Then do the drill every hour.

Make every individual child do this activity.

When children get the concept of telling time through the clock or watch, encourage them to watch the clock.

26Pre-School Teacher’s Manual


Guidelines on teaching children “Body Parts”

Warm up with body movement songs.

Touch and say different body parts and let children copy the teacher and repeat after her.

Prepare the flash cards with different body parts.

Show and tell different body parts through learning chart.

Tell the name of different body parts and ask children to point it out.

Do the body movement activities by using different body parts like pretending like punching, kicking, jumping, hopping, shaking body, nodding head, closing eyes, opening eyes, etc.

Give them colouring worksheet to colour different body parts.

Invite children one by one and ask him/her to show and name different body parts.

When children can identify and tell body parts, let them do exercise in a book and in copy.

Guidelines on teaching children “Fruits”

Warm up with fruits theme rhymes. Bring the real fruits in the class ( 3 fruits at a time). Describe the fruits one by one (about its shape/colour . Cut the fruits in front of children and taste the fruits together. Describe the taste of different fruits. Bring toy fruits in the class.( plastic fruits). Make children say the name of different fruits one by one.(any 3). Ask childen to show ” Name of fruit”. Follow the some process for all the fruits. When children can point out all the fruits, show different fruits one by one and say what is this? Use flash cards, learning charts and zigsaw puzzle to introduce different kinds of fruits.

27Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Take a tour to fruits garden or fruits shop to observe different fruits.

Give them colouring worksheet to colour different fruits.

Make children see different fruits and do live sketch activity and also colour it.

Invite children one by one and ask him/her to name different fruits.

When children can identify and tell different fruits, then make children do exercise in a book and in copy.

Guidelines on teaching children “Vegetables”

Warm up with vegetable theme rhymes.

Bring the real vegetables in the class (3 vegetables at a time) and name them one by one.

Describe vegetables one by one (about it s shape/colour).

Bring toy vegetables in the class. (plastic vegetable).

Make children feel and say different vegetables one by one.(any 3)

Ask childen to show “Name of vegetable”

Follow the procedure for all the vegetables.

When children can point out all the vegetables, show different vegetables one by one and say what is this?

Use flash cards, learning charts and zigsaw puzzle to introduce different kinds of vegetables

Take a tour to vegetables garden or grocery shop for the field trip to observe different vegetables.

Give them colouring worksheet to colour different vegetables.

Make children see different vegetables and do live sketch activity and also colour it.

Invite children one by one and ask him/her to name different vegetables.

When children can identify and tell different vegetables, then make children do exercise in a book and in copy.

28Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Guidelines on teaching children “Flowers”

Warm up with flower theme rhymes.

Bring the real flower in the class (3 flowers at a time) name them one by one.

Describe the flowers one by one (about its shape/colour )

Bring the flash card of different flowers.

Make children see and say different flowers one by one. (any 3).

Ask childen to show ” Name of flower”.

Follow the procedure for all the flowers.

When children can point out all the flowers, show different flowers one by one and say what is this?

Use flash cards, learning charts and zigsaw puzzle to introduce different kinds of flowers.

Take a tour to flower garden or nursery for the field trip to observe different flowers.

Give them colouring worksheet to colour different flowers.

Make children see different flowers and do live sketch activity and also colour it.

Invite children one by one and ask him/her to name different flower.

When children can identify and tell different flowers, then make children do in exercise a book and in copy.

Guidelines on teaching children “wild animals”

Warm up with some animal rhymes.

Bring plastic animals in the class (3 animals at a time)and feel and say the different animals and name them.

Describe the physical structure of particular animal and name them one by one.

Describe the sound of different animals.

Make children feel and say different animals one by one.(any 3).

Ask childen to show “Name of the animal”.

29Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Follow the procedure for all the animals.

When children can point out all the animals show different animals one by one and say what is this?

Use flash cards, learning charts and zigsaw puzzle to introduce different kinds of animals.

Take a tour to “Zoo” as a field trip to observe different animals.

Give them colouring worksheet to colour different animals.

Allow them to see visual aids of different animals.

Invite children one by one and ask him/her to name different animals.

When children can identify and tell different animals, then make children do exercise in a book and in copy.

Note: Follow the same sort of activity to teach farm animals, birds, insects or water animals.

30Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

g]kfnLljBfyLx¿nfO Jo~hg j0f l;sfpg] ljlwM

ljBfyLx¿nfO s l;sfpg] ljlwM

…sÚ af6 cfpg] uLt ufpg] -s5'jf s/fof] s s s_.

lzlIfsn] sk lnP/ ;anfO b]vfpg] / eGg]] …sÚ sk .

…sÚ af6 cfpg] c¿ zAbnfO h:t s5'jf, snd, snz sf lrqx¿ b]vfpg] / Ps Ps u/L eGg nufpg] ;fy …sÚ sf] syf eGg] . :ofG8 sf8 af6 …sÚ lrgfpg] / :kz ug nufpg] . afn'jf ePsf] afs;df jf 6]«df …sÚ n]Vg l;sfpg] . xfjfdf, e'OFdf, leQfdf, sfk]6df cfnfn] …sÚ n]Vg l;sfpg] . Flash card, learning chart, white board sf] dfWod af6 …sÚ k9\g l;sfpg] . ljleGg sn/sf] rssf] dfWodaf6 ljBfnosf] aflx/ nlu s n]Vg nufpg] . lk7f] af6 …sÚ n]Vg l;sfpg] . wfuf]af6 …sÚ n]Vg l;sfpg] . …sÚ af6 s] cfpF5 egL ;f]Wg] . …sÚ lrGg / eGg hfg]kl5 k'l:tsf / cEof; sfkLdf …sÚ sf] cEof; ug nufpg] .

ljBfyLx¿nfO v l;sfpg] ljlwM

…vÚ af6 cfpg] uLt ufpg] -v/fof] s/fof] v v v_ .

lzlIfsfn] v/fof] h:t s/fpFb nufP/ sIffleq k|j]z ug] / aRrfx¿nfO s]lGb|t u/L pT;'stf hufpg] .

…vÚ af6 cfpg] c¿ zAbnfO h:t vn, v/fof], v;L tyf va'hfsf] lrqx¿ b]vfpg] / Ps Ps u/L eGg nufpg] / …vÚ sf] syf eGg] .

:ofG8 sf8 af6 …vÚ lrgfpg] / :kz ug nufpg] .

afn'jf ePsf] afs;df jf 6]«df …vÚ n]Vg l;sfpg] .

xfjfdf, e'OFdf, leQfdf, sfk]6df cfnfn] …vÚ n]Vg l;sfpg] .

Flash card, learning chart, white board sf] dfWod af6 …vÚ k9\g l;sfpg] .

31Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

ljleGg sn/sf] rssf] dfWodaf6 ljBfnosf] aflx/ nlu …vÚ n]Vg nufpg] .

lk7f] af6 …vÚ n]Vg l;sfpg] .

wfuf]af6 …vÚ n]Vg l;sfpg] .

…vÚ af6 s] cfpF5 egL ;f]Wg] .

…vÚ lrGg / eGg hfg]kl5 k'l:tsf / cEof; sfkLdf …vÚ sf] cEof; ug nufpg] .

ljBfyLx¿nfO u l;sfpg] ljlwM

…uÚ af6 cfpg] uLt ufpg] -udnfdf u8\ofnf u u u_ .

lzlIfsfn] sIffdf ufu|L lnP/ k|j]z ug] / eGg] u ufu|L .

…uÚ af6 cfpg] c¿ zAbnfO h:t udnf, ufO, un+rf tyf ufu|Lsf] lrq b]vfpg] / Ps Ps u/L eGg nufpg] / …uÚ sf] syf eGg] .

:ofG8 sf8 af6 …uÚ lrgfpg] / :kz ug nufpg] .

afn'jf ePsf] afs;df jf 6]«df …uÚ n]Vg l;sfpg] .

xfjfdf, e'OFdf, leQfdf, sfk]6df cfFnfn] …uÚ n]Vg l;sfpg] .

Flash card, learning chart, white board sf] dfWodaf6 …uÚ k9\g l;sfpg] .

ljleGg sn/sf] rssf] dfWodaf6 ljBfnosf] aflx/ nlu …uÚ n]Vg nufpg] .

lk7f] af6 …uÚ n]Vg l;sfpg] .

wfuf]af6 …uÚ n]Vg l;sfpg] .

…uÚ af6 s] cfpF5 egL ;f]Wg] .

…uÚ lrGg / eGg hfg]kl5 k'l:tsf / cEof; sfkLdf …uÚ sf] cEof; ug nufpg] .

gf]6 M— lzlIfsfx¿n] ;DalGwt Jo~hg j0f -s—1_ l;sfpFbf tyf kl/ro ubf dfly k|:t't u/] adf]lhd ;DalGwt lrq, Flash card, zAb tyf ;fdu|L k|of]u u/L /dfOnf] 9ª\un] k|:t't ug' xf]nf .

32Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

b'O, tLg / rf/ cIf/sf zAbx¿ l;sfpg] ljlwM

;DjlGwt zAbx¿sf] Flash card agfO Ps Ps u/L k9\g] / aRrfx¿nfO;Fu k9\g nufpg] -Pp6f lesson df sDtLdf # j6f zAbx¿ kl/ro u/fpg] _

;DalGwt zAbx¿sf] l;hgzLn 9ª\un] learning chart agfO sIff sf]7fdf tyf corridor df aRrfsf] cfFvf kg] 7fpFdf /flvlbg] .

Pick up game sf] dfWodaf6 ;DalGwt zAbx? l6Kg nufpg]

;Dej eP;Dd ;DjlGwt zAbsf lrq / ;fdu|L sIffdf lnP/ cfpg] / tL lrqx¿ b]vfpg] / :kz ug nufpg] .

;DalGwt zAb 1fg xfpefp;lxt lbg] .

zAb 1fg ePkl5 Flash Card sf] dfWodaf6 jfSo agfpg l;sfpg] . h:tM Pp6f Flash card df …skÚ n]Vg] clg csf] Flash Card df …ugÚ n]Vg] clg hf]8]/ eGg] …sk ugÚ .

ljleGg zAbx¿sf] kl/ro lbO;s]kl5 ljleGg Flash card x¿nfO ld;fP/ aRrfx¿nfO g Flash card l6k]/ jfSo agfpg nufpg] .

;DalGwt -b'O, tLg, rf/_ ljleGg cIf/sf zAbx¿ ;f]Wg] / k9\g klg nufpg] .

zAbx¿ lrGg hfg]kl5 cEof; k'l:tsf / cEof; sfkLdf ljleGg zAbx¿-b'O, tLg, rf/_ cEof; ug] .

ljBfyLx¿nfO dfqf l;sfpg] ljlwM— - l L " " f] f _ ;DalGwt dfqfsf] uLt ufpg] -cfsf/ cfsf/ ==========_

;DalGwt dfqfsf] lrGx sf8df n]vL x/]s aRrfnfO l6Kg / cfsf/ klg eGg nufpg] .

Sandpaper af6 cfsf/ - f _ sf] lrGx lrGg nufpg] / :kz ug nufpg] .

Sand jfs;, afn'jf, xfjfdf, e'OFdf leQfdf, sfk]6df cfnfn] cfsf/ lrGx n]Vg l;sfpg] .

cfsf/sf] syf n]Vg] .

x/]s Jo~hg j0fdf cfsf/sf] dfqf nufO syf eGg] .

x/]s jRrfx¿nfO cfsf/sf] dfqf nufO …s b]lv 1Ú ;Dd k9\g / eGg nufpg].

Jo~hg j0f / cfsf/ - f _ sf] 5'6\6f5'6\6 flash card agfpg] / hf]8]/ b]vfpg] / ;Fu eGg nufpg] h:t s—sf .

33Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

…sÚ nfO cfsf/ s] x'G5 < egL ;f]Wg] .

…s b]lv 1Ú lrGg / eGg hfg]kl5 cEof; sfkLdf cEof; ug nufpg] .

cfsf/ nfu]sf ;DalGwt zAbx¿ / lrqx¿ kl/ro u/fpg] .

cEof;sf] nflu ljleGg v]nx¿ v]Ng nufpg] .

cfsf/ nfu]sf ;DalGwt zAbx¿sf] xfpefp;lxt uLt ufpg] .

jRrfx¿n] cfsf/ nfu]sf zAbx¿ /fd|f];Fu eGg / k9\g hfg]kl5 cEof; sfkLdf zAbx¿ cEof; ug nufpg] .

gf]6 M lzlIfsfx¿n] ;DalGwt Jo~hg dfq -f, l, L, f] , f —_ l;sfpFbf tyf kl/ro ubf dfly k|:t't u/] adf]lhd ;DalGwt lrq, flash card, zAb tyf ;fdu|L k|of]u u/L /dfOnf] 9ª\un] k|:t't ug'xf]nf .

ljBfyLx¿nfO ;ftaf/ l;sfpg] ljlwM

;ftaf/sf] uLt ufpg] / jRrfx¿nfO xfpefp;lxt ;Fu ufpg l;sfpg] .

;ftaf/sf] gfd flash card tyf learning chart sf] dfWodaf6 k9\g l;sfpg] .

;ftaf/sf] gfd ;D´gsf] nflu ljleGg v]nx¿ u/fpg] h:tM flash cards nfO l6Kg nufpg] tyf ljleGg k|Zgsf] dfWodaf6 ;ftaf/ kl5 s] cfpF5 eg]/ ;f]Wg] cyjf dª\naf/ eGbf cl3 s] cfpF5 egL ;f]Wg] OToflb . ;ftaf/ eGg / k9\g hfg]kl5 k'l:tsfdf tyf cEof; sfkLdf ug nufpg] .

gf]6M lzlIfsfx¿n] ;DalGwt dlxgfsf gfd -jzfv, h]i7========_ l;sfpFbf dfly k|:t't u/] adf]lhd ;DalGwt flash card, uLt tyf learning chart k|of]u u/L /dfOnf] 9ª\un] k|:t't ug'xf]nf .

ljBfyLx¿nfO :j/ j0f l;sfpg] ljlwM

:j/ j0f c b]lv cM ;Ddsf] rf6 b]vfpg] / ;Fu k9\g nufpg] .

;DalGwt lrqx¿ b]vfpg] / ;Fu k9\g nufpg] .

:j/ j0fsf uLt ufpg] / ;Fu ufpg klg nufpg] . -…cÚ cgf/ vfpFnf==============_

:j/ j0fsf sf8 ;fdu|L agfO jRrfx?nfO Pick up game ug nufpg]

x/]s :j/ j0fsf lrqx¿sf] sf8 agfpg] / Pick up game u/fpg] .

Sand card af6 :j/ j0fx¿ lrgfpg] / :kz ug nufpg] .

34Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

afn'jfdf, xfjfdf, e'FOdf, leQfdf sfk]6df cfFnfn] ljleGg :j/ j0fx¿ n]Vg l;sfpg] .

Flash card, learning chart tyf white board sf] dfWodaf6 :j/ j0f k9\g l;sfpg] . ljleGg sn/sf] rssf] dfWoddaf6 ljBfnosf] aflx/ nflu ljleGg :j/ j0f n]Vg l;sfpg] . lk7f]af6 :j/ j0f n]Vg l;sfpg] . ljleGg :j/j0faf6 s] cfpF5 egL ;f]Wg] h:t …cÚ af6, …cfÚ af6 s] cfpF5< OToflb . :j/ j0f eGg / lrGg hfg]kl5 k'l:tsf / cEof; sfkLdf :j/ j0f n]Vg nufpg] .

ljBfyLx¿nfO cfwf cIf/sf zAbx¿ l;sfpg] ljlw - h:t pNn' rDrf======_

cfwf cIf/;Fu ;DalGwt uLt ufpg] .

cfwf cIf/x¿ ePsf zAbx¿nfO lrq ;lxt vf]Hg] / jRrfx¿nfO b]vfpg] -pNn'sf] lrq, rDrfsf] lrq OToflb _

cfwf cIf/ aGg] zAbx¿ h:t R, H , ‰ , T , OToflb kl/ro u/fpg] .

tL kl/ro u/]sf cIf/x¿nfO lzlIfsfn] cfwf cIf/ n]vL b]vfpg] .

Sand jfs;, afn'jf, xfjf, e'O, leQfdf, sfk]6df cfFnfn] cfwf cIf/ n]Vg l;sfpg] . jRrfx¿nfO cfwf cIf/sf] pRrf/0f ug l;sfpg] h:t p N n' —pNn' . Flash card df ljleGg cfwf cIf/ n]vL pRrf/0f ug nufpg] . ;DalGwt zAbx¿sf] lrq klg kl/ro u/fpg] . ;DalGwt cfwf cIf/ / zAb lrGg / eGg hfg]kl5 k'l:tsf tyf cEof; ug nufpg] .gf]6M lzlIfsfx¿n] ;DalGwt xnGt cIf/ tyf zAb l;sfpFbf tyf kl/ro u/fpFbf dfly -cfwf cIf/ l;sfP adf]lhd_ ;DalGwt sfosnfk u/L /dfOnf] 9ª\un] k|:t't ug'xf]nf .ljBfyLx¿nfO pN6f] cy l;sfpg] ljlw M pN6f] cy nfUg] ;DalGwt uLt ufpg] / ;Fu ufpg nufpg] . lzlIfsfn] ljleGg pN6f] cy cfpg] ;DalGwt ;fdu|Lx¿ jRrfx¿nfO b]vfpg] h:t tftf]kfgL, lr;f]kfgL b]vfpg]÷vfnL basket / e/L basket b]vfpg] .

35Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

ljleGg lstfj tyf Learning chart sf] dfWodaf6 pN6f] cy nfUg] lrqx¿ vf]hL kl/ro u/fpg] . sIffdf ePsf ;fdu|L tyf aRrfx¿aLr pN6f] cy nfUg] zAb tyf cy kl/ro u/fpg] h:t df]6f] jRrf, b'Anf] jRrf, nfdf] snd, 5f]6f] snd_. w]/ kfgL, yf]/ kfgL, e/L afs;, vfnL afs; OToflb . pN6f] cy tyf ljk/Lt zAb eGg hfg]kl5 k'l:tsf / cEof; sfkLdf pN6f] cy tyf ljk/Lt zAbsf] cEof; ug nufpg] .ljBfyLx¿nfO t/sf/Lsf] gfd l;sfpg] ljlw M t/sf/L ;DalGwt afnuLt ufpg] / ;Fu xfpefp ;lxt ufpg nufpg] -t/sf/Lsf] ;ef a:of], km;L ;efklt_ lzlIfsfn] sIffdf ljleGg k|sf/sf t/sf/L lnP/ k|j]z ug] / jRrfx¿nfO b]vfpg] / :kz ug nufpg] . Pp6f–Pp6f u/]/ x/]s t/sf/LnfO :kz u/fpg] / ;DalGwt t/sf/Lsf] af/]df j0fg ug] -/ª\u, k|sf/_ cflb . ;Dej eP;Dd t/sf/Lsf] audio visual class lbg] . Flash card, learning chart tyf white board sf] dfWodaf6 ljleGg t/sf/Lsf] zAb tyf lrq k9\g l;sfpg] . jRrfx¿n] ljleGg t/sf/Lsf] gfd lrGg / eGg hfg]kl5 k'l:tsf / cEof; sfkLdf n]vg cEof; ug nufpg] .

gf]6 M Section wise t/sf/Lsf] cjnf]sg ugsf] nflu glhssf]]] grocery tyf vegetable field df field trip u/fO ljleGg t/sf/Lsf] practical l;sfO u/fpg] .

36Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Requirement of Classroom Decoration

Entrance Decoration: season based hanging decoration.

Bulletin Board: Theme based decoration pictorial form (with name tag).

Window Decoration: season based painting or paper crafts.

Door Decoration: an attractive welcome chart with student’s photos or name along with the teacher.

Corridor Decoration: Hanging decoration like (Stars or hanging shapes or any hanging objects as per the topic.

Class Decoration: Display chart according to the subject and topic.

Birthday chart Motivation chart

Welcome chart Job chart

Classroom calendar chart Attendance chart

Weather chart Season board

3-D models Real plant

Children’s crafts corner : Display children’s work / project work.

Montessori Lab Requirement


Sand paper letter (Alphabet and sound) L.M.A box (to develop word building)

‘a’ / ‘e’/ ‘i’ / ‘o’ / ‘u’ sound cards ‘a’ / ‘e’/ ‘i’ / ‘o’ / ‘u’ sound word list

‘a’ / ‘e’/ ‘i’ / ‘o’ / ‘u’ booklet ‘a’ / ‘e’/ ‘i’ / ‘o’ / ‘u’ sound phrase cards

‘a’ / ‘e’/ ‘i’ / ‘o’ / ‘u’ sound sentences cards


Sandpaper byanjanbarna Sandpaper sworbarna

Byanjanbarna movable alphabet


Sandpaper number cards Cards and counter

Spindle box Large number cards

37Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Golden beads Number rods

Cards and counter Number tray with different sign



Toy vegetables (3 period lesson) Toy fruits (3 period lesson)

Toy farm animals (3 period lesson) Toy wild animals (3 period lesson)

Toy water animals (3 period lesson) Toy insects (3 period lesson)

Toy birds (3 period lesson) Toy vehicles (3 period lesson)

Zigsaw puzzle Large cards of each topic

Practical Life Exercise

1. Green Mat 2. Carrying a mat 3. Unrolling / Rolling a Mat

4. Carrying a chair 5. Carrying a table 6. Carrying a tray

7. Carrying a jug 8. Hold a pair of scissors

9. Carrying a pair of scissors 10. Opening a book

11. Turning the page 12. Opening and closing of assorted bottles

13. Opening and closing of boxes 14. Folding the handkerchief

15. Spooning beans from bowl to bowl / equal / unequal / up to indicator

16. Pouring beans from bowl to bowl / equal / unequal / up to indicator

17. Pouring water from glass to glass / equal / unequal / up to indicator

18. Pouring water from glass to glass 19. Washing hands

20. Dressing frame 21. Polishing shoes 22. Cleaning a table

23. Dusting a table 24. Sweeping 25. Blowing the nose

26. Combing hair 27. Sorting beans 28. Pegging exercise

29.Threading and beading

38Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Model QuestionClass: Nursery Sub : English Name: ______________ Date : _____________ Full Mark: ..Q.1. Match the letter with the correct sounds. B d D b F j J f T z Z tQ.2. See the picture and circle the correct letters.

Aa Bb Ee

Gg Ff Bb

Ee Ii Dd

Qq Hh Ii

Nn Mm Ww

Zz Qq Tt

Q.3. Match the pictures with its correct letters.



39Pre-School Teacher’s Manual







Q.4. Write the missing sound and letter.





Q.5. Write the alphabets from Aa-Zz.

40Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Model QuestionClass : Nursery Sub : Theme Book Name :___________________ Date : __________ Full Mark...

Q.1. Are you a boy or a girl? Circle the correct picture.

a boya girl Q.2. Match the same body parts.

Q.3. Circle only healthy food.

41Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Q.4. Colour only the means of transportation .

Q.5. Match the picture with their work.

42Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Q.6. Colour the traffic light.

Q.7. Writes ‘B’ for birds and ‘I’ for insects.

Q.8. Colour water animals blue, domestic animals yellow and wild animals green.

Q.9. See the picture and circle only fruits.

Q.10 Colour our national flag.

43Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Model Question Class : LKG Sub : Theme Book Name :_______________________ Date : _______________1. Look at the picture and write down the first letter of the things that helps us to keep us clean.

2. Name any four “Healthy food”. 3. Match the pictures with appropriate word.

Banana Well


Aeroplane Tiger

Boat 4. Name any four “Land Transportation”. 5. Name any four “Birds”. 6. Name any four “Sources of water”.

44Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

7. Identify the picture and circle the correct word.

Happy Sad

Apple Grapes

Milk Mo. Mo

Owl Parrot

Spider Honeybee

Pig Elephant 8. Draw a “Car” and colour it.

9. Look at the picture and write the missing letter.

Ch ps E g

S eep C ab

Y cht B s

45Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

10. See the picture and write down the first letters.







11. Look at the picture and write their work.




12. What does each ‘’Traffic Signal” says? Write and also colour it.

46Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

gd'gf k|Zgk|qljifo M g]kfnL sIff M g;/Lgfd M =================================== ;]S;g k|Zg g+M ! p:t lrq;Fu hf]8f ldnfpm / /Ë e/ .

k|Zg g+M @ p:t cIf/;Fu hf]8f ldnfpm . u h h u 6 t t 6 g e e gk|Zg g+M # lrqdf x]/L ldNg] cIf/df uf]nf] 3]/f nufpm .

s v u 6

ª 5 6 7

k|Zg g+M

47Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

k|Zg g+M$ cufl8sf] cIf/ x]/L p:t cIf/df uf]nf] 3]/f nufpm . c c cf cf] pm p pm C P] P] P c+ O O O cfk|Zg g+M % k9 / ;f/ .


gª=============== 6k

===============k|Zg g+M ^ vfnL 7fFp e/ . s ========================= u ===================== ª 6 ========================= 8 ====================== 0f k ======================== a ============= e ===============k|Zg g+M & d ;Fu ldNg] lrq hf]8f ldnfpm / lrqdf /ª\u e/ .

dk|Zg g+M * lrqdf /+u e/ .

cfk|Zg g+M ( s b]lv d ;Dd n]v . ================= ================= ================ ================ ================= ================= ================ ================ ================= ================= ================ ================

48Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Model Question

Class: Nursery Sub : Math

Name: ______________ Date : _____________Full Mark...

Q. 1. Write down 1 to 50.

Q. 2. Match the given shape and colour it.

Q .3. Colour the big and circle the small object.

49Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Q.4. Count the pictures and write the correct number.

Q.5. Count the pictures and match the correct number.




Q.6. Write the missing series. 1 3 5

6 8 10

11 13 15

16 18 20

21 23 25

26 28 30

50Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Model Question

Class: Nursery Sub : Art and Craft Name: ______________________ Date : _______________

Paint the flower.

51Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Model Question Class: LKG Sub : Maths Name: ______________Date : _____________ Full Mark:...1. Write 41 to 60. 2. Write backwards from 20 – 11.

3. Write numbers name. 9 = 20 = 11 = 15 = 5 = 24 = 4. Compare and circle the bigger number.

4 6

8 12

4 2 5. Solve the picture addition with numbers.

52Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

6. Solve the given subtraction. 5-1



-2 9-5

7. Name the given shapes.

8. What comes after? 14 = 19 = 9. What comes in between?

11 13

22 24

10. What comes before? 18 611. Use the correct sign (< ,> , = ).

9 12 5 5

10 6 8 8

53Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Model QuestionClass: UKG Sub : English Name: __________ Date :______ Full Mark....

1. Correct the wrong spellings. stuednt octpous Siseter junegl watrestedunt otcpuos siestr jnuelg wtare

2. Write the opposite words of the following. white ………………… long ……………………. day ………………… high …………………… wide ……………………3. Re-arrange the jumbled words with the help of clues given below.


(I LIVE ON A TREE ) ( I LIVE IN A WATER)4. Join the dots and write the name of the picture.

5.Write down ‘a’ sound words inside the given picture.

54Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

6. Re-arrange the alphabet to form the meaningful words. a. ores ……………… ( flower) b. koob …………….. ( to read) c. dsteru ………………. (to rub) d. ckea …………………….. (to eat)7. Make the following words.

If A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 0=15 R= 18 T=20

5 1 18

3 1 20

4 15 7

20 5 1

8. Draw your picture and Write about yourself. My name is ………………………………… MY PICTURE I am …………. years old. I live in …………………………. I study in class …………………9. Answer in short. i. Which day comes after Sunday? …………….. ii. Which month comes after December? …………….. iii. Which is the first English month? ………………10. Fill in the blanks using the correct prepositions. On, under, between, behind

a. The ball is ……………….. the table.

b. A book is ……………… the carpet.

c. A bag is ………… the chair and table.

d. Sunita is standing …………… Sadik.

55Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

11. Look at the picture and make sentences using he, she, it. …………………………………………………………




12. Insert ‘this’ or ‘that’ .

a. is an apple.

b. is a chair.

c. is a tree.

d. is a cup.

e. is a bag.

56Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Model QuestionClass: UKG Sub : Theme Book Name: ______________ Date : ____________ Full Mark:.....1. Match the following.

cow wool

sheep brush

goat milk

hen glove

teeth meat

hand egg2. Answer these questions in short. i. Who teaches us? ………………………. ii. Who brings you letter? ………………………. iii. Who drives your school van? ………………………. v. Who cuts your hair? ……………………….3. Re-arrange the alphabets to form the meaningful words. a. OWC ………………………. (Animal) b. CHCOTOELA ……………………….. (Sweet)4. Solve the given word puzzle.






57Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

5. Fill in the blanks. a) We smell with our ………………. b) We chew with our ……………… c) We hear with our ……………. d) We feel with our ………….6. Write the given words in a correct column. Ship, car, aero plane, bus, yacht, helicopter, rocket, bicycle, boat







7. Complete the following. a. r …… v ……. r b. P ……. r …….. t c. l ……. z …… rd e. c ……. o …….. f. s …… a g. l ……. k ……….8. Circle the odd one out. a. Dog Cat Lion Horse b. Bag Book Copy Spider c. Owl Fish Sparrow Crow d. Doctor Rose Lily Lotus9. Write any two examples of the following categories. i. animal obtained food ………… ………… ii. summer clothes ………… ………… iii. flowers ………… ………… iv. insects ………… …………10. Tick the correct answer. A. Cow lives in a i. Shed ii. Kennel iii. Stable

58Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

B. The baby of a kangaroo is called i. Tadpole ii. Lamb iii. Joey C. The name of our country is i. Europe ii. India iii. Nepal D. Rhododendron is our national flower i. Yes ii. No11. Solve the given puzzle.

12. Draw and colour the traffic light.

13. Look at the given picture and write down the name.

59Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Model Question Class : UKG Sub : Math Name :_______________________ Date : _______________1. Match the following. a. MONDAY 3rd DAY b. SATURDAY 4th DAY c. WEDNESDAY 2nd DAY d. TUESDAY 5th DAY e. SUNDAY 6th DAY f. FRIDAY 1st DAY g. THURSDAY 7th DAY2. Find and circle the smallest number.

23 27 32 54

18 73 91 86

11 8 100 55

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct numbers .

a. 3 + = 4

b. 3 - = 1

c. 2 x = 6

4. Find the missing numbers .



5. Write the correct time in the given box.

…………………… ……………………

60Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

6. Arrange the given numbers in ascending order. a. 25 21 1 4 3 5 8 10 …………………………………………………………… b. 9 13 11 14 10 12 2 15 …………………………………………………………….7. What comes before? ……….. 20 8. What comes after? 97 …………… 9. What comes between 67 and 69? …………… 10. Encircle in correct number names. a. twalve sixteen twenty twenty for b. thirte thirty-four thirty-fave thirty six c. thirty-seven thiry-eight thirty nine fourty d. triangle cude rectriangl square e. biamond cube heart rectangle11. Write in words. 75………………….. 13 ………………………. 62 …………………… 15 ………………………. 18………………….. 19 ……………………… 9 ………………….. 100 ……………………… 44………………….. 40 ………………………….12. Use greater than (>), less than (<) and equal to (=) sign. a. 42 31 b. 93 98

c. 52 52 d. 19 1513. Add (+), subtract (-), and multiply (x) .

8 2+ 2 9

6 7- 3 8

7x 5

2 9 4- 1 3 6

14. Count the triangle and write the number.

There are ………………………. triangles in a picture.

61Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

15. Look at the picture and answer the given questions. a. Who am I ? I. ……………………………………… ii. . ………………………………………

iii. . ………………………………………

iv. . ………………………………………

62Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Model Question Class: LKG Sub : English Name: _____________ Date : _______________ Full Mark:.......1. Encircle the correct word in each row.

= pot dog box

= fan cap bat

= pen bed hen

= fin pig lid

= gun cup nun2. Write down the words from given alphabets (any two). Bb = , Ff = , Ii = , Ll = , Mm = , 3. Fill in the blanks. A C D F G I J L M O P R S U V X Z.4. Look at the pictures and write ‘a’ sound phrase.

5. Write vowel letter in the picture.

63Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

6.Write “Giraffe letters” from given cloud.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m

n o p q r s t u v w x y


7. Look at the pictures given below and make pyramid story.



c. 8. Read the given sight words and copy down. I = We = He = She = 9. Write down the three lettered words.






10. Insert ‘a’ or “an” . apple cat

ball duck


64Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

11. Match the Following picture with its Word.





Yoyo12. Cross the word which does not rhyme. a) Cat bat fan b) pen duck ten c) door pig big d) gun cap sun e) pot hot mug13. Look at the pictures given below and choose the correct prepositional words from the given clouds.

on, in, under

The ball is the table. The cat is the table. The apple is the basket.14. Change singular into plural. a) an apple = b) a cup = c) a ball = d) an egg = 15. Colour the given picture below and write it’s name.

65Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

gd'gf k|Zgkqljifo M g]kfnL sIff M Pn= s]= hLgfd M =================================== ;]S;g==================

!= s b]vL g ;Dd n]v M

@= lrq x]/L 7Ls cIf/df uf]nf] 3]/f nufpm M

sk udnf

8an hu

snd gx/

s5'jf knª

y/d; km"n

s6x/ bdsn

66Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

#= lrq x]/ / vfnL 7fpFdf ldNg] dfqf - L , " _ e/ M

g /f

n 3

$= s sf] afx|v/L n]v M %= lrq / zAbsf] hf]8f ldnfpm M







^= vfnL 7fpF e/ M c O p C P] cf cM

67Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

&= lrq x]/ / x|:j psf/ - '_ nfu]sf zAbx? n]v M

*= cfsf/ nfu]sf zAbdf 7Ls lrGx - _ nufpm M 5ftf lstfj lkª cfdf 3fd esf/L ;nud sfg

(= tnsf] lrqdf /ª e/ / gfd n]v M

68Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Model Question

Class: LKG Sub : Art and Craft Name: _______________________ Date : _______________

1. Colour the lady Bug on a leaf.

2. Draw Lady Bug on a leaf.

69Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

gd'gf k|Zgkqljifo M g]kfnL sIff M o'=s]=hL gfd M ========================================= ;]S;g ====================== k|Zg g+M ! M ca s'g af/ cfpF5 < a'waf/ ============================ z's|af/ ============================ cfOtaf/ ============================ d+unaf/ ============================ laxLaf/ ============================k|Zg g+M @ M vfnL 7fpF e/ . c ================= O ================= p ================= C ================= P] ================= =================c+ ===============cM 6 ================ 8 ================= 0f t =========b =========== gk|Zg g+M # M v b]lv vM ;Dd n]v . =========== ============ ============ ============ =========== ============ ============ ============ =========== ============ ============ ============ k|Zg g+M $ M ldNg] zAbdf uf]nf] - _ 3]/f nufpm . chLË/ clhË/ clhuª/ clhªu/ cfiflw cf]iflw cfifwL cf]ifw OlghLg OGhLg OlGhg OGhgL sFrL s]rL srL sFrk|Zg g+M % M afx| dlxgfsf] gfd n]v . ============================== ============================ ============================== ============================ ============================== ============================ ============================== ============================ ============================== ============================

70Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

k|Zg g+ M^M vfnL 7fpF e/ . s_ d]/f] gfd ================================== xf] . v_ d sIff =================================== df k9\b5' . u_ d ======================================== a:5' . 3_ d]/f] ljBfnosf] gfd ========================= xf] .k|Zg g+M & M lrq x]/L zAb agfpm . ls===========a h=======of]

8======? b=======h


k|Zg g+ M* M lrq x]/L afSo agfpg'xf];\ .

s_ =============================================================

v_ =============================================================

u_ =============================================================



71Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

k|Zg g+ M( M tn lbOPsf zAbx¿sf] ljk/Lt cy n]v .

df]6f] =========================

7"nf] ==========================

tftf] =============================

k|Zg g+ !) M lrq x]/L gfd n]Vg'xf];\ .

================ ==================== ====================== =================

72Pre-School Teacher’s Manual

Model QuestionClass: UKG Sub : Art and Craft Name: ________________________Date : _______________

1. Colour the spring Garden.

2. Draw your favourite spring garden.
