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Page 1: Short Cuts Keys of Excel

Shortcut Key Of Ms-Excel

Sr. No

Short Cut Keys Description

1 Ctrl + c Copy the selected cell

2 Ctrl +C, Immediately followed by another Ctrl +C

Display the office clipboard

3 Ctrl + X Cut the selected

4 Ctrl + V Paste the copied cells

5 Delete Clear the contents of the selected cells.

6 Ctrl + - (Minus) Delete the selected cell

7 Ctrl + + (Plus) Add the row or column

8 Ctrl + P, Ctrl + Shift +F12 Display the print dialog box

9 Arrow keys Move around the page when zoomed in

10 Page up or page down Move by one page when zoomed out

11 Ctrl +up arrow or Ctrl +Left Arrow Move to the first page when zoomed out.

12 Ctrl + Down Arrow or Ctrl +Right arrow

Move to the last page when zoomed out.

13 Shift +f11 or alt + Shift +F1 Insert a new a worksheet.

14 Ctrl + page down Move to the next sheet in the workbook.

15 Ctrl + page up Move to the previous sheet in the workbook.

16 Shift + Ctrl + Page up Select the current and previous sheet

17 Arrow keys Move one cell up, down, right and left

18 Home Move to the beginning of the row

19 Ctrl + Home Move to the beginning of the worksheet.

20 Ctrl + end Move to the last cell in the bottom – used

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Page 2: Short Cuts Keys of Excel


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