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Front cover photograph courtesy of Simon Wright at

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The support of the people from the city of Sheffield and its amazing sports facilities have helped me to develop into a world champion and I choose to train here because it offers me the best. My appetite for sport and competition first began in Sheffield when I took part in a school sports camp aged 10 at Don Valley Stadium. Sixteen years later I am still training at Don Valley Stadium and the surrounding sports facilities.

Since I began my athletics career I have been able to use the world class facilities and expertise this city has to offer for both my training and in competition. From running on the hills in and around the city, to working with advanced sports technology at English Institute of Sport Sheffield, I take full advantage of everything Sheffield has to offer for elite athletes. I cannot praise highly enough the facilities and support structures for sportsmen and women.

There’s a real ethic of excellence in Sheffield, which everyone who is involved in sport buys into. There’s no fuss; no hassle; just professionalism and an attention to detail that ensures everything runs smoothly for athletes and event managers.

I thoroughly recommend the Sheffield sport experience and I hope we will welcome you to our great city in the not too distant future.

Jessica Ennis (MBE)European and former world champion heptathlete

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WElcoME to ShEffiEld, UK

WE looK forWard to WElcoMing yoU to oUr city. ShEffiEld haS thE facilitiES and ExpEriEncE that MaKE grEat EvEntS poSSiBlE


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a history of sporting experience• Sheffieldhasplayedhost

to a wealth of prestigious events; 2012 ISU European Figure Skating Championships, 2011 FINA World Diving Series, ITTF Pro Series English Open Table Tennis Championships, ISU World Short Track Speed Skating Championships, LEN Champion Cup European Synchronised Swimming Championships, the UK Schools Games, FIE European Fencing Championships and many more.

• Sheffieldhasanenviablereputation for hosting training camps for elite athletes including Olympic US Diving Team, Olympic Brazillian Judo Team, Olympic Russian Rhythmic Gymnast Team, Paralympic Canadian Wheelchair basketball team.

• SheffieldishometoeliteGBHigh Performance Squads, including GB Volleyball, GB Table Tennis, GB Diving, England Athletics, British Judo, England Basketball and England Netball and many others.

a great locationOur central, easy to access location makes it easy to get here.

• 2hoursfromLondonbytrain• 50minutesfromManchester

by train• Airportscloseby,

Manchester airport only 48 miles away

• Excellentmotorwaylinks

the expertise and support you need• Expertisetohelpyoudeliver

your best event• Outstandingfacilities• Trackrecordof hosting

successful events• Excellentsportscience

support • Specialistaccommodation

support• 20yearsexpertisein

commercial legacy operations

• SheffieldHallamUniversityhave a trained volunteer student workforce for major sporting events

city life• Easytonavigatecityforthe

visitor• Affordablepublictransport• Largesttheatrecomplex

outside London• Awidevarietyof barsand


peak district• Britain’sfirstnationalpark• Onlyminutesfromthecity• Spectacularlandscape

SitUatEd in thE hEart of England, thE city of ShEffiEld iS thE pErfEct location for yoUr Sporting nEEdS. froM high profilE MaJor Sporting EvEntS to intErnational training caMpS, ShEffiEld haS ovEr 20 yEarS ExpEriEncE of hoSting athlEtES and tEaMS in oUr World claSS Sporting city. ShEffiEld haS Many advantagES that MaKE grEat Sporting EvEntS poSSiBlE


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highlightsThe world’s third largest figure skating competition came to England for the first time in 20 years in 2012. Nearly 200 of Europe’s finest skaters took part in the prestigious championship.

For four years Pond’s Forge International Sports Centre has hosted the FINA Diving World Series, a high profile competition for the world’s brightest diving stars.

In2011,over500Europeanablebodied and wheelchair fencers made Sheffield their home for over 8 days. The FIE European Fencing Championships are the largest and highest profile fencing event to take place in theUKforover50years.

In 2010, the ITTF Pro Series 65thEnglishOpenTableTennisInternational was voted the world’s best event by it’s peers at the World Championships in Moscow.

Expertise and supportA dedicated team, experienced in partnership, is ready to develop the best solutions for your event requirements.

• EventmanagementwithSheffield’s Major Sports Events Unit and Sheffield International Venues

• Sportscienceexpertisewithuniversity partners

• RiskmanagementwithSouthYorkshire Police

• VisitormanagementthroughMarketing Sheffield

relationships with key organisationsSheffield has long-term relationships with the organisations that make high profile sporting events possible.

• UKSport,whoinvest£4mayear to stage events of world and European status

• TheUK’sNationalGoverningBodies of Sport who are investing£1bnbetween2012-2017 to ensure the best facilities are in the right location

choice of elite sports trainingThe fact that Sheffield is home to four of the Great Britain national teams is testimony to the facilities and support on offer.

• Volleyball• Diving• TableTennis• Boxing

We have world class facilities within 1 km radius1. Don Valley International

Athletics Stadium2. English Institute of Sport

Sheffield3. Ponds Forge International

Sports Centre4. Sheffield Motorpoint Arena5. iceSheffield

SUccESSfUltracK rEcordthE city haS an iMprESSivE tracK rEcord for thE dElivEry of MaJor Sporting EvEntS

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200 ofEUropE’S finEStSKatErS tooK partin thE prEStigioUS chaMpionShip

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recent events• AVIVAIndoorTrials&UK

Championships 2010, 2011, 2012

• ITTFEnglishOpenTableTennis 2011

• EuropeanFencingChampionships July 2011

• BritishOpenParalympicsTable Tennis Sept 2011

• InternationalFutsal2011• EuropeanVolleyball

Qualifiers 2011 • UKSchoolGames2011• WorldSnooker

Championship Qualifiers 2011&2012

• WorldGoalBallChampionships 2010

thE EngliSh inStitUtE of Sport ShEffiEld iS thE coUntry’S MoSt iMprESSivE indoor MUlti SportS vEnUE.

it iS hoME to hEptathlon athlEtE JESSica EnniS, gB Boxing tEaM, vollEyBall and taBlE tEnniS tEaMS


“It’s great to be playing here at these fantastic facilities in Sheffield again, and with the GB team who always give us a great match! We are looking forward to the year ahead and these vital preparation games for the London 2012 Paralympic Games.”

paul Zachauhigh performance director, Wheelchair Basketball canada

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the venueEnglish Institute of Sport Sheffield has the following world class facilities:

• 6Lane200movalbankedathletics arena

• Performanceareasforeightof 26 olympic sports

• WorldSnookerAcademy• Tabletennishall• Multi-purposehall• Netballhall• Badmintonhall• 83Stationfitnesssuiteand

studioAn ethos of high sporting achievement runs throughout the venue with world-class athletes of several sports working together to improve their performances.


the sportsThe English Institute of Sport Sheffield is a dedicated national sport centre and home to a number of national governing bodies and the elite performance centres for British governing bodies including;

• BritishJudo• EnglandNetball• EnglandBasketball• BritishVolleyball• AmateurBoxingAssociation

of England• GBBoxing• BritishTableTennis

Federation • SouthYorkshireSport• EnglishInstituteof Sport

(Support Centre)• WorldSnookerAcademy• GBWheelchairBasketballIt regularly hosts international training camps and events in both Olympic and Paralympic sports.

Excellent supportThe English Institute of Sport Sheffield provides a full suite of world-class sport science services to elite athletes funded by the UK Sport world class performance programme.

• Physiotherapy• Strengthandconditioning• Nutrition• Psychology• Performanceanalysis• Performancelifestyle• FIAawardwinninghealth

and fitness facility

World claSS vEnUES

EngliSh inStitUtE of Sport ShEffiEld

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recent events• FINADivingWorldSeries,

watchedby5,000spectators• LENSynchronised

Swimming Champions Cup watchedbyover5,000spectators

• DSEBritishOpenParalympic Swimming Trials with swimmers from over 40 countries

• ETTANationalTableTennisChampionships

• 2012EnglishNationalKarateChampionships

• GBBasketballGames

the venue• 50metre,10laneOlympic

standard competition pool up to 3 metres in depth with movable floor and booms to create the ideal set up for any aquatics discipline

• Stateof theartLEDscoreboard

• Olympicstandarddivingpool with the addition of a new dry land training facility

• Leisurepool• ThreeFitnessSuites• InternationalSportsHallwith

double court semi sprung floor and full TV lighting

it iS a facility KEpt at thE cUtting EdgE of tEchnology. MoSt rEcEntly, a nEW WidEr SynchroniSEd diving platforM With SpEcialiSEd SportS SciEncE analySiS EqUipMEnt WaS BUilt in 2011 fUndEd By Sport England

Photograph courtesy ofSimon Wright at

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World claSS vEnUES

pondS forgEintErnationalSportS cEntrE

pondS forgE intErnational SportS cEntrE, locatEd at thE hEart of ShEffiEld city cEntrE, iS onE of thE prEMiEr aqUaticS vEnUES in thE UK and hoSt to Many EUropEan and intErnational EvEntS. thE vEnUE catErS for Both aqUatic and dry Sporting EvEntS, providing a profESSional SErvicE for coMpEtitorS and SpEctatorS aliKE

“Ponds Forge is a terrific facility. And after hosting the FINA Diving World Series for the last few years, Sheffield has proven it can handle the world’s best divers in competition so it made sense for me to bring the team here.”

Everyone loves the facilities at Ponds Forge and Dawn (Events Manager) is magnificent. Unlike similar venues, it’s much more than a training centre, it’s a competition venue.”

Steve foleyhigh performance director, USa diving

“The facilities in Sheffield are absolutely perfect, we have everything we need to dive here and more. Ponds Forge Internationals Sports Centre has the latest camera technology that we need to train.”

cesar castroBrazilian diver

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don vallEy StadiUM iS an intErnational athlEticS StadiUM offEring World claSS

Sporting facilitiES

don vallEy intErnational athlEticS StadiUM

World claSS vEnUES

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the venue• IAAFcertified8laneall

weather track with 10 sprint lanes

• Fullfieldfacilities• Onethrowcage• Twojavelinrunways• Polevault• Jumpsonhomeandback

straights• Extensiveindoorareafor

high jump, throws and poles• FullyequippedCVfitness

gym with free weights area• Electrictimingandresults

system• Mobilefieldevent


recent events• IAAF1and2GrandPrix• UKSchoolGames2011

don valley offers additional services• Officesavailableforhire• Medicalandphysiotherapy

facilities• Drug-testingfacilities

Heptathlete Jessica Ennis, who is from Sheffield, has resisted moving away because of the quality of facilities at the Don Valley Stadium and English Institute of Sport Sheffield. Jessica is keen to encourage teams to come to the city. She said: “I’ve been to other facilities around the country and I’d say the ones in Sheffield are the best.”

The stadium’s magnificent and unique architecture combines both modern amenities with international standard facilities and is a regular on the Grand Prix athletics calendar.

Sheffield is unique in offering high levels of athletics facility within such close proximity. Only two minutes drive from Don Valley Stadium is a permanent 200 metre indoor track at the English Institute of Sport Sheffield.

Substantial investment in the running track has ensured that Don Valley Stadium remains one of Europe’s major sporting arenas.

It is home to Rotherham United Football Team and the Sheffield Eagle’s Rugby League Team.

don vallEy intErnational athlEticS StadiUM

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recent achievementsThe ISU World Short Track Speed Skating Championships took place here in 2011.

The world’s third largest figure skating competition came to England for the first time in over 20 years as the ISU European Figure Skating Championships took place Sheffield. Nearly 200 of Europe’s best skaters from 40 countries, including many stars of the Winter Olympics, competed in men’s, ladies, pairs and dance couples disciplines in the prestigious championships.

Following the announcement, Keith Horton, Chief Executive of NISA, said: “We are very proud that we have been successful in our bid to host the European Figure Skating Championships in 2012. We have a commitment to bringing sporting events to

this country to show that the facilities available are up there with some of the best in the world.”

Over 10,000 people packed in to the Sheffield Motorpoint Arena to watch welterweight weight boxing, featuring local boxing hero Kell Brook. Promoter Eddie Hearn commented: “It was a fantastic night in Sheffield for Kell and British boxing and I had no hesitation in putting him on in the Arena again”.

The venue will host International Basketball Games as part of the GB Basketball training camp.

It is home to the most successful premier league British ice hockey team, the Sheffield Steelers.

Over 10,000 people packed in to the Sheffield Motorpoint Arena to watch welterweight boxing, featuring local boxing hero Kell Brook. Promoter Eddie Hearn commented: “It was a fantastic night in Sheffield for Kell and British boxing and I had no hesitation in putting him on in the Arena again”.

ShEffiEld Motorpoint arEna iS a MUlti-pUrpoSE indoor cEntrE offEring thE largESt EvEnt SpacE in thE city, With facilitiES to accoMModatE Up to 13,500 viSitorS

World claSS vEnUES

ShEffiEld Motorpoint arEna


the venue• 3,496.8sq.m(37,636sq.

feet) main area, (length 94m, width 37.2m) plus concourse

• Permanenticefloorandicehockey facilities

• Portablebasketballfloor• Four-sided7.5mwideby7m


• Graphicandvideocapabilities, public safety warnings

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SIV has established an international reputation for managing complex elite sporting and entertainment environments while championing community participation and sport development initiatives.

Venues are now fulfilling their true potential being transformed into profitable, successful and ever developing facilities with continual capital investment.

SIV provided and is providing the sporting legacy through its expertise for all, from the community to elite use.

Siv opEratES What haS BEcoME onE of thE

largESt concEntrationS of divErSE intErnational

and coMMUnity SportS and EntErtainMEnt

vEnUES in EUropE

ShEffiEld intErnationalvEnUES liMitEd

Siv haS crEatEd a laSting lEgacy for fUtUrE gEnErationS

– lEgacy ManagEMEnt –

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FINA World Diving Series at Ponds Forge International

Sports Centre


Photograph courtesy ofSimon Wright at

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World claSS vEnUEthiS olyMpic Standard tWin icE pad facility haS a hiStory of hoSting ElitE Sport, With figUrE SKating and icE hocKEy SqUadS BEing BaSEd at thE vEnUE iceShEffiEld18 SHEFFIELD WORLD CLASS SPORTING CITY

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The venue is flexible enough to convert overnight in to a 1,500seaterdrysportsvenue,capable of hosting combat sports, such as the British Judo Association’s national age groups, or as the ideal base for gymnastic sports, with a floor area of 60m x 30m.

It is home to ice hockey team, the Sheffield Ice Dogs.

recent events• BritishJudoChampionships• UKSchoolsGamesJudo

and Gymnastics • NISAAdultsChampionships• EIHANationalFinals

the venue• Builtin2003atacostof over

£15m• 2Olympicstandardicepads

/ rinks 60m x 30m• Performancerink(Pad1)has


“iceSheffield has a fantastic team with an excellent team spirit and the job is always completed professionally by all of them. Our events seem easy when we come to the venue because of the event team’s knowledge of our requirements. iceSheffield’s staff are always on hand when needed.”

James Sills, British Judo

“The UK is delivering the most comprehensive lead in programme of events ever staged by an Olympic and Paralympic host nation, and setting a new international benchmark for future hosts. The city of Sheffield continues to play an important role in UK Sport’s Lottery funded World Class Events Programme in preparation for the London Games.

“The calendar of events to be staged in Sheffield and other cities across the UK in 2011 offers the British public a great opportunity to help give our athletes, volunteers and officials the best possible final preparation for their home Games in 2012.”

liz nicholl, cEo of UK Sport


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We have one of the largest cohorts of sport students in the UK, studying courses such as sports development, coaching, management, science and much more.

Our sport courses are ranked amongst the best in the UK for their quality and employability prospects, and, our students gain real world employment experience with a range of placement year and internship opportunities, through our partnerships with other organisations.

We also support 36 Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS) athletes, one of the largest TASS programmes in the UK.

What can we offer? Unique volunteering programmeWe will supply almost 200 trained student volunteers to take up Press Operations roles at the London 2012 Games - more than any other UK university.

Paul Deighton, chair of LOCOG visited Sheffield Hallam in September 2011 and met with some of the volunteers. He said:

“This is the most significant partnership we have with any educational institution in the country by a long way. It’s fantastic for us because we get terrific people, who are highly motivated and very well trained.”

We provided students with a similar opportunity for the Beijing Olympics in 2008, and for the Delhi Commonwealth Games in 2010. We are looking to progress the programme with sport governing bodies as well as major sport events organisers elsewhere.

Sporting ExpErtiSE - ShEffiEld hallaM UnivErSity

acadEMy of Sport and phySical activityShEffiEld hallaM UnivErSity’S Brand nEW acadEMy of Sport and phySical activity intEgratES lEarning and tEaching With oUr intErnationally rEnoWnEd rESEarch cEntrES, Which arE World lEading in thEir fiEldS of Sport ExErciSE SciEncE, SportS EnginEEring, and SportS indUStry rESEarch. thiS coMpliMEntary pacKagE of high qUality lEarning With rESEarch and conSUltancy SErvicES gEnEratES ovEr £13Million in rEvEnUE

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gB volleyball CSES is currently providing GB Volleyball with sport science support and will be sending a support team to the Olympics to provide these services to squads throughout the Games. An agreement with the British Volleyball Federation means the team will work with them in the run up to the Rio Olympics in 2016.

ShEffiEld hallaM UnivErSity

oUr rESEarch and conSUltancy SErvicES- cEntrE for Sport and ExErciSE SciEncE (cSES)- cEntrE for Sport and EnginEEring rESEarch (cSEr)- Sport indUStry rESEarch cEntrE (Sirc)

gB table tennisThe team is also providing support to GB Table Tennis. Athletes from the men’s and women’s squads have been visiting the University regularly in the run-up to London 2012.

UK Sport innovation partner CSER is one of only four University Innovation Partners with UK Sport. As a result it’s working with more than 12 Olympic sports, and is supporting UK Olympic teams in the run-up to the Games. Teams that have received a range of technical support include GB Swimming, Diving, Boxing, Gymnastics, Cycling, Table Tennis, Snowboarding, Bobsleigh and more.

video capture-review systemsCSER has developed a number of custom video capture-review systems to support elite level coaching. Systems use high-speed cameras to record footage which is then transferred to hand-held devices such as ipods for immediate performance analysis.

Applications across several sports have been developed. The system developed specifically for boxing, iBoxer, won Best New Sports Technology at the MBNA Northern Sports Awards in 2011.

centre for Sport and Exercise Science (cSES) CSES boasts one of the largest physical activity and sport science portfolios of research expertise in the UK. It has a wide range of clients from the public and private sector, and operates across two main disciplines - physical activity/wellbeing, and performance enhancement. The centre’s facilities, equipment and staff are of the highest standard, and enable a multi-disciplinary team to deliver projects renowned for insight and innovation.

centre for Sport and Engineering research (cSEr)CSER is a world leading and award winning research centre focusing on developing a fundamental understanding of the sporting environment and the creation of innovative new technologies.

CSER undertakes research for a diverse range of partners, working with Adidas, the International Tennis Federation, Puma, Prince, and many more, on a range of sports engineering projects.

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ShEffiEld hallaM UnivErSity

Sport indUStry rESEarch cEntrE (Sirc)

Sirc USES appliEd EconoMic tEchniqUES to SolvE SpEcific rESEarch rEqUirEMEntS, and gEnEratES nEW KnoWlEdgE aBoUt thE Sport and lEiSUrE indUStriES. Sirc haS coMplEtEd rESEarch proJEctS for UK Sport and a rangE of othEr cliEntS acroSS thE indUStry

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Economic predictions researchSIRC recently undertook a research assignment on the economic impact of the Olympics on the sports industry. They found that the Olympics willhelptheUK’s£20.7bnsporting economy expand over the next three years, with the biggest winner being the sports clothing industry, which willriseby15percentto£5bnin2015.Theyalsosaythesports gambling industry could beworth£3.2bnby2015,anincrease of nearly six per cent. Over the last twenty years the sport industry has continued to take a greater share of national economic activity, the hosting of the Olympics will only accelerate this.

Working in partnershipinternational partnerships We have a partnership with the Russian International Olympic University and are forging relationships with other organisations in Russia in advance of the Winter Olympics in Sochi 2014.

olympic training campsWe have played a key part in the city hosting several international Olympic training camps for the USA, Brazil, Serbia and Canada national teams. We are able to provide sport science support as well as first class training facilities. The Brazil judo squad will return to the city in the summer.

“Our visit to Sheffield was very important for more detailed preparations for London next year. We felt very welcome from all areas - the Council, University and the hotel were all very helpful... This visit has been very positive.”

ney Wilsonperformance director of the Brazilian Judo Squad

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thE clinical practicE, EdUcation and rESEarch of SportS & ExErciSE MEdicinE in ShEffiEld iS WEll EStaBliShEd Within thE UnivErSity

of ShEffiEld, ShEffiEld hallaM UnivErSity, thE ShEffiEld tEaching hoSpitalS foUndation trUSt (Sthft) and at thE EngliSh inStitUtE of

Sport ShEffiEld


Photograph courtesy of Simon Wrightat

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Dr Simon Till, consultant physician in Sports and Exercise Medicine at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust (STHFT), heads a multi-disciplinary service providing medical care for athletes of all ages, abilities and sporting backgrounds.

STHFT also provides a full range of nationally recognised allied medical services to support the exercising individual including radiology, orthopaedics, spinal injuries and rehabilitation.

Sports Medicine support services are provided to the elite athlete programmes at the English Institute of Sport Sheffield by Dr Richard Higgins, Dr Simon Till and Dr Alistair Park.

Sheffield has 2 private hospitals which also provide a wide range of medical and surgical speciality care relevant to the athlete and exercising individual.



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With boutique hotels such as the Leopold, splendid 4-star hotels including Copthorne Hotel Sheffield and Mercure St Paul’s hotel and spa and all the big brands including Hilton, Novotel, Holiday Inn and Jurys Inn, we’ve the perfect accommodation for you.

Add to these an excellent mix of self-catering and university accommodation, we really can offer something to suit everyone’s taste. Marketing Sheffield’s friendly reservation team will be more than happy to discuss your needs.

Having successfully co-ordinated reservations for a number of major international events and training camps, Marketing Sheffield reservation team will be the main booking agency and point of contact for all your accommodation requirements.

The agency, working with all accommodation in Sheffield and the surrounding area, will ensure that the best possible rates are available.

getting here is easySheffield lies at the heart of the UK, making it quick and easy to access no matter where you travel from in the UK. With a great choice in travel options, you can tailor your plans to your budget to arrive at venues.

By roadThe UK’s major motorways – including M1, M62 and A1(M) – meet near the city and Sheffield is well served with excellent car parking facilities.

By trainSheffield mainline station provides fast direct links to London, Scotland and many regional towns. From Paris on Eurostar to Sheffield takes only 5hours.

By airRobin Hood Doncaster Sheffield Airport, the UK’s newest international airport, is a short drive away (40 mins) and is served by over 40 European and long haul destinations.

Leeds/Bradford Airport and Nottingham East Midlands also connect to many short and long haul destinations.

Manchester International Airport, one of the UK’s busiest airports is connected to Sheffield with regular direct trains.

Sheffield WElcoMES yoU

accoMModationWhatEvEr yoUr accoMModation nEEdS, thE MarKEting ShEffiEld rESErvationS tEaM arE hErE to hElp


London Birmingham Manchester Leeds Edinburgh Sheffield 165/265 90/144 40/64 33/53 250/402

London Birmingham Manchester Leeds Edinburgh Sheffield 2hrs07 1hrs12 0:50mins 0:42mins 4hrs02

distance by roads (miles/km)

distance by rail (hours)

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“Sheffield is a great city with great people and world class facilities. That is exactly what attracted us to coming here. Our head coach visited during the European Synchronised Swimming Championships, but we wanted to come back as it was so fantastic. In 2012, we want to be on the podium. It is great that we qualified so early for the Games. Now we can focus on our preparation.”

catherine gosselin-depresChief Executive Officer of canadian Synchronised Swimming


London Birmingham Manchester Leeds Edinburgh Sheffield 165/265 90/144 40/64 33/53 250/402

London Birmingham Manchester Leeds Edinburgh Sheffield 2hrs07 1hrs12 0:50mins 0:42mins 4hrs02

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city life - Sheffield City Centre offers plenty of bars and restaurants, set amongst award winning public spaces. The thriving local music scene provides a great soundtrack to proceedings. Or, if you fancy something more traditional, Sheffield is home to award winning real ale pubs.

cultural life - The Crucible – one of the UK’s most explosive regional theatres, isbackinlightsaftera£15mrefurbishments. Critics are talking about the exciting programme planned. The Crucible is also known for hosting the World Snooker Championship for the past 30 years.

public life - Sheffield’s iconic Winter Garden provides a tranquil city centre chill out zone. On sunny days the Peace Gardens captures the Sheffield spirit in a nutshell, everybody out and about and enjoying themselves.

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“I have had a warm welcome into Sheffield from the Chinese community here, and the rest of the city. It is great to be in such a friendly new city playing the sport that I love.”

hao pengchinese table tennis player

“I moved here to use the high class facilities. There’s also plenty to do in between training, which is important for athletes.”

leon taylor olympic silver medallist diver

country life - Sheffield, England’s fourth largest city has a third of its boundary in the second most visited National Park in the world. With the Peak District on our doorstep visitors will be drawn to Chatsworth House, one of the UK’s most stunning stately homes and the surrounding villages.

Sheffield lifEfood life - Find local produce on your menu or dishes from around the world. Get your sushi fix on London Road, your burrito to go in the city centre or experience the new face of English cuisine at the Milestone.

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World Short Track Speed Skating Championships at Motorpoint Arena,

Sheffield UK

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Coming Soon …

Sheffield is about to receive a £10M capital grant from the Government to invest in new and enhanced sports facilities as part of the UK’s post 2012 Games Legacy. The details are in the early planning stages.

For all your major sports events enquiries please contact:Gary Clifton Sheffield Major Sports Events and 2012 Programme Manager2-10 Carbrook Hall RoadSheffield S9 2DBtel: 00 44 (0) 114 273 6681email: [email protected]/sport


Marketing Sheffield
