  • 8/2/2019 Shri Rahul Gandhi blessed Hotmix Plant of SHEC spoiling environment in Haryana - Naresh Kadyan


    To: General Secretary, All India Congress Committee, New Delhi. (Hon'ble ShriRahul Gandhi, Member of Parliament ( Lok Sabha )), Prime Minister of India(Hon'ble Sardar Manmohan Singh), Secretary to the Ministry of Environmentand Forest (Shri Vijai Sharma), Chief Justice, Punjab and Haryana HighCourt (Hon'ble Mr. Chief Justice Mukul Mudgal), Speaker to the Lok Sabha(Hon'ble Smt. Meira Kumar), His Excellency Governor of Haryana (HisExcellency Governor of Haryana Shri Jagannath Pahadia), Sh. J. S. Kamyotra,Member Secretary, Central Pollution Control Board, Parivesh Bhawan, EastArjun Nagar, Delhi-110032 (Prof. S. P. Gautam, Chairman), ADG (SP),CPWD (Shri ARUN KUMAR TRIVEDI), Power Minister Haryana (Captain AjaySingh), Honble Speaker, Haryana Legislative Assembly, Chandigarh (INDIA)(Shri Kuldeep Sharma), Chief Secretary Haryana (Hon'ble Shri P. K.Chaudhary), Union Minister for Environment and Forest (Hon'ble Smt.

    Jayanthi Natarajan), Chairperson, UPA / AICC (Hon'ble Smt. Sonia Gandhi),Haryana Pollution Control Board (Chairman,), Director General, CPWD (ShriS. S. Mondal), Lokayukta, Haryana New Secretariat, and Director ofPanchayats Haryana

    Subject: Protect Communities from bitumen smoke and stone dust ash - Shutdown illegal Hot-mix plant working

    Letter: Greetings,

    Information under Right to Information Act, 2005 required from theChairman Dr. A.S. Chahal of Haryana Pollution Control Board, Panchkulasince 2000 till date in Haryana and similar from Prof. S. P. Gautam,

    Chairman - Sh. J. S. Kamyotra, Member Secretary, Central Pollution ControlBoardParivesh Bhawan, CBD-cum-Office ComplexEast Arjun Nagar, DELHI - 110 032 for rest of India :

    1. How many units applied for NOC, provide us list along with completeaddress, activities of the units.?2. How many units following norms, rules and regulations ? Do you knowthat many illegal units are working in Gurgaon District without NOC?3. How many units violating norms, rules and regulations. What action youhave taken against them ?, Do you believe in reduce, refined and re-cycled?

    4. Do you know that ban polythene carry bags openly utilized in everyhouse, produced and traded in market and how many people hold guilty ?5. What steps you have taken to motivate - aware people, society towardsglobal warming ?6. How many units exempted, granted relaxation, why and how ?, Have youassessed the assets of officials working under you ?7. Do you know that environment related legislation became toothless andnoneffective due to its non-cognizable and bailable offense in legal terms,what steps taken to get it amended ?Kindly provide us reports of SHEC company submitted by field staff, howmuch

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    bitumen purchased and for what purpose, where same was utilized by M/s.Shakeel Haider Engineers & Contractors - SHEC, Do you know about SHIL inGurgaon ?

    A hot-mix plant, working for a Commonwealth Games infrastructureproject, was sealed in this Haryana district Wednesday by the statepollution control board for allegedly violating the pollution norms, anofficial said.

    Initially, when officials of the board visited the hot-mix plant, they weremanhandled by the workers there. Therefore, the board officials had toseek police assistance while sealing the plant.

    According to the officials, the hot mix plant, owned by the Amethi-basedM/s. Shakeel Haider Engineers & Contractors - SHEC company, wasestablished at Sarai Khatela village in Palwal district around four-five yearsback.

    'This hot-mix plant is on the GT road, which is in violation with theSupreme Court's guidelines. We had complained about it and theauthorities had sealed it. But the owners of this hot-mix plant are veryclose to Rahul Gandhi (Congress leader) and are working hand in glovewith the government, ' Naresh Kadyan, the complainant and anenvironmentalist, representative of the International Organisation forAnimal Protection - OIPA in India, founder chairman of the PFA Haryanatold IANS, he further demanding dismissal of SDO Rajinder Sharma, who isa key responsible official of Haryana Pollution Control Board.

    'They recently got a contract of road construction from the CWG.Therefore, two days back (Monday) they broke the seal and started theiroperations. Earlier also, they had broken the seal and the pollution controlboard remained a mute spectator to it, ' Kadyan said.

    Rajinder Sharma, sub-division officer of the Haryana State PollutionControl Board, said: 'We have again sealed the hot-mix plant. Yes, we havegot some complaints against them and are looking into them.'

    However, the police are yet to register a case in this matter. Naresh Kadyanfurther demand the bitumen was brought from Mathura refinery and SHECspoiling environment in the revenue estate of Gram Panchyat Sarai Khatelaland along with many more villages around, allotment and distribution ofbitumen needs attention and it should be investigate by agencies, askedNaresh Kadyan and taken up this matter before Chairman, Haryana StatePollution Control Board, Panchkula.

    SHIL might be sister concern, another RMC plant APPOLO also situated atVajirpur Faruknagar road in Gurgaon District, this plant also be looked into. Allotment of Sarai Khatela Gram Panchyat land be canceled.......For detail...09813010595Naresh Kadyan life should be protected, being an leading activist in Indiastopped two cattle trains in 2000 Faridabad and Gaziabad another in DeraBassi. He is man of many distinctions, moved many PIL"s, introducedrehabilitation scheme for dancing bear also in 2000 along with kalanders,lodged more than 500 FIR"s of animal abuse, whistle blower in NawabPataudi black buck hunting, petitioner of ban Elephant polo in India - cowslaughtering as well. He may be granted .38 bore arms with all Indialicense..........he is man behind ban inbreeding in human beings, moved PIL

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    in Supreme court and then Delhi High court

    TILL today sealed unit M/s. Shakeel Haider Engineers & Contractors -SHEC company Hotmix plant is working............even now its self, sealbroken again.Hon'ble Mr. Chief Justice Mukul Mudgal, Chief Justice, Punjab and HaryanaHigh Court is requested to treat this mail as PIL please.

    The state government has issued guidelines for setting up of hot mixplants in the state and has directed their operators to follow the prescribedcriteria for establishing such plants.A spokesperson of the Environment Department said a decision to thiseffect has been taken to maintain ecological balance in view of theindustrial development and to maintain environment and avoid healthhazard for the area residents.He said as per the prescribed norms, theminimum distance of the hot mix plant from the municipal limit should befive km and minimum distance from revenue phirni (lal dora, whereverthere is no village phirni) would be one km. He said the minimum distancefrom the nearest National Highway would be one-and-half km. Similarly,the minimum distance from the nearest state highway would be one kmand minimum distance from the nearest major district road and otherroads would be 200 m.He said minimum distance from sensitive places like hospital, touristspots, lakes, national monuments and national parks or wildlifesanctuaries or conservation reserves would be two km. He said the landrequired for each unit would be two acres. In future hot mix plant with thelatest technology of pollution control measures having fabric filter withreverse air cleaner based on the principle of reverse air cleaning or drydust collector (multi-cyclone) with multiple wet scrubbers would only beallowed. The elevators at loading section should be fully covered. Thereshould be buffer green belt facing road and abadi having width of 10 mwith a minimum of three rows of plants. The emission standards requiredto be achieved included suspended particular matter (mg or normal cubicm).He said any other emission standards prescribed by the Union Ministry ofEnvironment and Forest or Central Pollution Control Board or Haryana StatePollution Control Board in future would also be applicable.The hot mix plant should have the stack height of at least 25 m. Theexisting units that do not have the latest technology, as defined above,would have to provide the latest technology for air pollution controlmeasures within a period of two years. A notification to this effect hasbeen issued by the state government.Remove all structure of M/s. Shakeel Haider Engineers & Contractors -SHEC company hot-mix plant from Gram Panchyat Sarai Khatela land,

    owner along with all responsible be arrested, FIR be lodged u/s 120-B, 420IPC read with relevant sections. Administration failed to protect rules andregulations, violations should be a cognizable offense and non-bailable inlegal terms, amend legislation.Grievance is Registered with CM office vide Registration no.DCPLW/E/2010/00016 On 04-09-2010 against M/s. Shakeel HaiderEngineers & Contractors - SHEC company Hotmix plant which is workingwithout NOC of Haryana Pollution Control Board.Again seal broken and spoiling the environment, all concerned officials arebribed...............No action against offenders hot mix plant owner, Why????????????, where asNHAI and CPWD along with many other Govt. Department issued tenders

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    and payment for this SHEC company but they don't have information aboutcompany owners, Mathura and Panipat refineries issue bitumen withoutany inquiry and requirement, income tax and sales tax Department also indeep sleep, illegal work and payments, illegal stone dust and rori, hencethis big scandal be handed over to the CBI to expose all black sheep's inthe system.Till today SHEC illegal hotmix plant is running after breaking seals, afterFIR no arrest, Shame on concerned officials.It doesn't mean that after FIR for a crime , accused be allowed to repeatsame crime daily and Gram Panchyat Sarai Khatela also co-accused,responsible for leasing out gram panchyat land for illegal activities, samelease agreement may kindly be canceled at once.

  • 8/2/2019 Shri Rahul Gandhi blessed Hotmix Plant of SHEC spoiling environment in Haryana - Naresh Kadyan


    SignaturesName Location Date

    Social Service Siwana, Indiana, United States 2010-09-02

    Naresh Kadyan Rep. OIPA inIndia

    Delhi, India 2010-09-02

    Abhishek Kadyan Delhi, India 2010-09-02

    inez in 't Veld gouda, Wyoming, Netherlands 2010-09-02

    Paramveer Singh Sethi New Delhi, India 2010-09-02

    Lena Rehberger Grebenhain, Germany 2010-09-02

    Lee Rowell Richardson, Texas, United States 2010-09-02

    Salvador Patino Tempe, Arizona, United States 2010-09-02

    Kellie Smith Deering, New Hampshire, United States 2010-09-02

    kenneth knoppik boca raton, Florida, United States 2010-09-02

    Pilgrim G Hertford, United Kingdom 2010-09-02

    Chris Tarnofsky Jersey City, New Jersey, United States 2010-09-02

    Barbara McNamara Joppa, Maryland, United States 2010-09-02

    connor hocking annapolis, Maryland, United States 2010-09-02

    Darren Mitton Rome, Georgia, United States 2010-09-02

    Michele Mercer Casa Grande, Arizona, United States 2010-09-02

    Mervi Rantala Tampere, Finland 2010-09-02

    Echo G. Ashland, Ohio, United States 2010-09-02

    Bob Ramczyk Brown Deer, Wisconsin, United States 2010-09-02

    Melissa Wise San Diego, California, United States 2010-09-02

    Desirree Marlena Clonch-Huff Vale, North Carolina, United States 2010-09-02

    Julie van Niekerk South Africa, South Dakota, United States 2010-09-02

    laurie sudol clarkdale, Arizona, United States 2010-09-02

    Rajender Yadav New Delh, Idaho, United States 2010-09-03

    Paola Ghidotti Milano, Italy 2010-09-03

    heidi wollum goteborg, Alabama, Sweden 2010-09-03

    carmen vasile triuggio, District Of Columbia, Italy 2010-09-03

    Chris Drumright Murfreesboro, Tennessee, United States 2010-09-03

  • 8/2/2019 Shri Rahul Gandhi blessed Hotmix Plant of SHEC spoiling environment in Haryana - Naresh Kadyan


    Name Location Date

    Cristina Seica Anadia, Portugal 2010-09-03

    Dianne Berings Deurne, Belgium 2010-09-03

    chris beal louth, Texas, United States 2010-09-03

    Daniele Tranchant Castelsarrasin, Federated States of

    Micronesia, France


    Viktoria Misinszki Bacska Topolya, Serbia 2010-09-03

    Veronica Goddard Mansfield, United Kingdom 2010-09-03

    Anne Kirkwood Bradenton, Florida, United States 2010-09-03

    Dianne Hillier London, United Kingdom 2010-09-03

    Wendy Forster Manchester, United Kingdom 2010-09-03

    Chantal Buslot Hasselt, Belgium 2010-09-03

    Tanwi Sandelwood Onbekend, Nebraska, United States 2010-09-03

    elisabetta rossi savona, Alabama, Italy 2010-09-03

    Selva Iris Carnevale Villa Gobernador Galvez, Argentina 2010-09-03

    Andrea Dorazio ashburnham, Massachusetts, UnitedStates


    Penni Norman Des Moines, Iowa, United States 2010-09-03

    Chris McCabe Sandy, United Kingdom 2010-09-03

    Pam Johnson Lake Village, Indiana, United States 2010-09-03

    Peggy Acosta Womelsdorf, Pennsylvania, United States 2010-09-03

    Maria F. Verona, Italy 2010-09-03

    Lisa Koehl Brooklyn, Connecticut, United States 2010-09-03

    carlee trent springfield, Ohio, United States 2010-09-03

    Judy Penna Holiday, Florida, United States 2010-09-03

    Kurt Frees Cincinnati, Ohio, United States 2010-09-03

    Carl Nylund Grandview, Missouri, United States 2010-09-03

    Gaye Gamble La Quinta, California, United States 2010-09-03

    Sadia Caceres Hollywood, Florida, United States 2010-09-03

    Christy Hill Oshawa, Michigan, Canada 2010-09-03

    ARTURITU DE SIMONS MEXICO, Mexico 2010-09-03

    Susan Bell Las Vegas, Nevada, United States 2010-09-03

  • 8/2/2019 Shri Rahul Gandhi blessed Hotmix Plant of SHEC spoiling environment in Haryana - Naresh Kadyan


    Name Location Date

    Kelly Garriott Lampasas, Texas, United States 2010-09-03

    angela fazzari tucson, Arizona, United States 2010-09-03

    Ron Avila San Francisco, California, United States 2010-09-03

    Keth Luke New Port Richey, Florida, United States 2010-09-03

    Denise L. Fords, New Jersey, United States 2010-09-03

    jake wolfhart Peace Dude Capitan, New Mexico, United States 2010-09-03

    Timmi Sommer Dana Point, California, United States 2010-09-03

    Nick Hardy Clearwater, Florida, United States 2010-09-03

    Darlene Davis Garden City, Michigan, United States 2010-09-03

    Sue Schmmer Ulm, Delaware, United States 2010-09-03

    Anneke Hut Amersfoort, New York, Netherlands 2010-09-03james m nordlund Fargo, North Dakota, United States 2010-09-03

    annmarie devine burtonport co donegal, Ireland 2010-09-03

    Jamaka Petzak Glendale, California, United States 2010-09-03

    Bev Brewis Victoria, Canada 2010-09-03

    Bryan D. Freehling Lahaska, Pennsylvania, United States 2010-09-03

    Roxanna Musteata Tauranga, New Zealand 2010-09-03

    ebru mutevellioglu istanbul, Massachusetts, United States 2010-09-03

    Linda London-Burzynski Roswell, Georgia, United States 2010-09-03

    Stephanie Malara Carlsbad, New Mexico, United States 2010-09-03

    Deborah Outman Atlanta, Georgia, United States 2010-09-03

    Magdalena Mazurek Marco Island, Florida, United States 2010-09-03

    carole hagen warrenton, Oregon, United States 2010-09-03

    Valerie Hildebrand Winnipeg, MB., Canada 2010-09-03

    Ron Clark Willits, California, United States 2010-09-03

    sebastien vigne albi, France 2010-09-03

    Bobbie Murray Raleigh, North Carolina, United States 2010-09-03

    Julia Tawyea' Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania, United States 2010-09-03

    Tatiana Torres Bogota, Colombia 2010-09-03

    Sarah Apfel New York, New York, United States 2010-09-03

  • 8/2/2019 Shri Rahul Gandhi blessed Hotmix Plant of SHEC spoiling environment in Haryana - Naresh Kadyan


    Name Location Date

    Alejandra Vega Buenos Aires, Argentina 2010-09-03

    Mandi T. Saratoga, California, United States 2010-09-03

    Yasiu Kruszynski Chicago, Illinois, United States 2010-09-03

    Kathy Chad Lafayette, Indiana, United States 2010-09-04

    Theodore Spachidakis piraeus, Greece 2010-09-04

    Anne Holmberg Beaverton, Oregon, Denmark 2010-09-04

    Pam Fioretti Adelaide, Australia 2010-09-04

    Sarah Nelson Alloway, New Jersey, United States 2010-09-04

    darius dirzinskas london, United Kingdom 2010-09-04

    George Martin Loule, Portugal 2010-09-04

    Christianna Skoczek Kittery Point, Maine, United States 2010-09-04Carole Sarcinello Mosheim, Tennessee, United States 2010-09-04

    Rick Andersohn Santa Rosa, California, United States 2010-09-04

    Leslie Baker Fort Worth, Texas, United States 2010-09-04

    Kiona Tate Leitchfield, Kentucky, United States 2010-09-04

    Samantha L Chicago, Illinois, United States 2010-09-04

    amy cohen sanford, Florida, United States 2010-09-04

    Peter Scott Knox, Indiana, United States 2010-09-04

    joelle coudriou paris, Florida, France 2010-09-04

    Sherry Watts Petrolia, California, United States 2010-09-04

    Mackenna Carr Fayetteville, North Carolina, UnitedStates


    Gudrun Dennis Gainesville, Florida, United States 2010-09-04

    Nisa Bedwell Versailles, Kentucky, United States 2010-09-04

    Ruth Stevensen Kiel, Illinois, United States 2010-09-04sophia dalle nyc, New York, United States 2010-09-04

    Blue Ape With A Drum Plymouth, United Kingdom 2010-09-04

    Andi Drummond cumbria, United Kingdom 2010-09-04

    Lucy Wingate Atlanta, Georgia, United States 2010-09-04

    ellie luna Los Angeles, California, United States 2010-09-04

  • 8/2/2019 Shri Rahul Gandhi blessed Hotmix Plant of SHEC spoiling environment in Haryana - Naresh Kadyan


    Name Location Date

    Erin Kathleen Rocky Mountains, Colorado, UnitedStates


    Richard Hollister Tucson, Arizona, United States 2010-09-05

    Angie Starling Hickory, North Carolina, United States 2010-09-05

    Caleb Laieski Phoenix, Arizona, United States 2010-09-05

    Stephanie Phillips Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Korea, Republicof


    naoko idesawa tama,renkoji, Japan 2010-09-05

    Lori korunka mount olive, Illinois, United States 2010-09-05

    Pamylle Greinke Peconic, New York, United States 2010-09-05

    andrea steinke london, Alabama, United Kingdom 2010-09-05

    Katrin HelpsaveAnimals Sax., Germany 2010-09-05Susana Zamorano Barcelona, Spain 2010-09-05

    Nora Jones Newcastle, Australia 2010-09-05

    karen brozek OOB, Maine, United States 2010-09-05

    marissa abramovic Edenton, North Carolina, United States 2010-09-05

    David Parker Sherwood, Arkansas, United States 2010-09-05

    Yasmine Saad Gliwice - Poland, Italy 2010-09-06

    Antonio Amador Setubal, Portugal 2010-09-06

    cathala corine Pierrelatte, New York, France 2010-09-06

    Beth Stephens, Scott Stephensand Vicky Fuller, Our Family

    Stratford, Canada 2010-09-06

    Mike Moore Edinburgh, Alabama, United Kingdom 2010-09-06

    Kelly Cleveland Denver, Colorado, United States 2010-09-06

    Jacob Johnston florence, Massachusetts, United States 2010-09-06

    Mary Ann Smale Steuben, Maine, United States 2010-09-06

    laura raforth rochester, New York, United States 2010-09-06

    Nan Bongiovanni Carlsbad, California, United States 2010-09-07

    Jorgen Deman Menen, Belgium 2010-09-07

    OISHIMAYA SEN Kolkata, India 2010-09-07

    Beatrice Baxter Ilford, United Kingdom 2010-09-07

  • 8/2/2019 Shri Rahul Gandhi blessed Hotmix Plant of SHEC spoiling environment in Haryana - Naresh Kadyan


    Name Location Date

    Senay Altmann Recklinghausen, Delaware, Germany 2010-09-07

    Keith Bailey Evansville, Indiana, United States 2010-09-07

    Cristi Sturgill Mount Vernon, Kentucky, United States 2010-09-07

    Mike Schena parkcity, Illinois, United States 2010-09-08

    Terrie C. Williams Vidor, Texas, United States 2010-09-09

    Tom Maxwell Los Angeles, California, United States 2010-09-09

    annie choiniere longueuil, New York, United States 2010-09-09

    James Sullivan Chicago, Illinois, United States 2010-09-09

    Jezreel del Rosario Pacifica, California, United States 2010-09-09

    Andrew Heugel Brewster, New York, United States 2010-09-10

    Eric Ganong Oakville, Canada 2010-09-10Jamie Baughman Tigard, Oregon, United States 2010-09-10

    Levin Manabat Portland, Oregon, United States 2010-09-10

    pamlynn montgomery norcross, Georgia, United States 2010-09-10

    charles mclachlan none, Kansas, United Kingdom 2010-09-10

    Star Star Somersworth, New Hampshire, UnitedStates


    Jessie Humphrey Paulden, Arizona, United States 2010-09-11

    Christopher David Moore West Chester, Pennsylvania, UnitedStates


    Patrizia Scally Houston, Texas, United States 2010-09-11

    patricia myers ancramdale, New York, United States 2010-09-11

    Karen Tucker Pensacola, Florida, United States 2010-09-11

    Sharyn Hembree Atlanta, Georgia, United States 2010-09-11

    Liliana Dulgheroiu Constanta, Romania 2010-09-12

    Brent Bates westerville, Ohio, United States 2010-09-12

    Beth chaney galt, California, United States 2010-09-14

    Joe Park Portland, Oregon, United States 2010-09-14

    Stephen Greene Ellerbe, North Carolina, United States 2010-09-15

    Tamara Williams Charlotte, North Carolina, United States 2010-09-16

    Jean Greene Ellerbe, North Carolina, United States 2010-09-17

  • 8/2/2019 Shri Rahul Gandhi blessed Hotmix Plant of SHEC spoiling environment in Haryana - Naresh Kadyan


    Name Location Date

    ryan mckenzie apple valley, California, United States 2010-09-17

    Marta Correia Lisboa, Portugal 2010-09-18

    Bruce Combs Williamsburg, Virginia, United States 2010-09-18

    Natasha Leite de Moura Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2010-09-19

    Kimberly Tilley Pelham, New Hampshire, United States 2010-09-20

    Christiane Henker Cuxhaven, Alabama, Germany 2010-09-20

    Tierney Grinavic Huntingtown, Maryland, United States 2010-09-20

    Michelle Murray Prestwick, United Kingdom 2010-09-20

    Ginger Geronimo Birmingham, Alabama, United States 2010-09-23

    Scott Burbridge Takoma Park, Maryland, United States 2010-09-28

    Patrick Taylor San Francisco, California, United States 2010-10-02Eva Zaharieva Sofia, Bulgaria 2010-10-09

    Tanya Willis Lewes, Delaware, United States 2010-10-09

    Action for our Planet .com Ludlow, United Kingdom 2010-10-09

    LoVegan Loredana Versaci Torino, Italy 2010-10-11

    Yogesh Sangwan Sirsa, India 2010-10-12

    narender sihag ........, India 2010-10-15

    Judith Abel Basel, Switzerland 2010-10-17

    Kristy Mitchell Stephenville, Texas, United States 2010-10-18

    Elisabeth Kelly Washington, District Of Columbia, UnitedStates


    Caleb Laieski Phoenix, Arizona, United States 2010-10-21

    Ramona Thompson Birmingham, Alabama, United States 2010-10-24

    Jennifer Hall Greeneville, Tennessee, United States 2010-10-27

    Stephen Bross Boulder, Colorado, United States 2010-10-28Diana Ferreira Paos de Ferreira, Portugal 2010-10-30

    Paulo Magalhaes New York, New York, United States 2010-11-02

    SJ Champ Los Angeles, California, United States 2010-11-05

    Laura Broenink Amersfoort, New York, Netherlands 2010-11-07

    gerlinde palsingh vienna, Wyoming, United States 2010-11-09

  • 8/2/2019 Shri Rahul Gandhi blessed Hotmix Plant of SHEC spoiling environment in Haryana - Naresh Kadyan


    Name Location Date

    Sudershan Dhandharia Kolkatta, India 2010-11-13

    Edward Laurson Denver, Colorado, United States 2010-11-13

    Satvir S Chaudhry Panchkula, India 2010-11-14

    Doug Robinson Mashpee, Massachusetts, United States 2010-11-14

    Concerned Citizen New City, New York, United States 2010-11-17

    Nicole Weber Pasadena, Maryland, United States 2010-11-18

    Hege Marit Hostad Elnesvgen, Norway 2010-11-25

    Hannah H. Happy, Texas, United States 2010-11-25

    Amish Mehta ........, Indiana, United States 2010-11-27

    Brigitte Zlomek Vienna, California, Austria 2010-11-27

    Nationalspca Nepal Kathmandu, Nepal, Nepal 2010-11-28Mahesh Aggarwal Agra, India 2010-11-29

    Mary Hubbard Detroit, Michigan, United States 2010-11-29

    Rohit Ossum Dahiya Delhi, India 2010-11-29

    Dar Woo RDS, North Carolina, United States 2010-11-29

    Lori Kegler San Pedro, California, United States 2010-12-10

    Jim Mock Medford, Oregon, United States 2010-12-10

    DONNA MOCK MEDFORD, Oregon, United States 2010-12-10

    Maxi Mock Medford, Oregon, United States 2010-12-10

    James Walker janesville, Wisconsin, United States 2010-12-10

    patricia m lasek barneveld, New York, United States 2010-12-11

    Cia Jackson Aurora, Colorado, United States 2010-12-12

    Richard Tonsing Fair Oaks, California, United States 2010-12-13

    Susannah Kegler San pedro, California, United States 2010-12-13

    Pia Mustonen Tampere, Finland 2010-12-14

    Elisabeth Bechmann St. Plten, Austria 2010-12-14

    Andrea Oefinger Newtown, Connecticut, United States 2010-12-14

    Madhu Goyal New Delhi, India 2010-12-16

    Abhishek Kadyan Journalist Delhi, Indiana, India 2010-12-17

    Chase Gentry Old Hickory, Tennessee, United States 2010-12-19

  • 8/2/2019 Shri Rahul Gandhi blessed Hotmix Plant of SHEC spoiling environment in Haryana - Naresh Kadyan


    Name Location Date

    Edward S. Gault Berlin, Massachusetts, United States 2010-12-19

    David Tsosie Phx, Arizona, United States 2010-12-19

    Klaudio Negric Rijeka, Alaska, Croatia 2010-12-20

    Amanda Baldwin Mount Joy, Pennsylvania, United States 2010-12-22

    Caleb Laieski Phoenix, Arizona, United States 2010-12-23

    Sharda Kadyan Delhi, India 2010-12-26

    Amit Deol Sirohi, India 2010-12-27

    Judy Boone Forest Hill, Texas, United States 2010-12-28

    Alina Dolgin London, United Kingdom 2011-01-02

    Allegra Wong , Massachusetts, United States 2011-01-02

    Caleb Laieski Phoenix, Arizona, United States 2011-01-04Bill Craig Kempten, Germany 2011-01-08

    Andreia Capelo Funchal, Portugal 2011-01-11

    Cindy Brower Chicago, Illinois, United States 2011-01-12

    Brittany Brower Montgomery, Illinois, United States 2011-01-12

    Linda F. Alvarez Chicago, Illinois, United States 2011-01-12

    Dawn Edwards chicago, Illinois, United States 2011-01-13

    Cyndi Mears , Illinois, United States 2011-01-14

    Derek Waldmann Cincinnati, Ohio, United States 2011-01-15

    Erica Melamed , Florida, United States 2011-01-16

    paula b johnstown, Pennsylvania, United States 2011-01-18

    John Miller Bloomingdale, Illinois, United States 2011-01-20

    Carol Appel , California, United States 2011-01-28

    Kyle Hackmeister Williamsport, Pennsylvania, United States 2011-02-09

    Alan Francisco San Diego, California, United States 2011-02-24

    Lukas Martinelli Pleasant Hill, California, United States 2011-03-26

    Naresh Kadyan SecretaryGeneral

    Delhi, Indiana, United States 2011-03-30

    Tuesday Hoffman Carlisle, Pennsylvania, United States 2011-03-30

    Carol Ripley Hertford, United Kingdom 2011-04-09

  • 8/2/2019 Shri Rahul Gandhi blessed Hotmix Plant of SHEC spoiling environment in Haryana - Naresh Kadyan


    Name Location Date

    michele b burleigh, New Jersey, United States 2011-04-10

    lori weber johnson city, Tennessee, United States 2011-04-30

    Jon Spinac New York, New York, United States 2011-05-20

    Sergio Lopez Distrito Federal, Mexico 2011-06-23

    lisa salazar Foster City, California, United States 2011-06-30

    Naresh Kadyan Delhi, Indiana, United States 2011-07-16

    Naresh Kadyan, Representativeof OIPA in India

    Delhi, Indiana, United States 2011-07-16

    Sukanya Kadyan Delhi, India 2011-07-17

    emily drew Houghton, Washington, United States 2011-09-18

    Ryan Bradley Greenbelt, Maryland, United States 2011-10-01

    Delliana Ofthesea Manitou Springs, Colorado, United States 2011-10-07

    Deborah Shillam Keighley, United Kingdom 2011-10-25

    Becky Lambert Victoria, Canada 2011-11-11
