Page 1: Shield your house against fire at the time of purchase

Shield your house against fire at the time of purchase.

While you build or purchase a house you should check all the facility in the building in accordance to fire precaution code of the building.Maintaining a all the firestopping facilities and conducting yourself in accordance with the provisions of the fire code is the right and duty of both the residents and owners of apartments and houses.Few of the points to keep in mind are:

• Do Not exceed the maximum occupancy of the building.

• Maintaining proper fire exits and proper escape routes.

• Compliance with electrical codes to prevent overheating and ignition from electrical faults resolve problems like poor wire insulation or overloading wiring, conductors, or other fixtures.

• Placing and maintaining the proper type of fire extinguishers in easily approachable places.

• Properly storing, handling and usage of hazardous materials that may be needed inside the building for storage or operational requirements .

• Prohibiting flammable substances in certain risky areas of the apartment or house.

• Periodically inspecting and testing the buildings for violations, issuing Orders To Comply and, potentially, prosecuting or closing buildings that are not in compliance, until the deficiencies are corrected or condemning it in extreme cases.

• Maintaining a proper fire alarm systems for detection and warning of fire.

• Obtaining and maintaining a complete inventory report and documents of firestops for things like Mobile plant and equipment fire protection in the building and a factory near by.

• Checking periodically that the spray fireproofing remains undamaged.

• establishing a high level of training and awareness of occupants and users of the building for avoiding obvious mistakes, like the propping open of fire doors, smoking at wrong places.

• Conducting fire drills at regular intervals throughout the year.

• Children with matches and lighters in their hands can be deadly! Keep them away where children can't reach preferably in a locked area. Teach children that matches and lighters are "tools" and should only be used by adults.

After a fire emergency

A first aid in time minimizes the risk of life to half. Severely injured victims should be transported to professional medical help immediately. Should stay out of the damaged building. Stay away from the premises till fire authorities declare it's safe. Be vigilant If an appliance smokes or has an unusual smell, unplug it immediately and get it repaired.

Page 2: Shield your house against fire at the time of purchase

Replace frayed or cracked electrical cords and don't overload extension cords. Never tamper with the fuse box or use the improper size fuse.
