Page 1: Sharing the Blessing of God’s Grace with Aloha · Peace Day Interfaith Service pg. 8 Rally Sunday Pg. 9 PAC Pg. 9 September Calendar Pg. 10 ... See you in worship— A monthly publication

Staff Tim Mason, Pastor [email protected]

Tom Poole, Director of Worship & The Arts [email protected]

Shelby Yuu, Parish Administrator [email protected]

Lehua Nakamaejo, Parish Assistant [email protected]

Patti Kendall, Finance Secretary [email protected]

Jennifer Hawkins, Calvary Preschool Director [email protected]

Mai Ly Schultz, Preschool Admissions [email protected]

Sharing the Blessing of God’s Grace with Aloha VOLUME 18: Issue 9 SEPTEMBER 2013


Articles of Inspiration

A Message from Pastor Tim Pg. 2

Notes from Tom Pg. 3

CBTS Montessori Preschool Pg. 4

Global Missions Pg. 5

Stephen Ministries Pg. 6

What’s going on at Calvary? Confirmation Schedule Pg. 7

Sunday School Pg. 7

Thrivent Voting pg. 7

New Member Class pg. 7

Family Retreat pg. 7

CBTS Preschool & Thrivent pg. 8

Prayer List pg. 8

Hula Hui O CBTS pg. 8

Parenting Class pg. 8

Peace Day Interfaith Service pg. 8

Rally Sunday Pg. 9

PAC Pg. 9

September Calendar Pg. 10

Aloha Groups pg. 11

Birthday Greetings pg. 12

Family Retreat Flyer pg. 13

Council of Deacons

Jim Myers, President

Bob Joseph, Vice President

Susan Schwichow-Lord, Treasurer

Peggy Trout, Secretary

Jack Ashby

Don Hardaway

Rafael del Castillo

Karen Sisler

Adam Sylvester

Thea Johanos-Kam

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It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.’ (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Transitions. Transitions can be defined in

countless ways. Sometimes transitions are

full of celebration and feelings of accom-

plishment and expectation for the future.

Many of us celebrated these transitions in

the form of graduation ceremonies and

parties this last spring and summer. Other

transitions can be filled with fear or even

dread; a divorce, loss of a job, a best friend

moving far away from us, or maybe even

death. Some transitions can go totally unno-

ticed and therefore not properly celebrat-

ed, possibly resulting in hurt feelings, feelings

of unworthiness or even feelings of irrele-

vance. These can be identified as easily as

missed or forgotten birthdays, anniversaries,

or not being appreciated for a job well


The problem is life is dynamic and always

changing. Life does not stop moving until

the energy of what we call, “life” is all used

up and our body ceases to be alive.

Change, transitions, new relationships, new

responsibilities, new opportunities to grow

and learn, even the seasons and the flora

and fauna that surrounds us, constantly re-

mind of us that, as of this morning, we have

been given another new day to live, learn,

love, and laugh.

In my life, our oldest is “leaving the nest”

and I can feel in all my being, the fear and

excitement I have for him as he makes one

of the biggest transitions in his life and be-

gins a new chapter in his life. Did we teach

him well enough? Can he take care of his

finances, health and keep a schedule with-

out us constantly watching over him? We

will find out soon enough. But just as im-

portant, did we take the time to celebrate

his growing up years in a fashion that helps

him make the leap into adulthood and feel

comfortable with his own abilities and ma-

turity as his own person?

I really think it is important to stop our bui-

ness, and acknowledge the transitions we

must go through on this journey of life.

Through the end of August and into Sep-

tember, as a congregation, we will

acknowledge change and transitions as we

install the teachers of our Montessori School.

We will bless the backpacks of all our kids

acknowledging their new life in a new

grade or school. We will celebrate our ever

changing congregation on Rally Sunday

acknowledging and celebrating who we

are and introducing all of our members, es-

pecially our “new members” to the many

opportunities we have to share faith in our

very blessed church.

As People of Faith, we need not fear

change and transitions. God has made a

promise to be with at all times, especially

during the difficult times. (Just keep the

song, “Jesus Loves Me” close to your heart

and lips at all times!) Change and transition

was not easy for Jesus either. That is why we

call his ministry a “Journey to the Cross.”

And he walked this journey to demonstrate

there is NOTHING that can separate us from

the love of God.

See you at church!

Pastor Tim

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Several months ago we were running errands. Almost all the items on the “to do” list were crossed out when we saw him. Actually, we did-n’t see him. Marcus, my partner saw him.

He was a mess. He was slouching on top of a wall—more folded on himself than sitting. His long, scraggly beard was as unkempt as his hair, and he looked to be as dirty as his clothes.

I was too busy driving to have noticed him and I wouldn’t have seen him had not Marcus said, “Oh, brother is wasted.” Only then did I notice the man perched atop the wall.

I was caught off-guard, not by what I saw or by what Marcus said, but by how Marcus said it. There was no judgment or harshness in his voice. Instead, there was profound compassion and even a hint of sadness.

Marcus looked beyond the man’s appearance and recognized the intrinsic worth of this person. I, on the other hand, was stuck. I saw the blank expression on his face and the lifeless look of his eyes. I saw but I didn’t see.

Without judgment or excuses Marcus talked about the loss that occurs when, for whatever reasons, we do not or cannot become the per-sons we are meant to become. He spoke with such directness and openness, and with such an awareness of the depth of pain, that I felt as if I was hearing God’s voice reminding me of the holiness of all life and the innate worth we all possess.

It was as if God was saying, “Don’t ever forget that this person, as wasted and depleted as he appears, is my child. I love him. He is of inesti-mable worth to me, and don’t even think for an instant that I don’t grieve for him.”

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about this man perched atop that wall and all that was said about him. I cannot help but remember Charlotte

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Elliott’s hymn. It speaks to us and for us today as powerfully as it did when she wrote it in 1834.

Just as I am, without one plea But that thy blood was shed for me, And that thou bidd’st me come to thee, O Lamb of God, I come! I come!

Just as I am, though tossed about With many a conflict, many a doubt; Fightings within and fears without, O Lamb of God, I come! I come!

Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind; Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need, in thee to find, O Lamb of God, I come! I come!

Just as I am: thou wilt receive; Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve, Because thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come! I come!

Just as I am, thy love unknown Has broken every barrier down; Now to be thine, yea, thine alone, O Lamb of God, I come! I come!

Keep singing! See you in worship— Calvary Calls

A monthly publication produced by:

Calvary by the Sea Lutheran Church

5339 Kalanianaole Hwy,

Honolulu, HI 96821

Ph:808-377-5477 fax: 808-373-7233

Calvary Calls

A monthly publication produced by:

Calvary by the Sea Lutheran Church

5339 Kalanianaole Hwy,

Honolulu, HI 96821

Ph:808-377-5477 fax: 808-373-7233

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The month of August has been a busy one for

Calvary by the Sea Montessori School. The

classrooms have come alive again as the teachers

and students returned for the start of school. I

would like to extend a warm welcome back to all the

staff, students, and families. It is so nice to see the

children in the classroom interacting with each oth-

er and working with the Montessori lessons. This

is a busy time of year as everyone is getting back

into the rhythm of the school day. It is always a joy

to watch the year unfold and witness the many

changes that take place over the course of the


On behalf of the school staff and families, I would

like to express our gratitude for the beautiful ser-

vice that included the Teacher Installation and

Blessing of the Families on August 18. We are

grateful for the opportunity to be a mission of

Calvary by the Sea Church in such a beautiful

space and location. On October 17 we will be

having our first Parent Workshop for families. I

would like to invite any parents of Calvary by the

Sea that are interested in learning more about

child development for young children. The topic

will be be announced this coming month. I look for-

ward to sharing more about the events of this com-

ing school year as they take place.

Jennifer Hawkins

Calvary by the Sea Montessori School Director/Primary Head Teacher

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Excerpts from the Brown’s monthly letter: Graduation Dat at Mbingo! (July 20, 2013) Some quotes from our graduates Jerry Fahnloe Brown, Liberia: “Thank you to those who have supported me in this training. Liberia is a country of 5 million, with less than 100 physicians and only 5 trained surgeons. You have not only invested in an individual, you have invested in a na-tion.” Gerald Ekwen, Camarron: “I want to say thank you to my wife, Bertha, for all her sacrifices. You were willing to dimin-ish that I might increase… Thank you to the CBC for laying down the foundation on which this program rests.” Dagaulle Mifila, Democratic Republic of Congo: “I want to thank the PAACS administration for keeping the academic standards high.”

Our 3 graduates, Drs. Mifila, Ekwen, and Brown wearing the local traditional outifts given by the OR staff the week of graduation.

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We knew it would be a busy week, with many preparations for a grand celebration, guests arriving, and extra events to attend. We had-n’t anticipated how emotionally exhausted we’d be. Being the proud “parents” to 3 grad-uates and their spouses and just bursting with happiness over their accomplishments was draining! It was a wonderful ceremony and af-terwards the 3 of them gave a huge party. There was food, dancing, and much rejoicing. Thanks to all of you who by your support, prayers, and scarifies enable us to be here. -Jim and Carolyn Brown

PACCS graduating residents with their faculty

Some of the PAACS women at the party.

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Stephen Ministry in Action:


“I’ve given enough,”

U.S. Army Captain David Rozelle told his wife, Kim, from

the hospital in Iraq. Overcome by grief and pain, he thought

his ability and desire to serve were gone for good. But God

still had other plans. It was on June 21, 2003, that David’s

life had changed forever. Commander of Troop K in the

Third Armored Cavalry Regiment, he was riding in a

Humvee near Fallujah when a landmine exploded, badly

damaging the vehicle and severely injuring his right foot. In

spite of extreme pain and shock, David immediately thought

of the safety of the 140 soldiers under his command—issuing

orders to secure the site and evacuate casualties. Hours later,

doctors at the combat support hospital amputated David’s

lower right ankle and foot. After the surgery, David was

flown to Qatar, then to Germany, and finally, on the eve of

Independence Day 2003, to Walter Reed Army Medical Cen-

ter in Washington, D.C., where he joined the amputees on

Ward 57.

A Hero’s Joy and Sorrow

Weeks later, David returned home to Fort Carson,

Colorado, arriving in time to be with Kim for the birth of

their son, Forrest. In addition to becoming a father, David

was also a hero. But any joy was short-lived; he spent day

after day lying on the living room couch in a haze of depres-

sion. Kim’s love and patience and his joy in Forrest gave Da-

vid the strength to move forward. A meeting with President

Bush—and the President’s invitation to join him someday for

a run—encouraged him even more. He resolved to overcome

his fears and pain by strengthening his body.

Making Physical Progress

Eight surgeries and three months after the explosion,

David received his prosthesis. He resumed rigorous physical

activity and was soon fully functional, “jumping, walking

steps, doing push-ups, and sprinting up small inclines.” Be-

fore long, he was on the Colorado slopes learning to ski

again with the help of Disabled Sports USA.

A New Mission

Physical activity provided a temporary emotional

respite, but around six months after the explosion in Iraq, a

new reality struck. “I was lying on the couch, icing my leg,

and it hit me, ‘I’m going to be like this forever,’” he said. “It

finally sank in all at once. I was slowly realizing that I was

going to have to adapt my lifestyle. My heart broke. It was

after that day that my mind started to heal.” David now fo-

cused on two goals: his determination to return to the Army

and his concern for the needs of others with injuries like his

own. The first challenge—to be found fit for duty— was

straightforward. The second challenge was more difficult. “I

had left Walter Reed unarmed with what I needed to heal,”

he said. “There was no established support system to take

care of me.” Because he wanted to help other amputees, the

Army sent him on a visit to Walter Reed Hospital . He went

directly to Ward 57, where he sat, talked, and prayed with the

amputees. Although they deeply appreciated his gift of time,

David found their grief difficult to handle and knew he need-

ed to be a better listener. He returned home, wondering,

Where can I learn these skills?

Called to Stephen Ministry

In May 2004, David’s church, First Presbyterian

Church in Colorado Springs—a Stephen Ministry

congregation since 1981—was preparing to train another

class of Stephen Ministers. David attended an information

session and applied to serve as a Stephen Minister. In the

application interview, “David described how he felt called to

minister to other amputees,” said Stephen Leader Arlene

Bosma. Soon David was part of the congregation’s eighth

training class of Stephen Ministers. “David relies on his faith

in Jesus Christ to sustain him in all situations,” said Rev. Jo-

Ann Brechbill, Minister of Congregational Care and a Ste-

phen Leader. “He took Stephen Ministry training because he

wanted to be better prepared to help those who have chal-

lenges like his.”

A Stephen Minister on the Battlefield

During Stephen Ministry training, David received notice that

the Army considered him “fit for duty.” He wondered where

he’d want to serve. He discovered the answer when he wel-

comed his troop back from Iraq. As he celebrated their home-

coming, he realized how much he loved being an Army cap-

tain and cavalryman. On June 17, 2004, he resumed com-

mand, just four days before the first anniversary of his injury.

Two weeks later- just a few sessions before he completed his

Stephen Ministry training- David returned to Iraq, the first

soldier in history to become an amputee and then resume his

command on the same battlefield. Back in Iraq, he frequently

found himself using his Stephen Minister caregiving skills.

“There are never enough chaplains to cover the needs of our

soldiers,” he said. “Lay ministers are essential to our force.”

Looking to the Future

David had two goals for when he returned from Iraq: to be-

come program director of a new amputee center at Walter

Reed and to finish the last few sessions of his Stephen Minis-

ter training. “I want to give soldiers someone to talk to who

has made it through what they’re facing, let them ask ques-

tions, and have them see me walking,” David said. Now,

back from his tour of duty in Iraq, David is working toward

achieving those goals. He is ministering to those at Walter

Reed and working to establish an amputee center there.

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New Member classes will begin on

Sunday, September 15, 2013 All New Member classes will be held in the

pastor’s office and will go from 8:45 to 9:45am.

New Membership forms can be found in the

usher’s bin or in the church office.

See you in class.


Voting for Hawaii Chapter Leaders will take place on Sunday,

September 19 after both services.

Confirmation Schedule

September Schedule

Wednesday, September 18, 2013 (Loft)-

Stewardship of Creation

Wednesday, September 25, 2013 (Loft)-

The Flood

If there are any questions, or if you’d like to register

your child for Confirmation, please contact the church

office at 377-5477. Or by e-mail at

[email protected]

Coming soon…to your church…its

RALLY SUNDAY!! It’s on Sept. 8 after the one worship service 9 to 10 a.m.

Bring your children and grandchildren, nieces and

nephews to the Montessori School “Great Room” to

meet the Sunday School teachers and see the new cur-


There will be drawings for prizes at each division of

Sunday School: Nursery, Pre-K & K, Grades 1 & 2,

Grades 3 & 4 and Grade 5. A special gift will be given

to each child that validates his/her registration on Rally

Sunday. Don’t miss this event!

Now attention parents, grandparents and guardians of

children ages 1, 2 and 3: an opportunity to share the

faith through reading the book Bible Stories for Begin-

ners to these youngsters. The Sunday School has pro-

cured these special age appropriate books at a special

price of $12 each. Look at the simple clear, readable

stories, the colorful illustrations that the children will

ask to hear and see over and over again. These will be

available Rally Sunday at the Nursery table.

Yes, there will be some refreshments. For the adults

there will be an opportunity to sign up for a variety of

different groups. See your Sunday Bulletin for listing

of these groups and events.

See you on Rally Day, September 8

at Calvary by the Sea Lutheran Church.

CBTS Family Retreat will be held from Friday, October 11, 2013 to Monday, October 14, 2013 at Camp Mokuleia. Come and join us as we learn, play, laugh, grow, and relax, all while soaking up the Hawaii sun.

Program Highlights: October 11: Arrival from 4pm · Fellowship · Music · Games · Campfire

October 12-13: Worships · Outdoor activates · Yoga · Hula · Massage · Music · Games · Campfire · Sunday Communion w/ Pastor Bishop

October 14: Outdoor activates · Room check-out

Reservations & Deposit: Due by Sunday, September 22, 2013. Reservations for lodge are done in order received. You may leave your deposit and registration form in the collection plate.

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Shizuko Yamauchi

Silence Smestad

Stephanie Hetrick

Susan Chavez

Teresa Fornaro

Todd Weeks

Wyatt Hoefer

Adopted Missionaries

Dr. John Lunn

Dr. Jim & Carolyn Brown

Mary Borgman

Pastor Qiu Lin

Anita Buel

Barry Hardaway

Dale Noble

Del del Castillo

Emi Oshima

Eric Wagner

Julia Sprowls

Kekoa Lupenui


Leslie Detor

Narita Family

Nathan Arrant

Paul Evans

Enhancing Our Prayer Life

Being able to communicate with God on behalf of our-

selves and someone else is a great gift God gives us.

We ask that you join us in this gift. You can phone in

their names and requests, write them on the prayer re-

quest forms, or email requests to

[email protected]. We also ask that as prayers

are answered that you submit their name again for a

thank you to God for answered prayer.

Page 8

Keiki Hula

(preschool and high school)

Sunday from 12-1pm in Ohana Lani

Beginning Hula for Adults—Kane & Wahine (high school through Kupuna)

Sunday from 1-2pm in Ohana Lani

Kane Jeremiah, Instructor

(Fee of $10 per session-

$5 if more than 2 from the same family)

Help support a school family in need! Calvary by the Sea Montessori School is eligible for a $2500 grant from Thrivent Financial. All eligi-ble members who give Thrivent Dollars to the school between May 1 and September 30 will give the opportunity for the school to be ran-domly selected to receive an additional $2500 grant. All donations and grant money will go toward a school scholarship fund.

For further information please call the school at 808-377-5104 ext 300 or contact Linda Han-sen, Thrivent Financial Associate, at 808-262-0070.


Thursdays 6:30pm to 8:00pm in Hale Aloha beginning September 26, 2013

For Calvary members & the community.

A powerful tool for parents of children of all ages to help today’s busy families.

Learn or fine tune skills that will help develop co-operation, responsibility, respect and self-esteem in your children. Understand what actually moti-vates a child’s behavior. Be able to focus on the joy of being close to your child; avoiding power struggles, creating a safe learning environment and developing the closeness and trust that will have a positive influence on them.

Offered through the Family Education Centers of Ha-waii (FECH) A newly published textbook, The Respect-ful Parent, and Action Study Guide, by Adlerian Hawai’i authors, Dr. James Deutch and Marcia Deutch, M.A., with contributions by course parent educator, Fay Rawles-Schoch, will be used.

2013 Peace Day Interfaith Service

Friday, September 20, 2013 at 7:00pm at the Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin

located at 1727 Pali Highway.

Calvary’s own Pastor Tim will be speaking and the Calvary choir will be performing a few numbers.

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WHAT? Performing Arts at Calvary (PAC)

WHEN? Begins on Sunday, September 8, 2013,

at 3:00-4:30 pm

WHERE? In Ohana Lani

WHO? All boys and girls from First Grade (and

6 years old) through Middle School PAC is a Ministry of Calvary by the Sea offering to

both members and the community instruction in music,

dance, and drama. You must be at least in the First

Grade and 6 years old to be accepted into PAC. For this

Fall Semester 2013, students will receive instruction in

music, dance, and drama while learning the Christmas

Musical, “Arrest These Merry Gentlemen!”

PAC rehearses on Sunday afternoons from 3-4:30 in Ohana Lani. Miss Julie Okumura is the PAC Di-

rector. She is joined this Fall Semester by Miss Sarah Modisette, who is the choreographer. The Assis-

tant Director is Kanani Silberstein.

If you have children or know of children who are interested in joining PAC, please contact Miss Julie at

[email protected], and be ready to attend the first rehearsal on Sunday, September 8, at 3 pm.

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Worship Times

7:30 am & 10:00 am

Prayer Circle

Tuesdays at 9 am

Pastor’s Office

Bible Study

Thursdays 10:45 am

Hawaii Kai Retirement


Alcoholic Anonymous

meetings in Hale Aloha

Sunday at 5 pm,

Monday at 7 pm

Friday at 8 pm

Al Anon

Tuesdays at 7 pm

Hale Aloha


Tuesdays at 7 pm


Handbell Choir

Tuesdays at 6:30pm

Ohana Lani

Calvary Choir

1st Thursday of the


at 6:30pm


Submission deadline for

articles in Calvary Calls is

the 15th of each month to

[email protected]

Page 10

THE ADULT FORUM A Christian education aimed at

adults in our congregation. It is open for topics that increase spir-

itual growth, expand knowledge and broaden awareness and com-

passion for others outside our personal comfort zone. The Forum

meets on the first Sunday of the month at 8:45 in Hale Aloha when

a topic or series has been developed. Watch the Sunday activity

bulletin, and newsletter for topics. Coordinator is Karen Sisler.


“The Whale” at Sunday Worship are greatly appreciated. To offer your time and assis-

tance to the group contact our Manager, “Mac” Macalino at 808-386-8644.

BIBLE STUDY CLASS Please come and join Pastor Tim at his weekly Bible

Study. These classes are held every Friday at 10:15am in the Hawaii Kai Retirement

Center, 3rd floor, Phase 2 building. Please call the church office (377-5477) weekly to

confirm dates and times and schedule may occasionally change.

BOOK OF THE MONTH GROUP September Book of the Month is “Let’s

Explore Diabetes with Owls” by David Sedaris. Meeting will be at Assagio’s, Koko

Marina at 6:30pm on Thrusday, September 26, 2013. For more information on the up-

coming book please contact Cindi John at 225-8240.

CALVARY IN THE SEA (CITS) Join in caring for our beautiful bay and

ocean front by removing invasive species of seaweed while learning about our reefs.

Contact Michael @ 253-970-2435.

GLOBAL MISSIONS TEAM For more information on Global Missions Com-

mittee Meetings, contact Ted Hsia, 597-1452, [email protected].

MEN'S ADVENTURES IN SPIRITUALITY A group not for everyone. Meets

Saturdays at 7:30am on the marina side of Cha Cha Cha Salsaria in Hawaii Kai. Ed

Kimsey, 732-0268

PEACE & SOCIAL JUSTICE This reading and discussion group meets normally

on the last Sunday of each month at the home of Bob & Judy Joseph after the 10 am

service (at ca. 11:45 am) for brunch followed by a discussion on the topics of the

month. The next meeting will be on Sunday, September 29, 2013. Contact Bob Joseph

377-8565 [email protected] for more information.

PRAYER CIRCLE Come join Pastor Tim in his office on Tuesday mornings at

9:00 am for Prayer Circle! We will pray for those in need (those on our prayer list),

our Church Ohana, the needs of the Community, and the world.

STEPHEN MINISTERS Stephen Ministers are trained to provide confidential,

one-on-one care, prayer, and support to those who are going through a difficult

time. If you would like a Stephen Minister to support and help you carry your burden

or if you are interested in serving as a Stephen Minister, please contact Pastor Tim or

John Travis at 371-2557.

YOGA BY THE SEA Expand your physical, mental and spiritual horizons

through Maya yoga. Classes are offered Wednesday evenings at 6:45 and Saturday

mornings at 8:30 am in Hale Aloha. You will be guided by certified yoga teachers

Martha Staff and Laura Sprowls, Maya yoga blends mindfulness, alignment and flow

in an accessible and gentle style. Open to all ages, no previous experience re-

quired. First class free, subsequent classes are by donation to support CBTS and An-

gel Network. For further information call 372-1280.

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1. 7:30 am Worship 8:45 am Choir (S) 10:00 am Worship 12:00 pm Keiki Hula (OL) 1:00 pm Hula Hui (OL) 5:00 pm AA (HA)

2. Office Closed Labor Day

7:00 pm AA (HA)

3. 9:00 am Prayer circle (PO) 7:00 pm Al-Anon (HA) 6:30 pm Hand bell (OL) 7:00 pm Hula (S) 6:30 pm Stephen Min. (L)

4. 1:00 pm Voice Class w/ Tom (HA) 3:30 pm Children Choir (OL/ HA) 6:45 pm Yoga (HA)

5. 6:30 pm Choir Rehearsal (S)

6. 10:15 am Bible Study (HKRC) 8:00 pm AA (HA)

7. 8:30 am Yoga (HA)

8. Rally Sunday! 9:00 am Worship 10:30 am Choir (S) 12:00 pm Keiki Hula (OL) 1:00 pm Hula Hui (OL) 3:00 pm PAC (OL) 5:00 pm AA (HA)

9. 7:00 pm AA (HA)

10. 9:00 am Prayer circle (PO) 7:00 pm Al-Anon (HA) 6:30 pm Hand bell (OL) 7:00 pm Hula (S) 6:30 pm Stephen Min. (L)

11. 1:00 pm Voice Class w/ Tom (OL/ HA) 3:30 pm Children Choir (OL/ HA) 6:45 pm Yoga (HA)


13. 10:15 am Bible Study (HKRC) 8:00 pm AA (HA)

14. 8:30 am Yoga (HA)

15. 7:30 am Worship 8:45 am Choir (S) 8:45 am New Mbr (PO) 8:45 am Sunday Sch (OL) 10:00 am Worship 12:00 pm Keiki Hula (OL) 1:00 pm Hula Hui (OL) 3:00 pm PAC (OL) 5:00 pm AA (HA)

16. 7:00 pm AA (HA)

17. 9:00 am Prayer circle (PO) 7:00 pm Al-Anon (HA) 6:30 pm Hand bell (OL) 7:00 pm Hula (S) 6:30 pm Stephen Min. (L)

18. 1:00 pm Voice Class w/ Tom (OL/ HA) 3:30 pm Children Choir (OL/ HA) 6:00 pm Confirma-tion (L) 6:45 pm Yoga (HA)

19. 6:00 pm COD Meeting (L)

20. 10:15 am Bible Study (HKRC) 7:00 pm Peace Day (HHB) 8:00 pm AA (HA)

21. 8:30 am Yoga (HA)

22. 7:30 am Worship 8:45 am Choir (S) 8:45 am New Mbr (PO) 8:45 am Sunday Sch (OL) 10:00 am Worship 12:00 pm Keiki Hula (OL) 1:00 pm Hula Hui (OL) 3:00 pm PAC (OL) 5:00 pm AA (HA)

23. 7:00 pm AA (HA)

24. 9:00 am Prayer circle (PO) 7:00 pm Al-Anon (HA) 6:30 pm Hand bell (OL) 7:00 pm Hula (S) 6:30 pm Stephen Min. (L)

25. 1:00 pm Voice Class w/ Tom (OL/ HA) 3:30 pm Children Choir (OL/ HA) 6:00 pm Confirma-tion (L) 6:45 pm Yoga (HA)

26. 6:30 pm Par-enting Class (HA)

27. 10:15 am Bible Study (HKRC) 7:00 pm Movie by the Sea (OL) 8:00 pm AA (HA)

28. 8:30 am Yoga (HA)

29. 7:30 am Worship 8:45 am Choir (S) 8:45 am New Mbr (PO) 8:45 am Sunday Sch (OL) 10:00 am Worship 11:45 am Peace & Social Justice (OC) 12:00 pm Keiki Hula (OL) 1:00 pm Hula Hui (OL) 3:00 pm PAC (OL) 5:00 pm AA (HA)

30. 7:00 pm AA (HA)

Page 12: Sharing the Blessing of God’s Grace with Aloha · Peace Day Interfaith Service pg. 8 Rally Sunday Pg. 9 PAC Pg. 9 September Calendar Pg. 10 ... See you in worship— A monthly publication

Calvary Lutheran Church

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September 15 Jennifer Feeney James Wong Ina Young

September 17 Marlys Everest

September 18 Preston Gonsalves

September 20 Hollis Bishop

September 22 Victoria Sprowls

September 23 Mira Ako Rebecca Erickson Pia Solywoda

September 24 Malie Kozlowski

September 25 Monkia Day Martha Staff

September 26 Spencer Johnson

September 28 Angela Haeusler

September 1 Kaili Taniguchi

September 3 Arild Christensen

September 4 Norman Black

September 7 Kaione Newton

September 8 Curtiss Ako Andrews Albert Shaye Clark

September 10 Alice Piiohia

September 14 Eda Kaneakua

September 29 Karen Wagner

Page 13: Sharing the Blessing of God’s Grace with Aloha · Peace Day Interfaith Service pg. 8 Rally Sunday Pg. 9 PAC Pg. 9 September Calendar Pg. 10 ... See you in worship— A monthly publication

CBTS Family Retreat October 11-14, 2013 at Camp Mokuleia

Sand, Sea and Spirit

Program Highlights:

October 11: Arrival from 4 pm, Fellowship, Music, Campfire

October 12-13: Workshops, Outdoor activities, Yoga, Hula, Massage, Music, Games, Campfire

Sunday Communion Service with Pastor Bishop

October 14: Outdoor activities, check out of rooms by noon; may use beach/grounds all day

Lodging Information:

Lodge Rooms have twin beds. Additional children may be accommodated in same room on the floor, but you bring bed-

ding/towels. Lodge rooms have private or semi-private baths. Singles in lodge will be assigned an appropriate “roommate”

since prices based on all beds sold. Child cost below covers meals.

Cost per child shown below ages 4-12. (0-3 no charge). Age 13+ $62 for meals 3 days, $42 2 days.

Cabins have 14 beds and shared baths. One cabin is reserved for the YOUTH.

Tent camping is an option for $18 per person per day plus the cost of food. The tent price could decrease based on the

amount of people interested in tent camping.


A total of 7 meals will be provided to those paying for 3 nights (breakfast Saturday through breakfast Monday). A total of

4 meals will be provided to those paying for 2 nights (breakfast Saturday through breakfast Sunday. Additional meals

please pay $11/meal. Day visitors wanting a meal can also pay $11 per meal. FRIDAY dinner will be POTLUCK. Some-

one will contact you to find out what you can bring.


CBTS is pleased to offer scholarships for families needing financial assistance. The scholarship can cover up to the cost of

your ROOM charges. Everyone is expected to cover cost of their own MEALS. Average cost of adult meals is $11/meal.

Please contact Lehua, Parish Assistant (377-5477 or email [email protected]) to request a scholarship.

Camp Chores:

All adults and teens will be expected to help keep the kitchen clean and to set up/clean up selected meals. A volunteer will

contact you with a sign up sheet.

Reservations and Deposit:

Due by September 22, 2013. Reservations for Lodge are done in order received. You may leave your reservation form in

the collection plate in sanctuary with deposit.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

Name: ________________________________________Phone:___________________# of Nights:____

__Requesting Lodge __Requesting Cabin __ Requesting Scholarship __ Requesting Tent

__check here if ADA (disability access) needed

# Adults_________ x rate shown above= $__________________________

# of Keiki 4-12 x rate shown above = $__________________________

Extra Meals @ $10/meal for _______________________ $__________________________

TOTAL cost for your group = $__________________________

Attach your deposit for ¼ of total fee due at time of reservation. Deposit enclosed= $_______________

Deposits are non-refundable as CBTS pays for the rooms in advance.

3 night LODGE

Child in bed pays full price

2 night LODGE

Child in bed pays full price

3 night CABIN 2 night CABIN

Cost Per Person $230 + $62 ea child (on floor) $160 +$42 ea child (on floor) $150+62 ea child $100 $42 ea child

Page 13
