Page 1: Sharon Lutheran Church Saturday, November 7th 10:00am to … our commitment to Christ and Christ’s church are more important


Sharon Lutheran



Lefse Baked goods


Sharon Lutheran Church

Saturday, November 7th

10:00am to 1:00pm

Thanksgiving Eve Worship Wednesday, Nov. 25

6:15pm Celebration Hall

Following worship, attend Sharon Lutheran’s

7th Annual Ice Cream Social

compliments of Sharon’s Staff.

Page 2: Sharon Lutheran Church Saturday, November 7th 10:00am to … our commitment to Christ and Christ’s church are more important

Dear Friends,

I recently had the opportunity to visit with some visiting

college students from Shanghai, China. They attended one of

our worship services and were surprised at the style of worship,

especially the audio visuals that were used, and the number of

people who came to worship. “Do people really come regularly

to worship?” they asked. “Yes,” I replied, “many of them do.”

In order to understand their question, I asked about Christian

worship in Shanghai. “Churches are mostly for tourists,” they

said. The same was generally true for Buddhist temples. Often

ornate in design, they are primarily visited by tourists.

I was taken aback a bit by their words. I know that there are

places in China where the church is alive and well and thriving,

but the general perception of these students was that religion

has a very minor place, if at all, in people’s lives in China. “I

went to church at Christmas and there was just some reading.

It was boring,” one student said.

We find that in our society religion is on the decline. Church

membership and attendance is on the decline in most major

denominations of our country. The “nones” – those that claim

no church affiliation, are on the rise. It doesn’t require much of

a stretch of the imagination to see the place of religion in our

society mimicking that of China.

Whereas many of us grew up with the church as the bedrock

of our homes and communities, that is no longer the case. One

doesn’t make the assumption as displayed through the media and

the entertainment industry that people will worship or even take

their faith seriously. In fact, the assumption is the opposite.

So what is our response? If we indeed believe that the faith is

important to us, that the gospel message is core to our lives,

then it behooves us to take that seriously and to dedicate our

lives to that principle. Worship attendance is vital, not only in

renewing our faith and being supported by the Christian commu-

nity, but in declaring to our world that the church is still relevant

and vitally important to us and we’re not going to let it slip away

to be a memory of the past. To be grounded in the faith means

that our commitment to Christ and Christ’s church are more

important now than ever.

Thanksgiving is a time we stop and thank God for our many

blessings. This Thanksgiving take time to give thanks to God

for the blessing of the Church. Then commit yourself to greater

involvement in the Church and the Means of Grace (Word and

Sacrament). Make a statement through your life that your faith

is an important and active component of your identity.

Pastor John

Invitation to Serve


“It is more blessed to give than to

receive.” –Acts 20:35

What a privilege to receive the gift

of God’s grace in Holy Communion

each week! Those who have had the

opportunity to serve communion

also know what a privilege it is to

offer that gift to others. If you’ve

never tried it, or if it’s been a while,

would you consider serving bread or

juice, or holding a basket? You can

pickup a communion server card

with detailed instructions at each

entrance, and please ask for help if

you need it! Any seasoned server

or other worship leader would be

happy to show you the ropes.

Please join the

Board of Properties in

Decorating the church for the

Christmas season.

Monday, Nov. 23rd at 6:00pm

Meet in the narthex.

All are welcome! All are needed!

Page 3: Sharon Lutheran Church Saturday, November 7th 10:00am to … our commitment to Christ and Christ’s church are more important

Sharon Lutheran Book Group Tuesday, Nov. 3rd at 7 p.m.

Rose of Sharon Lounge

Anyone is welcome to join us on the first Tuesday of the month in the Rose of Sharon Lounge at 7pm.

Nov 3—The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck A classic story of Wang Lung, a Chinese peasant farmer, and his wife, O-lan, a former slave. With luck and hard work, the couple’s fortunes improve over the years. This powerful and beautifully written fable reso-nates with universal themes of hope and family unity.

Dec 1—Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri Nouwen In seizing the inspiration that came to him through Rembrandt's depiction of the powerful Gospel story, Henri Nouwen probes the several movements of the parable: the younger son's return, the father's restoration of sonship, the elder son's vengefulness, and the father's compassion. The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming is a spiritual adventure story.

We read a little of everything! Contact Shannon Hansen if you have any questions 218-779-6909.

Faith in Film Friday, November 20

Come join us for food, fellowship, and a film! Faith

in Film is for anyone 18 or older who enjoys a good

movie and enlightening discussion. Our next meet-

ing will be November 20. Depending on the movies

that are currently showing, we will meet at River Cinema in East Grand

Forks or at the church. Watch the November bulletins and emails for more

detailed information. If you are interested in joining this group, but cannot

come to the November gathering—or if you simply want more details—

contact Bruce or Cheryl Nyhlen. We’ll get you on our email list.

([email protected] 218-779-1240 or [email protected] 218-779-0247)


Friday, Nov. 13th

The Golden Age Club will meet

again on Friday, November 13th,

at 2:00 PM in the South Hall.

We’ll enjoy a portrayal by Ruby

Grove of M. Beatrice Johnstone,

who, in 1912, became the super-

intendent of Grand Forks Public

Schools. She had a long and dis-

tinguished teaching career in the

Grand Forks area and started the

county health nurse program.

Following that presentation, we’ll

enjoy some goodies prepared by

Sharla and Mark Thompson and

Kathy and Ken Johnson. Invite a

friend or two and come for a fun


Sunday, Nov. 8th 3:30pm-5:30pm

Sharon Lutheran

Ice cream floats!

Friends of Ethiopia Reads invites you to

“Stirring It Up” with American Girl Authors

Mary Casanova and Jane Kurtz at Sharon Lutheran Church

This fundraiser for Ethiopia Reads

will have lots of American Girl fun and a raffle for the American Girl Doll of the Year,


Bakers from O’ for Heaven’s Cakes

will help attendees decorate cupcakes.

Norwex products will be available for purchase with all

proceeds going to help Ethiopia Reads.

Make a better future for Ethiopia through literacy.

Questions? Contact Mary Adams at 701-739-5520.

Page 4: Sharon Lutheran Church Saturday, November 7th 10:00am to … our commitment to Christ and Christ’s church are more important

Bible Study Opportunities


This weekly Bible Study with Pastor John delves into

the Bible for study and discussion. The format for

our fall study will include a look at the appointed

scripture readings for the coming week. It will be an

opportunity to become familiar with these texts be-

fore they are read in worship and to recognize the

themes that are presented in our weekly lectionary

readings. We may even raise insights that will weave

their way into the sermon for the coming week!

Everyone is welcome to join in the study (even if you

weren’t part of a Wednesday study before). The

hour-long study begins at 9:45 AM each Wednesday

in the South Hall. The coffee pot is always on and

quite often snacks make their way into the room as

well. Come and be renewed by our biblical study!

Men’s Study Tuesday, November 24

All men are invited to join the Men’s Study which

normally meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of

each month at 7:00pm in the church lounge. In the

month of November, because of a conflict which

takes Pastor John out of town on the 10th, we will be

meeting on the 24th. We’ll be studying some familiar

Old Testament stories and have some background

information laid out for us by Terry Fretheim, one of

the great Old Testament scholars from Luther Semi-

nary in St. Paul, MN. His video presentation will lead

to some great discussion on these Old Testament

stories. All men are invited and encouraged to come

for these one-hour sessions facilitated by Pastor John.

Come and be supported and encouraged by other

men as we grow in the faith!

Faith Formation: Learning In Faith Together


Plan to take advantage of a Faith Formation opportunity for adults on Sunday mornings at 10:23am in the Sanctuary, L.I.F.T – Learning In Faith

Together. The pastors will be the leaders of these ses-sions, and will give more insights and background on the text that was preached on during worship. This year, sermons will focus on Old Testament stories, the same stories our youth are learning about in confirmation. For November:

Nov 1-The Story of Joseph-Pastor Lynn

Nov 8-Birth and Early Life of Moses-Pastor John

Nov 15-Crossing the Red Sea-Pastor Roger

Nov 22-Abundance-Pastor Lynn

Nov 29-NO L.I.F.T.

So plan to come as often as you are able at 10:23 and learn more about our history as Christians from the stories of the Old Testament. Take this time to grow in faith!

Interested in joining a Circle Bible Study monthly meeting?

Call Jan @ 746-6440 for more information.

Rachel Circle Nov. 17th


Remember to check out

the Kiosk by the office for

news & opportunities for

Sharon Women

Hannah Circle Nov. 23rd 7:00pm at

Parkwood Place

Mary-Martha Circle Nov. 17th

9:00am at the church

Adult Study on Genesis

In conjunction with our goal to support our confir-

mation students in their study of the Old Testament,

an adult study on the book of Genesis is underway

on Sunday afternoons at 3:45 pm. This nine-week

course, facilitated by Pastor John, incorporates video

introductions by Terry Fretheim, one of the es-

teemed Old Testament scholars from Luther Semi-

nary in St. Paul, MN. Even if you haven’t attended

the first three sessions in September, you are still

welcome to join the class at any point. The one-

hour class is held in the church lounge. All are

welcome to attend.

Page 5: Sharon Lutheran Church Saturday, November 7th 10:00am to … our commitment to Christ and Christ’s church are more important

By God’s Grace~

Created to Worship,

Called to Teach,

Committed to Serve

It’s Time!

Faithfully Fit Forever

Do you want to get in shape and in-

crease your flexibility? Come and join

us at Faithfully Fit Forever. We meet

Monday and Wednesday mornings

from 8:30-9:30am in the lower level

activity area of the church. All are

welcome to attend this non-denominational faith

based exercise, devotion, and health education pro-

gram. Faithfully Fit is a low-impact aerobics pro-

gram which includes aerobics, strength training with

hand weights or stretch bands, cool down and

stretching, and ends with devotions. Please bring a

water bottle!

This program is FREE and sponsored by the Health

Ministries program. People from other churches

are welcome to attend. You can sign up by calling

Sherryl at 701-739-0087 or call the church office.

“Welcome to Baptism” Orientation

If you are planning a baptism in your family, plan to come to

a one-hour orientation called “Welcome to Baptism”

Sunday, Nov. 8 at 2:30pm in the church lounge.

Please enter through door #1.

To register for the class, please call the church office

by Friday before the class at 772-3122;

email the church office at [email protected];

or speak to one of the pastors.

Sponsors are welcome to come in addition to parents.

The class is designed to help answer questions about baptism, including:

What is baptism? When should baptism occur?

What is my role as a parent, sponsor, or family

member of the baptized?

If you have any questions about this class, please speak

to one of the pastors.


In Memory of: Rose Marie Monteith, by Mona Leake;

Todd Steinke, by Ardell, Fern & Linda Bunde, Dick & Bev

Walsh; Jeanette Anderson, by Lyle Anderson; Lolly

Wohlfeil, by Michael Wohlfeil; Donald Hemmingsen,

by Pete & Carolyn Tunseth; Yvonne Gilbertson, by Bob

Gilbertson; Edward Holzer, by KC & Linda Inman


10-11-15 Kinley Rae Thorpe, child of Kelsey & Tyler Thorpe

10-11-15 Ella Rae Peterson, child of Tammy & Shawn Peterson

10-18-15 Lennox Jon Kearns, child of Nikki & Jon Kearns

10-18-15 Quinn RaeAnn Halley, child of Kayce & Gabe Halley

MARRIAGES 10-3-15 Shawn Rosaasen & Haley Desjarlais


Kairos is a Greek word that means time. It is not a spe-

cific time, like 3:00 p.m. or October 19. Kairos time is

the “right” time, when the opportunity to do something is

ripe, when things are in order and it is now “the time”.

The time to rake the leaves is kairos time. The time to

put on a heavier jacket is kairos time. The time to visit a

family member is kairos time. Kairos time is not a specif-

ic time, but rather, in light of present circumstances it is

the time to do something.

We are in such a time at Sharon. With new leadership

in Faith Formation as well as calling another pastor and

the changing culture of church membership and activity

in our country, it is the right time to ask, “Who are we?”

“What are we called to do?” “What are our strengths?”

“What do we need to pay more attention to?” “What

would we like to see through Sharon’s ministry?” By

asking such questions, we can plan a path for our future

that is based on good information and that follows our

passion for as well as the need for ministry.

Kairos is a Christian organization that helps congregations

find answers to such questions, as well as a great deal of

other information. The Executive Committee and Parish

Planning Council have had presentations from a repre-

sentative of Kairos, and feel this would be a good thing

for Sharon to do. The information we would receive

would give us a good picture of our strengths, our inter-

ests, our desires, our energy and our health as a congre-

gation. It can help us decide the best direction to take in

our ministry based on what we find out about who we

are and what needs we see as we plan our future.

The cost of engaging Kairos for all they would do with

us is about $15,000. However, we have one generous

family that has pledged to give half of the cost, as well as

another family that has given $1000 for it. If you would

be willing to support this work financially and would con-

sider making a gift to help us with this endeavor, it would

be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please

talk to Pastor Lynn.

More information about Kairos and your part in this

work will be coming, so watch for it in bulletins and

newsletters. If you have questions, please feel free to

talk with the pastors or PPC members. Thank you for

your help and support of this important opportunity!

This is an exciting and important time for Sharon – it is a

Kairos Time!

Page 6: Sharon Lutheran Church Saturday, November 7th 10:00am to … our commitment to Christ and Christ’s church are more important

Noisy Offering Wed., Nov. 25th & Sun., Nov. 29th

November Noisy Offering will be donated to Bags of Blessing for the Northlands Rescue Mission. Items will be purchased and placed backpacks and duffle bags and then delivered to the Mission in time for Christmas.

Opportunities Church in Society

Northlands Rescue Mission is currently in need of the following

full size items: ~Men’s body wash ~Shampoo ~Toothpaste

~Medicated foot powder ~Lotion

~Hair brushes

You may place your items on the shelves in

the narthex by the Contemporary Hall door.

Thank you!

Kid’s Plus

Backpack Program

Think of what your child eats dur-ing one weekend. Now imagine that when they went to the cup-boards or refrigerator there was no food. This is how it is for over 500 kids in 4 Grand Forks schools.

We need people from 6pm-8pm the first Monday of each month to help pack food items in a plastic bag, for hungry kids.

Go to: and click on

“Sign up Genius”

Please help these kids to get the food they need.

Thank you!

Be a Salvation Army Bell Ringer!

Soon it will be time to ring the bell to collect money for the Salvation army. When you hear

the bell ringing, it’s a reminder that Christmas and the birth of Jesus are not far away. It’s also a

reminder that there are families in our area that are struggling to make ends meet.

Sharon Lutheran is again providing volunteers to ring the bell. We will be in the Columbia Mall

in front of Macy's. We have 2 days we will be ringing the bell: Saturday, November 28th and

Thursday, December 10th. The times for both days will be 10am-8pm. We ask for two peo-

ple to ring the bell for a 2 hour time slot. We ask for 10 people total for each day.

Sponsored by the Board of Church in Society

Flu season is right around the

Corner .

WelCore Health is ready to help you protect you and your families against

the influenza virus.

Flu seasons are unpredictable, can be severe, and can begin

as early as October and last as late as May. The best way to

prevent the flu is by getting a flu vaccine each year.

Sharon Lutheran will host a voluntary Flu Shot Clinic on

Sat. Nov. 7, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. during our annual Bazaar.

WelCore will process insurance paperwork for you, so

please be sure to bring your insurance card! The fee is $56

for an injection and $59 for FluMist.

Sunday, November 8, 2015 is our Sharon Lutheran Church Mission

Fair. We encourage all of you to "Grow In Faith Together" and find

where your unique gifts and talents fit with the needs of agencies in our

community. By God's Grace we are Created to Worship, Called to

Teach, Committed to Serve. We have invited 20 agencies and charities

from our community to share their stories with us. Have you ever

wondered what you can do to make someone's life better? Do you

have skills, abilities, or knowledge that can be put to use in a positive way right here in Grand Forks?

Please stop by and visit with the representatives from our community to see where your special gifts

may be used. There are many opportunities for service, and we challenge you to seek them out to

make a difference! Sponsored by the Board of Church in Society

Page 7: Sharon Lutheran Church Saturday, November 7th 10:00am to … our commitment to Christ and Christ’s church are more important


Are you unable to attend church because of a health reason or disability? The Health Ministry Team

provides rides through Grand Forks Taxi/Nodak Taxi. Call the church office for more

information. The funds are running low in the Transportation Ministry Program at

Sharon Lutheran Church. This program is dependent on your congregational

donations. Please consider sending a contribution so that we can keep this

important ministry going. Thank you.

Hand-Up Program

The Health Ministry Team sponsors a Hand-

Up Program. What will this look like for

Sharon Lutheran Church? We know that

there are some members of our congregation

that sometimes need a little help with the

expenses of daily life. Maybe it is food for the

family this week, a new pair of shoes for the

kids or a tank of gas to get to work. Most

likely, we have all been there sometime

during our life. So, when we can, we would

like to offer our fellow friends at Sharon a

“Hand-Up”. The Health Ministry Team relies

solely on congregational support. We do

not have a designated church budget. We

would appreciate your support in either of

two ways – a $20 gift card from a gas station,

grocery store or retail store or a family

donation. Please leave your gift cards and/or

donations in the church office. Please desig-

nate for the Health Ministry Team Hand-Up

Program. The Pastors will confidentially

work with members of our congregation that

need this support

during the year.

Thank you for your

help. We make a

difference during a

friends stressful time.

Friend to Friend Ministry

Are you going through a life changing event? Having someone to talk to who has wisdom and experience to share can be a life saver to the person who is feeling overwhelmed by a new diagnosis or serious life changing event. Some examples are: a new diagnosis of cancer, diabetes, MS, heart disease, mental illness, stroke, paralysis; loss of a job, parent entering a Nursing Home, and the list can go on and on.

If you would like more information please con-tact the church office.

He a lt h M i ni s tr i e s

Health Ministry Team Members

The Health Ministry Team is looking for

new members. It is the goal of the team to

support a variety of activities that focus on the

emotional, physical and spiritual health of the

congregation. Some of our activities include:

Care Basket Ministry, Hand-Up Program,

Congregational Potlucks, Safe Kids Sunday, Un-

dies Sundays, Faithfully Fit, Care of the Church

Plants. Please consider joining our team. For

more information, please email Cindy Siders at:

[email protected].

-Care Baskets –

The Health Ministry Team has created Care

Baskets for members of Sharon Lutheran that are

experiencing significant health conditions. If you

know someone that would enjoy a Care Basket

(with their permission) please call the church office.

Page 8: Sharon Lutheran Church Saturday, November 7th 10:00am to … our commitment to Christ and Christ’s church are more important



Middle School Ministries

We are having a blast at 4G every Wednes-

day night! On a recent 4G night, we played

a version of Tag in which

everyone was “it” and no one was ever

“out”. Everyone played from the

beginning of the game until the end - quite a

bit different from the normal game and dif-

ferent from how we feel in life sometimes.

Every week, no matter what we have

planned, our middle schoolers can come

and be themselves.

It is such a gift to be able to tell our

students that we have a place for them here

at Sharon and that they belong - in this

church building, to each other, and to God.

In a world and a context where “fitting in”

can be hard, it is such an

Confirmation Day

48 students affirmed their baptism

during Confirmation services last month.

These 11th graders spent four years in Con-

firmation instruction (Old Testament, New

Testament, Small Catechism, and Lutheran

Living) and a fifth year with an adult mentor,

growing in faith together and participating

in a wide range of

activities. Over the past several months,

these students took part in a faith

conversation, selected a meaningful Bible

verse, and created the stoles that they wore

during their Confirmation service. We wel-

come these Confirmands as adult members

of our congregation, and we look forward to

partnering in ministry together. May God

continue to bless these students and their

Dear families,

As I write this, I have served as the Director of Faith Formation Ministries at

Sharon Lutheran Church for just under three months. During that time, I have

learned so much about areas of education and youth activities in our congregation

that I was not very familiar with. I have learned to delegate to Megan Rowell and

Hannah Senescall, two important team members who deserve so much credit for a

successful start to our program year. Most importantly, I have learned how to ask

for help when I simply don’t have enough hours in the day to get to everything on

the calendar.

And when I have asked for help, you have all responded, in so many ways!

I appreciate the outpouring of support and encouragement that you have shown me.

I give thanks for the members of the Boards of Youth and Education who have

gone above and beyond to care for the ministries here. I am humbled and honored

to serve alongside our pastors and staff, who have allowed me to grow and make

mistakes. I am grateful for countless volunteers, church school teachers, principals,

music leaders, Confirmation guides, and adult leaders who have been a vital part of

Faith Formation Ministries here at Sharon.

Most importantly, I give thanks to God, who claims us and calls us. We are

continually being made new in the waters of our baptism. We love because God

first loved us. We pass on the faith, even as we ourselves are learning how to be

lifelong followers of Jesus. We know that the Holy Spirit fills our worship spaces,

classrooms, hallways, and all of us, igniting us for mission and service in our

church, in our community, and in the world.

Blessings and peace, Dave Berger

A la Carte A special meal deal

for busy families!

Are you having a hard time trying to

figure out what to make for dinner on

those busy Wednesday nights? Come

and enjoy a meal right here at church.

Our A la Carte meal is designed for

families and individuals who are on the

go. The following items will always be

available for purchase: peanut butter

and jelly sandwiches, chips, apples,

carrots & ranch, candy, milk, and pop.

On a rotating basis, we will also offer

sloppy joes, pizza by the slice, pulled

pork, and taco in a bag.

Food is served from

5:00 - 6:30 p.m.

in South Hall November Menu

November 4 ~ Pizza

November 11 ~ NO A la Carte

November 18 ~ Taco in a Bag

November 25 ~ NO A la Carte

Join Us!

… Much more

info inside!

NOVEMBER 2015 News


Page 9: Sharon Lutheran Church Saturday, November 7th 10:00am to … our commitment to Christ and Christ’s church are more important



It’s time for 3-4-5 ALIVE!

A weekly program for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders to gather

together in community for Bible learning fun

through stories, games, food, and friends.

We meet on Sunday afternoons from 3:45-4:45 p.m.

in the “Living Room” (lower level youth room).

Join us and be part of 3-4-5 ALIVE! Friends are always welcome!

3-4-5 Alive! will meet on

November 1st, 8th, 15th, & 22nd!


Sharon Lutheran Giving Tree: Sponsored by Faith Formation Ministries

Once again this year we are adopting area families in need. At the end of November, please stop by the tree in the Narthex and follow the directions you find there. Family names have been provided to us through Red River Valley Community Action. Thank you in advance for your generosity to those in need.

*Choose an ornament *Purchase gift as stated on ornament *Wrap gift *Attach ornament


Shine! is our weekly music

ministry for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grad-ers. Shine! meets in the choir room on Wednesdays from

5:15-5:45 p.m. No registration is needed.

We look forward to seeing you there!


By Grace is our music and drama ministry for

6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Rehearsal days/times will vary throughout the year.

Please contact Dave Berger at 701.772.3122 if you are interested in being

a part of By Grace!

BRIGHT LIGHTS! Bright Lights is our weekly music

ministry for kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd graders. Bright Lights

meets in the choir room on Wednesdays from 4:45-5:15 p.m.

No registration is needed.

We look forward to seeing you there!


All students


Grade must

be dropped

off directly at their class-

room and picked up

again directly from the

classroom. Student this

age will not be dismissed

from class without a

parent or older sibling.

Parents should notify

their child’s teacher if

someone other then

themselves will be

picking up their child.

Church school students should have received

offering information in their classrooms. If your

child did not bring home this information, please ask

their teacher or stop by the Faith Formation Offices.

Weekly offering is just one of the ways children learn

to share their blessings with others. 50% of all the

monies collected in November and December will be

shared with Northlands Rescue Mission, Salvation

Army, and St. Joseph’s Food Pantry.

These agencies provide food to peo-

ple in the Greater Grand Forks area

who are less fortunate. Thank you in

advance for your generosity!

Attention, church

school families:

During the

first week of

December, you will

receive more

information about

our upcoming Christmas programs.

We look forward to the season of

Advent and eagerly await sharing

the story of Jesus’ birth with

your families and with the

entire congregation.

Page 10: Sharon Lutheran Church Saturday, November 7th 10:00am to … our commitment to Christ and Christ’s church are more important


The CROP Walk was a great success again

this year. We enjoyed great weather, had a

fun time, and raised almost $3000 to help end hunger!

Thank you for

ordering wreaths

and supporting

middle school

and high school

mission trips at

Sharon Lutheran



Wednesday, November 25th

Sunday, November 29th

Wednesday, December 2nd


4G is a weekly gath-

ering of young people in grades 6-8 on Wednesdays from 8:15 - 9:00 p.m. in the youth room (lower lev-el). We will play games, eat, have fun, and grapple with questions middle schoolers ask about family, friends, and faith. Bring your friends and take the 4G Challenge!!

November 4G Schedule:

November 4

Confirmation Notes...

Confirmation continues to meet weekly

on Wednesday nights from 7:15 - 8:15 p.m.

(November 4th and 18th)

Wednesday, November 11th

No Confirmation - Veterans Day

Wednesday, November 25th

No Confirmation - Thanksgiving

We’re continuing to get ready for next summer’s mission trip!

REMINDER: Our next student meeting

for those joining us in St. Paul will be

Sunday, November 8th

at 11:45 a.m. in the Living Room.

Parents, please join us at 12:30 p.m.

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High school mission trip meeting on Sunday,

November 8th at 1:00 p.m.

This meeting is for ALL 9th - 12th graders signed up for the

summer 2016 high school mission trip to Kansas City, Missouri. We will share trip details, review the fundraising schedule, and prepare for this amazing experience. Parents are also asked to attend. Thanks!

**Registration is still open for this trip!**

Uniquely You high school

girls’ Bible Study meets on

Monday, November 9th and 23rd at 8:00 p.m.

Contact Hannah

for more info!

M.O.B. (Men of the Bible) high school guys’ Bible Study meets on Monday, November 9th & 23rd at 7:00 p.m. in the upstairs youth lounge.

Contact Dave for more info!

10th Grade Student and Mentor

Large Group Meeting!

Sunday, November 8th

at 5:30 p.m. Students, be sure to connect

with your mentor and remind

them to meet you at Christus

Rex Lutheran Campus Ministry (across

from UND library). Parking on the north

side gravel lot. Contact Dave if you have

any questions. See you there!



November 8 - Summer 2016 trip meetings:

Middle school mission trip at 11:45 a.m.;

High school mission trip at 1:00 p.m.;

10th Grade Student/Mentor meeting

(Christus Rex) at 5:30 p.m.

November 9 - M.O.B. Guys’ Bible Study 7 p.m.;

Uniquely You Girls’ Bible Study 8 p.m.

November 11 - Bacon and Bible Study 7:30 a.m.;

No other activities (Veterans Day)

November 23 - M.O.B. Guys’ Bible Study 7 p.m.;

Uniquely You Girls’ Bible Study 8 p.m.

November 25 – No Activities (Thanksgiving Break);

Wreath distribution begins


Dave Berger

Director of Faith Formation Ministries and

Youth Music Ministries

[email protected]

772-3122 ext. 208

Megan Rowell

Interim Faith Formation Ministries Associate

(Lambs - Grade 8)

[email protected]

701.772.3122 ext. 207

Hannah Senescall

Interim Faith Formation Ministries Associate

(Grade 9 - Young Adult)

[email protected]

701.772.3122 ext. 210

Attention ALL High School Youth! RE:NEW

meets Wednesday nights from 8:15—9:30 p.m. This time is

designed for you to get together with your friends, to hang

out, share conversations, grow your faith, share food & laughs,

and support each other in challenges you may face during

your week. We meet in the upstairs youth “TP” lounge.

Wednesday, Nov. 4 and 18—No Re:New Nov. 11 or 25

Bacon & Bible Study at Dave’s

Wednesday, November 11th 7:30 a.m.

Come and gather with friends to share a warm

breakfast, great conversation, Bible learning, and lots of laughs.

Please contact Dave if you need his address.

All 9th-12th grade students are invited to attend!

Page 12: Sharon Lutheran Church Saturday, November 7th 10:00am to … our commitment to Christ and Christ’s church are more important


Executive Director Fred Wittmann [email protected] 701-746-1870

Assistant Ex. Director Shari Breiland [email protected] 701-739-5595

Assistant Ex. Director Jon Green [email protected] 218-791-5242

Treasurer Traci LaDouceur [email protected] 701-739-0631

Board of Church in Society Kristi Houska [email protected] 701-739-5160

Board of Education Mary Adams (Co-Dir) [email protected] 701-739-5520

Board of Education Sara Peters (Co-Dir) [email protected] 701-610-9440

Board of Evangelism Jim Schober (Co-Dir) [email protected] 701-610-1296

Board of Evangelism Bonnie Nerby (Co-Dir) [email protected] 701-772-8308

Board of Lay Ministry Mark Thompson [email protected] 701-599-2300

Board of Parish Fellowship Lori Bott (Co-Dir) [email protected] 701-740-3185

Board of Parish Fellowship Beth Hetletved (Co-Dir) [email protected] 701-741-2918

Board of Property Teresa Dahlstrom (Co-Dir) [email protected] 701-746-0667

Board of Property Mike Welsh (Co-Dir) [email protected] 701-599-2232

Board of Public Relations Cheryl Nyhlen [email protected] 218-779-0247

Board of Stewardship Brent Jiran [email protected]

Board of Youth Vicki Ronkowski (Co-Dir) [email protected] 701-740-6581

Board of Youth LuAnn Schmidt (Co-Dir) [email protected] 218-791-0522


Amount needed in Operating Revenue each month per approved 2015 budget is $ 86,500.00

September Actual YTD Actual Budget

Revenue 2015 2015 2015

Current Ministry Gifts $65,476.50 $658,082.29 $924,327.00

Loose/Misc. Offering Gifts $2,187.00 $22,241.53 $34,773.00

Summer Stewardship $645.00 $4,648.50 $4,615.00

Operating Fund Memorial Gifts $300.00 $2,430.00 $2,515.00

Church School, Confirmation & VBS Registrations $5,275.00 $15,660.00 $14,710.00

Benevolence Gifts $1,353.00 $11,857.73 $16,309.00

Other Gifts and Donations $2,668.50 $24,452.98 $40,751.00

Total $77,905.00 $739,373.03 $ 1,038,000.00

September Actual YTD Actual Budget

2015 2015 2015

Expenses/Debt Reduction $ 72,538.95 $ 729,813.55 $ 1,038,000.00

September Designated gifts received:

Thrivent Choice Dollars $ 261.00

Health Ministries Donations $ 50.00

Undesignated Memorial Gifts $ 120.00

Choir Fund Memorials Donations $ 50.00

St Joseph's Social Care and Thirft Store $ 30.00

Backpack Program $ 40.00

Church School Offerings $ 215.07

Confirmation Offerings $ 59.75

Noisy Offering - Backpack Program $ 529.50

Total $ 1,355.32

Page 13: Sharon Lutheran Church Saturday, November 7th 10:00am to … our commitment to Christ and Christ’s church are more important
Page 14: Sharon Lutheran Church Saturday, November 7th 10:00am to … our commitment to Christ and Christ’s church are more important

NOVEMBER 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 9:00am Sanctuary worship

9:00 & 10:30am Celebration worship

Church School 9:30am & 11:00am

10:23am L.I.F.T.

3:45pm 3-4-5 Alive

3:45pm Bible Study


8:30am Faithfully Fit


7:00pm Sharon Book Group

4 8:30am Faithfully Fit 9:45am Bible Study

4:45pm “Bright Lights” 5:00pm A la Carte 5:15pm “Shine”

5:15 & 6:15 Church School 6:15pm Worship 7:00pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal 7:15pm Gr. 6-9 Confirm. 8:15pm ReNew & 4G


5:30pm Health Ministry Team

6:30pm Board of Church

in Society

6 Set-up

For Bazaar




8 Mission Fair

9:00am Sanctuary worship

9:00 & 10:30am Celebration worship

Church School 9:30am & 11:00am

10:23am L.I.F.T.

2:30pm Welcome to Baptism class

3:00pm Ethiopia Reads

3:45pm 3-4-5 Alive

3:45pm Bible Study

5:30pm 10th Gr. Mentor Large group mtg


8:30am Faithfully Fit

7:00pm Men of the Bible

(M.O.B.) High School boys


“Uniquely You” High School girls

10 9:00am

Women’s Book of Faith Study


Youth Team

6:00pm Board of Properties


Education Team

NO Men’s Study

11 7:30am High School “Bacon & Bible”@ Dave’s 8:30am Faithfully Fit NO Bible Study

NO Church School or Youth Activities

6:15pm Worship 7:00pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal 7:15pm Prayer Shawl Ministry

12 9:00am Quilting


Board of Stewardship

5:30pm Board of Fellowship

6:30pm Board of

Lay Ministry


7:00am Executive Committee


Golden Age Club



9:00am Sanctuary worship

9:00 & 10:30am Celebration worship

Church School 9:30am & 11:00am

10:23am L.I.F.T.

3:45pm 3-4-5 Alive

3:45pm Bible Study

6:00pm Rick Gessler Benefit

16 ]

8:30am Faithfully Fit

Deadline for December

Newsletter Articles


9:00Am Mary Martha circle

1:30pm Rachel Circle

5:37pm Finance Committee

6:30pm Board of Public



8:30am Faithfully Fit 9:45am Bible Study 4:45pm “Bright Lights” 5:00pm A la Carte 5:15pm Board of Evangelism 5:15pm “Shine”

5:15 & 6:15 Church School 6:15pm Worship 7:00pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal 7:15pm Gr. 6-9 Confirm. 8:15pm ReNew & 4G


5:30pm Parish Planning



Faith in Film TBA


9:00am Quilting


9:00am Sanctuary worship

9:00 & 10:30am Celebration worship

Church School 9:30am & 11:00am

10:23am L.I.F.T.

3:45pm 3-4-5 Alive

3:45pm Bible Study

23 8:30am Faithfully Fit

6:00pm Decorate

Church for Christmas

7:00m Hannah Circle

7:00pm Men of the Bible

(M.O.B.) High School boys

8:00pm Uniquely You-for High

School girls


9:00am Assemble Parish


7:00pm Men’s Study

25 8:30am Faithfully Fit 9:45am Bible Study

6:15pm Thanksgiving Worship

followed by 7th Annual Ice Cream Social

at 7:15pm in South Hall

NO Church School or Youth Activities








29 9:00am

Sanctuary worship

9:00 & 10:30am Celebration worship

NO Church School or Youth Activities


NO 3-4-5 Alive

NO Bible Study

30 8:30am Faithfully Fit

Page 15: Sharon Lutheran Church Saturday, November 7th 10:00am to … our commitment to Christ and Christ’s church are more important

Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE

PAID Grand Forks, ND 58201

Permit No. 270

Sharon Lutheran Church 1720 S 20th St Grand Forks, ND 58201

Phone: 701-772-3122 Email: [email protected] Website:

Pastor .................................................................... Lynn Ronsberg ([email protected])

Pastor ................................................................................ John H. Fick ([email protected])

Part-time Visitation Pastor ....................... Roger Brockmeyer ([email protected]) Administrative Assistant ............................... Missy Thompson ([email protected]) Secretary ...................................................................... Molly Mohn ([email protected]) Faith Formation Director ............................................ David Berger ([email protected])

Director of Music Ministries ................................ Roxanne Gessler ([email protected])

Organist ............................................................................................... Sue Kerr & Carolyn Tunseth

Sanctuary Choir Director ................................................................................................ Tom Young

Custodian .......................................................................................................................... Dan Kuzel

Office ...................................................................................................... [email protected]

Sharon Lutheran Staff

Mailing Address Line 1 Mailing Address Line 2

Mailing Address Line 3

Mailing Address Line 4

Sunday Worship 9:00am Sanctuary

9:00 & 10:30am Celebration Hall

Wednesday Worship 6:15pm Celebration Hall

Church Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm
